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Notion of progress/aide

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Notion of progress/aide
Message de sarilou posté le 01-05-2017 à 15:39:34 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous corriger ma notion sur "Idée de progrès" s'il vous plaît?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses!

Intro: I am going to talk about the notion of idea of progress. First of all, I would like to give a definition of progress. Progress is a global transition of the world from its current state to a better state in all fields but especially in science. Indeed, progress always refers to scientists and engineers, workers who want to improve the society we live in and try to give happiness to everyone. So their aim is perfection. They want the world to be as perfect as possible, like a utopia. Nowadays, people can design their babies with these news scientific advances. But babies are humans and we usually design things. So this concept can be a retreat for humanity. In this case, can we accept all new scientific advances? Is this progress only a positive thing? First, we are going to discuss the story of Molly Nash, then we will study an audio document about a blind man and finally we will talk about a cartoon named Cartoon’R us.

Scientists work more and more on the usefulness of DNA. So they created or modified (how can I pronounce it in oral) embryos to avoid genetic diseases: it’s the technique of PGD: one-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. In fact, scientists neat many embryos in a fertility lab of birth. And between all these embryos, they choose the healthiest before implanting it in the mother’s womb. So when he was born, the baby will not have any disease.
This technique is also used to cure people. To illustrate that, we have the story of Molly and her little brother Adam. Indeed, we have read a feat which explain how advances in medicine can save people. In fact, Molly had a rare illness which needed transplantation (in the bone marrow). So scientists chose the most compatible between many embryos created by their parents and they fell back on the PGD and it gave birth to Adam only to cure his sister. We call it a “baby-medizin” and Adam was the first one in the world. This have given rise to moral and ethics problem.
Besides the technique of PGD, scientists have found another technique to cure human diseases: it’s a genetic therapy. Indeed, we have listened in class to an audio document. It was a report at BBC news. It was about a man who was going blind. But after many researches, a doctor found a technique to cure that man. Actually, that man had a faulty gene in his eyes. Because of that, cells at the back of his eyes have been dying and these injection genes have revitalized some of the cells that had stopped working. Now, thanks to this advance, the man can see again.

So all these examples show us that scientific progress is a really good thing because it allows cure or avoid many diseases. But scientists don’t stopped (si je le met au present perfect qu'est ce que cela donnerais?) here and continued research in science even if it can jeopardize the future. So people are beginning to worry.

Actually, scientists want to make the world as a utopia. So they want to have perfect people. Nowadays, they succeed (no I mean succeed to make a utopia no in making perfect couples ) in that because we can have people as perfect as possible with breakthrough in genetics. Scientists can increase IQ and modificate the skin’s, eye’s color, etc of the future baby. We can create embryos without any diseases and parents can choose the appearance of their babies. So we can say that parents can “design” their babies. But this word can’t used for babies otherwise we assimilate babies to things. The word “design” for humans is striking. It refers to the industrial revolution and techniques that we use in the car industry. Indeed, we create many cars or other things and we reject the defectives. It’s the same here with embryos. To illustrate that, I choose a cartoon that we had seen it in class: clones’R us. It was of a conveyor belt where newly produced human are appearing one by one. Four of them are exact duplicates but the last one is different. Indeed, he is little and thin whereas the others are tall and muscular. So the faulty clone gonna be dropped into a huge garbage dumpster: here the cartoonist exposes the dangers of selective breeding. He is suggesting that accepting any kind of advance can jeopardize our society.
Cncls: To conclude, we can say that scientific progress can be really good in medicine but it can be really dangerous in other fields. So I think we must put limits to progress to preserve humanity.
Thank you for your listening.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2017 16:08

Réponse : Notion of progress/aide de laure95, postée le 01-05-2017 à 16:07:00 (S | E)
Intro: these news (pas de s)scientific advances.

- Scientists work (présent be+-ing) more and more on the usefulness of DNA.
- So they created or modified (présent)(how can I pronounce it in oral: le 2è "i" se prononce comme le pronom I)
- And between (among pas between)all these embryos,
- So when he was born, the baby will (conditionnel)not have any disease.
- Indeed, we have read a feat which explain (faute de conjugaison)
- So scientists chose the most compatible (one)between(among pas between) many embryos created by their (possessif au singulier)parents
- This have (faute de conjugaison) given rise to moral and ethics (ethical)problem.
- it’s a (the pas a) genetic therapy.
- Indeed, we have listened in class (enlever in class)to an audio document
- It was a report at (on pas at) BBC news.
- It was about a man who was going (to be)blind.
- Because of that, (article)cells at the back
- these injection genes: ?

