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Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral

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Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral
Message de fannydarois posté le 22-04-2017 à 16:53:49 (S | E | F)
Je passe mon Bac oral dans deux semaines et j'aimerais vos avis s'il vous plait.
Je vous remercie d'avance.

I'm going to talk about the notion: places and forms of power .Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to create social cohesion members of a society accept rules, laws. This help to create social chohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions.
I'm going to try to answer to: the power of new technologie and it's limits.
On the firts part, we're going to talk about the power of new technologie as a good thing and on the second part, we're going to speack about limits of new technologie.

First of all the power of new technologie is a good thing . Indeed thanks to new technologie we can choose the sex of our child. An institu proposes couples the opportunity to be able to choose the sex of their future baby in order to balance their family. These procedures is pretty similare to the one explained by the genetic in Gattaca. In fact, in Gattaca parents can choose too the features they prefer for their future baby. We may in the future choose the skin color or the color of their hair. Furthermore, cloning is also an advantage of new technologie. In Brave New World , the cloning process is called bokanovski in order to create many identical human beings. It allows to have more indentical humans who would make run identical machines. Moreover, in the document Man vs Machine we can see that robots are very smart because they can out calculated, explore places that we couldn't ge to for exemple mars, or they can beat champions at chess. So we can say that new technologie have advantages.

In the second time, the power of new technologie have limits. Indeed, in Man vs Machine, peoples can fear that one day machines might become more powerful that men with technological progess, man might be dominated and ruled by machines. Consequently, humanity might be either enslaved or eradicated. What is more, in the power of google is accused of not respecting antitrust rules and of manipulating internet users though their research into visiting their website rather than others.

To sum up, the power of new technologie can be essential for humans it can be used for medicine or great advance. However this power have limits because it can destroy the world with weapons for example.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2017 17:39

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de kazwell, postée le 22-04-2017 à 17:54:37 (S | E)
Les erreurs ou les expression mal formulées sont en bleu , remarques en vert ,

I'm going to talk about the notion: places and forms of power .Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to create social cohesion members of a society accept rules , laws. This help to create social chohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions.
I'm going to try to answer to: the power of new technologie and its limits. (It's = It is)
On the firt part, we're going to talk about the power of new technologie as a good thing and on the second part, we're going to speack about the limits of new technologie.

First of all the power of new technologie is a good thing (essaye de diversifier ton vocabulaire , toujours bien vu auprès des correcteurs) .

Indeed thanks to new technologie (vu qu'on parle de l'oral prononce bien que 'i' et non 'ieu') we can choose the sex of our child. An institu (??) proposes couples the opportunity to be able to choose the sex of their future baby in order to balance their family. These procedures is (is est utilisé au singulier ) pretty similare to the one explained by the genetic in Gattaca. In fact, in Gattaca parents can choose too (tu sous-entends ici que les parents n'ont pas la priorité) the features they prefer for their future baby.
Change l'emplacement du too et le sens change.

We may in the future choose the skin color or the color of their hair (Tu l'as bien formulé la 1ere fois). Furthermore, cloning is also an advantage of new technologie (essaye de ne pas être trop répétitif).
In Brave New World (tu dois citer la source complète si je ne me trompe pas), the cloning process is called bokanovski in order to create many identical human beings (a reformuler , pour plus de clarté). It allows to have more indentical humans who would make run identical machines (A reformuler , cela n'as aucun sens).

Corrige d'abord cette première partie et on verra la suite après, bonne chance !

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de fannydarois, postée le 22-04-2017 à 18:38:31 (S | E)
J'espère que ceci sera bon.

I'm going to talk about the notion: places and forms of power .Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to create social cohesion members of a society accept rules , laws. This help to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions.
I'm going to try to answer to: the power of new technology and its limits. (ses)
In the firt part, we're going to talk about the power of new technology as a good thing and in the second part, we're going to speak about limits of new technology.
First of all the power of new technologie has advantages
Indeed thanks to new technology we can choose the sex of our child. An institution proposes couples the opportunity to be able to choose the sex of their future baby in order to balance their family. These procedures are pretty similar to the one explained by the genetic in Gattaca. In fact, in Gattaca parents can choose also the features they prefer for their future baby.
We may in the future choose the skin color . Furthermore, cloning is also an advantage.
As we can see in "O Brave New World", the cloning process, called bokanovski to create many identical human beings . It allows to have more indentical humans, a way to provide workforce to factories

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de kazwell, postée le 22-04-2017 à 20:27:35 (S | E)
Bonsoir fanny,

Comme quoi il faut toujours se relire , je me rends compte que j'ai raté quelques erreurs ,

I'm going to talk about the notion: places and forms of power .Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to create social cohesion members of a society accept rules , laws (Quand tu as une liste de deux objets , utilise and , ou , dans ton oral , fait une brève pause entre rules et laws)

This help to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions.
I'm going to try to answer to: the power of new technology and its limits. (non,tu peux seulement répondre à une question dans ce cas ,essaye de changer le mot answer pour quelque chose d'autre).

