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Spaces and exchanges/Bac

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Spaces and exchanges/Bac
Message de julia03 posté le 17-05-2017 à 16:19:23 (S | E | F)
Je passe mon oral d'Anglais noté pour le BAC en début de semaine prochaine (du 22 au 24 mai) et j'aimerais savoir si vous pouviez m'indiquer les erreurs que j'ai pu commettre.

I'm going to tell you about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all, an exchange is the action of giving or receiving something against another in return. We can exchange any sort of things: goods, points of view, money, people, news, words, cultures,... All these exchanges generate many flows across the world which are today the heart of globalization. Another, they are performed between different spaces. Spaces are places o areas of exchanges which can take several forms. There are spaces of everyday life like the house, the high school, bigger spaces like a city, a country or a continent but also Internet which is an important space of exchanges today.
For example, during the colonization, the settlers created the triangular trade between America, Africa y Europe. This trade ensured the distribution of slaves on the American continent to supply Europe with slaves products and to supply Africa with Europeans and Americans products. They exchanged slaves for sugar, tobacco, coffee bean, cocoa, cotton and gold. The slave trade has been developed because of the development of plantations of tropical products. Indeed, they needed a lot of manpower and the Amerindian manpower was insufficient. To cross the Atlantic Ocean, they were piled up in the slave ships.
There were between 400 and 600 slaves and the crossing lasted between 2 and 3 months. On the American continent, they were not treated better: many slaves died, especially in plantations, because working conditions were too difficult.
Moreover, this notion can be illustrated by immigration at the border between the United States and Mexico. Each year, millions of people cross the border illegally to look for work or live a better life for example. Also, many people cross the border hanging on the back of The Death Train, a train that connects the north and south of Mexico. The journey is very difficult, this is why generous people throw water and food for migrants on the train when it passes in front of them. If the entry of migrants into the United States has decreased lately, 11 million undocumented migrants continue to live in the United States.
Then, there are people who cross the border illegally but there are also technologies and cultures that cross the border and this is beneficial to the countries concerned.
So, globalization also allows for many beneficial exchanges across continents.
Thus, there are many forms of trade that can be beneficial or harmful, such as traffics of drugs, arms, money or organ.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2017 23:09

Réponse : Spaces and exchanges/Bac de laure95, postée le 19-05-2017 à 14:26:23 (S | E)
- Another: another what?
- o areas
- There are spaces of everyday life like the (pas de the) house (pluriel), the (pas de the) high school (pluriel)
- Africa y
- Europeans (pas de s)and Americans (pas de s)products.
- coffee bean (pluriel)
- The slave trade has been developed: preterit.
- in the (pas de the)slave ships.
- because (article)working conditions were too difficult.
- So, globalization also allows for (pas de for) many beneficial exchanges across continents.

Réponse : Spaces and exchanges/Bac de dsmith, postée le 29-05-2017 à 06:39:40 (S | E)
Bonjour Julia,
très bien fait.
J'ajoute un peu à ce que laure à écrit.
any sort of things -> any sort of thing or all sorts of things

Thus, there are many forms of trade that can be beneficial or harmful, such as traffics of drugs, arms, money or organ.
Because you only list harmful examples of trade you should not use the word "or" - use a word that has more contrast. "but other forms that can be..."
traffics - pas de s
organ - ?? sale of human organs?


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