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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de thepokergirl posté le 14-05-2017 à 12:38:57 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Je passe mon oral du bac d'anglais dans quelques jours et j'aurais aimé savoir si quelqu'un aurait pu m'aider à corriger mes fautes S'il vous plaît.
En vous remerciant d'avance !

First of all, we can remark that heroes have always existed. Even in Antiquity, those extraordinary characters of myths where there to guide people’s lives. Indeed, the concept of hero appeared in Ancient Grece where it meant demigod. So, originally they were almost always imaginary and legendary characters, supermen with magic powers who accomplished bold exploits in myths. The latter at the time were used for the most part for explaining phenomena of nature. For example, in one an herione King of Ethiopia’s daughter named Andromeda had been transform by Goddess Athena giving the constellation. However, albeit former heroes were known for their incredible strength , they more importantly had to be endowed with moral values such as honor, bravery and a merit superior to that of a simple man, which made of them heroes. Be it demigod or simple mortal, in the Greek mythology the heroic value was first a military one : therefore these heroes of former days were often conquering warrior earning renown by the numbers of enemies they had slain like Ulysse a fictional hero total created by Homere a poet. He was also characterized by his guile, his endurance and his brilliance which allowed him to face all the test he came across during his trip to return home.

Secondly, we can observe that this definition of an hero have continued to stay the same during Middle Age, until becoming more inclusive forming the modern heroes, nowadays. Indeed, it has changed throughout time heroes focusing more on saving life than taking them and it’s no longer only referring to an imaginary superman but to any common person with bravery and values who does something extraordinary in her life and who works for some greater good. No matter how much tedious or painful this task might be they are willing to make sacrifices, as far as modern heroes must act somewhat selflessly. They are heroes of everyday life who puts other safety and other people future above their own regardless of the danger , for example firemen considered as ones by many persons especially when calamitous events happened like the September Eleven attacks in 2001 when the World trade center towers had collapsed and almost 3 thousand people died. Firefighters risked their life to save others but it’s sad to see that these heroes may only be discovered after such horrible events in which they suffer a great loss or even loss of life. Nevertheless, Modern heroes aren’t always recognized at their time. But real ones undoubtedly do things for the sake of being good and not juste for a reward for good deeds. They can try to improve the current system or the way of life of people by speeches or acts that try to break norms harmful to the respect of other’s lives. For instance, Martin Luther King is a real hero especially for the Afro Americans because he fighter peacefully the blight of the racial segregation in the USA and pronounces his famous speech «  I have a dream » which allowed to them to have more rights.

Voila ! Merci beaucoup

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2017 15:54

Réponse : Aide/oral de thepokergirl, postée le 14-05-2017 à 16:24:36 (S | E)
Quelqu'un peut m'aider S'il vous plaît....

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2017 16:41

Réponse : Aide/oral de bluestar, postée le 14-05-2017 à 18:03:23 (S | E)

erreurs en bleu, quelques suggestions en vert)

First of all, we can remark that heroes have always existed. Even in Antiquity,(pas de majuscule) those extraordinary characters of myths where there to guide people’s lives. Indeed, the concept of hero appeared in Ancient Grece where it meant demigod. So, originally they were almost always imaginary and legendary characters, supermen with magic powers who accomplished bold exploits in myths. The latter at the time were used for the most part for explaining phenomena of nature. For example, in one an herione King of Ethiopia’s daughter named Andromeda had been transform(participe passe) by the Goddess Athena giving the constellation. However, albeit ('although' irait mieux ici) former heroes were known for their incredible strength , they more importantly had to be endowed with moral values such as honor, bravery and a merit superior to that of a simple man, which made of them heroes. Be it demigod or simple mortal, in the Greek mythology the heroic value was first a military one : therefore these heroes of former days were often conquering warrior(pluriel) earning renown by the numbers of enemies they had slain like Ulysses a fictional hero total created by Homere a poet. He was also characterized by his guile, his endurance and his brilliance which allowed him to face all the test(pluriel) he came across during his trip to return home.

