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Ex 102/ working on a holiday

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Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 25-02-2017 à 18:46:35 (S | E)
hello !
ARGH !!!! Once again, I forgot to change pages... aren't I stupid!

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de maxwell, postée le 26-02-2017 à 10:42:51 (S | E)
Maxwell 4

« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black...
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?": my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda.
- Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting value...
- Yes, Amanda, that's why we've decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out!
Please call for backup : Godfather, escaped from jail, is dealing with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth !
- Ok, going to call! They are unloading the boat... Seems to be working chop chop! Big boxes... What? Two men?
- They're coming for the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap !
- Yes, Godfather and Bigwig must have been taken aback on the street, it seems, they are money laundering specialists!
- Look at them! Who is entering this warehouse? There are Eel's pals... Eel went missing years ago!"
Suddenly a brief shootout! A motor starts up, then the van appears suddenly and speeds by the wharf.
Then, policemen in plain clothes appear from everywhere: suspects neutralized; a fire, screams, people trying to run away, chaos..
"Look Amanda, a man is taking advantage of the chaos to flee. Bigwig ! He is coming nearer of our car. "
There are the Monkeys too, a rival gang, they're beginning to shoot everywhere, Bigwig is slipping through the cracks.
Four thugs on motorbikes are coming from nowhere crossing the bullets: they are fleeing with all the wonga !
" Watch out, we are located! They're pointing at us! They're aiming at us! Go hide ! Where is my gun!?"
Bang ! Bang ! "-Got them with the machine gun! - Great job Lee ! I didn't suspect your car was armed too !"

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de alpiem, postée le 27-02-2017 à 03:04:09 (S | E)

« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour ; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black...
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?": my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality...
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda.
- Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting value...
- Yes, Amanda, that's why we've decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out!
Please call for backup : Godfather, escaped from jail, is dealing with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth !
- Ok, going to call! They are unloading the boat... Seems to be working chop chop! Big boxes... What? Two men?
- They're coming for the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap !
- Yes, Godfather and Bigwig must have been taken aback on the street, it seems, they are money laundering specialists!
- Look at them! Who is entering this warehouse? There are Eel's pals... Eel went missing years ago!"
Suddenly a brief shootout! A motor starts up, then the van appears suddenly and speeds by the wharf.
Then, policemen in plain clothes appear from everywhere: suspects neutralized; a fire, screams, people trying to run away, chaos..
"Look Amanda, a man is taking advantage of the chaos to flee. Bigwig ! He is coming nearer of our car. "
There are the Monkeys too, a rival gang, they're beginning to shoot everywhere, Bigwig is slipping through the cracks.
Four thugs on motorbikes are coming from nowhere crossing the bullets: they are fleeing with all the wonga !
" Watch out, we are located! They're pointing at us! They're aiming at us! Go hide ! Where is my gun!?"
Bang ! Bang ! "-Got them with the machine gun! - Great job Lee ! I didn't suspect your car was armed too !"
Really? That's the way of life of a secret agent, Amanda! Are you ready for the next assignment?

Réponse : Ex 102/ working on a holiday de here4u, postée le 27-02-2017 à 23:44:05 (S | E)
Dearest friends !

Pff… Cette correction m’aura pris beaucoup de temps et donné encore plus d'émotions. Celle que j’ai préparée pendant 15 jours et peaufinée ce week-end est sur un ordinateur flambant neuf qui refuse maintenant de s’allumer … (Autre preuve de ma chance légendaire … )

Voilà ! Je l’ai donc refaite de logique et de « mémoire », mais je suis bien certaine d’avoir oublié des éléments que j’avais ajoutés au fil de vos corrections. Si je récupère l'original un jour, avant que le sujet soit fermé, je complèterai … Sorry!
Bravo à tous pour « Our Story », qui a mieux fonctionné, cette fois-ci ! il y a bien eu des twists and turns.
Maintenant, vous avez droit à 6 interventions (n’oubliez pas de les numéroter … ) ce qui est quasi illimité ! Alors, allez-y … laissez votre imagination vagabonder et votre esprit de synthèse faire le reste … Bravo aussi pour vos productions. C’était un très bon travail !

