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Lettre/directeur EE

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Lettre/directeur EE
Message de lulumdr307 posté le 02-01-2017 à 14:26:11 (S | E | F)
Bonjour et bonnes fêtes à tous,
je dois rédiger une lettre donnant mon avis si je suis pour ou contre l'installation de caméras dans les classes. Le problème c'est que je dois le rendre demain, je sais que je m'y suis pris en retard mais s'il vous plaît aidez-moi le plus rapidement possible.
Merci pour vos réponses.

David Jeremiah
58 Titchfield St.
Liverpool L5 8UT

Tuesday, January 8th, 2017

University of Greenwich, 30 Park Row.

Dear Mr. CHURCK,

I am writing you to confirm our telephone call of the last week. Being President of Council Of Students Of our prestigious university, I am anxious to remind you in this letter my support for the installation of the program Big Brother within our foundation.
After a sounding consisting for knowing the opinion of my dear companions on this subject, we noticed, my team and me, that 78 % of our collective was for the surveillance cameras.
The great majority of this percentage are absolutely agree with the installation of cameras for a reason : to avoid the theft and to find the person who committed it. Because as you know, it is neither the violence nor the discrimination which are present in our establishment but the theft. Especially these last two months when the theft of laptop computer, key tool of the learning at the pupils, it is repeatedly repeated.
As you suspect it, them has other factors there making that the majority are voted "FOR": The first reason : To find with more efficiency the culprit in any affair. The second reason : to avoid collective glues which target a whole class because the person in charge does not dare to go, or thirdly : that the students feel more in safety knowing that they will know more quickly if an individual tries to penetrate inside the building for commetre into an attack or into other crimes.
Know, Sir Headmaster, that I am a member of this group for this decree, but that as Chairman Of the General Council Of Students I also have to announce you in the opinion of twenty-two other percentage which are against this decision. Their choice is established on a fact, the only one : the invasion of privacy. For them, to install cameras in our establishment is synonymic of voyeurism, that is as much in the toilet as in the classrooms. Just like me, you know that it is not our purpose and that we have in no case the idea to place them in such places, finally as far as I know. Because if it is a member of your projects, know that I and a very big part of the group "FOR" are going to withdraw what will sign the cancellation of this project. But I hope that it did not arrive and I wait for your answer impatiently to know when our establishment will be provided with cameras.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Very Best Regards,
President Of C.G Of Studends

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-01-2017 21:44


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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