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Notion/Myths and heroes

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Notion/Myths and heroes
Message de xprincesse1x posté le 13-04-2017 à 16:08:51 (S | E | F)
in a week I'll have to take my oral for the English Bac and I will need that someone corrects corrections for my notion, please.
Thank you in advance.

Myths and heroes
I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of a myth which is a reference to the human condition as a whole. Its history is mainly transmitted orally, often played by a hero, a place or a community. The myth has both a universal dimension and a specific dimension, because it is the particular expression of each cultural group that transmits its vision of human experience. Each epoch takes up old myths and updates them or creates new myths.
I would like to illustrate this notion with three documents what we studied in class : The first document talks about disabled people participating in Paralympics. The second represents the course of the President of the United States that was Barack Obama. Finally, the last one talks about jobs where there is a fairly high risk. We may wonder if can real people be considered as héroes ? In the first part we will see that some people are called heroes because they represent hope. Then we will see that for others to be heroic is part of their daily lives.

Firstly, everyone knows the Olympics but there are special games called Paralympics that are played by motor impaired, blind, amputees. The text tells us that it is the part of the Olympics games the most heroic because the fighters have exceptional physical and mental capacities. In addition, the games unite the fighters of all countries by showing a spirit based on peace and respect. We can retain a quotation from the text of Hitler which says that’s why the Olympic flame should never die. The text features a photo of Jesse Owens who is the first black athlete to participate in the Olympics.
It then becomes a myth representing the American dream and a symbol of hope for life just like Barack Obama who was the first black president of the United States. It has gone from hard power to soft power, which has revived the country. Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and has an exemplary career as well as an important role in society because of important decisions he has made. We can then consider him as a hero of modern times.

On the other hand, there are jobs such as that of a doctor who is a stressful job since one must be autonomous and know how to make decisions quickly as the document shows. A patient has just arrived at the emergency room at the limit of internal bleeding. The doctor was able to do the right thing and the patient survived. These people can be called heroes because their daily lives are summarized in situations like this and everyone would not be able to act like them.
But we can also see the other side of the heroes who are in the hospital, these are the patients because those with a rare disease like cancer must believe in their cure and not let themselves be defeated. It is a very difficult experience to live and that is why those who emerge from it are considered heroes as the document says "cancer makes us stronger".

To conclude, our question was whether real people can be considered heroes. We have seen that there were obviously fictitious heroes but also real heroes such as Paralympic participants and physicians who have a vital role in the health of people. But there are also so-called heroic people because they have shown evidence like courage for example that most people do not have. We can now focus on what areas will be our future heroes?

Edited by lucile83 on 13-04-2017 18:30
Changement de forum.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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