I) Our story! Your story...
« Midnight in the deserted Dunkirk harbour; a black limousine is creeping gently along the docks; the night is black...
I've been following this limousine for an hour. My name is Lee. I'm a secret agent.
The darkness makes the car invisible, but my infrared night vision device allows me to keep it under control.
"Lee, what exactly did your informer tell you the night he was shot?", my partner Amanda asked.
"That there would be an important delivery at warehouse 567,890. We should arrive first to choose the best quality..."
- So? - The man we're following might lead us to the head of the counterfeit money smuggling operation, Amanda.
- Hmm... If the informer told you about “the best quality to choose” it could be something of more interesting value...
- Yes, Amanda, that's why we've decided to follow this car, but look! A motorboat is coming along the wharf...
Now we have to play it by ear and warn the squad to stand by to spring the trap.
Yet, be careful! One casualty's enough, especially if the catch isn't what we're expecting... Watch out!
Please call for backup: Godfather, who escaped from jail, is dealing with Bigwig who must be armed to the teeth!
- Ok, going to call! They are unloading the boat... Seems to be working chop chop! Big boxes... What? Two men?
- They're coming for the delivery. They have a van inside the warehouse. It’s time to spring the trap!
- Yes, Godfather and Bigwig must have been taken aback on the street, it seems, they are money laundering specialists!
- Look at them! Who is entering this warehouse? There are Eel's pals... Eel went missing years ago!"
Suddenly a brief shootout! A motor starts up, then the van appears suddenly and speeds by the wharf.
Then, policemen in plain clothes appear from everywhere: suspects neutralized; a fire, screams, people trying to run away, chaos...
"Look Amanda, a man is taking advantage of the chaos to flee. Bigwig! He is coming nearer our car."
There are the Monkeys too, a rival gang, they're beginning to shoot everywhere, Bigwig is slipping through the cracks.
Four thugs on motorbikes are coming from nowhere crossing the bullets: they are fleeing with all the wonga!
" Watch out, we are spotted out! They're pointing at us! They're aiming at us! Go hide! Where is my gun!?"
Bang! Bang! "-Got them with the machine gun! - Great job Lee! I didn't suspect your car was armed too!"
Really? That's the way of life of a secret agent, Amanda! Are you ready for the next assignment?

Thanks a lot alpiem and all of you!

Comme "follow-up work", serait-il possible que deux volontaires s'unissent pour relever le vocabulaire technique intéressant et nous en donner la traduction? Si vous avez besoin de conseils, je peux aider ... Je peux aussi faire le relevé si personne n'est volontaire ... (ce serait la première fois que je n'en trouverais pas ! )

II. Translate into English:
1. Le changement, c’est le progrès et vous devez le rechercher, aussi effrayant soit-il ! … et arrêtez vos sarcasmes, s’il vous plaît …
Change is progress and you have to go after it, no matter how scary it looks. Do stop taunting me now, if you please.

- le changement” = “change” en général. Si vous ajoutez « the change », vous le déterminez et en faites un changement particulier. Idem pour « progress » (indénombrable singulier)
-rechercher = to look for/ to seek, sought, sought. Attention ! « to search » a souvent le sens de “fouiller”. « The police searched her bag ».
- effrayant = chilling/ frightening/ scary/ startling/ terrible/ hairy/ terrifying/ spooky/ creepy/ fearsome/ ghastly
- arrêtez vos sarcasmes = Stop your sarcasms/ being sarcastic/ taunting

2. Moins tu parleras, moins tu riras et même, moins tu penseras à cet incident, mieux ce sera pour toi, crois-moi !
The less you say, laugh and even think about this incident, the better! Believe me!

- Ici, il s’agit d’une progression parallèle : « plus » … »plus » … moins » … « moins ». J’ai choisi de ne pas répéter « The less » puisqu’il s’appliquait aux 3 verbes au même temps. De même, « the better » est mis pour « the better it will be ». (cf : “the more, the merrier”.)

3. Elle ne voulait pas te prendre ton travail. Te moquer d’elle exprès, me montre que tu peux être une femme dure et sans cœur …
She didn’t want to take your job! Making a fool out of her intentionally shows me what a harsh and heartless person you can be…

- se moquer de quelqu’un = to laugh at/ to make fun of / to make a fool of/
- exprès = on purpose/ intentionally/ willingly/ deliberately/ knowingly
- what a heartless woman=> what + article indéfini + adjective + nom.
“ how heartless a person she is!” = forme plus rare, parce que plus soutenue et plutôt écrite.
- dure = hard/ harsh/ tough/ difficult

Maxwell4. "Tu as le chic pour toujours dégoter l'oiseau rare ! Quel est ton secret ?" A peine ces mots prononcés, Sophie devint rouge comme une écrevisse. "Chut ! les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles..."

