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Spaces and Exchanges/oral

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Spaces and Exchanges/oral
Message de roty posté le 13-05-2017 à 12:55:02 (S | E | F)
Je souhaiterai savoir si la grammaire et le vocabulaire sont corrects S'il vous plaît.
MMerci d'avance ( Oral bac = fin de semaine prochaine).

I am going talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.
The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.
We will try two part to answerat this problematic : What are the reasons of moving to another counrty ?
First, we will talk about the American Dream. Then we talk about Canada a welcoming country.

I_ The Americain Dream
The American Dream which is an idea, started in the 1920’s. This concept is based on the idea that if you work hard, you will suceed. That’s why lots of immigrants went living in the U.S.A. We have studeed a cartoon published in 2008 on Americain newspapel. In this cartoon we can see a black man sitting on an armchair with his children in his lap. What the man said reminds un of the famouss speech of Martin Luther King « I have a dream ». Obviously, the man believes the Barack Obama will make the American Dream of social justice, equality… comes true. We have listening a speech of Barack Obama. He speaks one day his grandparents settled in America to give a bette eductation to their daughter, the mother of Obama. In university she met a young men from Kenya, the father of Obama. He relate the American Dream of his family and the sacrifies they made just to be free.
Many people believe when they arrived in U.S.A they can have a better life with plenty of money, secure ob, school for their children, success, own home, solitarity and opportunies. But it’s not a reality. Infact, these immigrants discovered the dark face of the American Dream. They were feced by racism, violence, discrimination and segregation. In fact we have studeed a picture. On this picture we can see a black little boy, he seems to be protecting himself with boking gloves which are decorated with the American flag. But why this picture with this boy ? What shall we understand ? Maybe, this representation symbolises all the people who want to live the American Dream and so they are ready to fight to get ride of or to overcome all the obstacles. Or it’s because U.S.A is a country where many black people are victim of racism.
People have many reasons to go to live in U.S.A like secure job, plenty of money, school, success but it’s not without risk.

II_ Canada a welcoming country
Now, we talk about the Canada a welcoming country. For demonstrate this aspect we havestuding an article extracted from the website « Canadian imigration » magazine, is name is « Why choose Canada? ». It emphasizes on the record number of immigrants welcomed in Canada these last few years, making Canada « one of the most immigrants friendly countries in the world », according to the article. The article gives the reasons why immigrants find Canada so great. First, they have a high standard of living. The average household disposable income of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is an indicator of the level of life of people. In this ranking, Canada is in the 8th position. Moreover, Canada have many social programs like unemployment insurance, social welfare for disabled people, childcare benefits and old age pension. Also, he exit a multicultural society. Canada ranked in the top ten countries as far as the integration of immigrants is concerned. This country achieved to make people from different origins and culture living together.
We studeed also an article extracted from the website « CIC News », is name is « The advantages of studying in Canada. The number of international student in Canada is over 250 000. Many of students are choosing Canada over other country like United States and France because of certain advantages. Infact in Canada we have work while you study. Among other benefits, this allows them to manage their finance without incurring enormous debt. Furthermore, lower tuition costs, compared to other countries, Canadian international tuitio fees, accommodation and other living expenses remain competitive. But he remains a challenge for Canada because many students leave Canada when their stydies are finished.

To conclude, People are many reasons to move another country but it’s depend which country they have choose. However, people migrate for such reasons like find a good job, for school and university, success… These host countries have challenge like U.S with the segregation an racism and in Canada where students leaving after their studies.
To my mind leave to another country can be instrested because we can discovered another country, culture, languages and way of life. But I couldn’t stay in this country because my family will miss me.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-05-2017 13:23

Réponse : Spaces and Exchanges/oral de laure95, postée le 13-05-2017 à 18:21:04 (S | E)
- We will try two part: ?
- to answerat : (enlever at)
- What are the reasons of (pas la bonne préposition) moving to another counrty ?

I_ The Americain Dream
- studeed: ?
- a cartoon published in 2008 on (article)Americain newspapel .
- What the man said reminds un of (one of) the famouss (orthographe) speech
- the man believes the (pas de the) Barack Obama will make the American Dream of social justice, equality… comes (pas de s)
- We have listening (participe passé)(préposition) a speech of Barack Obama.
- He speaks: ?
- bette: ?
- eductation : ?
- the mother of Obama: Obama's mother.
- In(pas la bonne préposition) university
- the father of Obama: Obama's father.
- He relate (passé) the American Dream
- Many people believe (that)when they arrived (présent)in (article)U.S.A
- own home (pas le bon mot ici)
- , solitarity: ?
- opportunies: ?
- Infact: en un seul mot.
- They were feced: ?
- studeed
- ride (orthographe)of (it)
- Or it’s because (article)U.S.A
- in U.S.A
- like secure job: ?

II_ Canada a welcoming country
Now, we (will)talk about the (pas de the)Canada
- For (pas la bonne préposition)demonstrate this aspect
- we havestuding: ?
- is name: ?
- of life of people: of people's life.
- Canada have (faute de conjugaison).
- Also, he (pas le bon pronom)exit (faute de conjguaison)
- Canada ranked (present) in the top ten countries
- This country (has)achieved to make people
- We studeed
- is name
- The number of international student (pluriel)in Canada is over 250 000.
- Many of (pas de of)students are choosing Canada over other country like (article)United States
- Infact
- in Canada we have work (a job pas work)while you (we pas you)study.
- he (pas le bon pronom) remains
- stydies: ?

