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Notion/Spaces and exchanges

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Notion/Spaces and exchanges
Message de shiva68 posté le 23-12-2016 à 14:47:49 (S | E | F)
Je viens de terminer ma notion spaces and exchanges. Est-ce possible s'il vous plait de regarder si vous trouvez des erreurs d'anglais?
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

I’m going to speak about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic spaces, and also the interactions between men and different societies. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other, so crossing the borders has become easier and faster and new modes of exchanges are emerging. An exchange is when we give something in return for something received and can take several forms: economic, cultural or financial…To put the notion in perspective, we will see the human exchanges especially through the travels. So we may wonder to what extent is going abroad is a challenge to oneself? First I’m going to talk about difficulties related to the discovery of another country and then, I will talk about what provides a trip abroad.

Going to another country for a long time isn't easy. Indeed, to leave in another country is to leave: To leave his family and his friends, to leave his country, to leave his habits and especially, to leave his zone of comfort. By zone of comfort, I mean the known world, the zone that represents for each our space of security, habits and routines. We lose our bearings. To go abroad is thus to leave his family cocoon and to face the solitude in an unknown place and of which one knows nothing of the culture of the other. But the unknown is frightening. Moreover, the language different from our sometimes raises a disconcerting barrier! Traveling in a country that is culturally very different and whose language one does not know is an adventure. It’s also possible after passing from a familiar culture to an unknown culture to experience cultural shock. As we saw in the paper edited by M.Barker, cultural shock is a process divided into five stages.

First place is the "honeymoon". This is usually a fairly short period of enchantment. It’s characterized by a feeling of euphoria, curiosity and interest in the new country. It is caused by the discovery of new things. Everything seems at best. One is in complete ecstasy with the desire to see everything and taste everything.
But then comes the second phase, that of distress. After a few weeks, we begin to feel the symptoms of the shock. We realize that everything isn’t as ideal. We are anxious, frustrated, angry .. What seemed charming at first seems suddenly unacceptable! One is disappointed, one feels betrayed and confused. We miss the family and our friends. One then feels isolated.
The third stage called "Re-integration" is when we reject the cultural differences between the premises and ourselves. We tend to compare our culture to theirs, by retaining only what we don’t like. One is angry or frustrated, or hostile to the new culture. Indeed, there is a margin between the expectations of the beginning and reality as it is.
Then, the fourth stage, "autonomy" is the period in which we accept the differences between the two cultures and we feel that we can begin to live with them. We try to decipher the behaviors and attitudes of the foreign country in order to seek to appropriate them in turn. We feel more confident and able to cope with problems. We no longer feel isolated.
The last step is "Independence" stage. We are ourselves again. We have become acclimatised to our life in our new environment and we adopt a positive attitude. Things are starting to get nice and we are opening up more and more outside. We feel at ease and have more confidence in ourselves and our abilities. Moreover, we don’t hesitate to imbibe the local culture.

To leave abroad is therefore a challenge to oneself since it’s necessary to manage to surpass the difficulties and it requires a real effort.

Nevertheless, once the adaptation is made, it proves to be an enriching experience. This was the case for Alex Economou, an English student who had a gap year in Pakistan and Sri Lanka with the project Trust. During this period, he will have experienced an huge variety of things. He spent much of his time teaching Sri Lankan children and playing with them. Then, he took part in building the toilets and harvesting the paddy. He also helped them with the local projects in the community and to improve the situation of the villagers in Sri Lanka.
Living in Sri Lanka has allowed Alex to grow. As a matter of fact, it made him change his view on the Third World Poverty. Indeed, even if they were powerless and victims of the situation. Once he had started his mission he realized that the people were not united and they were fighting the ones against the others in the same community. Moreover they don’t show solidarity.

Travel allows us to learn new things and to open ourselves to others, new ways of thinking and new ways of life. We become more tolerant over our encounters with people different from us. A trip is also and above all an inner trip since it also allows you to get to know yourself and to have more self-confidence. Indeed, we learn to know ourselves much more than in our daily lives because we have moved away from our environment: we can find ourselves face to face in the truest possible way, outside of conditioning and habits. We know better our limits, our weaknesses but also our strengths. Well, getting to know each other is one of the most important things in life. The trip, given the time it gives and the fact of evolving in another environment, is an accelerator. Obviously, travel makes it possible to progress, effortlessly and with pleasure, in another language. Each trip brings something to the one who lives it.

To conclude, we can say that travel is a real challenge for oneself but that nevertheless the trip remains above all a wealth. Not only does travel bring intellectual and cultural enrichment, but it's also a lever for personal development. It's therefore necessary to overcome the various difficulties, adapt and take full advantage of them

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-12-2016 01:06

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de gerold, postée le 25-12-2016 à 10:26:04 (S | E)
Bonjour Shiva68,

votre texte est trop long poour que je puisse le relire en détail. Je vous indique cependant les points que j`ai relevés à la lecture:

... interactions between men and different societies: pas très clair; ... to what extent is going abroad is ... il y a un "is" de trop; ... what provides a trip abroad: "provides" serait mieux à la fin; Indeed, to leave in another country is to leave: confusion entre deux verbes; To leave his family ... "son", "sa", "ses" se traduisent par one`s dans une phrase impersonnelle; ... the zone that represents for each our space ...: ajoutez quelque chose entre "each et "our"; ... of which one knows nothing of the culture of the other: structure à revoir; the language different from our: ajoutez une lettre à "our"; Traveling (, -ll- en ) in a country ."..: plutôt "to" que "in", vous allez dans le pays; ... differences between the premises and ourselves: je suppose que vous voulez dire "les locaux", mais "premises" désigne un lieu, comme lorsque l`on parle de locaux insalubres, cherchez une autre autre expression; Indeed, there is a margin between: il semble que "margin" ne s`emploie pas comme ça, cherchez un mot signifiant "écart"; ... the fourth stage, "autonomy": ajoutez une virgule; ... we are opening more and more outside: supprimez le dernier mot; To leave abroad: confusion avec un autre verbe; .. experienced an huge variety: forme de l`article; Indeed, even if they were powerless and victims of the situation: je ne comprends pas ce que signifie cette phrase dans le contexte; ... fighting the ones against the others: employez one another.
Je n`ai pas relu les deux derniers paragraphes, j`essaierai de le faire plus tard.
J`espère vous avoir aidée et vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes.

Modifié par gerold le 26-12-2016 20:22


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