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Bac/Spaces and exchanges

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Bac/Spaces and exchanges
Message de lm1999 posté le 03-05-2017 à 12:26:43 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
A l'approche du Bac j'ai rédigé mes synthèses pour l'épreuve orale d'anglais mais je pense avoir fait quelques erreurs : quelqu'un pourrait-il prendre le temps de m'aider pour les corriger et également me relire ?
Merci beaucoup d'avance !
( Je précise que j'ai enlevé la conclusion car il y avait trop de caractères )

I am going to present the notion of spaces and exchanges through the Olympic Games, a sporting
event which occurs every 4 years and which gets together with people from all around the world.
First of all I will give you a definition of this notion : an exchange can be defined as the act of giving or
receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s society, these exchanges can take
several forms : economic, cultural or movement of people. Our modern‐day world is changing quickly
and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in technology and communication. These
different interactions have transformed and characterised our society, sometimes for better,
sometimes for worse.
In order to illustrate this notion, I will attempt to answer the following question : In what do Olympic
Games represent a moment of sharing between people from all around the world ?
To find an answer, I am going to present several documents that we studied in class about this theme.
The first document I have chosen to present is an article from The Guardian, published in august 2016
upon Olympic Games of Rio : this document focus on a New Zealand and US athlete who have been
praised for embodying Olympic spirit. Indeed, four laps from the end of the 5000 meters, Nikki
Hamblin and Abbey d’Agostino collided and fell together. D’Agostino jumped up quickly and pulled the
New Zealander to her feet, but moments after they had started running again, D’Agostino began
faltering and fell again to the ground. Then Hamblin stopped runing and turned to help her, the race
and Olympic glory forgotten.
The 2 athletes were lauded on social media for their sportsmanship, which is one of the most
important Olympic values in the eyes of the public. This event is clearly the embodiment of the
Olympic spirit and the reaction of people about it showed how much solidarity is present while the
This has also be observed when the french gymnast Samir Aït Saï broke his calf bone : he received a lot
of support online, including from a US basketball player who expressed sympathy for him. This
demonstrates that during the Olympic Games, borders are broken and all the countries which take
part to this event are pulling for their athletes, no matter their origins, their sex or their appearance.
Moreover, I’d like to talk about What is exactly Olympism ?. According to the International Olympic
Committee, the goal of the Olympic movement is to contribute to building a better and peaceful world
by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic
spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of solidarity, fair play and friendship. We can
see through this definition that the essence of the Games is sharing and diversity.
Already during the 10th century B.C, the site where ancient Olympic Games took place, Olympia,
functioned as a meeting place for worship and other religious and political practices. Since the first
modern edition in 1896 in Athenes, the Games have been organised to the four corners of the Earth in
order to join people and their different cultures together.
Finally, we had to debate in class about the following question « Should France organize Olympic
Games ? ». To answer this question, different aspects must be tackled. First, as concerned the
economy, France is touched by a serious crisis for many years, but organizing the Games has a huge
cost for the host country, without necessarily generate benefits, and all this money could be used in a
better way.
However, hosting the Games can also create many jobs and revive the economy thanks to tourism.
Moreover, the Euro 2016, which is also a big sporting event, took place in France so it proves that
France is ready to take this responsability. Terrorism and more generally security could be
problematical owing to all the attacks against France which happened recently.
Consequently Olympic Games aren’t something to take lightly and all the countries which are
candidates to host the OG have to be prepared enough because now, that’s not just a sporting event
anymore but a complete international tradition for more than 100 years, which aims to gather the

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2017 21:36

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 04-05-2017 à 10:41:42 (S | E)
- the notion of (pas de of)spaces and exchanges
- which gets together with people (enlever with)from all around the world.
- for better: mettre le superlatif
- In what (il manque un mot)do Olympic Games represent a moment of sharing between people from all around the world ?
- this document focus on : faute de conjugaison.
- but (il manque des mots) moments after they had started running again,
- while: pas le bon mot ici.
- the french (majuscule)gymnast Samir Aït Saï broke his calf bone
- Moreover, I’d like to talk about What is exactly Olympism ?: inverser l'ordre des mots car question indirecte
- France is touched by a serious crisis for many years: present perfect.
- without necessarily generate benefits: without + verbe + -ing.
- which happened recently: present perfect)
- Consequently (article)Olympic Games aren’t something to take lightly


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