Notion/Idea of progress
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basNotion/Idea of progress
Message de daviid posté le 08-05-2017 à 16:44:35 (S | E | F)
mardi j ai mon oral d'anglais pour le bac et j'aimerais que quelqu'un me corrige mes fautes d'orthographe, de syntaxe pour ma notion Spaces and Exchange ..
Merci d'avance.
I am going to talk about the idea of progress, Frist of all I would like to give the definition of this notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change .A technical, scientific and social advance contribute to making the world a better place .Also we can say that Progress implies changes evolution from an old older with old tradition to a new and modern .In class we studied several document about the idea of progress in particular about the documents of the American family form the 1950’s to today .
But does the evolution of the society Influences family structures to 1950’s to today?
In order to resolve this question will first describe the structure of the nuclear family during
The 50’s then I will focus on the evolution of the family between the 50’s to the 21 century
During the 50’s the society was very patrical and conservative .The 1950’s was also a time when American began to see it self as a Christian nation in a cold wars with a atheistic communist .the nuclear family in 1950’s was As Kathy Henry a American witter say headed by a male breadwinner .Indeed the male at this time is the once who work and brings the money , the once who have the Austere .However the female were considered as the second class-citizens .Their role were to cooking to cleaning ,to take care of the chidren.THEY WERE HOUSEWIFE and do DEPEDANT ON MEN .
But through the years the society become more tolerant and liberal, now the homosexuality is not a taboo subject , women have more right they can divorce ,have an education , their own bank account, aborted, the divorce is more commode.
The family structures have also changed today the women in the family work and brings the money like the male .Since 2015 gay people are allowed to marry and have a baby in USA and Interracial dating or mother hood are becoming more common (ma phrase est t Elle correct ???)
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2017 21:48
Message de daviid posté le 08-05-2017 à 16:44:35 (S | E | F)
mardi j ai mon oral d'anglais pour le bac et j'aimerais que quelqu'un me corrige mes fautes d'orthographe, de syntaxe pour ma notion Spaces and Exchange ..
Merci d'avance.
I am going to talk about the idea of progress, Frist of all I would like to give the definition of this notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change .A technical, scientific and social advance contribute to making the world a better place .Also we can say that Progress implies changes evolution from an old older with old tradition to a new and modern .In class we studied several document about the idea of progress in particular about the documents of the American family form the 1950’s to today .
But does the evolution of the society Influences family structures to 1950’s to today?
In order to resolve this question will first describe the structure of the nuclear family during
The 50’s then I will focus on the evolution of the family between the 50’s to the 21 century
During the 50’s the society was very patrical and conservative .The 1950’s was also a time when American began to see it self as a Christian nation in a cold wars with a atheistic communist .the nuclear family in 1950’s was As Kathy Henry a American witter say headed by a male breadwinner .Indeed the male at this time is the once who work and brings the money , the once who have the Austere .However the female were considered as the second class-citizens .Their role were to cooking to cleaning ,to take care of the chidren.THEY WERE HOUSEWIFE and do DEPEDANT ON MEN .
But through the years the society become more tolerant and liberal, now the homosexuality is not a taboo subject , women have more right they can divorce ,have an education , their own bank account, aborted, the divorce is more commode.
The family structures have also changed today the women in the family work and brings the money like the male .Since 2015 gay people are allowed to marry and have a baby in USA and Interracial dating or mother hood are becoming more common (ma phrase est t Elle correct ???)
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2017 21:48
Réponse : Notion/Idea of progress de gerondif, postée le 08-05-2017 à 19:29:08 (S | E)
merci de m'avoir contacté, je veux bien vous montrer vos erreurs mais vous corriger le texte reviendrait à ce que vous récitiez mon anglais demain.
Votre introduction tient la moitié du texte, puis vos deux paragraphes font 4 lignes chacun, c'est bien court.
Beaucoup d'erreurs après l'introduction une fois que c'est votre anglais réel, de maladresses, quelques inversions de lettres (form et from, frist et first)
erreurs en bleu corrections en vert
I am going to talk about the idea of progress, Frist of all I would like to give the definition of this notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change .A technical, scientific and social advance which contributes to making the world a better place .Also we can say that Progress implies changes, an evolution from an old older(il n'y a pas de nom derrière ce from) with old tradition to a new and modern (idem il n'y a pas de nom derrière ce to) .In class we studied several documents about the idea of progress in particular
But does the evolution of
In order to resolve this question,(sujet du verbe??) will first describe the structure of the nuclear family during
The 50’s then I will focus on the evolution of the family
During the 50’s
But through the years
J'espère que votre oral se passera bien mardi et que cette correction que vous sollicitiez tant vous aura servi.. Je vois que vous vous êtes connecté ce lundi 08 mai 2017 à 19:56:37.
Lors de votre connexion du mercredi 10 mai 2017 à 15:52:31, vous auriez pu nous dire si ça s'était bien passé.
Je remarque que vous êtes suffisamment doué pour en quelques heures trouver ce site, poster deux fois votre texte, l'envoyer en message privé à trois correcteurs en demandant une correction, pour ensuite disparaître sans correction des erreurs indiquées ni merci d'ailleurs.....
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