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Myths and heroes/notion

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Myths and heroes/notion
Message de mily3 posté le 12-03-2017 à 13:46:25 (S | E | F)
Bonjour chers utilisateurs,
voici ma présentation sur la notion Myths and heroes, pourriez-vous m'aider à la corriger s'il vous plait? (je vous préviens je suis une calamité en anglais.
Introduction :

I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To begin,I'm going to give a definition. A myth is an ancient story, a legend or a tradition embodying a society or a moral subject. A heroes can be real of legendary. It's offen/often a character arousing admiration and who serves as a rode model. A rode model is someone whose character, life or behaviour is taken as an exemple.As such, role models seem to be particularly is in bulding to a young person whose personality is in building.
Thus we could wonder What sort of heroes do today's youths identify with?  We will focus in a first part on the heroes of the daily life, then in a second part we see new heroes, the celebrities.

The first document is a painting of Tom Palmer.titre
The different parts of the picture represent the different groups that contributed to the effort to help those affected by the terrorist attacks on 9/11. The american flag represents the unity and the resilience
of the country despite the devastation of the attack. The bottom of the image shows a team of firemen working together to clear the rubble away. They are passing rocks a long line in order to work efficiently, perhaps in search of survivors.This gives the impression of the equality of men in this disperate situation.
Firemen and policemen sacrifice their life to save that of others, they are the heroes of our daily life.
Between the demigods of the Antiquity and the patriots of the Revolution and the stars of today, the figure of hero has considerably evolved. The following 2 documents refer to these new Heroe of today.

Document 2/ from Champion to Spokesperson.
On October 16th, 1968, in the olympic stadium of mexico city Tommie Smith won the final of 200 meters, Tommie Smith he marked all spirits. First, he removed his shoes. Then when the national anthem was ringing, he was raising his fist in a black gloved. He used his sporting achievement which made him famous to draw attention and sensitive people of the poverty of the black populations.

Document 3: The text is an article about a book written on the subject of the “27 clubs”
The 27 clubs is a group of seven musicians who all died at the age of 27.
Their common problems were early drug abuse, difficult childhood and personality disorder.
These stars became heroes for their fans who think that they are victims of a plot rather than to think that all this is one coincidence and that these their drug's addition which killed them. This legend of the 27 club makes these stars relive.

To conclude, the term of hero is wide . On the one hand a hero can be a person who sacrifices his life and on the other hand a hero can be a celebrity.
However, I think that the term of star doesn't mean hero. For me the main characteristic to be a hero is to help others. Every days the millions of doctors, policemen, firemen without talking about sacrifice of their life, help the others. However, a star can be a hero. For example Tommie Smyth has used this celebrity to support a humanitarian issue.Also, Angelina Joli is very involved in humanitarian associations. The stars who use their celebrity to help others are heroes.

Respectueusement, Mily3

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-03-2017 18:51

Réponse : Myths and heroes/notion de laure95, postée le 12-03-2017 à 16:43:14 (S | E)
Introduction :
- A heroes: A + MOT AU SINGULIER.
-It's offen/often: OFTEN.
- exemple: orthographe.
- As such, role models seem to be particularly is in bulding to a young person whose personality is in building: ?
- Thus we could wonder What sort of heroes do today's youths (singulier) identify with?

- The different parts of the picture represent the different groups that (have)contributed to the effort
- The american (majuscule)flag represents the unity and the resilience
- This gives the impression of the (pas de the) equality of (pas la bonne préposition)men in this disperate (orthographe)situation.

- new Heroe (pluriel)of today.

- mexico (majuscule)city Tommie Smith won the final of 200 meters, Tommie Smith he (choisis entre le nom et he)(has)marked all spirits.
- Then when the national anthem was ringing (preterit simple), he was raising (preterit simple)his fist in a black gloved .
- to draw attention and sensitive (ce n'est pas un verbe) people of the poverty of the black populations.

- These stars became (present perfect)heroes for their fans who think that they are victims of a plot rather than to (rather than + verbe + -ing) think
- and that these their drug's addition:mal dit.

- Every days: every + singulier.
- the (pas de the)millions of
- without talking about sacrifice of their life: ?,
- Also, Angelina Joli(e) is very involved in humanitarian associations.


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