- it allows (to)cure or avoid many diseases.
- But scientists don’t stopped (si je le met au present perfect qu'est ce que cela donnerais?): cherche la formation d'un verbe au present perfect.

- Actually, scientists want to make the world (look like)as (enlever as)a utopia.
- the skin’s, eye’s color: construire avec of.
- But this word can’t (be) used for babies
- To illustrate that, I choose (passé) a cartoon that we had (présent de have)seen it (enlever it) in class
- It was of a conveyor belt where newly produced human are appearing one by one: ?

Cncls: it can be really (pas à la bonne place)dangerous in other fields.

Réponse : Notion of progress/aide de sarilou, postée le 01-05-2017 à 19:37:45 (S | E)
Est-ce mieux ainsi?
Intro: I am going to talk about the notion of idea of progress. First of all, I would like to give a definition of progress. Progress is a global transition of the world from its current state to a better state in all fields but especially in science. Indeed, progress always refers to scientists and engineers, workers who want to improve the society we live in and try to give happiness to everyone. So their aim is perfection. They want the world to be as perfect as possible, like a utopia. Nowadays, people can design their babies with these new scientific advances. But babies are humans and we usually design things. So this concept can be a retreat for humanity. In this case, can we accept all new scientific advances? Is this progress only a positive thing? First, we are going to discuss the story of Molly Nash, then we will study an audio document about a blind man and finally we will talk about a cartoon named Cartoon’R us.

Scientists are working more and more on the usefulness of DNA. So they create or modify to avoid genetic diseases: it’s the technique of PGD: one-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. In fact, scientists neat many embryos in a fertility lab of birth. And among all these embryos, they choose the healthiest before implanting it in the mother’s womb. So when he was born, the baby would not have any disease.
This technique is also used to cure people. To illustrate that, we have the story of Molly and her little brother Adam. Indeed, we have read a feat which explains how advances in medicine can save people. In fact, Molly had a rare illness which needed transplantation (in the bone marrow). So scientists chose the most compatible one among many embryos created by her parents and they fell back on the PGD and it gave birth to Adam only to cure his sister. We call it a “baby-medizin” and Adam was the first one in the world. This has given rise to moral and ethical problem.
Besides the technique of PGD, scientists have found another technique to cure human diseases: it’s the genetic therapy. Indeed, we have listened in class to an audio document. It was a report on BBC news. It was about a man who was going to be blind. But after many researches, a doctor found a technique to cure that man. Actually, that man had a faulty gene in his eyes. Because of that, the cells at the back of his eyes have been dying and these injection of genes have revitalized some of the cells that had stopped working. Now, thanks to this advance, the man can see again.

So all these examples show us that scientific progress is a really good thing because it allows to cure or avoid many diseases. But scientists don’t have stopped here and continued research in science even if it can jeopardize the future. So people are beginning to worry.

Actually, scientists want to make the world look like a utopia. So they want to have perfect people. Nowadays, they succeed in that because we can have people as perfect as possible with breakthrough in genetics. Scientists can increase IQ and modificate the skin’s, eye’s color, etc of the future baby. We can create embryos without any diseases and parents can choose the appearance of their babies. So we can say that parents can “design” their babies. But this word can’t be used for babies otherwise we assimilate babies to things. The word “design” for humans is striking. It refers to the industrial revolution and techniques that we use in the car industry. Indeed, we create many cars or other things and we reject the defectives. It’s the same here with embryos. To illustrate that, I chose a cartoon that we have seen in class: clones’R us. It was of a conveyor belt where newly produced human are appearing one by one. Four of them are exact duplicates but the last one is different. Indeed, he is little and thin whereas the others are tall and muscular. So the faulty clone gonna be dropped into a huge garbage dumpster: here the cartoonist exposes the dangers of selective breeding. He is suggesting that accepting any kind of advance can jeopardize our society.
Cncls: To conclude, we can say that scientific progress can be really good in medicine but it really can be dangerous in other fields. So I think we must put limits to progress to preserve humanity.
Thank you for your listening.

Réponse : Notion of progress/aide de laure95, postée le 02-05-2017 à 12:36:11 (S | E)
I am going to talk about the notion of (enlever of)idea of progress.

- So they create or modify (modofy what?)to avoid genetic diseases
- And among all these embryos, they choose the healthiest (one)before implanting it in(to) the mother’s womb.
- to moral and ethical problem (pluriel)
- Indeed, we have listened in class (enlever in class) to an audio document.
- scientists don’t have stopped : enelver don't et mettre have à la forme négative.

-the skin’s, eye’s (enlever les 's) color, etc of the future baby.
- It was of (mal dit)a conveyor belt where newly produced human are appearing one by one.


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