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Ex 102/ working on a holiday

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Ex 102/ working on a holiday
Message de here4u posté le 12-02-2017 à 15:32:16 (S | E | F)
Hello Dear friends, those who are on a holiday , and those who are not !

I know that a break, a real one, can (could) be welcome at this period of the year… It’s good to think about friends having fun, or a rest, wherever they fancy…
Well that was just to remind you that if you don’t have much time and attention to devote to this exercise, you don’t have to feel guilty for it. Do the little you can if you fancy it… and it will already be great… it’s, of course a and my suggestion will be online on Monday, February 27th, late, as usual. Do your best , as ever, and I give us THE FORCE as a help and an incentive… Thanks for your work, Dears!

I. « L’histoire commune » est encore N°1 et vous ne pouvez poster que SI VOUS L’AVEZ COMPLETEE SELON LES REGLES (ou si vous choisissez de ne pas la faire). Les autres exercices peuvent être laissés inachevés (pas plus de 72 heures) et vous devez toujours m’indiquer en clair, et bleu lorsque vous êtes prêts pour la correction de l'ensemble.
Chacun a la liberté de poursuivre l'histoire 4 fois (QUATRE, au lieu de 3, pour faire plaisir à Maxwell ) [juste pour la relancer si elle s'enlise... ](pas plus de 20 mots à chaque fois, et toujours en corrigeant les fautes du/des prédécesseur(s) en bleu.
« First come, first served » : donc dès que quelqu'un poste, celui qui arrive derrière est obligé de s'adapter à ce qui vient d'être posté: il adaptera sa phrase pour poursuivre l'histoire de façon grammaticalement cohérente. Voici le début suggéré par Alpiem. Un grand merci … It may send shivers down your spines, or not ...)You're free to choose...

« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)

II. Translate into English:

1. Le changement, c'est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s'il vous plaît ?
2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail ! Mais te moquer d'elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur ?
Maxwell 4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ? " A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles ..."
Maxwell 5. Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés

III. Translate into French: toujours pas facile ...
When I was 8, my grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel; I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I do not like peas now. I didn’t like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn’t eat them at home. I didn’t eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.
“Mother,” said my mother in her warning voice, “he doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”
My grand mother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life:
“I’ll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.”
Rick Beyer. True Tales of American Life.

Don't be frightened... We have THE FORCE...

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-02-2017 16:04

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de maxwell, postée le 12-02-2017 à 17:17:49 (S | E)
Hello Here4U and everyone
Thanks a lot for this new exercise, and especially for raising the limit up to 4 participations I'm sure I'll use them very quickly

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for one hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent. (18)

II. Translate into English:
1. Le changement, c'est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s'il vous plaît ?
Change is progress and you must seek it, as frightening as it can be ! And stop being sarcastic, will you ?

2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
The less you'll talk, laugh and even think about this incident, the better it will be for you, believe me !

3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail ! Mais te moquer d'elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur ?
She didn't mean to steal your job ! But making fun of her on purpose shows me that you can be a harsh heartless woman.

4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ? " A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles ..."
You have a knack for always digging up the one in a million ! What's your secret ?" Hardly had those words been uttered when Sophie's face turned red as a lobster. Shh! Little pitchers have big ears...

5. Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés
I'm constantly worried sick about him as he doesn't hesitate to put his life on the line, be it (*) to save other people's lives or to take up senseless challenges (*) or : whether

III). Translate into French: toujours pas facile ...
When I was 8, my grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel; I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I do not like peas now. I didn’t like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn’t eat them at home. I didn’t eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.
“Mother,” said my mother in her warning voice, “he doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”
My grand mother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life:
“I’ll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.”
Rick Beyer. True Tales of American Life.

