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Correction/right words

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/right words
Message de tryagain posté le 20-11-2016 à 12:03:07 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
est-il possible parmi vous que quelqu'un puisse corriger ce texte s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance !

It was all magical. It was all indeed real. Our story is not trivial. You have always been and will remain my ideal. Baby, I will never lower my arms.
A whole army is not enough to stop me. Then find the right words because out hearts still skip a beat.
You remember that you made my life, it's not in your right to take me back. I will build in you an empire for that you will never forget me and love her more than me. You can run and return as many time as you want, no matter because my love for you is a giant. Needless to say no, you will finally accept. As well do it now, stop wasting our time yet.
In this life and all others, we will united. You will not want to be away from me. You will understand that nothing and no one can we disunited. If you want to continue to play, let me do that with you today.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-11-2016 15:50

Réponse : Correction/right words de laure95, postée le 25-11-2016 à 18:23:52 (S | E)
-it was all magical: enlever ALL ou mettre ALL à la place de IT.
- It was all indeed real: même remarque.
- A whole army is not (mettre au futur)enough to stop me.
- You (à enlever)remember that you made my life: mal dit.
- I will build in (enlever IN)you an empire for (so pas for) that
- as many time (utiliser le mot souvent) as you want,
- my love for you is a giant: ?
- In this life and all others, we will (be)united.
- nothing and no one can we disunited: enlever WE et mettre le pronom complément après le verbe.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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