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Message de lucas67 posté le 24-10-2016 à 21:25:02 (S | E | F)
j'ai pour ces vacances un mini exposé de 5 diaporamas maximum et de 3-4 minutes à réaliser sur la société Boeing. Mon faible niveau en langue me laisse penser que des fautes sont présentes dans ces quelques lignes.J'ai aussi un gros souci avec les nombres, les dates et toutes choses avec des chiffres. Pouvez-vous m'aider svp s'il vous plait?
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

Boeing is an aerospace and aircraft manufacturer. its headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois. Boeing is specialized in the manufacture of civil aircraft, but also in military aviation.
In 1917, with entry into the war, the Navy ordered 50 aircraft. It was the model-C. This is the first order of Boeing. Boeing is the 29th largest company in the united states with a turnover of $ 90.8 billion. This company is engaged in a trade war with its main competitor, the European consortium Airbus. From 2007 to 2011 airbus delivered more planes. But from 2012 beoing has delivered more. we can see that the number of orders is almost identical Each year except in 2011 and 2012. the amount of aircraft orders at Airbus is almost 2 times greater than that ordered from Boeing. but in 2012 the Boeing orders are very superior to that of aribus.
Boeing was born July 15, 1916 through its two fathers William E. Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt and is called "B & W". Soon after, his name will become "Pacific Aero Products" and finally "Boeing Airplane Company".

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-10-2016 22:09

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de laure95, postée le 25-10-2016 à 14:29:07 (S | E)
- In 1917, with (mettre un article)entry into the war,
- It was the model-C (inverser model et C).
- This is (passé)the first order of Boeing.
- the united states: majuscule.
- But from 2012 beoing (orthographe) has delivered more.
- the amount of aircraft orders at (pas la bonne préposition)Airbus is almost 2 times greater than that ordered from (pas la bonne préposition)Boeing.
- but in 2012 the (enlever the)Boeing orders are (passé)very superior to that (pluriel)of aribus.
- Boeing was born (on)July 15, 1916 through (pas la bonne préposition) its two fathers William E. Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt and is called "B & W". Soon after, his (un avion n'est pas une personne donc HIS n'est pas le bon possessif) name will become (mettre au passé à cause de la concordance des temps) "Pacific Aero Products"

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de lucas67, postée le 26-10-2016 à 17:00:02 (S | E)
xxx Une phrase que j'ai écrite me semble louche, je ne suis pas sûr des temps employés, je vous demande donc une aide ! Merci beaucoup !
In 2011 the amount of aicraft ordered to Airbus was almost 2 times greater than that ordered to Boeing.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-10-2016 17:27
Merci de continuer le topic que vous avez créé.

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de laure95, postée le 26-10-2016 à 17:48:52 (S | E)
In 2011 the amount of aicraft ordered to Airbus was almost 2 times greater than that (that s'utilise au singulier, chercher son équivalent au pluriel) ordered to Boeing.

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de lucas67, postée le 28-10-2016 à 13:15:22 (S | E)
J'ai fini de corriger mon exposé, pouvez-vous me dire ce que vous en pensez please ?

hello I am going to make a presentation about Boeing company.
Boeing was born July 15, 1916 ( the fiveteenth of July nineteen sixteen). Creatores are William Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt. Boieng was called B and W at this time. Soon after, its name became "Pacific Aero Products" and finally "Boeing Airplane Company".
Boeing is an aircraft manufacturer. Boeing is specialized in the manufacture of civil aircraft, but also in military aircrfat. Its headquarters is located in Chicago
In 1917, with the entry into the war, the Navy ordered 50 aircrafts. It was the C-Model. This was the first order of Boeing. Boeing is actualy the 29th largest company in the united states with a turnover of $ 90.8 billion.
This company is engaged in a trade war with its main competitor, the European consortium Airbus. From 2007 to 2011 airbus delivered more planes. But in 2012 and 2013 Boeing delivered more. we can see that the number of orders is almost identical Each year except in 2011 and 2012. in 2011 the amount of aircraft ordered to Airbus was almost 2 times greater than these ordered to Boeing. But in 2012 Boeing orders were very superior to these of aribus. 425 planes were more ordered to Airbus.

