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My story/ help

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My story/ help
Message from suhasini posted on 02-01-2017 at 18:40:35 (D | E | F)
Could you help me with this story,please?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Little had I known about the inversion,direct and indirect speech after I learnt it,so,I thought that I could write a story.
Here is my story,please help me if you notice any mistake.

Yesterday I was at home.I lay on the sofa while watching tv then I heard some strange noises and it looked as if two members was talking each other to near my home.I waked-up by their sounds and went near to the door,hardly opened the window door then I noticed that the two friends sat infront of the door threshold and talking each other.the first person who wore the red T-shirt name was rohit and then the second person who wore the blue shirt name was sanket.
Rohit was good at English and the Sankey was a bigenner.
Sanket said to rohit sadly that he was afraid to think about his future and he added that everyone was perfect in English in their college and he exclaimed that what happened to him! Added that he had the same knowledge like they had and sometimes he hated himself when thinking about his failures and he finished that sometimes he had forgotten all things when he spoke.
After rohit said to sanket,"no worries,everyone faces the same issue when the beginning and only by reading and writing this language.will you not get good command over this language,besides try to speak. Whatever it's right or wrong,who will judge you? and remember one thing no one is perfect in English when they speak to a foreigner.just we must learn besides education."
Then sanket said to rohit," yes,I agree with you that no one is perfect in English but I don't want to be like them,I must speak at least like you without any mistakes that's my wish since I was kid,had I completed my education in grammer schools like you,I would've spoken English like you."
Rohit said to sanket,"well,scarely had I learned english when I was in school. there we have no chioce,we must speak in English otherwise teachers punish us."

Edited by lucile83 on 02-01-2017 21:33

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Forum > English only


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