Quand j'avais 8 ans, ma grand-mère, ma mère et moi étions en train de déjeûner à l'hôtel Biltmore ; Avec des grands airs, je commandai un steak Salisbury, en sachant que derrière ce nom sophistiqué se cachait un bon vieux hamburger avec de la sauce. Quand on l'apporta sur la table, une assiette de petits pois l'accompagnait.
Je n'aime pas les petits pois. Je ne les aimais pas à l'époque. Je les ai toujours détestés. Je ne les mangeais pas à la maison. Je ne les mangeais pas au restaurant et je n'allais certainement pas les manger à ce moment-là.
"Mange tes petits pois" dit ma grand-mère
"Maman" dit ma mère d'une voix qui met en garde, "il n'aime pas les petits pois. Laisse-le tranquille."
Ma grand-mère ne répondit rien mais il y eut une lueur dans son regard et un serrement de mâchoire qui indiquaient qu'on n'allait pas la contrecarrer. Elle se pencha vers moi, me regarda droit dans les yeux, et prononça les mots fatidiques qui changèrent ma vie :
"Je te donnerai 5 dollars si tu manges ces petits pois"

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de joe39, postée le 12-02-2017 à 21:13:56 (S | E)
hello here4u
Here is my try, ready to be corrected.

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for one hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent. (18)
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control. (19)

II. Translate into English:
1. Le changement, c'est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s'il vous plaît ?
Change means progress and you must search for it, no matter how frightening that would be! And stop your sarcasm, if you please!
2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
The less you'll talk, the less you'll laugh and even, the less you'll think about this incident, the better will be for you, believe me.
3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail ! Mais te moquer d'elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur ?
She didn't want to take over your job! But to mock her intentionally would show me you could be a hard and heartless woman?

Maxwell 4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ? " A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles ..."
You’re a real talent scout! What’s your secret? Hardly had she said these words, than Sophie turned red like as a lobster/crayfish. “Hush, little mice have big ears”

Maxwell 5. Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés
I constantly am worried stiff for him, because he doesn't exitate gambling his life, to save the lives of others, or to face senseless challenges.

III. Translate into French: toujours pas facile ...
When I was 8, my grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel; I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I do not like peas now. I didn’t like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn’t eat them at home. I didn’t eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.
“Mother,” said my mother in her warning voice, “he doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”
My grand mother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life:
“I’ll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.”
Rick Beyer. True Tales of American Life.

Quand j’avais 8 ans, ma grand-mère, ma mère et mois, étions en train de déjeuner à l’Hôtel Biltmore ; avec un air de gradeur, je ordonnai un bifteck Salisbur, confiant dans la connaissance que sous ce nom de fantaisie il fût un bon vieux hamburger avec la sauce. Quand il eut nous emmenés à la table il était accompagné d’une assiette de petits pois.
Je n’aime pas les pois maintenant, je ne l’ai jamais aimé, je l’ai toujours détesté.
Je ne les ai pas mangé chez moi, je ne les ai pas mangé dans les restaurants et certainement je n’étais pas d’accord à les manger maintenant.
« Mange tes pois ! » Dit ma grand-mère.
« Mère », dit ma mère, dans sa voix d’avertissement, « il n’aime pas les pois, laissez-le tranquille ».
Ma grand-mère ne répondit pas, mais il avait une lueur dans ses yeux et une expression dur dans sa mâchoire crispée, qui signalait qu’elle était bien décidé
à ne pas céder. Elle se pencha vers moi, me regarda dans les yeux, et prononça les mots fatidiques qui ont changé ma vie :
« Je vais à te payer cinq dollars se tu manges ces petits pois »

Thank you very much, dear here4u.
I hope you have a great week.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2017 21:12
Modifications faites

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de maxwell, postée le 13-02-2017 à 20:29:31 (S | E)
Hello everyone
Maxwell 2

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for one hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent. (18)
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control. (19)
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot ?" My partner Amanda asked. (17)

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de joe39, postée le 14-02-2017 à 17:46:52 (S | E)
Message envoyé dans celui du 12/02
Everything is in order joe, don't worry.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2017 21:16

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de maxwell, postée le 14-02-2017 à 18:51:48 (S | E)
Hello Joe
Could you please copy my sentence in your post ?
Thanks !

