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Notion/Spaces and exchanges

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Notion/Spaces and exchanges
Message de sisousou posté le 12-02-2017 à 21:21:00 (S | E | F)
quelqu'un pourrait-ils m'aider à corriger ma notions, s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I am going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous mouvement or circulation.There are different kinds of exchanges : media, people, trade… To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA. We way wonder to what extent immigration may be considered as a form of exchange..People usually emigrate to another country in order to search for liberty, prosperity. They want to escape from the economic or political hardship of their home country Because the North has developed much more faster than the South, many countries like the United States are real poles of attraction for immigrant.But my question is : Is the integration of immigrants in their host country really possible and know a social mobility?In order to answer this question, I will focus on the Mexican migration in the United

We know that America was the promised land. Indeed the song « the land of marvels  by Bruce Springsteen illustrate this idea. The USA is described as a nation of immigrants. The different waves of immigration are listed. Because the USA is a land of opportunity  people are rich, they buy luxury thngs: «  gold comes rushing out the weavers straight into your hands » «  there is diamonds in the sidewalk » but he is also describe another reality: the immigrants died when they build infrastructures. So it's an illusion because when they come in America, they don't become really rich. Therefore, there are differences between the reality and the myth of the American Dream. 

For Mexican immigrants , the border acts like a magnet for who dream of a better life in the USA. Actually, the job offers are limited in Mexico and the standards of living are much lower than in the USA. Contrary to Mexico which is struck by unemployment and povertyhe USA. That is the reason why many destitute Mexicans cross the border, whether legally or illegally. Half of the immigrants in the US have Spanish origins.So we can think that the integration of the big community of Hispanics in the economic life of the US is possible. Indeed, a part of the American economy is based on a unskilled workforce ready to endure difficult working conditions, that Americans workers wouldn’t have accepted. So some Americans view the great number of immigrants as a cheap labour force. Thus, latino immigrants can participate to the economic wealth of the USA.

But is the integration in a whole new society possible when we don’t even master its language ? Hispanics in the US usually speak Spanglish, which is a language formed by the interaction between Spanish and English. In an article entitled: Spanglish,the Making of a New American Language, written by Ilan STAVANS and published in 2003, the author explains that over the years, Spanglish has become highly popular among people of Hispanic origin. But at the same time, Stavans calls Spanglish « the tongue of the uneducated ». It means that Spanglish speakers usually do not master English and therefore do not succeed in higher education, which is the key to social mobility. Indeed, he shows that only 14% of Latino students in the country graduate from college. So Spanglish appears as a trap Hispanics fall into on the road of integration.When the author writes « English is the door to the American Dream » he means that without English, no integration in possible in the US.

As a conclusion, we can say that even if the Mexican immigration remains debated, it is indisputably a source of economic and cultural wealth for the USA.Decause cultural divides are far more important nowadays than in the past, immigrants feel certainly more rejected in their host country. And, the American Dream sometimes turns out to be more an utopia than reality."

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2017 08:02

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 13-02-2017 à 10:52:46 (S | E)
- real poles of attraction for immigrant (pluriel)

- We know that America was (présent ou présent perfect avec always) the promised land.
- Indeed the song « the land of marvels by Bruce Springsteen illustrate (faute de conjugaison)this idea.
- he is also describe: mal conjugué.
- another reality: the immigrants died (présent)when they build infrastructures.
- the border acts like a magnet for (those)who dream of a better life in the USA.
- povertyhe USA: ?
- Half of the immigrants in the US have (singulier)Spanish origins.

- no integration in possible

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de here4u, postée le 13-02-2017 à 17:18:42 (S | E)
Hello !

I am going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous mouvement or circulation.There are different kinds of exchanges :XXX media, people, trade… To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA. We way wonder to what extent immigration may be considered as a form of exchange..People usually emigrate to another country in order to search for liberty, prosperity. They want to escape from the economic or political hardship of their home country Because the North has developed much more faster than the South, many countries like the United States are real poles of attraction for immigrant.But my question is : Is the integration of immigrants in their host country really possible and know a social mobility?(revoir le lien entre les deux segments de phrase)In order to answer this question, I will focus on the Mexican migration inXX the United

We know that America was the promised land. Indeed the song « the land of marvels by Bruce Springsteen illustrate this idea. The USA is described as a nation of immigrants. The different waves of immigration are listed ?? . Because the USA is a land of opportunity people are rich, they buy luxury=a noun!We want the adjective. thngs: « gold comes rushing out the weavers straight into your hands » « there is diamonds in the sidewalk » but he is also describe another reality:(sorry! You've lost me!) the immigrants died when they build infrastructures. So it's an illusion because when they come in America, they don't become really rich. Therefore, there are differences between the reality and the myth of the American Dream.

For Mexican immigrants , the border acts like a magnet for who dream of a better life in the USA. Actually, the job offers are limited in Mexico and the standards of living are much lower than in the USA. Contrary to Mexico which is struck by unemployment and poverty/ the USA.???? the sentence is unfinished.) That is the reason why many destitute Mexicans cross the border, whethereither legally or illegally. Half of the immigrants in the US have Spanish origins??? (not true in very state!).So we can think that the integration of the big community of Hispanics in the economic life of the US is possible. Indeed, a part of the American economy is based on a unskilled workforce ready to endure difficult working conditions, that Americans workers wouldn’t have accepted. So some Americans view the great number of immigrants as a cheap labour force. Thus,??? les mots de liaison sont étrangement employés ...) latino immigrants can participate to the economic wealth of the USA.

But is the integration in a whole new society possible when we don’t even master its language ? Hispanics in the US usually speak Spanglish, which is a language formed by the interaction between Spanish and English. In an article entitled: Spanglish,the Making of a New American Language, written by Ilan STAVANS and published in 2003, the author explains that over the years, Spanglish has become highly popular among people of Hispanic origin. But at the same time, Stavans calls Spanglish « the tongue of the uneducated ». It means that Spanglish speakers usually do not master English and therefore do not succeed in higher education, which is the key to social mobility. Indeed, he shows that only 14% of Latino students in the country graduate from college. So Spanglish appears as a trap Hispanics fall into on the road of integration.When the author writes « English is the door to the American Dream » he means that without English, no integration in possible in the US. OK!

As a conclusion, we can say that even if the Mexican immigration remains debated XX, it is indisputably a source of economic and cultural wealth for the USA.Decause cultural divides are far more important nowadays than in the past,??? immigrants feel certainly more rejected in their host country. And, the American Dream sometimes turns out to be more an utopia than reality."


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