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Synthese Bac //// (1)

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Synthese Bac ////
Message de mela35 posté le 29-10-2016 à 18:27:15
pouvez-vous corriger mes faute ? merci d'avance

I'm going to discuss about the notion of place and form of power, i will talk about in this notion of higher education. Indeed , university enable people to get a high qualified job such as doctor, engineer, teacher... there fore, they are very useful for the development of our society. But , the cost of university are really expensive. Up to what point can one say that the universities are instruments of beiong able ? First, i'm going to talk about the tuition fees and after the disagreement between people about that

Premièrement, les frais de scolarité dansl'université aux Etats-Unis et au Royaume-Unisont vraiment hauts, ainsi tout le monde ne peut pas allant à l'université.
Firstly , the tuiton fees in college in united states and in united kingdom are really high , so everybody can't going to university
Then, in the extract of Obama's speech in sept 2009,Obama says that higher education has never been more important .and that we need for knowledge and for compensates of all the world to solve the most difficult problem . But the cost of the university and very expensive and there is that the rich population has to be able to access
to go the university people has to try to find solution to pay the university. Either it takes close has the bank and when it starts their job are involves in debt and spends several year hascountry the debt.If not it finds small work dimensioned and its tiredness because it are to occupies for rthe study because it owes work. The relative puts money of with dimensions birth of the child has fine to offer a good university to him.
People want to go has the university because they will be a suitable life, they will be able to carry out a happier life and to have better chance to have a good job well country . Thus, it os thus very hard to go has the university for munch of anybody

secondly, in a cartoon seen in class calls » a tale of two britains by schrank publiched in the independent »of a dimension we can see a girl who jumps of joy. It passed its examination and have . And other a boy sucks dropped located in aunderprivileged sector. The message if this cartoon is that sucked is for the high rich person and the failure for the underprivileged pupil.this cartoon watch the injustice of a system in which the means of money leaves any equal opportunity. And that as the university are expensive very little of high underprivilged gi in such a university. Therefore more you have money you could go in good seeing very good university
Then in a document called «  radio report student protest » we student can see much of student xho protest against the rise in the school fees of university . The scene takes place in the street of londre . According to them the cost of education is too expensive. Higher education is not accessible has all people can not always pay.
Thus we can see that the university is intruments of the power because study them protest much, study them are really justifies. For the student, the university represents many being able. And it are a personal satisfaction when it go in university

to conclude degree is a instruments of power because it's really important for the life, to have good job, a better live .however, have a degree it's really hard because you need to have a lot of money. According to me tuition fees can't be the same for all people and i think the acces to universities have to be the same for everybody

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2016 23:30
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Réponse : Synthese Bac //// de gerondif, postée le 29-10-2016 à 21:13:52
vous avez dû passer un texte français avec des erreurs au traducteur automatique qui du coup traduit vos erreurs :
People want to go has the university: a l'université sans accent sur le a.
a good job well country : un bon boulot bien pays à la place d'un bon boulot bien payé.
C'est du massacre en fait, quand on essaie de lire ce texte.

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