In the firt part, we're going to talk about the power of new technology as a good thing (grammaticalement l'expression est correcte , mais pour un niveau de bac tu peux trouver mieux ) and in the second part, we're going to speak about the limits of said technology.
Ici , comme tu peux le remarquer , j'ai remplacer new par said pour éviter la répétition.
le mot said est le passé du verbe say , mais peux aussi être utilisé pour éviter la répétition , on l'utilise ici pour souligner que tu as déjà mentionné telle technologie.

First of all the power of new technologie has advantages.
Indeed thanks to new technology (évite les répétitions évidentes , c'est des points perdus pour rien) we can choose the sex of our child. An institution proposes to couples the opportunity to be able to choose the sex of their future baby in order to balance their family. These procedures are pretty similar to the one explained by the genetic (tu veux dire quoi par là ? car tu dois savoir que genetic est un adjectif) in Gattaca. In fact, in Gattaca parents can choose also (also choose est mieux) the features they prefer for their future baby.
We may in the future choose the skin color (je vois que tu t'es débarassé de la couleur des cheveux , mais ma remarque était simplement d'utiliser la même formulation).
Skin color , ---- color

Furthermore, cloning is also an advantage.
As we can see in "O Brave New World", the cloning process, called bokanovski , create many identical human beings . It allows to have more indentical humans, a way to provide workforce to factories.

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de lucile83, postée le 22-04-2017 à 21:11:30 (S | E)
Hello fanny,
It seems you have missed something here: This help to create ....
Can you see what it is?

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de here4u, postée le 22-04-2017 à 22:14:19 (S | E)
Hello !
Et là?
- cohesion XXX members of a society accept
- to answer to: voc + construction
- the power of new technologie has
- the cloning process, called bokanovski , create many identical human beings

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de fannydarois, postée le 23-04-2017 à 15:27:57 (S | E)
J'espère que ceci sera bon : ;)

I'm going to talk about the notion: places and forms of power .Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to create social cohesion members of a society accept rules , laws. This help to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions.
I'm going to try to answer to: the power of new technology and its limits. (ses)
In the firt part, we're going to talk about the power of new technology as a good thing and in the second part, we're going to speak about limits of new technology.

First of all the power of new technologie has advantages

Indeed thanks to new technology we can choose the sex of our child. An institution proposes couples the opportunity to be able to choose the sex of their future baby in order to balance their family. These procedures are pretty similar to the one explained by the genetic in Gattaca. In fact, in Gattaca parents can choose also the features they prefer for their future baby.
Change l'emplacement du too et le sens change.

We may in the future choose the skin color . Furthermore, cloning is also an advantage.
As we can see in "O Brave New World", the cloning process, called bokanovski to create many identical human beings . It allows to have more indentical humans, a way to provide workforce to factories

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de fannydarois, postée le 23-04-2017 à 15:44:47 (S | E)
Voilà j'ai corrigé ce que vous m'aviez dit, j'espère que cela sera bon ^^

I'm going to talk about the notion: places and forms of power .Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to create social cohesion members of a society accept rules and laws. This help to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions.
I'm going to try to answer to: the power of new technology and its limits. (ses)
In the fisrt part, we're going to talk about the power of new technologie have avantages and in the second part, we're going to speak about limits of said technology.

First of all the power of new technologie has advantages

Indeed we can choose the sex of our child. An institution proposes to couples the opportunity to be able to choose the sex of their future baby in order to balance their family. These procedures are pretty similar to the one explained by the genetics in Gattaca. In fact, in Gattaca parents can also choose the features they prefer for their future baby.

We may in the future choose the skin color or the hair color . Furthermore, cloning is also an advantage.
As we can see in "O Brave New World", the cloning process, called bokanovski can create many identical human beings . It allows to have more indentical humans, a way to provide workforce to factories

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de fannydarois, postée le 24-04-2017 à 13:28:56 (S | E)
d'accord pour le helps, y a t'il d'autres fautes ? ^^

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2017 22:24
Correction toute faite supprimée.

Réponse : Lieux et formes de pouvoir/oral de gerold, postée le 24-04-2017 à 16:48:19 (S | E)
* = fautes de frappe

I'm going to talk about the notion: places and forms of power .Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to create social cohesion (virgule) members of a society accept rules and laws. This help to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflict and tensions.
I'm going to try to answer to (plutôt un autre verbe): the power of new technology and its limits. (ses)
In the fisrt * part, we're going to talk about the power of new technologie * have (conjugaison) avantages * (et revoir la structure après to talk about) and in the second part, we're going to speak about (article) limits of said technology.

First of all the power of new technologie * has advantages

Indeed we can choose the sex of our child. An institution proposes to couples the opportunity to be able to choose the sex of their future baby in order to balance their family. These procedures are pretty similar to the one explained by the genetics in Gattaca. In fact, in Gattaca parents can also choose the features they prefer for their future baby.

We may in the future choose the skin color or the hair color . Furthermore, cloning is also an advantage.
As we can see in "O Brave New World", the cloning process, called Bokanovsky Process, can create many identical human beings . It allows to have more indentical * humans, a way to provide workforce to factories


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