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2017 21:50
I did it for joe

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 14-02-2017 à 20:40:33 (S | E)
hello !
In fact, Joe should "Edit" his first post (du 12/02), add exercises 2 and 3 to that edited post and then delete the second post(du 14/02)... But you still have 2 goes left at our story, Joe.

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de lucile83, postée le 14-02-2017 à 21:25:22 (S | E)
Hello maxwell and here4u,
I have just modified joe's messages, so that we can read his whole message here: Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de joe39, postée le 12-02-2017

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 14-02-2017 à 23:29:16 (S | E)
Don't forget your 3 possible interventions for exercise 1, Joe!

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 14-02-2017 à 23:43:25 (S | E)
hello ! That's me... I love detective stories ... (1)

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for one hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent. (18)
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control. (19)
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot ?" My partner Amanda asked. (17)
" That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality..."(19)

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de maxwell, postée le 15-02-2017 à 08:27:30 (S | E)
Exciting story
Maxwell 3

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for one hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent. (18)
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control. (19)
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot ?" My partner Amanda asked. (17)
"- That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...(19)
- So ? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda." (19)

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de joe39, postée le 15-02-2017 à 17:54:35 (S | E)
Joe39 - 2
Very engaging.

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for one hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent. (18)
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control. (19)
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot ?" My partner Amanda asked. (17)
"- That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...(19)
- So ? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda." (19)
Hmm...if the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting.. (19)

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-02-2017 18:12
The last sentence has to be written in green

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de alpiem, postée le 16-02-2017 à 15:28:51 (S | E)
hello,hello ; lots of people linning up for the test!!
so, here is mine: ready for correction

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for one hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent. (18)
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control. (19)
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot ?" My partner Amanda asked. (17)
"- That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...(19)
- So ? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda." (19)
Hmm...if the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting.. (19)
Value...Yes,Amanda,that's why we décided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat coming along thé wharf...

II. Translate into English:
1. Le changement, c'est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s'il vous plaît
1)Changing means progress,and you must be searching for it whatever daunting it may be!, and stop being sarcastic if you please!
2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
2)The less you will speak, the less you will have to laugh and even, the less you will recall this incident, the better it will be for you, believe me!
3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail ! Mais te moquer d'elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur ?
3) She didn't mean to sneak your job! But making deliberately a fool out of her makes me aware that you can be a harsh and heartless woman!

Maxwell 4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ? " A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles ..."
4)You have a knack in finding the Blue J. What's your secret? Hardly had these words been uttered when Sophie became as
red as a tomatoe ___Hush! The little mice are long-eared!...
Maxwell 5. Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés

5)I am mad worried about him, as he won't hesitate in putting his life at stake,should it be through saving others'lives
or addressing a challenge.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2017 16:05
Bug couleur réparé.

Modifié par alpiem le 21-02-2017 22:12

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de joe39, postée le 18-02-2017 à 14:37:20 (S | E)
Hello everyone!
Joe39 nr.3

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for one hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent. (18)
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control. (19)
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot ?" My partner Amanda asked. (17)
"- That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...(19)
- So ? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda." (19)
Hmm...if the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting.. (19)
Value...Yes,Amanda,that's why we décided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat (vert)IS coming along thé wharf..
OK..Now we have to play it by ear and warn the squad to stand by for springing the trap. (20)

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2017 16:12
Dernière phrase en vert.

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 19-02-2017 à 00:43:47 (S | E)

Joe est en vacances et travaille sur une tablette. (pas facile de mettre les couleurs ou de s'occuper des accents ) Je vais donc faire les quelques corrections qu'il m'a demandées ... (+ H4u N°2) + j'ai effacé le nombre des mots pour rendre notre texte plus fluide)
à toi, aussi, Lucile de si bien suivre ...

Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black...
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?" my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda."
"Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting
value..." "Yes, Amanda,that's why we decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear (= improvise) and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out! (19)

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 19-02-2017 à 23:21:44 (S | E)
Hello !

Tut tut ! Fin d'un week-end (de vacances pour certains...) Rien de neuf ... J'espère que vous n'êtes pas malades ou immobilisés par trop de neige ...

