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Notion/Myths and Heroes

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Notion/Myths and Heroes
Message de isaline99 posté le 24-04-2017 à 17:09:35 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous!
Comme tous les élèves de Terminale cette année je passe dans quelque temps mon oral de langue pour le Bac.
J'aurais aimé savoir si quelqu'un parmi vous pourrait m'indiquer les fautes de ma notion ci-dessous, et je tiendrais compte des éventuelles remarques.
Je vous remercie d'avance et bonne journée!

A myth is a story that may or may not be true with great symbolic power.
A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities. It can also be a modern-day hero or simply our own role model.

It is a well-known fact that first African Americans were brought to America as slaves and that, after the abolition of slavery, most blacks went on being treated abominably in a completely segregated society.

But since these last decades mentalities have evolved. I am going to answer to the question “ Have African Americans achieved recognition today?” In 3 parts.
I- History of black Americans
II-Civil right actors
III-Equality between blacks and whites today

I- History of black Americans
Firstly, the ancestor of the African American did not come to America by choice like the white settlers. They were shipped to America in appalling conditions and were sold as slaves in order to work on farms or cotton plantations. Indeed we have studied in class a picture where the scene takes place before 1865. We can see several black people captured to provide workforce in the US. At that time black people were treated like cattle and were exploited.
The issue of slavery was one of the major causes of the American civil war; indeed, southern states claimed that it was the backbone of their economy. Finally slavery was abolished in 1865. However Blacks were intimidated by southern whites and even persecuted by racist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. Besides the segregation became legal in the south after 1880 and blacks and whites were separated on public transport, in hospitals, schools..

However, during the 20th century, numerous groups and persons have fought for equality, for the same rights between white and black people. The site “” gives us much informations about different personalities like Maya Angelou or Nina Simone who were a civil right activists or Rosa parks. In the report intitled “anniversary of Rosa parks’ refusal to give up bus seat” we learned that she was arrested for her act of defiance, but her example proves that single act of courage can change the world.
We have also studied in class a picture were the scene takes place just before the end of segregation. It represents a huge demonstration in Washington in 1963 led by the reverend martin L.K., who was famous for his non violent approach to the racial issue, and his remarkable speeches in 1963.
Thanks to his efforts and the politics of President Kennedy and Johnson, all forms of racial segregation became illegal in 1964.

However, black Americans have managed to gain rights, and climb up the social ladder.
In the guardian’s article entitled “civil right heroes” published in 2006, we can read that the Alabama senate plans to vote on a bill aimed at setting police records straight to offer a formal pardon to anyone arrested under Jim Crow laws. Indeed a large number of black southerners had police records for disobeying racist laws.
Besides, we have studied in class a picture of Barack Obama during the election campaign. He was the first black American president which shows that mentalities have evolved because segregation was abolished only 50 years ago.
This election shows us an important step and we can say that blacks have succeeded in integrating in American society.

To conclude, even if mentalities have evolved, inequalities still persist.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2017 22:27

Réponse : Notion/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 24-04-2017 à 17:24:14 (S | E)
- A hero is a person who is admired for their (utiliser possessif au singulier)courage,
- It (pas le bon pronom, un héro est une personne, pas une chose)can be the main character
- It can also be a modern-day hero

- But since these last decades (marque de l'appartenance)mentalities have evolved. I am going to answer to (pas de to)the question

I- History of black Americans

Firstly, the ancestor (pluriel) of the African American(s) did not come to America by choice like the white settlers.
- Indeed we have studied in class a picture (mettre un point) where (enlever where pour faire une nouvelle phrase)the scene takes place before 1865.

-However, during the 20th century, numerous groups and persons have fought (prétérit)for equality,
- much informations (singulier)about different personalities like Maya Angelou or Nina Simone who were a (a + singulier)civil right activists or Rosa parks.
- (article)single act of courage can change the world.
- the (enlever the) reverend martin (majuscule)L.K.,

-the (pas de the) Alabama (marque de la possession) senate plans to vote on a bill
- mentalities have evolved because segregation was (past perfect: concordance des temps)abolished only 50 years ago (before pas ago).
This election shows (passé)us an important step


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