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Spaces and exchanges/Bac

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Spaces and exchanges/Bac
Message de lulu2602 posté le 07-05-2017 à 14:24:04 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je passe bientôt mon oral d'anglais et j'aimerais un avis sur mon travail et une correction des fautes s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance.

Notion – Spaces and exchanges

I’m going to deal with the notion spaces and exchanges. First, I’d like to define the notion. It is about geographical and symbolic places where there are interactions between different societies. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation. There are different forms of exchanges: economic exchanges, cultural exchanges, or movements of people. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. In what the colonization of North America has redrawn the map of territories and changed the established order? First, we are going to see the decrease of Native Americans‘s territories and, next, the damage of the colonization on the Indian populations.
First, the settlers wanted to appropriate the territories of North America. For that purpose, it was necessary to reduce those of the Indians. So, natives American were forced to leave their territories because of the tragic event of the trail of tears for example. In fact, in 1830, President Jackson helped the Indian removal act to be passed through congress. The goal was to wipe Indians of from their land. Five eastern tribes had to abandon their farms. They were forced to leave under military control so they had to walk 2000 km westwards in “Indian territory”. At the end of this journey a lot of people died because of starvation and diseases: that’s why this was called the Trail of tears. Besides, the Indian appropriation act of 1851 also aimed at appropriating the Native’s lands. This act was passed by the congress, creating the reservation system: the government forced Native American to move to reservations, an area of land where natives Americans are leaving together. Pine ridge, for example, is a famous reservation located in South Dakota. These operations show us well the conquest of territories by the settlers in North America.
So, these events permitted to the settlers to reduce the territories of the natives Americans and to appropriate them.
Then, in particular because of the appropriation of their territories, the colonization had many consequences on the natives. First, life in the reservations was very difficult. In Pine Ridge for example there was a lot of unemployment and of course, poverty. There was also depression, problems of health. Indians had to deny their culture because of the settlers. In fact, in 1869, the government decided to set up a policy whose goal was to educate Indians in the way of western society: they used boarding schools. In these schools, children were extremely badly treated: children were taken from their home and family, there was sexual abuse, they couldn’t speak their language by risk to having to wash their mouth with soap and they also had to wear uniforms and were obliged to dress like Europeans. To assimilate and Americanize them, brainwashing techniques were used. Up to the late 1960s, 100000 kids between 5 and 6 years old were forced to attend boarding schools.
So, colonization was a real disaster for the natives Americans.
To conclude, colonization completely redrew the map of the North America because the settlers appropriated the lands of the natives Americans by making them leave in Indian territories. Finally, the established order had been completely change because there were lots of negative consequences for Native American. They could not do what they wanted and the settlers did not want to share moments with Native : they just wanted to take control of territories. There never had exchanges between the two societies. I like to study this notion because it gives another point of view about colonization that I already know more realistic.


Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2017 15:20

Réponse : Spaces and exchanges/Bac de here4u, postée le 07-05-2017 à 15:30:04 (S | E)
Hello !

J'aime, et j'ai envie d'aider les élèves qui ont compris que ce site n'est pas un site de correction, mais un site d'apprentissage ! let's go!

Notion – Spaces and exchanges
What's underlined is clumsy ...