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de alpiem, postée le 20-02-2017 à 18:17:47 (S | E)

L’histoire commune :
Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black...
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?" my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse (entrepot) 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling (faire de la contre-bande) operation, Amanda."
"Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting
value..." "Yes, Amanda,that's why we decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear (= improvise) and warn the squad (groupe) to stand by to spring (surgir) the trap. (piège)
Yet, be careful! One casualty's (blessé) enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out! (19) (fais attention !)
Please call for backup, Godfather, escaped from jail, deals with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth ! Be careful ! (20)
Ok,going to call.,they are just unloading boat, seems to bé working chop chop,Big cases...What?Two men?..


Modifié par lucile83 le 20-02-2017 21:51
I added all the sentences and yours, the last one, in green
Everything's all right.

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de djim21, postée le 21-02-2017 à 11:32:34 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Thanks to offer us interesting exercices. Are we going to write a real crime novel ?
Have a nice week.
Ready for marking.

« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?" my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda."
"Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting
value..." "Yes, Amanda,that's why we decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear (= improvise) and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out! (19)
Please call for backup, Godfather, escaped from jail, deals with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth ! Be careful ! (20)
Ok,going to call.,they are just unloading boat, seems to bé working chop chop,Big cases...What?Two men?..
They come to take the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap ! (20)

II. Translate into English:
1. Le changement, c'est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s'il vous plaît ?
Change is progress and you must look for it, as scary as it is ! And stop your sarcasms, please !

2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
The less you’ll speak, the less you’ll laugh and even, the less you’ll think about this incident, the better it’ll be for you, believe me !

3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail ! Mais te moquer d'elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur ?
She didn’t want take your job ! But deliberately make fun of her, shows me you can be a hard and heartless woman !

Maxwell 4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ? " A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles …"
You have the nose to find a rare bird ! What is your secret ? Only after these words, Sophie became as red as a crayfish. « Shh ! Little mice have large ears ... »

Maxwell 5. Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés
I’m endlessly worried sick for him because he doesn’t hesitate to put his life in danger, be it to save the others’one, or to take up crazy challenges.

III. Translate into French: toujours pas facile ...
When I was 8, my grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel; I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I do not like peas now. I didn’t like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn’t eat them at home. I didn’t eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.
“Mother,” said my mother in her warning voice, “he doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”
My grand mother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life:
“I’ll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.”
Rick Beyer. True Tales of American Life.

Quand j’avais 8 ans, ma grand-mère, ma mère et moi avons déjeuné à l’hôtel Biltmore ; j’avais fièrement commandé un steak Salisbury certain que sous ce nom sophistiqué j’aurai un bon vieux hamburger avec de la sauce. Quand on me l’a apporté à table, il était accompagné d’un plat de petits pois.
En fait, je n’aime pas les petits pois. Je ne les aimais déjà pas, j’ai toujours détesté les petits pois. Je n’en mangeais pas à la maison. Je n’en mangeais pas dans les restaurants et je ne voyais pas pourquoi j’en mangerais maintenant.
« Mange tes petits pois » me dit grand-mère.
« Maman », dit ma mère pour l’en informer, « il n’aime pas les petits pois. Laisse le tranquille. »
Grand-mère ne répondit pas, mais il y eut une lueur dans ses yeux et une moue triste de sa bouche qui présageaient qu’elle n’allait pas subir un échec. Elle se pencha vers moi, me regarda droit dans les yeux, et prononça les mots fatidiques qui changèrent ma vie :
«Je te donnerai cinq dollars si tu manges ces petits pois.»

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de alpiem, postée le 21-02-2017 à 21:23:20 (S | E)
hello, here 4u the story is short of being over!

« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?" my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda."
"Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting
value..." "Yes, Amanda,that's why we decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear (= improvise) and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out! (19)
Please call for backup, Godfather, escaped from jail, deals with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth ! Be careful ! (20)
Ok,going to call.,they are just unloading boat, seems to bé working chop chop,Big cases...What?Two men?..
They come to take the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap ! (20)
__Yes, Godfather and Bigwig must have been taken back out on the street,it seems, they are money laundering specialists!alpiem4

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 21-02-2017 à 22:59:53 (S | E)

The story CAN'T be finished now... I'm expecting several tries and many additions to our story... Besides, our exercise is due by the 27th... Still many days and suggestions for twists and turns...

