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Oral/Mythes et héros

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Mythes et héros
Message de alinoush posté le 04-02-2017 à 19:32:57 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral de Bac blanc d'anglais dans quelques jours.
Serait-il possible d'avoir des avis s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance.

I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To begin with I'd like to give a definition of hero. According to me, a hero is a person who is admired for his courage, his outstanding achievements, or his noble qualities. A myth is the story of a hero but which stay famous in a long period and sometimes could be misrepresent.
Could everybody become a hero ? For answer has this question, I would like to illustrate this notion through real people act. To start with, I’m going to speak about the Suffragettes' fight, later we have to study the case of the witches of salem and finally we will see how the firemen of the 9/11 marked the history by their action.

First, I would like to talk about the Suffragette who fight to equal right between men and women.
The Suffragettes was a group of militant who aims to obtain the right of vote and equal rights. Thus, we learnt in a presentation about the Suffragettes that they were headed by Emmeline Pankhurst and her two daughter. After this step in 1918 women declares that they want the right to vote and women over 30 obtained it. In this respect, to achieve their goal the generations of brave women who joined together in the fight to pass the 19th Amendment, giving women over 21 ,as men, the right to vote in 1928. In short,thanks to the Suffragette' fight, today women have the same right as men and the mentallity of people change. This struggle permit us to live in a more egalitarian society.So much so that,these women may be considered as heroes even though they were often despised at their times.

We are going to talk about the witch hunts, which have marked American history. In Salem, in the 17th century, more than 150 people were accused of witchcraft. It was really a wave of accusations, paranoia and hysteria. This case had a profound impact: it indirectly led to the founding principles of the USA. But three centuries later, between 1950 and 1960, death sentences, mock trials and mass hatred punctuated the grim years of McCarthyism.The witches of Salem is the story of another time and nevertheless so contemporary.The myths can be dangerous, and can influence the behavior of people

Now I'm going to talk about heroes by profession , for this , I'm going to talk about the firefighters who helped during the attack on the " world trade center" on the 11th September 2001.Indeed, a lot of firefighters died during this day. The 11th of September 2001 was the most important intervention for New York's firemen, but also the worst intervention of their quarry-worker. . New York City has long ago said farewell to its fallen firefighters in a ceremony, to pay respect to the bravery and heroism of this firemen. We saw that not all of them died on that day. A lot of firemean died because they contracted diseases, including respiratory and skin diseases, due to the fumes and toxins created by the attacks and the collapse of the towers. In any even I think that these people were real heroes because, despite the danger, they kept going in order to save lives.

To conclude, the history was marked by people who were defended the populations. They are today considered as a hero by all people. But everyone can be the hero of someone. A hero can be an ordinary person like the firemen.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-02-2017 18:02

Réponse : Oral/Mythes et héros de laure95, postée le 05-02-2017 à 10:39:07 (S | E)
- A myth is the story of a hero but which stay (pas le bon verbe ici + faute de conjugaison)famous in a long period and sometimes could be misrepresent (à mettre au participe passé).
-For answer: TO answer.
- has ( has ?)this question,
- real people (il manque la marque de la possession)act.
- salem: majuscule.
-and finally we will see how the firemen of the 9/11 (have)marked the history by their action.

- First, I would like to talk about the Suffragette(s) who fight (passé) to (pas la bonne préposition)equal right(pluriel)
- The Suffragettes was a group of militant (pluriel)who aims to (pas la bonne préposition) obtain
- her two daughter:pluriel.
- After this step in 1918 women declares (passé)that they want (passé)the right to vote
- In this respect, to achieve their goal the generations of brave women who (enlever) joined together
- In short,thanks to the Suffragette(s)' fight,
- mentallity: orthographe.
- of people change: present perfect.
-This struggle permit (present perfect) us to live
-So much so that: ?
- at their times: ?

- It was really a wave of accusations (singulier), paranoia and hysteria.
- The witches of Salem is (faute de conjugaison)the story of another time and nevertheless so contemporary.

-heroes by profession: ?
- Indeed, a lot of firefighters died during this (that pas this)day.
- New York City has long ago said Farewell: mal construit et mal dit.
- firemean: orthographe.
- In any even: ?

- To conclude, the history was marked by people who were (pas de were)defended the populations.
- They are today considered as a hero (pluriel) by all people.

Conclusion un peu courte. Tu ne résumes pas tes parties + pas d'ouverture.


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