-To conclude, People are (pas le bon verbe)many reasons to move (to) another country
- it’s depend
- they have choose (participe passé).
- like (to) find a good job
- These host countries have challenge (pluriel)like (artcile)U.S with the segregation an(d)
- To my mind leave (leaving) to
- instrested: ?
- we can discovered: can + infinitif.

Bon travail, dommage qu'il y ait tant de fautes!

Réponse : Spaces and Exchanges/oral de roty, postée le 13-05-2017 à 22:52:32 (S | E)
Bonsoir, je pense avoir corriger les fautes. Merci d'avance

I am going talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges.
The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.
What are the reasons moving to another counrty ?
First, we will talk about the American Dream. Then we talk about Canada a welcoming country.

I_ The Americain Dream

The American Dream which is an idea, started in the 1920’s. This concept is based on the idea that if you work hard, you will suceed. That’s why lots of immigrants went living in the U.S.A. We have studied a cartoon published in 2008 on article Americain newspapel. In this cartoon we can see a black man sitting on an armchair with his children in his lap. What the man said reminds one of the famous speech of Martin Luther King « I have a dream ». Obviously, the man believes Barack Obama will make the American Dream of social justice, equality… come true. We have listened a speech of Barack Obama. He speaks of the day his grandparents settled in America to give a better education to their daughter, Obama’s mother. In the university ,she met a young men from Kenya, Obama’s father. He related the American Dream of his family and the sacrifies they made just to be free.
Many people believe that when they arrive in the U.S.A they can have a better life with plenty of money, secure ob, school for their children's, success, own home, solidarity and opportunities. But it’s not a reality. Infact, these immigrants discovered the dark face of the American Dream. They were feced by racism, violence, discrimination and segregation. Infact we have studeed a picture. On this picture we can see a black little boy, he seems to be protecting himself with boking gloves which are decorated with the American flag. But why this picture with this boy ? What shall we understand ? Maybe, this representation symbolises all the people who want to live the American Dream and so they are ready to fight to get rid of or to overcome all the obstacles. Or it’s because the U.S.A is a country where many black people are victim of racism.
People have many reasons to go to live in U.S.A like secure job, plenty of money, school, success but it’s not without risk.

II_ Canada a welcoming country

Now, we will talk about Canada a welcoming country. For demonstrate this aspect we havestuding an article extracted from the website « Canadian imigration » magazine, the name is « Why choose Canada? ». It emphasizes on the record number of immigrants welcomed in Canada these last few years, making Canada « one of the most immigrants friendly countries in the world », according to the article. The article gives the reasons why immigrants find Canada so great. First, they have a high standard of living. The average household disposable income of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is an indicator of the level of people's life. In this ranking, Canada is in the 8th position. Moreover, Canada has many social programs like unemployment insurance, social welfare for disabled people, childcare benefits and old age pension. Also, it exits a multicultural society. Canada ranks in the top ten countries as far as the integration of immigrants is concerned. This country has achieved to make people from different origins and culture living together.
We studied also an article extracted from the website « CIC News », the name is « The advantages of studying in Canada. The numbers of international student in Canada is over 250 000. Many of students are choosing Canada over other country like the United States and France because of certain advantages. Infact in Canada we have job while we study. Among other benefits, this allows them to manage their finance without incurring enormous debt. Furthermore, lower tuition costs, compared to other countries, Canadian international tuitio fees, accommodation and other living expenses remain competitive. But he remains a challenge for Canada because many students leave Canada when their studies are finished.

To conclude, People have many reasons to move to another country but it’s depend which country they have choosed. However, people migrate for such reasons like find a good job, for school and university, success… These host countries have challenges like U.S with the segregation an racism and in Canada where students leaving after their studies.
To my mind leaving to another country can be interested because we can discover another country, culture, languages and way of life. But I couldn’t stay in this country because my family will miss me.

Réponse : Spaces and Exchanges/oral de laure95, postée le 15-05-2017 à 17:38:11 (S | E)
- What are the reasons (for)moving to another counrty (orthographe) ?
- Then we (will) talk about Canada a welcoming country.

I_ The Americain (mot français)Dream
- on article Americain newspapel: ?
- What the man said reminds (us of)one of the famous speech
- We have listened (préposition)a speech of Barack Obama.
- In (pas la bonne préposition) the (pas de the)university
- secure ob: ?
- their children's: pas de 's)
- home: pas le bon mot ici.
- Infact: en un sel mot.
- these (those pas these)immigrants
- they were feced by racism: they had to face racism.
- Infact
- studeed: orthographe.
- to go to (and pas to)live in (article) U.S.A
- secure jobs: ?

II_ Canada a welcoming country
- For to pas for)demonstrate this aspect
- we havestuding: mal conjugué.
- from the website « Canadian imigration » magazine: extrait d'un site internet ou d'un magazine?
- old age pension (mettre au pluriel).
- Also, it exits a multicultural society: a multicultural society also exists.
- living (mettre à l'infinitif) together.
- The numbers (singulier)of international student in Canada is over 250 000.
- Many of (enlever of)students are choosing Canada over other country (pluriel) like the United States and France
- Infact
- enormous debt (mettre au pluriel).
- but he (pas le bon pronom)remains a challenge

- it’s depend: mal conjugué.
- they have choosed: verbe irrégulier!
- like (to)find a good job
- like (article) U.S with the (pas de the)segregation an racism
- where students leaving (mal conjugué) after their studies.


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