You have a knack for finding the one in a million! What’s your secret? Hardly had these words been uttered when/ than Sophie became red as a beetroot! Hush…Little pitchers have big ears…

- Tu as le chic = to have a talent for/ to have a gift for/ to have a knack for / have a knack of = péjoratif
- l’oiseau rare = finding the rare bird/ the one in a million!/ to be a talent scout
- “A peine … “ = Hardly + inversion du sujet + than/ when ….
Hardly had she said that, when …
Les petites souris ont de grandes oreilles..." = « Walls have ears ! »/ "loose lips sink ships." Lien internet

Maxwell 5 . Je me fais constamment un sang d'encre pour lui car il n'hésite pas à mettre sa vie en jeu, que ce soit pour sauver celle des autres, ou pour relever des défis insensés
I’m constantly worried to death for him as he never hesitates to put his life on the line, whether it is to save others’, or to take up foolish challenges.

- se faire un sang d’encre = to be worried sick/ to be worried to death/
- mettre sa vie en jeu = to risk one’s life/ to put one’s life on the line.
- celle des autres = la vie des autres = others’ (lives)
- relever un défi = to take up a challenge/ to rise to a challenge / to take up the challenge (allusion médiévale).
- des défis insensés = senseless/ foolish/ insane/ crazy/ ridiculous challenges.

III. Translate into French:
When I was 8, my grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at the Biltmore Hotel; I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy. When it was brought to the table, it was accompanied by a plate of peas.
I do not like peas now. I didn’t like peas then. I have always hated peas. I didn’t eat them at home. I didn’t eat them at restaurants and I certainly was not about to eat them now.
“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.
“Mother,” said my mother in her warning voice, “he doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”
My grand mother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. She leaned in my direction, looked me in the eyes, and uttered the fateful words that changed my life:
“I’ll pay you five dollars if you eat those peas.”
Rick Beyer. True Tales of American Life.

Lorsque j’avais 8 ans, ma grand-mère, ma mère et moi étions en train de déjeuner à l’Hôtel Biltmore ; je commandai pompeusement un steak Salisbury assuré que sous ce nom chic se cachait un bon vieil hamburger avec de la sauce. Lorsqu’on l’apporta à la table, il était accompagné d’une assiette de petits pois.
Aujourd'hui, je n’aime pas les petits pois. Je n’aimais pas les petits pois à ce moment là. J’ai toujours détesté les petits pois.
Je n’en mangeais pas à la maison. Je n’en mangeais pas au restaurant et je n’allais certainement pas en manger à ce moment là ...
« Mange tes petits pois », dit ma grand-mère.
« Maman, dit ma mère d’une voix qui met en garde, « il n’aime pas les petits pois. Laisse-le tranquille. »
Ma grand-mère ne répondit pas, mais il y eut une lueur dans son regard et une contraction de sa mâchoire qui indiquaient qu’on n’allait pas la contrarier. Elle se pencha vers moi, me regarda droit dans les yeux et prononça les mots fatidiques qui changèrent ma vie.
« Je te paierai cinq dollars si tu manges ces pois. »
Les Vrais Contes de la Vie Américaine.

- “grandly”= /pompeusement/ avec affectation/ avec de grands airs/ grandeur/ noblesse/
- confident in the knowledge that= convaincu/ supposant/ pensant/sachant / assuré que
- fancy name= ce nom sophistiqué/recherché/compliqué/ chic
- her warning voice= d’une voix d’avertissement/de mise en garde/ qui met en garde,
« Maman, avertit ma mère » : je n’ai pas gardé car c’est trop raccourci (on abandonne « la voix »)!
- a glint … and a grim set = mais je vis/ il y eut/ une lueur dans son regard et une contraction de sa mâchoire
- to be thwarted= la contrarier/ contrecarrer/ contre dire./ aller contre sa volonté/
- « I’ll pay you »= j’ai volontairement gardé « payer », pour ne pas trahir le texte. Il ne s’agit pas d’un cadeau (« donnerai »), mais bien d’un marché au sens commercial, « tu manges, je te paie » une somme importante pour toi !"
- "those peas": ne pas oublier le sens péjoratif de « that/ those » . Si le niveau de langue de la grand-mère l’avait permis, j’aurais dit « ces sacrés pois », « ces bon-sang de pois »… Mais … je me suis contentée de retirer les « petits » à "petits pois" ôtant ainsi le côté sympathique de ces légumes. (D'autant plus que les petits pois sont rarement "extra-fins" chez nos amis anglo-saxons ...

Voilà ! Je croise les doigts, :? ( j'envoie ... et je relirai à nouveau demain ... Encore merci et bravo ! THE FORCE IS STILL HERE!


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