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de lucas67, postée le 30-10-2016 à 11:18:17 (S | E)
hello, plus personne qui parle bien anglais ne peut m'aider à corriger mon précédent message qui reste sans réponse depuis 2 jours ?
Merci beaucoup de votre aide, je suis désespéré ... sniff sniff !
Voici a nouveau le texte :

Hello I am going to make a presentation about Boeing company.
Boeing was born July 15, 1916 ( the fiveteenth of July nineteen sixteen). Creatores are William Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt. Boieng was called B and W at this time. Soon after, its name became "Pacific Aero Products" and finally "Boeing Airplane Company".
Boeing is an aircraft manufacturer. Boeing is specialized in the manufacture of civil aircraft, but also in military aircrfat. Its headquarters is located in Chicago.
In 1917, with the entry into the war, the Navy ordered 50 aircrafts. It was the C-Model. This was the first order of Boeing. Boeing is actualy the 29th largest company in the united states with a turnover of $ 90.8 billion.
This company is engaged in a trade war with its main competitor, the European consortium Airbus. From 2007 to 2011 airbus delivered more planes. But in 2012 and 2013 Boeing delivered more. we can see that the number of orders is almost identical Each year except in 2011 and 2012. in 2011 the amount of aircraft ordered to Airbus was almost 2 times greater than these ordered to Boeing. But in 2012 Boeing orders were very superior to these of aribus. 425 planes were more ordered to Airbus.

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de lucile83, postée le 30-10-2016 à 11:59:32 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu (orthographe, grammaire, fautes de frappe, majuscules, etc.).Il en reste certainement encore.
Vous présentez un texte remanié en fait,différent du texte initial,sans même avoir pris la peine de corriger les erreurs que laure95 vous avait indiquées.

Hello I am going to make a presentation about Boeing company.
Boeing was born ... July 15, 1916 ( the fiveteenth of July nineteen sixteen). ....Creatores are William Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt. Boieng was called B and W at this time. Soon after, its name became "Pacific Aero Products" and finally "Boeing Airplane Company".
Boeing is an aircraft manufacturer. Boeing is specialized in the manufacture of civil aircraft, but also in military aircrfat. Its headquarters is located in Chicago.
In 1917, with the entry into the war, the Navy ordered 50 aircrafts. It was the C-Model. This was the first order of Boeing. Boeing is actualy the 29th largest company in the united states with a turnover of $ 90.8 billion.
This company is engaged in a trade war with its main competitor, the European consortium Airbus. From 2007 to 2011 airbus delivered more planes. But in 2012 and 2013 Boeing delivered more. we can see that the number of orders is almost identical Each year except in 2011 and 2012. in 2011 the amount of aircraft ordered to Airbus was almost 2 times greater than these ordered to Boeing. But in 2012 Boeing orders were very superior to these of aribus. 425 planes were more ordered to Airbus.

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de lucas67, postée le 31-10-2016 à 17:01:31 (S | E)
pour ce qui sagit est des fautes de frappes (majuscules...) je ne les avaient avais pas corrigées car mon exposé sera à l'oral, donc cela ne me gainait gênait pas. Mais c'est vrai que j'aurais tout de même dû les corriger. J'ai ainsi rectifié le texte et essayé de corriger le texte au maximum. Mais pour ce qui s'agit des temps... que vous m'aviez mis en bleu pour me signifier qu'ils sont faux (et que Laure95 m'avait déjà demander de corriger), je ne sais vraiment pas ce que je dois changer.

Hello I am going to make a presentation about Boeing company.
Boeing was born ... July 15, 1916 ( the fiveteenth of July nineteen sixteen)... Creatores are William Boeing and George Conrad Westervelt. Boeing was called B and W at this time. Soon after, its name became "Pacific Aero Products" and finally "Boeing Airplane Company".
Boeing is an aircraft manufacturer. Boeing is specialized in the manufacture of civil plane, but also in military plane. Its headquarters is located in Chicago.
In 1917, with the entry into the war, the Navy ordered 50 aircrafts. This was the C-Model. This was the first order of Boeing. Boeing is actually the 29th largest company in the United States with a turnover of $ 90.8 billion.
This company is engaged in a trade war with its main competitor, the European consortium Airbus. From 2007 to 2011 Airbus delivered more planes. But in 2012 and 2013 Boeing delivered more. we can see that the number of orders is almost identical each year except in 2011 and 2012. in 2011 the amount of plane ordered to Airbus was almost 2 times greater than these ordered to Boeing. But in 2012 Boeing orders were very superior to these of aribus. 425 planes were more ordered to Airbus.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2016 14:19

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de lucas67, postée le 03-11-2016 à 11:12:00 (S | E)
hello, plus personne n'est présent pour me répondre sniff ?

Réponse : Exposé/Boeing de lucile83, postée le 03-11-2016 à 14:23:00 (S | E)
Parmi les nombreuses fautes, vous en avez correctement corrigé 4. Les autres .... Pas très sérieux!Voir ceci notamment: aribus non corrigé
Quant aux majuscules, peu m'importe que ce soit un oral car je lis votre texte, et je ne supporte pas l'absence des majuscules.
Pour les verbes, vous employez le singulier avec un sujet pluriel ou l'inverse!
Quand vous présenterez un texte réellement revu et corrigé, vous serez sans doute aidé.
Up to you now


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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