Secondly, we can observe that this definition of an hero have continued to stay the same during the Middle Ages, until becoming more inclusive forming the modern heroes, nowadays. Indeed, it has changed throughout time heroes focusing more on saving life than taking them and it’s no longer only referring to an imaginary superman but to any common person with bravery and values who does something extraordinary in her life and who works for some greater good.(cette phrase est trop longue). No matter how much tedious or painful this task might be they are willing to make sacrifices, as far as modern heroes must act somewhat selflessly. They are heroes of everyday life who puts other safety and other people future above their own regardless of the danger , for example firemen considered as ones by many persons especially when calamitous events happened like the September Eleven attacks in 2001 when the World trade center towers had collapsed and almost 3 thousand people died. Firefighters risked their life(pluriel) to save others but it’s sad to see that these heroes may only be discovered after such horrible events in which they suffer a great loss or even loss of life. Nevertheless, modern heroes aren’t always recognized at their time. But real ones undoubtedly do things for the sake of being good and not juste for a reward for good deeds. They can try to improve the current system or the way of life of people by speeches or acts that try to break norms harmful to the respect of other’s lives(je dirais simplement: harmful to others). For instance, Martin Luther King is a real hero especially for the Afro Americans because he fighter(il faut le verbe pas le nom) peacefully the blight of the racial segregation in the USA and pronounces(temps?) his famous speech « I have a dream » which allowed to them to have more rights.

Réponse : Aide/oral de thepokergirl, postée le 14-05-2017 à 20:00:45 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la correction, c'est tres gentil !! Je vous renvoie le texte sans fautes (normalement) ! Bonne soirée

First of all, we can remark that heroes have always existed. Even in antiquity those extraordinary characters of myths where there to guide people’s lives. Indeed, the concept of hero appeared in Ancient Greece were it meant demigod. So, originally they were almost always imaginary and legendary characters, supermen with magic powers who accomplished bold exploits in myths. The latter at the time were used for the most part for explaining phenomena of nature. For example, in one an heroine King of Ethiopia’s daughter named Andromeda had been transformed by the Goddess Athena giving the constellation. However, although former heroes were known for their incredible strength , they more importantly had to be endowed with moral values such as honor, bravery and a merit superior to that of a simple man, which made of them heroes. Be it demigod or simple mortal, in the Greek mythology the heroic value was first a military one : therefore these heroes of former days were often conquering warriors earning renown by the numbers of enemies they had slain like Ulysses a fictional hero total created by Homer a poet. He was also characterized by his guile, his endurance and his brilliance which allowed him to face all the tests he came across during his trip to return home.

Secondly, we can observe that this definition of an hero have continued to stay the same during the Middle Ages, until becoming more inclusive forming the modern heroes, nowadays. Indeed, it has changed throughout time and it’s no longer only referring to an imaginary superman but to any common person with bravery and values who does something extraordinary in her life and who works for some greater good. No matter how much tedious or painful this task might be, they are willing to make sacrifices because modern heroes must act somewhat selflessly. They are heroes of everyday life who puts other safety and other people future above their own regardless of the danger , for example firemen considered as ones by many persons especially when calamitous events happened like the September Eleven attacks in 2001 when the World trade center towers had collapsed and almost 3 thousand people died. Firefighters risked their lives to save others but it’s sad to see that these heroes may only be discovered after such horrible events in which they suffer a great loss or even loss of life. Nevertheless, modern heroes aren’t always recognized at their time. But real ones undoubtedly do things for the sake of being good and not juste for a reward for good deeds. They can try to improve the current system or the way of life of people by speeches or acts that try to break norms harmful to others. For instance, Martin Luther King is a real hero especially for the Afro Americans because he fought peacefully the blight of the racial segregation in the USA and pronounced his famous speech « I have a dream » which allowed them to have more rights.

Réponse : Aide/oral de bluestar, postée le 15-05-2017 à 10:43:29 (S | E)

First of all, we can remark that heroes have always existed. Even in antiquity those extraordinary characters of myths where there to guide people’s lives. Indeed, the concept of hero appeared in Ancient Greece were it meant demigod. So, originally they were almost always imaginary and legendary characters, supermen with magic powers who accomplished bold exploits in myths. The latter at the time were used for the most part for explaining phenomena of nature. For example, in one an heroine King of Ethiopia’s daughter named Andromeda had been transformed by the Goddess Athena giving the constellation. However, although former heroes were known for their incredible strength , they more importantly had to be endowed with moral values such as honor, bravery and a merit superior to that of a simple man, which made of them heroes. Be it demigod or simple mortal, in the Greek mythology the heroic value was first a military one : therefore these heroes of former days were often conquering warriors earning renown by the numbers of enemies they had slain like Ulysses a fictional hero total created by Homer a poet. He was also characterized by his guile, his endurance and his brilliance which allowed him to face all the tests he came across during his trip to return home.

