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Myths and heroes/aide

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Myths and heroes/aide
Message de hello99 posté le 03-05-2017 à 20:11:42 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous me dire si cela est bien s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance pour vos éponses.!

I will to present the notion myths and heroes. Heroes were first mythological heroes as the heroes and gods of Greece mythology but each civilisation have a different way to see heroes. They can reinvent, updates or create new heroes indeed at the end of the ww2 appeared the comics which tell the stories of superheroes who are humans with special abilities. But there are also real life heroes who appeared over the ages as Barack Obama or Nelson Mandela. But we’re all able to be a hero for sure we can’t change the world and we don’t have superpowers but we can make this world a better place to live if we are all united. But well known real life heroes and unknown heroes haven’t the same impact on the world, on the mentalities. So, what is the difference between well-known heroes and unknown heroes?
First, we will see the impact that can have unknown real life heroes.
Then we will see the impact that can have well known real life superheroes.

For the first part about unknown real life heroes
So, I’m going to speak first about the document about sit-ins who occurred in 1960 during the period of the segregation when white and black and white people had recognized places and it was forbidden to the negros to go to the white people area. In the South black students wanted to have a lunch but they were denied service because they were black. So, they stay there in a white area until they get serviced. That action didn’t only take place in that city: in fact, it took place in many other cities. Many of them were arrested for the protests. But influent as Martin Lutherking people lent their assistance to them because they agree with their non-violent protests. At the end of the document the journalist is optimistic about the Black people “a favourable decision is believed to be near” in fact the sit-ins of the black students forced the politicians to deal with the negro community without violence. Here the union of the black students made the things change, they have made a great step for the black people. They were courageous to stay in white people areas without being violent while the white people were violent with them so we can see that they are heroes.

Then I’m going to introduce you the second document that I have chosen: the movie Gran Torino. It’s a movie directed by Clint Eastwood in 2008 which is inspired of real facts. It’s the story of Walt Kowalski an American retired. he had done the Korea war and have just lost his wife. His sons are rich and don’t really care about him. But Walt Kowalski have got a big default: because of the Korea war he had become racist. But he is living near to him are a Hmong poor family so he wasn’t in good terms with them. By a succession of action the son of the Hmong family will work for him and they will become friends. But suddenly the cousin of Thao’s gang shot on their house because he is with a white people but the police hadn’t the evidence that Thao’s cousin shot on the house. So, Walt Kowalski went to Thao cousin’s house and made his gang kill him to let them live in peace because the gang were arrested by the police. At the end of the movie into the notary office Walt demises his collection car to Thao instead of his granddaughter because she didn’t deserve it. Then he demises all his money left to the church for the poorest people.
Here Walt Kowalski is a hero because sacrifice himself for the others without regrets and make finally good things.

Then I’m going to talk about the well-known real life heroes. For that I’ll use Barack Obama’s victory speech on the night he won the presidential elections.
During that speech, Obama referred to Ann Nixon Cooper a black woman who was born during the generation post slavery so she was discriminated. But she has seen so many things in America: the better and the worse one. In the past, she couldn’t because she is black and she is a woman. But today she can vote and she want the America change with a new president: a black one. During that speech, we have the famous “YES WE CAN” because Obama believe in American nation and want as the American people make the things change

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2017 20:30

Réponse : Myths and heroes/aide de laure95, postée le 05-05-2017 à 10:47:19 (S | E)
- Greece (mettre l'adjectif)mythology but each civilisation have (faute de conjugaison) a different way to see heroes.
- They can reinvent, updates (faute de conjugaison)or create new heroes i
- ndeed at the end of the ww2 appeared the comics which tell (des personnes racontent des histoires) the stories
- But there are also real life heroes who (have) appeared over the ages as (like pas as)Barack Obama or Nelson Mandela.
- can have unknown real life heroes: ordre des mots.
- can have well known real life superheroes.

- when white and black and white people had (enlever had)recognized places
- and it was forbidden to (pas la bonne préposition)the negros to go to the (pas de the)white people area (pluriel)
- to have a (pas de a)lunch
- So, they stay (passé)there in a white area until they get (passé)serviced.
- didn’tok: ?
- for the protests: ?
- But influent as Martin Lutherking people lent their assistance to them: ?
- because they agree (passé) with their non-violent protests- the (pas de the)Black people
- the (pas de the)white people were violent with them so we can see that they are (passé)heroes.

-he had done (préterit)the Korea(n)war and have (faute de conjugaison)just lost his wife.
- But Walt Kowalski have (faute de conjugaison)got a big default:
- because of the Korea war he had (présent) become racist.
- But he is living near to him are a Hmong poor family : mal dit.
- But suddenly the cousin of Thao’s gang shot (présent) on their house
- the police hadn’t (présent)the evidence
- because (sujet) sacrifice (faute de conjugaison) himself for the others without regrets and make (faute de conjugaison)

- the (pas de the)well-known real life heroes.
- In the past, she couldn’t (verbe?) because she is (passé)black and she is (passé) a woman.
- she want (faute de conjugaison)the (pas de the)America change
- Obama believe (passé) in (article) American nation and want (passé)as (like pas as)the American people make the things change


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