Oral/Idea of progress
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basOral/Idea of progress
Message de juju85 posté le 10-05-2017 à 16:26:40 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ma présentation d'oral d'anglais s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.
The notion I’m going to deal with is idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. A progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage .In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be the modern technology.
Has modern technology have a positive or a negative impact in the society?
Firstly, I talk about the positive aspect of the modern technology. Robots are imagining a long time because we studied three laws of robotics invented by Isaac Asimov in 1942 it’s a written. The first law is “A robot must no hurt a human being” the second law is “a robot must obey orders the human, don’t kill the person by respecting the first law and the three law is “a robot must protect itself by respecting two laws. Moreover, Robots are increasingly present. Indeed we studied Robot HRP-4C; it’s a humanoid robot can dance, sing and talk. It’s able to recognize sounds, imitate emotion and there are 8 motors just for the face. In addition, we studied the novel “Brave New World” wrote by Henry Ford It’s the creator of assembly line. He can be found there are pre-determined castes; people are conditioned to be happy and the government totalitarian. Besides, we studied the document “Hayabusa 2“, It’s a mission to determine the origin of life, the Mitsubishi H-IIA must meet the asteroid in 2018 and thanks to a probe he harvest samples and return to the earth in 2020.
Secondly, I talk about the negative aspect of the modern technology. Consequences of addiction of the modern technology are increasingly worrying. We studied 2 cartoons the first cartoon is two girls in a high school’s corridor who a girl is talking with a person on a conference video on the computer and the other girl is talking to him concerning physical human conversation is more difficult and no listening. The author denounces the social exclusion. The second cartoon is a family addict of the modern technology; a girl says “the computer was right. It is spring” the family is very addict who can’t see the season past. The goal of the cartoon is to denounce the social relationship. Besides, I watch a report Electronic waste traffic: The electronic tragedy in Spanish who explain we produce up to 50,000,000 tons of electronic waste who are very dangerous of the health and wastes came in Africa. So Children work on the electronic waste to resell a few components and work this toxic smoke and to cause injury, cancer and brain damage. El traffic of electronic waste is more important than the drug traffic. In my mind the use of new technologies is an evolution but their use should be limited because there are dramatic consequences in other countries
To conclude, progress can be something very positive which improves the living condition. But, it can be dangerous it can be dangerous if it is misused
Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2017 21:32
Message de juju85 posté le 10-05-2017 à 16:26:40 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ma présentation d'oral d'anglais s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.
The notion I’m going to deal with is idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. A progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage .In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be the modern technology.
Has modern technology have a positive or a negative impact in the society?
Firstly, I talk about the positive aspect of the modern technology. Robots are imagining a long time because we studied three laws of robotics invented by Isaac Asimov in 1942 it’s a written. The first law is “A robot must no hurt a human being” the second law is “a robot must obey orders the human, don’t kill the person by respecting the first law and the three law is “a robot must protect itself by respecting two laws. Moreover, Robots are increasingly present. Indeed we studied Robot HRP-4C; it’s a humanoid robot can dance, sing and talk. It’s able to recognize sounds, imitate emotion and there are 8 motors just for the face. In addition, we studied the novel “Brave New World” wrote by Henry Ford It’s the creator of assembly line. He can be found there are pre-determined castes; people are conditioned to be happy and the government totalitarian. Besides, we studied the document “Hayabusa 2“, It’s a mission to determine the origin of life, the Mitsubishi H-IIA must meet the asteroid in 2018 and thanks to a probe he harvest samples and return to the earth in 2020.
Secondly, I talk about the negative aspect of the modern technology. Consequences of addiction of the modern technology are increasingly worrying. We studied 2 cartoons the first cartoon is two girls in a high school’s corridor who a girl is talking with a person on a conference video on the computer and the other girl is talking to him concerning physical human conversation is more difficult and no listening. The author denounces the social exclusion. The second cartoon is a family addict of the modern technology; a girl says “the computer was right. It is spring” the family is very addict who can’t see the season past. The goal of the cartoon is to denounce the social relationship. Besides, I watch a report Electronic waste traffic: The electronic tragedy in Spanish who explain we produce up to 50,000,000 tons of electronic waste who are very dangerous of the health and wastes came in Africa. So Children work on the electronic waste to resell a few components and work this toxic smoke and to cause injury, cancer and brain damage. El traffic of electronic waste is more important than the drug traffic. In my mind the use of new technologies is an evolution but their use should be limited because there are dramatic consequences in other countries
To conclude, progress can be something very positive which improves the living condition. But, it can be dangerous it can be dangerous if it is misused
Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2017 21:32
Réponse : Oral/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 11-05-2017 à 10:36:38 (S | E)
- the subject of my presentation will be the (pas de the) modern technology.
- Has (does pas has)modern technology have a positive or a negative impact in the society?
-Firstly, I (will) talk about the positive aspect (pluriel)of the modern technology.
- Robots are imagining a long time: ?
- it’s a written: ?
- it’s a humanoid robot (that) can dance, sing and talk.
- the novel “Brave New World” wrote (participe passé)by Henry Ford It’s (passé) the creator of assembly line.
- He can be found: ?
- and thanks to a probe he (will)harvest samples and return to the earth in 2020.
- Secondly, I talk about the negative aspect(s) of the (pas de the) modern technology.
- (article)Consequences of addiction of (pas la bonne préposition)(pas de the) the modern technology
- the first cartoon is (mal dit)two girls in a high school’s corridor who (enlever who) a girl is talking
- (article) conversation is more difficult
- and no listening.: ?
- The author denounces the (pas de the)social exclusion.
- The second cartoon is (mettre le verbe représenter)a family addict (participe passé)of (pas la bonne préposition) the (pas de the)modern technology;
- the family is very addict who can’t see the season past: ?
- The goal of the cartoon is to denounce the (pas de the)social Relationship(s).
- Besides, I Watch (passé) a report
- The electronic tragedy in Spanish who (pas le bon relatif)explain (faute de conjugaison)we produce
- electronic waste who (pas le bon relatif)are very dangerous of (pas la bonne préposition)the (pas de the)health
- and wastes came (présent)in Africa.
- and work (with) this toxic smoke and to (that à la place de and to)cause injury, cancer and brain damage.
- El
- In (pas la bonne préposition) my mind
Réponse : Oral/Idea of progress de gerold, postée le 11-05-2017 à 13:28:27 (S | E)
Henry Ford a écrit "Brave New World"? Information à vérifier d`urgence!
Réponse : Oral/Idea of progress de lucile83, postée le 11-05-2017 à 13:34:55 (S | E)
the novel “Brave New World” wrote by Henry Ford ...écrire cela pour un oral du Bac me/nous laisse perplexe/perplexes et sans voix!
Réponse : Oral/Idea of progress de faufau25, postée le 12-05-2017 à 16:16:10 (S | E)
The brave new world a été écrit par Aldous Huxley
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