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The missing vowels/200

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The missing vowels/200
Message de marit64 posté le 18-01-2017 à 22:55:21 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, I'm giving you the number of vowels in 4 out of 10 answers.

1- A hole in a door through which one can look. ..... (lphp-) 4

2- A person who makes, or deals in, ornaments and other articles made of precious stones and metals. ..... (lwlrj)

3- The back part of the foot. ..... (lh)

4- A solid, usually stone, landing-place, where boats are loaded and unloaded. ..... (q) 3

5- A type of large deer found in North America, and also in northern Europe where it's known as the elk. ..... (sm)

6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. ..... (ntk) 1

7- A very thin person. ..... (nkns)

8- To decorate a dish of food. ..... (rsghn)

9- A person who pays rent to another for the use of a house, building, land etc. ..... (nntt)

10- Enthusiasm or keenness. ..... (lz) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/200 de flowermusic, postée le 18-01-2017 à 23:13:38 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

GREAT, number 200

1- A hole in a door through which one can look. ..... (lphp-) 4 peep-hole

2- A person who makes, or deals in, ornaments and other articles made of precious stones and metals. ..... (lwlrj) jeweller

3- The back part of the foot. ..... (lh) heel

4- A solid, usually stone, landing-place, where boats are loaded and unloaded. ..... (q) 3 quay

5- A type of large deer found in North America, and also in northern Europe where it's known as the elk. ..... (sm) moose

6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. ..... (ntk) 1 knot

7- A very thin person. ..... (nkns) skinny

8- To decorate a dish of food. ..... (rsghn) garnish

9- A person who pays rent to another for the use of a house, building, land etc. ..... (nntt) tenant

10- Enthusiasm or keenness. ..... (lz) 2 zeal

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/200 de afarodj, postée le 19-01-2017 à 00:35:33 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit

Hi everybody

This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- A hole in a door through which one can look. ..... (lphp-) 4 .- Peephole.- Oeilleton/Judas.

2- A person who makes, or deals in, ornaments and other articles made of precious stones and metals. ..... (lwlrj).- Jeweller.- Joaillier.

3- The back part of the foot. ..... (lh). Heel.- Talon.

4- A solid, usually stone, landing-place, where boats are loaded and unloaded. ..... (q) 3 .- Quay.- Quai.
5- A type of large deer found in North America, and also in northern Europe where it's known as the elk. ..... (sm). - Moose.- Élan.

6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. ..... (ntk) 1 .- Knot.- Noeud.

7- A very thin person. ..... (nkns). -Skinny.- Décharné.

8- To decorate a dish of food. ..... (rsghn). - Garnish.-Décorer.

9- A person who pays rent to another for the use of a house, building, land etc. ..... (nntt).- Tenant.- Locataire.

10- Enthusiasm or keenness. ..... (lz) 2 . -Zeal .- Ardeur.

Réponse : The missing vowels/200 de daisy50, postée le 19-01-2017 à 03:18:56 (S | E)
Hello Marit and congratulations for this 200th "missing vowels"
also, good night to all !

Here is my try :

1) peephole
2) jeweller
3) heel
4) quay
5) moose
6) knot
7) skinny
8) garnish
9) tenant
10) zeal

A great thanks to you Marit for your work.
Have a nice week ! See you soon !

Réponse : The missing vowels/200 de sanna6, postée le 19-01-2017 à 14:08:51 (S | E)

1- A hole in a door through which one can look. ...Peephole - Oeil de porte / Judas Optique
Do you call it "Magic eye" in Canada ?(I read this on Wikipedia)

2- A person who makes, or deals in, ornaments and other articles made of precious stones and metals. ...Jeweler - Bijoutier

3- The back part of the foot. ...Heel - Talon

4- A solid, usually stone, landing-place, where boats are loaded and unloaded. ...Quay - Quai

5- A type of large deer found in North America, and also in northern Europe where it's known as the elk. ...Moose - Élan

6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. ... knot - Nœud

7- A very thin person. ...Skinny - Très mince

8- To decorate a dish of food. ...To garnish - Garnir

9- A person who pays rent to another for the use of a house, building, land etc. ...Tenant - Locataire

10- Enthusiasm or keenness. ... Zeal - Ardeur

I thank you very much for this new one Marit!
Have a nice week everyone!

