Places and forms of power/aide
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basPlaces and forms of power/aide
Message de a16a posté le 13-05-2017 à 14:30:15 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je passe l'épreuve orale du baccalauréat bientôt et je souhaiterais établir une correction de ma notion avec vous.J'aimerais avoir vos avis pour améliorer au mieux ma copie.
Merci d'avance
Places and forms of power
The notion that I ‘m going to deal with is Places and forms of power. First of all , a place is a space such as a country or a city. And a form of power is a form of authority and force. Generally, it’s a person, a group, or a notion who have influence over others. Of course, this can lead to conflicts and tensions between those who have power and those who don’t. In relation to the notion, the topic of my presentation would be “fighting for a cause”. The question will be: How can things change when it seems they can’t? First, we are going to see suffragettes fighting for equal rights. Then we will see black people fighting against the segregation and discrimination.
First of all, the suffragettes fought for the right to vote. To be heard, suffragettes had done violent actions such as smashing windows and committing arson. In class, we studied a video which correspond to this part. Indeed , this video ,located in England, show that those women thought that after the war, they will have the right to vote and will start to work as men( that’s the main reasons of their fight). So here, we can say that we have the notion of power because they used force and violence to be heard and that worth it because a low passed in 1928 to put men and women on a equal footing.
Furthermore, we can also talk about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Junior. Two symbolic persons , who lived in the United States and who fought against the segregation and the discrimination. We had studied them thanks’ an interview between Rosa Parks and a journalist and we saw the well-known “I Have a Dream”. We have here the idea of power because they made things to change things. In other words: Martin Luther king made a speech in Washington DC, to unify black and white people, the way to express his opinion is a way of power. And his strength is his voice. Moreover, Rosa Parks wasn’t scared at white people , she even let a white person sit on her seat, so she was arrested and sent to jail . Here we have a woman who fought to have equals rights between black and white people.
To conclude, thanks those people , we can say that everything is possible because , personally , I think that everyone can express their displeasure in different ways. And it will be always heard such as nowadays women have the right to vote since 1928 and the segregation was abolished in 1964.
Modifié par lucile83 le 13-05-2017 17:58
Message de a16a posté le 13-05-2017 à 14:30:15 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je passe l'épreuve orale du baccalauréat bientôt et je souhaiterais établir une correction de ma notion avec vous.J'aimerais avoir vos avis pour améliorer au mieux ma copie.
Places and forms of power
The notion that I ‘m going to deal with is Places and forms of power. First of all , a place is a space such as a country or a city. And a form of power is a form of authority and force. Generally, it’s a person, a group, or a notion who have influence over others. Of course, this can lead to conflicts and tensions between those who have power and those who don’t. In relation to the notion, the topic of my presentation would be “fighting for a cause”. The question will be: How can things change when it seems they can’t? First, we are going to see suffragettes fighting for equal rights. Then we will see black people fighting against the segregation and discrimination.
First of all, the suffragettes fought for the right to vote. To be heard, suffragettes had done violent actions such as smashing windows and committing arson. In class, we studied a video which correspond to this part. Indeed , this video ,located in England, show that those women thought that after the war, they will have the right to vote and will start to work as men( that’s the main reasons of their fight). So here, we can say that we have the notion of power because they used force and violence to be heard and that worth it because a low passed in 1928 to put men and women on a equal footing.
Furthermore, we can also talk about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Junior. Two symbolic persons , who lived in the United States and who fought against the segregation and the discrimination. We had studied them thanks’ an interview between Rosa Parks and a journalist and we saw the well-known “I Have a Dream”. We have here the idea of power because they made things to change things. In other words: Martin Luther king made a speech in Washington DC, to unify black and white people, the way to express his opinion is a way of power. And his strength is his voice. Moreover, Rosa Parks wasn’t scared at white people , she even let a white person sit on her seat, so she was arrested and sent to jail . Here we have a woman who fought to have equals rights between black and white people.
To conclude, thanks those people , we can say that everything is possible because , personally , I think that everyone can express their displeasure in different ways. And it will be always heard such as nowadays women have the right to vote since 1928 and the segregation was abolished in 1964.
Modifié par lucile83 le 13-05-2017 17:58
Réponse : Places and forms of power/aide de laure95, postée le 13-05-2017 à 18:30:16 (S | E)
- First, we are going to see (speak about)plutôt que see)suffragettes
- Then we will see (mettre un autre verbe plus approprié)black people fighting against the (pas de the) segregation
- To be heard, suffragettes had done (prétérit) violent actions
- In class, we studied a video which correspond (faute de conjugaison)to this part.
- this video ,located
- we have the notion of power: mal dit.
- that (verbe?)worth it because a low (orthographe) passed in 1928 to put men and women on a (a + mot commençant par une consonne)equal footing.
- Two symbolic(al) persons
- and who fought against the (pas de the) segregation and the (pas de the)discrimination.
- We had (présent)studied them thanks’ (enlever ' et mettre to) an interview
- and we saw (read pas saw) the well-known “I Have a Dream”.
- We have here the idea of power: mal dit.
- because they made things to change things: mal dit.
- king: majuscule.
- Rosa Parks wasn’t scared at (pas la bonne préposition) white people ,
- she even let a white person sit on her seat: elle ne l'a pas fait!
- to have (get pas have) equals (pas de s)rights between black and white people.
- To conclude, thanks (to)those people
- everyone can express their (his or her pas their)displeasure in different ways.
- women have (present perfect) the right to vote since 1928 and the (pas de the) segregation was abolished in 1964.
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