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Oral/Idée de Progrès

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Oral/Idée de Progrès
Message de lilineedhelp posté le 16-04-2017 à 15:27:33 (S | E | F)
ayant mon oral du Bac dans quelque temps j'ai préparé un petit texte que j'apprendrai pour cette notion,et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes pour pouvoir les reprendre avant de passer.. Voici ma préparation:

I am going to talk about the idea of progress.
First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: Progress is a development towards a better, more complete, or more modern condition. So the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement like a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.
This year in class we studied several documents about the idea of progress, in order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the history of black people in America.
We can ask ourselves how the condition of black people in America did improve ?
To my mind, the documents that seem to best answer are The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and The Great Migration.

The first document I have chosen is an extract from the narrative of the life of frederick douglass, which was written in 1845 by himself. It's the incipit of the novel and it deals with slavery. Frederick Douglass explains that he is the child of a slave woman and a white slaveholder. He exposes to the world how it was to be a slave, to not know his birthdate and to be separated from his mother. Indeed, he saw her only a couple of times because it was common for the babies to be separated from their mothers so that they didn't get attached to each other.
It indicates how atrocious the slave's life conditions were. There were not a lot of former slaves who could write at this time, so the population was not aware of the treatment which was inflicted to the slaves. The narritive of the life of frederick douglass triggered the abolitionist movements because people realised how horrible slavery was. It lead us to the second document, which is about The Great Migration.

After the end of the American Civil War in 1865, the president Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. This had for consequences the great migration : black people who lived in the south moved to the north, which was supposed to be « the promised land » with nice jobs and houses for everyone. It shows us the evolution of black rights in America, in which Abraham Lincoln contributed, but unfortunatly the president after him wasn't against slavery and he doesn't carried on Lincoln's fight.
Both the narrative of the life of frederick douglass and the great migration make us realize that the condition of black people evolved during the 19 century, despite the fact that segregation continues to occures after that.

As a conclusion we can say that these documents illustrates the notion Idea of Progress because the first one shows us that the conditions of black people in america was terrible, but the second one is the beginning of equality between everybody whatever their skin color. This evolution is symbolized by leading figures like Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King. It is important not to forget the past so that we would not do the same mistakes in the future. The documents could also be linked to the notion seats and forms of power because it represents the power who had white people towards blacks.

Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de lire pour me venir en aide

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2017 18:14

Réponse : Oral/Idée de Progrès de laure95, postée le 20-04-2017 à 17:54:01 (S | E)
- We can ask ourselves: chercher le verbe se demander.

- frederick douglass: majuscule.
- to not know: ordre des mots.
- The narritive
- It lead: faute de conjugaison.

- the (pas de the)president Lincoln
- with nice (nice?)jobs and houses for everyone.
- black (marque de la possession)rights in America,
- in which Abraham Lincoln contributed (to)
- he doesn't carried: mal conjugué.
- on Lincoln's fight.
- that segregation continues (passé)to occures a(to+ infinitif)fter that.

- these documents illustrates (faute de conjugaison)
- the conditions of black people in america (majuscule)was (faute de conjugaison)terrible,
- the power who had white people (ordre des mots)towards blacks.


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