I’m going to deal with the notionS of spaces and exchanges.(ou alors, mettre des guillemets !) First, I’d like to define the notion. It is about geographical and symbolic places where there are interactions between different societies. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation. There are different forms of exchanges: economic exchanges, cultural exchanges, or movements of people. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. In what the colonization of North America has redrawn (on dirait qu'une interrogative directe était ici en construction ... revoir l'ordre entre sujet/auxiliaire et verbe)the map of territories and changed the established order? First, we are going to see the decrease of Native Americans‘s territories and, next, the damage done by of the colonization on the Indian populations.
First, the settlers wanted to appropriate the territories of North America. For that purpose, it was necessary to reduce those of the Indiansclumsy!. So, natives American were forced to leave their territories because of the tragic eventS of the tTrail of tTears for example. In fact, in 1830, President Jackson helped the Indian removal act to be passed through congress. The goal was to wipe Indians ofF from their landS. Five eastern tribes had to abandon their farms. They were forced to leave under military control so they had to walk 2,000 km westwards in “Indian territory”. At the end of this journey a lot of people HAD died because of starvation and diseases: that’s why this was called the Trail of tears. Besides, the Indian appropriation act of 1851 also aimed at appropriating the Native’s lands. This act was passed by the congress, creating the reservation system: the government forced Native AmericanS to move to reservations, an area of land where natives Americans are leaving together. Pine ridge, for example, is a famous reservation located in South Dakota. These operations show us well the conquest of territories by the settlers in North America.
So, these events permitted to the settlers to reduce the territories of the natives Americans and to appropriate them.
Then, in particular because of the appropriation of their territories, the colonization had many consequences on the natives. First, life in the reservations was very difficult. In Pine Ridge for example there was a lot of unemployment and of course, poverty. There was also depression, problems of health. Indians had to deny their culture because of the settlers. In fact, in 1869, the government decided to set up a policy whose goal was to educate Indians in the way of western society: they used boarding schools. In these schools, children were extremely badly treated: children were taken from their homeS and familIES y, there was sexual abuse, they couldn’t speak their Native language by risk to Lien internet
having to wash their mouth with soap and they also had to wear uniforms and were obliged to dress like Europeans. To assimilate and Americanize them, brainwashing techniques were used. Up to the late 1960s, 100,000 kids between 5 and 6 years old were forced to attend boarding schools.
So, colonization was a real disaster for the natives Americans.
To conclude, colonization completely redrew the map of the North America because the settlers appropriated the lands of the natives Americans by making them leave in Indian territories. Finally, the established order had been completely change because there were lots of negative consequences for Native American. They could not do what they wanted and the settlers did not want to share moments with the Native : they just wanted to take control of territories. There never had exchanges between the two societies. I likeD to studyING this notion because it gives another point of view about colonization that I already know more realistic.

Réponse : Spaces and exchanges/Bac de lulu2602, postée le 08-05-2017 à 13:33:26 (S | E)
Je vous remercie pour votre réponse,

I’m going to deal with the notion "spaces and exchanges". First, I’d like to define the notion. It is about geographical and symbolic places where there are interactions between different societies. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation. There are different forms of exchanges: economic exchanges, cultural exchanges, or movements of people. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. In what has the colonization of North America redrawn the map of territories and changed the established order? First, we are going to see the decrease of Native Americans‘s territories and, next, the damage that colonization inflicted on the Indian tribes.
First, the settlers wanted to appropriate the territories of North America. For that purpose, it was necessary to reduce the Indians territories So, native Americans were forced to leave their territories because of the tragic event of the Trail of Tears for example. In fact, in 1830, President Jackson helped the Indian Removal Act to be passed through Congress. The goal was to wipe Indians off from their landS. Five eastern tribes had to abandon their farms. They were forced to leave under military control so they had to walk 2,000 km westwards in “Indian territory”. At the end of this journey a lot of people had died because of starvation and diseases: that’s why this was called the Trail of Tears. Besides, the Indian Appropriation Act of 1851 also aimed at appropriating the Natives’ lands. This act was passed by the Congress, creating the reservation system: the government forced Native AmericanS to move to reservations, an area of land where natives Americans are living together. Pine Ridge, for example, is a famous reservation located in South Dakota. These operations show us the conquest of territories by the settlers in North America.
So, these events permitted the settlers to reduce the territories of the native Americans and to appropriate them.
Then, in particular because of the appropriation of their territories, the colonization had many consequences on the natives. First, life in the reservations was very difficult. In Pine Ridge for example there was poverty and a lot of unemployment. There was also depression, problems of health. Indians had to deny their culture because of the settlers. In fact, in 1869, the government decided to set up a policy whose goal was to educate Indians in the way of western society: they used boarding schools. In these schools, children were extremely badly treated: children were taken from their homes and families y, there was sexual abuse, they couldn’t speak their Native language at the risk of having to wash their mouth with soap and they also had to wear uniforms and were obliged to dress like Europeans. To assimilate and Americanize them, brainwashing techniques were used. Up to the late 1960s, 100,000 kids between 5 and 6 years old were forced to attend boarding schools.
So, colonization was a real disaster for the Native Americans.
To conclude, colonization completely redrew the map of North America because the settlers appropriated the lands of the Native Americans by making them live in Indian territories. Finally, the established order had been completely changed because there were lots of negative consequences for Native Americans. They could not do what they wanted and the settlers did not want to share moments with the Native : they just wanted to take control of territories. There never was exchanges between the two societies. I liked to studing this notion because it gives another point of view about colonization more realistic that I already know .



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