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de chrys, postée le 21-02-2017 à 23:20:26 (S | E)
Hello Here4u! Hello Everybody!
I'm back ...

III- Translate into French
A 8 ans, ma grand-mère, ma mère et moi prenions le déjeuner à l'hôtel Baltimore. Je commandai avec grandeur un steak de Salisbury certain de savoir que sous ce nom chic se cachait un bon vieil hamburger avec du jus. Quand il a été servi à la table, il était accompagné d'une assiette de petits pois.
Je n'aime pas les petits pois maintenant. Je n'aimais pas les petits pois alors. J'ai toujours détesté les petits pois. Je ne les aimais pas à la maison. Je ne les aimais pas dans les restaurants et je n'étais certainement pas sur le point de les manger à ce moment-là.
« Mange tes petits pois » dit ma grand-mère.
« Maman, dit ma mère avec un ton d'avertissement, « il n'aime pas les petits pois. Laisse le tranquille. »
Ma grand-mère ne répondit pas, mais il y avait une lueur dans ses yeux et une sombre expression de sa mâchoire qui indiquait qu'elle n'allait pas se laisser contrarier. Elle se pencha dans ma direction, me regarda dans les yeux et dit les mots fatidiques qui changèrent ma vie :
« Je te paierai cinq dollars si tu manges ces petits pois ».

II. Translate into English:

1. Le changement, c'est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s'il vous plaît ?
Change is progress and you have to look for it, as frightening it is! and stop your sarcasms, please ?

2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
The less you’ll talk, the less you’ll laugh and even, the less you’ll consider this incident, the better it will be for you, believe me!

3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail ! Mais te moquer d'elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur ?
She didn’t want to take your work ! But to laugh at her intentionaly, shows me that you can be a hard and heartless woman.

Maxwell 4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ? " A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles ..."
« You have a talent for always unearth the rare bird. What is your secret ? » Those words hardly pronounced , Sophie turned red like a crayfish. « Shh! Little mice have big ears… »

Maxwell 5. Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés
I am constantly worried to death for him because he doesn’t hesitate to bring his life into play, wether it be to save other’s life, or to rise to foolish chalenges.

finished !!!! I did my best with the time I had to do it.
Have all a good sunday evening.

Modifié par chrys le 26-02-2017 19:11

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de djim21, postée le 22-02-2017 à 10:28:48 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Game isn't over !

« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black... (19)
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?" my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda."
"Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting
value..." "Yes, Amanda,that's why we decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear (= improvise) and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out! (19)
Please call for backup, Godfather, escaped from jail, deals with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth ! Be careful ! (20)
Ok,going to call.,they are just unloading boat, seems to bé working chop chop,Big cases...What?Two men?..
They come to take the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap ! (20)
__Yes, Godfather and Bigwig must have been taken back out on the street,it seems, they are money laundering specialists!
Look at them! Who are entering this warehouse? There are Eel's pals... Eel did a disappearing act, years ago!20 (Chocolatcitron 2)
Suddenly a brief shootout ! A motor starts up then the van appears suddenly and speeds by the wharf. 18 (djim21)

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 22-02-2017 à 14:30:58 (S | E)
hello ! = H4u 3

« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black...
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?": my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda."
"Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting
value..." "Yes, Amanda,that's why we decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear (= to improvise) and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out!
Please call for backup, Godfather, escaped from jail, deals with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth ! Be careful !
Ok, going to call! They are unloading the boat, seems to be working chop chop! Big boxes... What? Two men?
They're coming for the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap !
"Yes, Godfather and Bigwig must have been taken aback on the street, it seems, they are money laundering specialists!
Look at them! Who is entering this warehouse? There are Eel's pals... Eel went missing years ago!
Suddenly a brief shootout! A motor starts up, then the van appears suddenly and speeds by the wharf.
Then, policemen in plain clothes appear from everywhere: suspects neutralized; a fire, screams, people trying to run away, chaos...(=19)(not finished... go on... )

