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Oral /Examination

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Oral /Examination
Message de seka posté le 14-05-2017 à 13:57:28 (S | E | F)
je suis actuellement en classe de Terminale S(science de l'ingénieur) et je dois préparer mon oral pour bientôt. Je souhaiterais que certaines personnes m'apportent une aide pour mes fiches notions afin de réussir mon épreuve d'oral d'anglais, merci d'avance.

Tout d'abord pour la notion d'espaces et échanges :
I will talk about the notion of space and exchange. It should be noted that exchange between countries are increasingly important whether it's between population, cultural or econmic. We will mainly deal with tourism and cultural exchange that are done abroad. How tourism is source of exchange ?
We will first illustrate this notion by talking about the differents types of tourism which exist, in a second time we will speak about projects to create cultural interactions abroad, and finally we will discuss about another project of solidarity and exchange.

There are a lot of tourism like mass tourism, it's when the demand for services increases such as water, fuel ect. The green tourism exist to help the environnement. The heritage tourism is the most famous, it's when you visit monuments and sites. All these differents types of tourism bring money to the local population and can make the city famous.
Now we will speak about the gap year which is a project of cultural interaction. The gap year is a sabbatical year during which some students take time off to go abroad, help people in need, travel, work, get involved in community service, volunteer work, foreign exchange programs, or explore career interests... Usually people, during the gap year, help people in need and teach their language, it's create a cultural interaction.
One other project which create an exchange with people is the couchsurffing. It's a non profit network that connect travelers arround the world, member use this system to come together for cultural exchange, friendship and learning experiences. Members share hospitality with one another. Hosts have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world without leaving home. The goal of this project is simply discuss,exchange and meet foreign persons. We can join it into the notion of spaces and exchange.

Finally, we can say that tourism is a form of exchange between countries. There are lot of different types of tourism which create cultural and economic exchange. There a lot of projects too, which allow to create a dialogue with foreigns people.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2017 16:55

Réponse : Oral /Examination de gerondif, postée le 14-05-2017 à 14:13:20 (S | E)
Soignez un peu votre anglais; Dès que vous ne réutilisez pas des phrases de cours, ça coince: Vous ne mettez pas de s au présent simple troisième personne, vous mettez des s aux adjectifs pourtant invariables, vous mettez des verbes pluriels avec des sujets singuliers, vous mettez sur le même plan noms et adjectifs, vous ratez l'expression il y a (there is there are)...
erreurs en bleu

I will talk about the notion of space and exchange. It should be noted that exchange between countries are (sujet singulier, verbe pluriel)increasingly important whether it's between population, cultural or economic(construction bancale, juxtaposition de noms et d'adjectifs). We will mainly deal with tourism and cultural exchange that are done abroad. How tourism is source (forme interrogative à revoir; Inversion !!) of exchange ?
We will first illustrate this notion by talking about the differents(adjectif invariable !) types of tourism which exist, in a second time we will speak about projects to create cultural interactions abroad, and finally we will discuss about another project of solidarity and exchange.

There are (le sujet réel, tourism, est singulier)a lot of tourism like mass tourism,( drôle de définition du tourisme de masse qui selon vous se réduirait à une augmentation des besoins en eau et en carburant) it's when the demand for services increases such as water, fuel ect. The green tourism exist(le s du présent. De toutes façons, exist n'est pas le meilleur verbe, la meilleure structure pour dire ce que vous voulez dire) to help the environnement. The heritage tourism is the most famous, it's when you visit monuments and sites. All these differents(adj invariable!) types of tourism bring money to the local population and can make the city famous.
Now we will speak about the gap year which is a project of cultural interaction. The gap year is a sabbatical year during which some students take time off to go abroad, help people in need, travel, work, get involved in community service, volunteer work, foreign exchange programs, or explore career interests... Usually people, during the gap year, help people in need and teach them their language, it's create(mauvaise structure pour traduire: cela crée) a cultural interaction.
One other project which create(le s du présent!) an exchange with people is the couchsurffing. It's a non profit network that connect(le s du présent) travelers arround the world, memberpluriel) use this system to come together for cultural exchange, friendship and learning experiences. Members share hospitality with one another. Hosts have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world without leaving home. The goal of this project is simply to discuss,exchange and meet foreign persons( au pluriel person a tendance à devenir people). We can join it into(mavais choix de verbe pensez à inclure) the notion of spaces and exchange.

