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Notion/myths and heroes

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Notion/myths and heroes
Message de fionabares posté le 04-02-2017 à 13:20:19 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais savoir si ma synthèse est correcte s'il vous plait.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk about « Myths and Heroes » or more precisely about heroes.
First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of the word « hero ». A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities. It can also be a modern-day hero, a person who has performed an heroic act or simply our own personal hero, our role model, who we look up to.
My question is: How can an ordinary person make the world a better place?
I would like to illustrate the notion with the recording about Michael Jordan, the recording about Barack Obama and the song “Rosa sat...”.

In class we talked about several people who can be considered as heroes. First, I'd like to talk about Michael Jordan. We listened to a recording about the John Weigel's interview. He's a sport journalist who wrote a book about MJ because he really admires him. He says MJ is one of the most idolized and greatest basketball players of all time. MJ made it to the top thanks to his hard work. John Weigel says MJ taught him to never give up and to look for new challenges. MJ also fight against racial prejudices and he didn't have an easy childhood.
That's why I think MJ is a very good role model for everyone.

Besides, we listened to another recording about Barack Obama. In this recording, a woman is explaining why she thinks Obama is the new American hero. As the first black president he is the new face of America and he said that America is ready to change for the better. He also pushes for equality as regards studies and healthcare. Moreover he wants the American dream to become a reality for all people. So I think he is very inspiring.
Futhermore, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009, for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.

Finally, we listened to a song. « Rosa sat... » is a song written and performed by Amy Dixon. This song was written a few days after November 04th 2008, the day when Obama was elected president of the USA. The song was inspired by the quote which is used in the chorus and by the celebration and photos of this historic day. It is obviously a tribute to Obama but also to Rosa Parks and MLK who paved the way for him. The lyrics reflect the happiness of many African American's after Obama's election.
I think this song is beautiful and is full of hopes for the future.

Now I'd like to tell you about someone I really admire the scooter driver who tried to stop the lorry in Nice during the terrorist attack because he was ready to die to save several people's lives. For me, it's a hero.

When we talked about this in class, I realized that a hero isn't necessarely a person with « super powers », he's a normal person who helps needy people and who fights for a good cause.
For me, we need heroes in our society, a person who fights against inequalities, because we live in a world when peace isn't always respected. Indeed, nowadays, a lot of terrorists attacks scare people.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-02-2017 18:13

Réponse : Notion/myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 04-02-2017 à 14:42:22 (S | E)
- or more precisely about heroes: mettre AND à la place de OR
- A hero is a person who is admired for their (mettre le possessif au singulier)courage,
- who (à enlever ou mettre whom) we look up to.
- the John Weigel's interview: pas de the devant un nom propre.
- MJ also fight against racial préjudices: faute de conjugaison.
- the better: ce n'est pas la forme du superlatif.
- the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009: pas la bonne préposition.
- the happiness of many African American's (pourquoi mettre 's?) after Obama's election.
- For me, it (pas le bon pronom sujet)'s a hero.
- When we talked about this (that) in class,

Où est la conclusion?

Réponse : Notion/myths and heroes de gerold, postée le 05-02-2017 à 19:53:50 (S | E)
en plus des remarques de Laure95:
- futhermore: orthographe
- "The song was inspired by the quote which is used in the chorus ....": cela mériterait peut-être une petite explication,
- MLK: cette abréviation n`est pas forcément claire pour tout le monde,
- "Now I'd like to tell you about someone I really admire the scooter driver ...": problème de ponctuation
- "... a hero isn't necessarely (orthographe) a person with « super powers », he's a normal person ...: le héros n`est pas toujours un homme,
- "For me, we need heroes in our society, a person who fights (le pluriel serait plus cohérent) against inequalities, because we live in a world when (un monde dans lequel, ce n`est pas "when") peace isn't always respected". xxx

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-02-2017 22:45
On corrige la forme, pas le fond.

Réponse : Notion/myths and heroes de phil512, postée le 06-02-2017 à 06:08:17 (S | E)
Un petit mot au sujet de :
....he said that America is ready to change for the better.
Cette expression qui sonne très bien à mes oreilles (très américanisées, il est vrai), me semble tout à fait correcte et même usuelle outre-atlantique. OK pour moi !
A l'appui de cette formulation, quelques références "non érudites" mais soulignant le caractère usuel :Lien internet

Lien internet
Lien internet

Outre le fait que "c'est comme ça que ça se dit" dans ce type d'hypothèse, le raisonnement est que le changement exprimé ici et dans certains exemples des liens internet cités, ne comporte que deux "états" : avant et après le changement, ce qui permet l'usage du comparatif au lieu du

Accessoirement : MJ also fight against racial prejudices and ("as" me paraîtrait plus adéquat si fionabares souhaite indiquer un éventuel lien de causalité, sinon on oublie☺) he didn't have an easy childhood.
Bonne continuation !

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-02-2017 22:26
On corrige la forme, pas le fond.


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