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de djim21, postée le 22-02-2017 à 19:43:16 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
The story goes on,
« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black...
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?": my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda."
"Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting
value..." "Yes, Amanda,that's why we decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear (= to improvise) and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out!
Please call for backup, Godfather, escaped from jail, deals with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth ! Be careful !
Ok, going to call! They are unloading the boat, seems to be working chop chop! Big boxes... What? Two men?
They're coming for the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap !
"Yes, Godfather and Bigwig must have been taken aback on the street, it seems, they are money laundering specialists!
Look at them! Who is entering this warehouse? There are Eel's pals... Eel went missing years ago!
Suddenly a brief shootout! A motor starts up, then the van appears suddenly and speeds by the wharf.
Then, policemen in plain clothes appear from everywhere: suspects neutralized; a fire, screams, people trying to run away, chaos..
-Look Amanda, a man takes advantage of the chaos to flee. Bigwig ! He is coming nearer of our car. 19 (djim21 3)

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de tereda, postée le 23-02-2017 à 10:28:18 (S | E)
Hello dear all, and you HERE4U,
this is n° 102 ready to be corrected.

II. Translate into English:
1. Le changement, c'est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s'il vous plaît ?
Accepting the change is a progress, and you must pursue it , as scary as it can be ! and Please, stop to be sarcastic !

2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
The less you'll talk and laugh, and even, the less you'll think of this incident, the best will be for you, you can believe me !

3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail ! Mais te moquer d'elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur ?
Her intention was not to take your work ! but mocking her on purpose shows me that you are a woman hard and heartless.

Maxwell 4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ? " A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles ..."
You have the knack for finding always the rare bird; what is your secret ? Hardly has she said these words, Sophie turned red like a crayfish. Chut ! small mouses have big ears !!

Maxwell 5. Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés.
I'm constantly worried for him because he does not hesitate to put his
life at risk, whether to save the lives of others, or for senseless challenges.

III. Translate into French:
When I was 8, my grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel; I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I do not like peas now. I didn’t like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn’t eat them at home. I didn’t eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.
“Mother,” said my mother in her warning voice, “he doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”
My grand mother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted . She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life:
“I’ll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.”
Rick Beyer. True Tales of American Life.

Quand j'ai eu 8 ans, ma grand-mère, ma mère et moi sommes allés déjeuner à l'hôtel Biltmore. Je commandai fièrement un steak Salisbury, confiant dans le fait que sous ce nom un peu fantaisiste, j'allais avoir un bon vieux hamburger avec sauce.
Quand on me l'apporta à table, il était accompagné de pois. Je n'aime pas les pois, je n'ai jamais aimé les pois, j'ai toujours détesté les pois. Je n'en mange jamais à la maison. Je n'en mange jamais au restaurant, et je n'allais certainement pas les manger, là, maintenant.
- Mange tes pois, me dit ma grand mère.
- Maman, avertit ma mère; il n'aime pas les pois, laisse le tranquille.
Ma grand-mère ne répondit pas, mais je vis une lueur dans ses yeux et sa mâchoire se serrer, ce qui ne manquait pas de signaler qu’elle n’allait pas en rester là.
Elle se pencha dans ma direction, me regarda dans les yeux et prononça les mots fatidiques qui allaient changé ma vie : « je te donne cinq dollars si tu manges ces pois. »

Petites histoires vraies de la vie américaine. RICK BEYER

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 23-02-2017 à 11:26:55 (S | E)
Hello Chrys and tereda!

I'm glad to have you here! It's a real pleasure !

