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Lettre/motivation Irlande

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Lettre/motivation Irlande
Message de makeda posté le 01-01-2017 à 11:17:16 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je suis étudiante et je suis en train de monter un dossier pour pouvoir partir en Irlande en tant qu'assistante de français. Pour cela, je dois rédiger une lettre de motivation en anglais. Mon niveau d'anglais est très loin d'être parfait à l'écrit.
Je pense avoir fait des fautes, et je vous serais très reconnaissante de m'aider à les corriger.
Merci pour vos réponses.
Voici ma lettre:

Dear Sir, Madam,

I wish to apply for a post of French language assistant in the Republic of Ireland for the academic year 2017-2018.
I am currently in the third year of a double degree in History - History of Art and Archeology at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. I will graduate from my two licenses on June-July 2017. I intend to become a teacher because this is the field in which I have always seen myself evolve.
Indeed, the idea of ​​transmitting knowledge, experience to students while learning a lot of them arouses for me a particular interest. The position of assistant of French in the Republic of Ireland would suit me perfectly and I would be honored to have this responsibility.
I find it important to reconcile studies and professional experience. Initially, this experience would contribute to a great open-mindedness. Working with young students, making them discover my culture while learning a lot of them attracts me.

Moreover, this responsibility would help me improving my level of English which seems to me indispensable today, and would allow me even to turn to a professional career abroad. But above all, this position of assistant of French would make me discover the professional world of education and another academic system.

I believe that I have the skills to do that. I have always had a lot of fun helping others. I grew up with values ​​like tolerance, altruism, benevolence, generosity. In addition, I think I have the language skills to fill the position of Assistant French. I have always given an important place to the English language.
 I obtained a literary baccalaureat with the English specialty and I obtained the mark of 17/20 written and 20/20 oral. Then, I followed two years of preparatory class (Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles littéraire) where I attended six hours of English lessons per week for two years. During the first year we studied the civilization of the English-speaking countries, particularly the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States and the second year we mainly worked on English literature to prepare the competition 'ENS Ulm. Besides, we had often been led to study Irish literature.

I would be very happy to introduce this language and also the French culture to young students with all the patience that this requires. My studies have enabled me to acquire an interesting knowledge that I would not miss to exploit.
 My interest in pedagogy means that I will devote entirely myself with much pleasure and passion to this position of assistant. I will share the fields I am passionate about, such as literature, art, history, music, geopolitics, sport and I would be very curious to discover the interests of each student.

Precisely, the different teaching methods which have been given to me throughout my schooling have enabled me to understand that in this field, the substance and form are equally important. When I was younger, I was amazed to find that some of my professors had managed to interest me in fields and subjects of study which until then had not attracted much interest to me.

The Republic of Ireland is a destination that attracts me especially. Historically and culturally, this country is closely linked to my region of origin, Brittany. Fascinated by literature, I discovered a few years ago the richness and the particularity of the Irish literature through the works of Oscar Wilde, Bram Stocker or James Joyce.

Originally from Saint-Malo, a small town in the northern Finistère, I completed my first year of studies in Rennes, then went to Tours and then to Paris. Thus, attending different regional landscapes is a great experience.

This experience would be for me more than beneficial and would strengthen me in the pursuit of my studies towards the field of education.
I will introduce the French language, its culture, its history to the students by sensitizing them by playful means, be it group work that I would animate with pleasure and passion, by organizing debates around interesting themes for example.

Since my earliest years, I practiced many artistic and sporting activities, and I would certainly exploit what it has brought me throughout this experience.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-01-2017 14:55


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