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Message de camillegnu posté le 07-01-2017 à 20:27:04 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous corriger cet oral s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I am going to talk about spaces and exchanges. Foremost, I would like to give you a definition of this notion : An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. They can have various forms: the movement of people with immigration for example or gap years, cultural that have become easier thanks to the Internet for exchanges of ideas or informations. They are also economic exchanges by means of international trade for instance. This traffic has enabled us to expand our markets for goods and services that would not have been workable for us. But today, I will talk about voyage of people like you and me in a foreign country and any difficulties it may encounter. So it is interesting to wonder if traveling to new countries opens our minds to us. We will see that discovering new countries can bring many benefits, however it is sometimes complicated to integrate perfectly in a foreign country.

First of all, traveling to unknown countries with customs other than ours allows us to discover new traditions. Indeed, we may be physically similar, we will not necessarily speak the same language and we may not share the same ideas as we can see in a cartoon studied in class in which we see two cows physically similar but do not speak the same language. That’s why going to foreign country can be benefits, we can learn new languages. We can speak of culture shock especially when, in addition to the language, the customs are very different between two communities that coexist. Moreover, from one country to another, landscapes change. For example, if an Englishman leaves for Canada, he will not find the same landscapes as those of his country, he will see mountains for example, whereas in England they are rather plains and yet the languages of these two countries are similar. The journey also allows to discover new eating habits. Always with the example of Canada, they are used to eat toast with maple syrup and butter while in England it’s eaten with some flageolets. Furthermore, opinions may be different, especially at the level of religions. In India for example, we will find religions like Hinduism or Buddhism whereas in England the dominant religion is Christianity. It is therefore a discovery of religious beliefs and practices. Clothes too, may be specific to a country like the kilt in Scotland or the dress of the geisha in Japan. The journey also allows us to discover people who do not have the same preoccupations as us, or who do not live under the same conditions. To illustrate this, we can give the example of dwellings, such as houses of the South Africans which are primitive compared to those that can be found in France or in England. And, before going to a country you have prejudices about it, for instance, English people are seen as drinkers and pipe smoker and french people do not wash. But when we go to the country in question, we realize that some are false, because yes, French are washed (lol).
Although traveling can bring us many things, arriving in a new country, for a long or short term, we sometimes encounter difficulties.

First, as we can see on “Culture Shock in Fives Stages”, when we arrive in a foreign culture, we are excited, this step is called “Honeymoon stage”, but we have a moment of isolation, an "adaptation time" called “Distress stage”, and it is only afterwards that we take full advantage of what this new culture can bring us. Indeed, it is not always easy to understand a culture different from his own or to be accepted to another culture. We must learn the customs of the country and respect them, in terms of mores for example, there are things not to be done in certain countries as we see in the document “Don’t do these 18 things abroad”, for example, in Chile do not eat with the hands, in Singapore, do not eat in public transport and in Turkey do not show OK gesture because it’s very offensive. In addition to adapting to traditions, it is also sometimes necessary to adapt to climate. In Canada, during the winter, the temperature average is about less that 6 degrees and it can fall to less than 27 degrees while the temperature in england is not about less than 0 degrees. More, sometimes it is necessary to adapt to jet lag, if you are in England for example, and you want to go to Australia, there is 11 hours of jet lag. Moreover, there may be the language barrier. In fact, it is not unusual to arrive in a country where the accent of the language is not the same as the one we are used to hearing. Or, the language is not the same and if one does not understand it, it is much more difficult to integrate. More, if we leave for a long time, there may be the lack of our family. I have the example of a Brazilian who came to France for 11 months, and for him the hardest was the beginning, far from his family and the time of integration.

To finish, we can say that traveling abroad is very rewarding, we can learn about ourselves as well as about others, we meet people with other opinions, other stories, we learn to share our opinions and to accept that of others. We sweep away ideas and get to know people as they are, we discover new ways of living, and we accept difference in the sense that it is constructive. Despite the fact that there may be a period of adaptation due to the differences between the country of arrival and our country of origin, it is still an experiment to be made if we wish to open up to the world. Finally, we can say that traveling abroad can help us to open up to others and to the world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-01-2017 21:43

Réponse : Correction/oral de laure95, postée le 08-01-2017 à 11:04:37 (S | E)
-informations: mot invariable.
- They are (they are = ils sont) also economic exchanges
- voyage
- any difficulties: the et non any.
- if traveling to new countries opens our minds to us (enlever TO US).

- which we (can)see two cows physically similar but (that)do not speak the same language.
- That’s why going to (article)foreign country can be benefits (mettre l'adjectif),
- they are rather plains
- eating habits.
- they are used to eat: be usedt to + verbe + -ing.
- at the level of religions (mettre au singulier).
- And, before going to a country you have (some)prejudices about it,
- drinkers and pipe smoker (pluriel)and french people do not wash (themselves).
- But when we go to the country in question: mal dit.
- because yes: ok pas yes.
- French are washed (lol): ?

- when we arrive in a foreign culture: ?
- new culture can bring (to)us.
- to be accepted to (pas la bonne préposition)another culture
- as we (can)see
- for example, in Chile (sujet?)do not eat with the (mettre un possessif à la place de the)hands,
- in Singapore, (sujet)do not eat in public transport and in Turkey (sujet)do not show
-OK gesture: ?
- In addition to adapting (to + infinitif) to traditions,
- it is also sometimes necessary to adapt to (the)climate.
- In Canada, during the (pas de the) winter,
- less that (pas le bon mot)6 degrees
-england: majuscule.
- 0 degrees: singulier.
- there is 11 hours of jet lag: there is + singulier.
- I have the example of a Brazilian (man or woman?)who came to France for 11 months,


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