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de maya92, postée le 23-02-2017 à 11:53:32 (S | E)
Bonjour Here4u,

I – In English
- Change is progress and you must look for it frightening as it might be, and please, stop your sarcastic remarks
- The less you speak, the less you laugh and even the less you think about that incident, the better it will be for you, believe me !
- She didn’t intend to steal your job, but to laugh at her on purpose shows me your are a harsh heartless woman !
- You’ve the knack to find the one in a million ! What is your secret ? Hardly had those words been uttered when Sophie became red ad a crayfish. Sh ! Little mice have big ears !
- I’m constantly worried stiff about him for he doesn’t hesitate to risk his life whether to save other people’s or to take up risky challenges

II – In French
When I was 8, my mother, my grandmother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel. I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I did not like peas now. I didn’t like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn’t eat them at home. I didn’t eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
‘Eat your peas’ my grandmother said
‘Mother’ said my mother in a warning voice, ‘he doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone. My grandmother did not reply but there was a glint in her eyes and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes and uttered the fateful words that changed my life :
“I’ll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas”

Quand j’avais 8 ans, ma grand’mère, ma mère et moi déjeunions au Biltmore Hotel, j’avais pompeusement commandé un steak Salisbury, certain que sous ce nom compliqué se cachait un bon vieil hamburger avec de la sauce. Lorsqu’on l’apporta sur la table je vis qu’il était accompagné de petits pois.
Je n’aime pas les petits pois aujourd’hui. Je n’aimais pas les petits pois à cette époque là. J’ai toujours détesté les petits pois. Je n’en mangeais pas à la maison, je n’en mangeais pas au restaurant et je n’allais certainement pas en manger maintenant.
« Mange tes petits pois » dit grand’mère
« Maman » dit ma mère, et il y avait une sorte de mise en garde dans sa voix, ‘il n’aime pas les petits pois, laisse-le tranquille »
Ma grand’mère ne répondit pas mais une lueur dans ses yeux et une légère contraction de la mâchoire signalèrent qu’elle n’allait pas se laisser contrarier. Elle se pencha vers moi, me regarda droit dans les yeux et prononça ces mots fatidiques qui allaient changer ma vie :
« Je te donnerai 5 dollars si tu manges tes petits pois »

Here we are, thanks for all

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de alpiem, postée le 24-02-2017 à 10:32:46 (S | E)
hello here 4u, the story is hot and breathless!!

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de icare29, postée le 24-02-2017 à 18:15:40 (S | E)

Hello Here4u and all hardworkers , here is my translation , OK FOR CORRECTION

When I was 8, my grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel; I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I do not like peas now. I didn't like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn't eat them at home. I didn't eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
?Eat your peas,? my grandmother said.
?Mother,? said my mother in her warning voice, ?he doesn't like peas. Leave him alone.?
My grand mother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life:
?I'll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.?
Rick Beyer. True Tales of American Life.

J'avais 8 ans à cette époque ....Ma grand-mère , ma mère et moi déjeunions au restaurant de l'hôtel Biltmore ; J'avais commandé de façon disons un peu pompeuse un steak Salisbury en imaginant que derrière ce nom original se cachait une vielle recette de hamburger servi avec une sauce , Quand le steak arriva sur la table j'eus la désagrèable surprise de voir qu'il était accompagné d'une assiètte de petits pois ....
Je n'aime pas les petits pois aujourd'hui ,encore moins pendant la période de mon enfance. J'ai toujours détesté ces petites boules vertes . Je ne les ai jamais mangés à la maison , ni au restaurant et je n'étais certainement pas enclin à en manger à ce moment là.
"Mange donc ces petits pois " me dit ma grand-mère.
Ma mère répliqua avec une voix dont le ton sonnait comme un avertissement "Il n'aime pas les petits pois , laisse- le donc tranquille ! "
Ma grand-mère ne répondit pas ,mais il y avait comme une lueur dans ses yeux et une contraction de la mâchoire ,qui me montraient qu'elle n'allait pas se laisser infléchir aussi facilement .....
Elle se pencha en ma direction , me regarda droit dans les yeux ,me murmura ces mots fatidiques qui changèrent le cours de ma vie .
" Je te donnerai 5 dollars si tu manges ces petits pois "
Rick Beyer True tales of American life.

