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Message de lenposeais posté le 07-01-2017 à 11:19:23 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je recherche un peu d'aide pour corriger une analyse d'interview que j'ai rédigée ( en anglais). Le feedback que j'ai reçu dit que mon vocabulaire n'est pas assez élevé, que mes choix de mots sont parfois incorrects et que certaine tournures de phrase sont trop ressemblante au français. Si l'un d'entre vous pouvait me donner un petit coup de main, e serait merveilleux (je ne suis pas super fort pour tout ce qui est choix de mots et niveau de vocabulaire) Je sais que le texte est un peu long mais même la correction d'une partie serait déjà super.
Un grand merci d'avance!

For this analysis, I decided to interview someone with a fresh perspective on the problematic: Is your pupils progress hampered by a lack of reading and writing skills?
With this in mind, I asked one of my former co-student, Annabelle Falla, to answer my questions. Annabelle is a young English and Dutch teacher who began to teach three months ago and who is currently giving Dutch lessons to students from twelve to fifteen years old at a secondary school in Belgium. She is the kind of teacher who has her heart set on getting out the best from her pupils. I know her as a person who has faith in her students despite the negative image that some of them can sometimes show. In addition, she received a formation that includes the latest pedagogic and didactic aspects of the teaching profession. Annabelle also had the chance to gain experience abroad. She took courses in Amsterdam for one year, which enabled her to learn different efficient teaching methods. For all these reasons, I judged that she was in the best position to enlighten me on the issue.
First, I asked her to specify what is her pupils’ level in general. It appears that the situation in Belgium is similar to the one in Nederland. A little more than half the students meet the academic requirements regarding textual competencies. This situation hampers their progress inasmuch as new learnings cannot be taught as long as the basics are not mastered.
The reasons that are brought out from our interview are the following:
- Originally, the educational system progresses to slowly and doesn’t evolve at the same pace as the society. Decision-makers are not in the field and don’t take the trouble to take an interest in the reality on the ground. From this results an antagonism between the means given by the government and the real needs of the system.

- The lack of basics mastered by the pupils which restrains their acquisition of new knowledges and competencies. In addition, it appears that problems come from their mother tongue, not from the target language.

- The students’ lack of motivation. It seems to be the illness of the century which persistently spreads throughout the educational world.

- The lack of meaning attributed to learning activities. Pupils perceive those activities as useless. They don’t see their usefulness. This perception leads to motivation issues.

Then, I studied the position of her school on the problematic.
It appears that they are well aware of the issues mentioned hereinabove. Nevertheless, despite their lack of resources, they make every effort using any available means to improve the situation. In order to do so, they organise remediation sessions for students in the need. Every week, students are separated into small groups for two hours. During this time, they are given the opportunity to ask questions over possible academic difficulties. Then, the teacher in charge of the session guides them to overcome their difficulties.

Although well intentioned, this process doesn’t seem productive to me in the sense that pupils still struggle to progress. The institution should first focus their efforts on needs assessment. Their method doesn’t work because students don’t know themselves what is their original problem. Not being able to conjugate a verb is not the problem, but the cause of their inability is. Therefore, the institution should try to use a metacognitive approach.
In my opinion, her analyse of situation is complete. I’ve had a relatively short experience in teaching but Annabelle’s response elements are in correlation with what I could observe. In light of this analysis, her strategies to tackle the hampered progress and my own experience in the educative world, I can present the following strategies to improve their textual competencies:
- Change your working methods. A pupil asked to make repetitive activities will lose his motivation, which will have a counter effect on his progress.

- Use authentic material. This kind of material will have a positive effect on your students. They will be exposed to a richer input that contains real-life-used vocabulary and language structures. Moreover, the themes of those texts are more current and more likely to meet your pupils’ interests.

- Link your learning activities with a realistic context. A context that will enable your students to perceive the meaning of learning. With this in mind, they will understand that what they are learning is useful.

- In the beginning of the year, ask them to write down some themes they would like to talk about. If it’s possible, use them as a learning tool.

- Make learning funny. You can play games with your pupils as long as it has a learning goal.

- Organise pair works in order that the strongest students can help the weakest to overcome their difficulties.

- Learn them metacognition. Make them aware of how they think, how they study, how they reflect. It will have a positive impact on their learning methods as well as on their learning process. In this way, they will be able to analyse their weaknesses.

- Learning is not linear, it is cyclic. Progress in a spiral. Give them many occasions to understand a notion. For example, remind them of previous learnings that are necessary to approach a new subject.

- Use a functional approach. Show them what is the use of what they learn.
The points mentioned hereinabove are just a glimpse of what can simply be done in order to improve their learning and make them progress. Of course, these are not only focused on writing and reading skills but learning is more than separated aspects built apart, it is a coherent whole.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-01-2017 14:46


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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