Finally, we can say that tourism is a form of exchange between countries. There are lot of different types of tourism which create cultural and economic exchange. There (il y a ? there are) a lot of projects too, which allow to create(maladroit) a dialogue with foreigns(adjectif invariable!)

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-05-2017 07:01

Réponse : Oral /Examination de seka, postée le 14-05-2017 à 15:20:41 (S | E)
J'ai essayé de rectifier mes erreurs de conjugaisons et d'orthographes, voici :
I will talk about the notion of spaces and exchange. It should be noted that exchanges between countries are increasingly important whether it's between population, culture or economy. We will mainly deal with tourism and cultural exchange that are done abroad. Is tourism a source of exchange?
We will first illustrate this notion by talking about the different types of tourism which exist, in a second time we will speak about projects to create cultural interactions abroad, and finally we will discuss about another project of solidarity and exchange.

There is a lot of tourism like mass tourism, the mass tourism increases demand for services such as as water, fuel ect. The green tourism exists to help the environnement. The heritage tourism is the most famous, it's when you visit monuments and sites. All these different types of tourism bring money to the local population and can make the city famous.
Now we will speak about the gap year which is a project of cultural interaction. The gap year is a sabbatical year during which some students take time off to go abroad, help people in need, travel, work, get involved in community service, volunteer work, foreign exchange programs, or explore career interests... Usually people, during the gap year, help people in need and teach their language, this create a cultural interaction.
One other project which creates an exchange with people is the couchsurffing. It's a non profit network that connects travelers arround the world, members use this system to come together for cultural exchange, friendship and learning experiences. Members share hospitality with one another. Hosts have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world without leaving home. The goal of this project is simply discuss,exchange and meet foreign person. We can include into the notion of spaces and exchange.

Finally, we can say that tourism is a form of exchange between countries. There are lot of different types of tourism which create cultural and economic exchange. There are a lot of projects too, that build a dialogue with foreign people.

Réponse : Oral /Examination de gerondif, postée le 15-05-2017 à 00:11:12 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu,corrections en vert
I will talk about the notion of spaces and exchange. It should be noted that exchanges between countries are increasingly important whether it's between population, culture or economy. We will mainly deal with tourism and cultural exchange that are done abroad. Is tourism a source of exchange?
We will first illustrate this notion by talking about the different types of tourism which exist, in a second time we will speak about projects to create cultural interactions abroad, and finally we will discuss about another project of solidarity and exchange.

There is a lot of tourism(there are a lot of different types of tourism) like(plutôt for example) mass tourism, the mass tourism increases demand for services such as as water, fuel ect. The green tourism exists to help the environnement. The heritage tourism is the most famous, it's when you visit monuments and sites. All these different types of tourism bring money to the local population and can make the city(pluriel) famous. (je ne vois pas en quoi énumérer les différents types de tourisme mène à quoi que ce soit, ce n'est pas une démonstration mais bon)
Now we will speak about the gap year which is a project of cultural interaction. The gap year is a sabbatical year during which some students take time off to go abroad, help people in need, travel, work, get involved in community service, volunteer work, foreign exchange programs, or explore career interests... Usually people, during the gap year, help people in need and teach them their language, this create a cultural interaction. (ce paragraphe est meilleur au niveau de l'anglais mais on a l'impression que vous l'importez de vous cours et qu'il est juste planté là. Vous décrivez en quoi consiste gap year mais pour prouver quoi ?)
One other project which creates an exchange with people is the couchsurffing. It's a non profit network that connects travelers (travellers en anglais) arround (un r en trop) the world, members use this system to come together for cultural exchange, friendship and learning experiences. Members share hospitality with one another. Hosts have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world without leaving home. The goal of this project is simply to discuss,exchange and meet foreign person.(le pluriel de person est plutôt people) We can include it into the notion of spaces and exchange.

Finally, we can say that tourism is a form of exchange between countries. There are lots of different types of tourism which create cultural and economic exchange. There are a lot of projects too, that build a dialogue with foreign people.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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