Réponse : The missing vowels/200 de swan85, postée le 21-01-2017 à 20:49:36 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- A hole in a door through which one can look. (lphp-) 4 Peephole
2- A person who makes, or deals in, ornaments and other articles made of precious stones and metals. (lwlrj) Jeweller
3- The back part of the foot. (lh) Heel
4- A solid, usually stone, landing-place, where boats are loaded and unloaded. . (q) 3 Quay
5- A type of large deer found in North America, and also in northern Europe where it's known as the elk. (sm) Moose
6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. (ntk) 1 Knot
7- A very thin person. (nkns) Skinny
8- To decorate a dish of food. (rsghn) Garnish
9- A person who pays rent to another for the use of a house, building, land etc. (nntt) Tenant
10- Enthusiasm or keenness. (lz) 2 Zeal

Thank you very much for these words and have a nice week.

Réponse : The missing vowels/200 de violet91, postée le 22-01-2017 à 16:15:24 (S | E)
Hello very dear Marit from Shawinigan and nice company,
How couldn't I come round here to wish you a very happy new year with steady health, happiness , trips, great surprises and much love at least ?
Hoping you are very well despite severe cold .

1 )a peep-hole (oh! daring , nosy or dirty!Behave yourself , love !.
2 )a jeweller such as our great ones around Place Vendôme( still looking for a famous chain in GB)
3 ) a heel ( like walking on high heels would be risky on icy pavements ! / not to misspell with 'heal' guérir
4 )a quay as Titanic left from Southampton in April 1912 .
5 )A moose, a strange sight for us who are not used to those big peaceful ones ( Alaska 's icon ?)
6 )a knot like the one on the Maltese sailor's ribbon which helped to solve the riddle(cf.' The Murders in the Rue Morgue'
7 )skinny as Twiggy used to be in the late sixties , but now an average healthy lady model for a well-known English store
8 ) To garnish moderately, with some salad and French dressing, for instance (on diet after the big treats of the recent celebrations)
9 )a tenant (coming from French by the way/ like Jack Tap's tenants forbidden to have animals at home
10 ) zeal ['zl] like a' diligens discipulus/la' or a zealous pupil
And that is it for today . I didn't miss your game , this time ...Keep on running or just doing well !
Have a lovely week , friend , and mind slipping !

Réponse : The missing vowels/200 de peticha, postée le 22-01-2017 à 21:05:03 (S | E)
The missing vowels/200
Message de marit64 posté le 18-01-2017 à 22:55:21 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear marit64, and hi everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
This week, I'm giving you the number of vowels in 4 out of 10 answers.

So, I 'll try to find all of them... Here are my answers:
1- A hole in a door through which one can look. ..... (lphp-) 4judas :peephole.
2- A person who makes, or deals in, ornaments and other articles made of precious stones and metals. ..... (lwlrj) bijoutier :jewellery.
3- The back part of the foot. ..... (lh)talon :heel.
4- A solid, usually stone, landing-place, where boats are loaded and unloaded. ..... (q) 3 quai :quay.
5- A type of large deer found in North America, and also in northern Europe where it's known as the elk. ..... (sm)élan :moose.
6- A lump or join made in string, rope etc by twisting the ends together and drawing tight the loops formed. ..... (ntk) 1 noeud :knot.
7- A very thin person. ..... (nkns) maigrichonne :skinny.
8- To decorate a dish of food. ..... (rsghn) garnir :garnish.
9- A person who pays rent to another for the use of a house, building, land etc. ..... (nntt) locataire :tenant.
10- Enthusiasm or keenness. ..... (lz) 2 zèle :zeal.

Thank you so much, it was funny.
Have a great and sweet week!
So long.


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