Secondly, we can observe that this definition of an hero have continued to stay the same during the Middle Ages, until becoming more inclusive forming the modern heroes, nowadays. Indeed, it has changed throughout time and it’s no longer only referring to an imaginary superman but to any common person with bravery and values who does something extraordinary in her life and who works for some greater good. No matter how much tedious or painful this task might be, they are willing to make sacrifices because modern heroes must act somewhat selflessly. They are heroes of everyday life who puts other people's safety and other people's future above their own regardless of the danger , for example firemen considered as ones by many persons especially when calamitous events happened like the September Eleven attacks in 2001 when the World trade center towers had collapsed and almost 3 thousand people died. Firefighters risked their lives to save others but it’s sad to see that these heroes may only be discovered after such horrible events in which they suffer a great loss or even loss of life. Nevertheless, modern heroes aren’t always recognized at their time. But real ones undoubtedly do things for the sake of being good and not juste just for with a reward for good deeds. They can try to improve the current system or the way of life of people by speeches or acts that try to break norms harmful to others. For instance, Martin Luther King is a real hero especially for the Afro Americans because he fought peacefully the blight of the racial segregation in the USA and pronounced his famous speech « I have a dream » which allowed them to have more rights.

Vous utilisez where au lieu de were dans la première phrase and were au lieu de where dans le prochaine. Ne confondez pas les deux..

Hero/heroine, ici le h se prononce - donc a hero pas an hero, a heroine pas an heroine.If the h were 'silent', an hero an heroine would be correct...Par exemple, an hour pas a hour

Réponse : Aide/oral de gerondif, postée le 15-05-2017 à 11:41:22 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu suggestions en vert

First of all, we can remark (au sens de faire une remarque à haute voix, sinon,c'est notice) that heroes have always existed. Even in antiquity those extraordinary characters of myths (j'auris mis mythical characters ou myth characters) where there to guide people’s lives. Indeed, the concept of hero appeared in Ancient Greece were it meant demigod. So, originally they were almost always imaginary and legendary characters, supermen with magic powers who accomplished bold exploits in myths. The latter(un peu maladroit, pour traduire "ces derniers, je suppose; Une reprise du mot avec these irait bien aussi) at the time were used for the most part for explaining(pour + notion de but, c'est plutôt to + base verbale) phenomena of nature. For example, in one of them, an heroine , the King of Ethiopia’s daughter named Andromeda had been transformed by the Goddess Athena giving the constellation( je voulais vérifier si je pouvais mettre Had been transformed by Athena into a constellation mais je voix que "Après sa mort, Andromède est placée par Athéna parmi les constellations, dans l'hémisphère nord du ciel, près de Persée et de Cassiopée."). However, although former heroes were known for their incredible strength , they more importantly had to be endowed with moral values such as honor, bravery and a merit superior to that of a simple man, which made of them heroes.(je l'aurais mis dans l'autre sens et peut-être aussi whic made heroes out of them) Be it demigod or simple mortal, in the Greek mythology the heroic value was first a military one : therefore these heroes of former days were often conquering warriors earning renown by the numbers of enemies they had slain like Ulysses a fictional hero total created by Homer a poet. He was also characterized by his guile, his endurance and his brilliance which allowed him to face all the tests he came across during his trip to return home.

Secondly, we can observe that this definition of an hero have(sujet singulier, verbe pluriel) continued to stay the same during the Middle Ages, until becoming more inclusive forming (construction maladroite) the modern heroes, nowadays. Indeed, it has changed throughout time and it’s no longer only referring to an imaginary superman but to any common person with bravery and values who does something extraordinary in her(la person n'est pas uniquement féminine, il faudrait mettre their bien que person soit singulier) life and who works for some greater good. No matter how much(en trop) tedious or painful this task might be, they are willing to make sacrifices because modern heroes must act somewhat selflessly. They are heroes of everyday life who puts( sujet pluriel, verbe singulier) other people's safety and other people's future above their own regardless of the danger , for example firemen considered as ones(construction bancale, one ne va pas au pluriel ici, il faudrait ne pas abréger: firemen are considered as heroes because...) by many persons( le pluriel de person est plutôt people) especially when calamitous events happened like the September Eleven attacks in 2001 when the World trade center towers had collapsed and almost 3 thousand people died. Firefighters risked their lives to save others but it’s sad to see that these heroes may only be discovered after such horrible events in which they suffer a great loss or even loss of life. Nevertheless, modern heroes aren’t always recognized at their time. But real ones undoubtedly do things for the sake of being good and not juste just for with(à ôter) a reward for good deeds. They can try to improve the current system or the way of life of people by speeches or acts that try to break norms harmful to others. For instance, Martin Luther King is a real hero especially for the Afro Americans because he fought peacefully against the blight of the racial segregation in the USA and pronounced his famous speech « I have a dream » which allowed them to have more rights.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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