Thanks Here4u

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 25-02-2017 à 00:41:42 (S | E)
hello !
Hot ? dans quel sens?
Une grande partie des corrections est partie. Transferts sans problèmes ce soir ... il me reste à terminer demain .... et à attendre les derniers ... Il y en a un certain nombre qui manquent à l'appel ...
J'en suis venue à me demander si ce sont les vacances qui vous occupent ou si le rythme de quinzaine ne vous convient pas ... Me le dire, please !
Bon week-end à vous tous... Encore deux jours pour poster ... et faire encore rebondir notre histoire, pour certains !

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de jo06, postée le 25-02-2017 à 09:47:14 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
Hello everybody
This is my work and it can be corrected

« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black...
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?": my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda."
"Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting
value..." "Yes, Amanda,that's why we decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear (= to improvise) and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out!
Please call for backup, Godfather, escaped from jail, deals with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth ! Be careful !
Ok, going to call! They are unloading the boat, seems to be working chop chop! Big boxes... What? Two men?
They're coming for the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap !
"Yes, Godfather and Bigwig must have been taken aback on the street, it seems, they are money laundering specialists!
Look at them! Who is entering this warehouse? There are Eel's pals... Eel went missing years ago!
Suddenly a brief shootout! A motor starts up, then the van appears suddenly and speeds by the wharf.
Then, policemen in plain clothes appear from everywhere: suspects neutralized; a fire, screams, people trying to run away, chaos..
-Look Amanda, a man takes advantage of the chaos to flee. Bigwig ! He is coming nearer of our car.
There are the Monkeys too, a rival gang, they begin to shoot everywhere, Bigwig is slipping through the cracks.
Four thugs on motorbikes are coming from nowhere crossing the bullets: they are fleeing with all the wonga !
Watch out, we are located…they point at us. Look…they aim at us…go hide.Where is my gun!?

II. Translate into English :
1. Le changement, c'est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s'il vous plaît ?
-The change is progress, and you must look for it, as frightening as it can be! And stop being sarcastic, please.

2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
-The less you'll talk, the less you will laugh and even, the less you'll think about this incident, the better it will be for you, believe me !

3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail ! Mais te moquer d'elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur ?
-She didn’t want to steal your thunder! but mocking her on purpose shows me you can be a though woman and callous.

Maxwell 4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ? " A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles ..."
-“You have a knack to always get the rare bird! what is your secret ?” Just say the words, Sophie turned red like a crawfish. “Quiet! Little mice have large ears …”

Maxwell 5. Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés.
-I have been constantly worried sick for him because he does not hesitate to put his life on the line, whether it is for saving others, or for facing crazy challenges.

III. Translate into French:
When I was 8, my grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel; I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I do not like peas now. I didn’t like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn’t eat them at home. I didn’t eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.
“Mother,” said my mother in her warning voice, “he doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”
My grand mother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life:
“I’ll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.”

Quand j'avais 8 ans, ma grand-mère, ma mère et moi fûmes allés déjeuner à l'hôtel Biltmore. Je commandai solennellement un steak Salisbury, persuadé que sous ce nom ronflant, il y avait un bon vieux hamburger avec de la sauce.
Quand il fut servi à table, il était accompagné d’une assiette de pois. Maintenant je n'aime pas les pois. Je n'ai jamais aimé les pois alors. J’ai toujours détesté les pois. Je n'en mangeai jamais à la maison. Je n'en mangeai jamais dans les restaurants, et je n'étai certainement pas sur le point d’en manger, là, maintenant.
- Mange tes pois, dit ma grand mère.
- Maman, avertit ma mère; il n'aime pas les pois. Laisse le tranquille.
Ma grand-mère ne répondit pas, mais il y avait une lueur dans ses yeux et elle serra les dents, ce qui signifia qu’elle n’allait pas se laisser faire. Elle se pencha vers moi, me regarda dans les yeux et prononça les mots fatidiques qui changèrent ma vie : « je te paierais cinq dollars si tu manges ces pois. »

Sorry again for being late.
Thank you for this exercise
Have a nice Sunday.


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