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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de asao posté le 25-03-2017 à 22:00:29 (S | E | F)
j'aurais vraiment besoin de l'aide de quelqu'un pour corriger le texte ci-dessous que je dois rendre demain.
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Student 1 :
First(ly), she is 14 years old and she lives in Indianapolis. She hasn't got any brothers or sisters but she has 3 cats called BigAl, Catnip, et Chaton. Her father is a civil rights lawyer and her mother is a criminal defence counsel. She's fond of comedies movies and series like Grey's anatomy ; she listen Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Queen and Aerosmith.
/// practices climbs rocks and she loves cooking.
She has already travelled in France since she visited Paris and the region of Bretagne.
About the school, like the others americans in her class, she has 9 classes per day (a course lasts 45 minutes) and her favourite subjet is the physics.

Student 2 :
In the first place, she is 15 years old and she also lives in Indianapolis. She has 1 brother, 1 half sister and she has 2 dogs abd 2 cats. His father work in the army, he's a military ; she is keen of of action and marvel movies. Besides, she listen country music.
She's a sportswoman, she does a lot of sport because she practices soccer, basketball and rugby.
/// has already come in France, she visited Paris and Normandie ; besides, she thinks that Paris is a beautiful and an interesting city, there is a lots of monuments.
Concerning the school, she likes chemistry and maths.
In addition, like the others americans, she hasn't an idea of a job that she wants to do in the future.

Student 3 :
//// is 15 years old, she has 2 older brothers and beautiful hair. Her mother is a house wife and her dad work in a company of drive licence. On the one hand, she listen the same music that her parents listen, like Mickael Jackson and on the other hand, she adores series of Harry Potter movies so /// has good musical and cinematic tastes (we approve).
Her favourite subject is History and she spent 6 months in Aix-en-Provence hence her french perfect.
Furthermore, she thinks that Trump has a bad presidential program but in this program, there are some interesting points and well.

Student 4 :
He's 15 years old and he has 2 brothers and 2 sisters but he hasn't got any pets; his mother is a teacher and his father is a manageer. He watches rather comic movies and he listen all type of music except the music classic. He has never travelled in France, it's the first time he comes France, in Montpellier.
About the school and him, he really hate the school ; by the way, on his highschool he practices basketball in a team.
He also told our that he hasn't guns at home, stereotypes french 

Presentation of Indianapolis :
Indianapolis is the capital of the state of Indiana. It's at 3 hours of Chicago. Their agriculture is based on the soybears and carns. They have/There are the Indiana dunes and the Santa Claus, the huge Indianapolis zoo (with 12 dolphins), an art museum, the biggest and the best children's museum, beautiful landscapes and finally many covered bridges.
In this city, inhabitants eat hot-dogs, pancakes, cookiers, french fries etc... In short : american food.
Then, there are 3 big malls including 1 luxurious mall with stores like Apple Store.
About school in the United States, the school system is different between France and the United States.
In the USA, you haven't to choose betwen a literatury, scientific and economic and social class in the second year of highschool.
Moreover, you have 12th grades, from elementary school to high school and the High School lasts 4 years: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grades (Third, Second, First and Terminale, in France).

In the International School of Indiana, a number of student clubs and groupe have formed at ISI over the years like the club of basketball, american football or soccer ; by the way, the name of the team of soccer is « Indy eleven ».
At last, the International School of Indiana is the only school of Indiana with a full-continuum, preschool-to-diploma International Baccalaureate (IB) program in French, Spanish and Chinese.
Student pass the IB exam in may of their Grade 12 year.

Conclusion :
They have classes from 8am to 3pm and a course takes only 45 minutes. They also have many clubs and groups (Aid to Congo Project, Habitat for Humanity, Literary Arts Society, Model United Nations, Oxfam banquet, ISI Student Government, Timmy Global Health Club etc...), and it would be nice to have clubs in France.
To put it in a nutshell, we would really like to have the same school, the same school system because their school is just great.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-03-2017 22:03

Réponse : Aide/Students de iagre3e, postée le 25-03-2017 à 22:45:46 (S | E)
Firstly, she is 14 years old and she lives in Indianapolis. She has no brothers or sisters, but she has 3 cats called BigAl, Catnip, et Chaton. Her father is a civil rights lawyer and her mother is a criminal defence counsel. She's fond of comedies movies and shows like Grey's anatomy ; she listens to Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Queen and Aerosmith.

She has already travelled in France, since she visited Paris and the region of Bretagne. (Ton syntax + grammaire est parfait, mais en ce cas "since" implique il y a un lien logique entre le fait qu'elle a visité Paris et le fait quelle a visité France. C'est évidente! C'est comme dire elle a visité France, car elle a visité Paris. Je crois que tu veux dire qu'elle a visité et quand elle etait là elle a visité Paris..., si c'est le cas tu pourrais dire She has already travelled in France, while there she visited Paris + the region of Bretagne)

With regards to school, like the others Americans (on fait majuscule les denonyme en Anglais) in her class, she has 9 classes per day (a course lasts 45 minutes) and her favourite subjet is physics.

Student 2 :
In the first place, she is 15 years old and she also lives in Indianapolis. She has 1 brother, 1 half sister and she has 2 dogs and 2 cats. His (est qu'elle est fille, si oui c'est "her") father works in the army, he's in the military ; she enjoys action and marvel movies. Besides that, she listens to country music.
She's an athlete, she does alot of sport because she practices soccer, basketball and rugby.

/// has already been to France, she visited Paris and Normandie ; besides that, she thinks that Paris is a beautiful and an interesting city, there are lots of monuments.

Concerning the school, she likes chemistry and maths.
In addition, like the others americans, she hasn't an idea of a job that she wants to do in the future.

Réponse : Aide/Students de asao, postée le 25-03-2017 à 23:16:14 (S | E)
Je te remercie beaucoup pour avoir corrigé le début.
En tout cas, j'espère énormément qu'une autre personne pourra me corriger la suite.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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