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LS55/Let's have a break 2

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LS55/Let's have a break 2
Message de here4u posté le 31-01-2024 à 13:28:17 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.

Envie de faire une pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était… Pourquoi ?
Parce que ce sont toujours les deux ou trois mêmes membres qui participent maintenant, et s’entre-corrigent. Or, le but de ces exercices est tout de même de « toucher » tout le monde, et en tout cas, d'aider de nombreux apprenants !
Je pourrais renoncer définitivement, … mais je n’en ai pas envie parce que je sais et reste persuadée que l’expression écrite est le plus haut stade de maîtrise d’une langue, le plus difficile, le plus personnel aussi. Je sais que c'est "bon pour vous"... et qu'il faut vous y entraîner...
Cette nouvelle formule a bien libéré les interventions des participants et JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être encore beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde.

Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... . Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Alors, j’ai envie de vous proposer quelque chose de plus « dirigé », plus « guidé », moins libre … en me centrant, et donc en vous faisant centrer sur UN aspect de la grammaire…
Nous reviendrons, si vous le voulez, à l’EXPRESSION lorsque vous en aurez envie et me le direz...

Je vais aujourd’hui poser plusieurs questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant une question au prétérit par réponse.

(au moins DEUX de ces structures dans la prestation entière. Temps simple ou en -ing, au choix)

Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en les numérotant bien (ou répondre à toutes si vous le désirez...) et développer celle(s) que vous voulez jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 130 - 150 mots.

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
2. Why can’t she be on time for once in her life?
3. Why are you looking so happy today, tell me!
4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
5. Why can’t you go out of your house today?
6. Could you borrow money from one of your friends?

Vous pouvez m’envoyer vos réponses en mp et je publie une série que vous corrigerez au fur et à mesure (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publie ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc !) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler d'un ou plusieurs sujets, ceux ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera un , ou en fonction de la qualité (et des difficultés surmontées) de la prestation...
Tous les ajustements ressentis comme étant nécessaires pourront être faits avant la fin de cet exercice, le lundi 12 février ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 03-02-2024 à 10:34:54 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Voici votre premier ensemble de réponses. ANSWERS N°1: please, help us correct!

5) You asked me why I could not go out of my house today. DID NOT you remember ? I said to you that I had to stay home. I was waiting for the electrician. When I called him, he answered that he would come: between 8am to 6pm.
COULD YOU imagine that, he was unable to give a precise time. He arrived at 5pm; I have been stuck at home all day long. 77 MOTS

6) Why DID YOU WANT me to borrow money. If I had not had enough money, I would not have bought. I hate debts; Until now I have always done the best I could, with the money I had.
A debt has to be paid back, and when you start... it is downward spiral. Moreover, borrowing money from one friend is often a good way to lose him. 65 mots

for your help!

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de happynutmeg13, postée le 04-02-2024 à 16:45:18 (S | E)
Hello, and thanks to Here4U for her new exercises !

Here are my suggestions :

5) You asked me why I could not go out of my house today. DID NOT you remember ?DIDN'T you REMEMBER ? I said to you I told you that I had to stay home. I was waiting for the electrician. When I called him, he answered that he would come: between 8am to 6pm. he answered he would come
COULD YOU imagine that, he was unable to give a precise time. He arrived at 5pm; I have been stuck at home all day long. 77 MOTS

6) Why DID YOU WANT me to borrow money.? If I had not had enough money, I would not have bought. Peut-être plus simplement : "Without enough money, I wouldn't buy anything more" I hate debts; Until now I have always done the best I could, with the money I had.
A debt has to be paid back, and when you start... it is downward spiral. Moreover, borrowing money from one friend is often a good way to lose him. 65 mots

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de happynutmeg13, postée le 05-02-2024 à 17:25:07 (S | E)

I have been thinking !...

Why DID YOU WANT me to borrow money.? If I had not had enough money, I would not have bought. Peut-être mieux et pour garder les temps : If I hadn't had enough money, I would have stopped buying.

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 05-02-2024 à 17:42:08 (S | E)
Hello dears!

for your suggestions. Green allowed for answers A tomorrow morning.

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de magie8, postée le 06-02-2024 à 03:31:29 (S | E)
hello correction d' après les suggestions

5) You asked me why I could not go out of my house today. DID NOT you remember ?('DIDN'T you REMEMBER ? I said to you (I told you that I had to stay home. I was waiting for the electrician. When I called him, he answered that he would come: between 8am to 6pm. he answered he would come
COULD YOU imagine that, he was unable to give a precise time. He arrived at 5pm; I have been stuck at home all day long. 77 MOTS

Je remercie Happynutmeg. J' ai mis en vert ses suggestions.
A l'écrit je ne pense pas que did not soit faux A vous
say or tell fait partie des règles que j'ai étudié 50 fois et que je ne sais jamais appliquer tell pour raconter, si on s'interesse à la portée de la phrase, demande un complément d'objet direct). Ici cela peut correspondre
said: n'est pas si faux non plus puisque on rapporte un discours qui a déja été dit...

6) Why DID YOU WANT me to borrow money? If I had not had enough money, I would have bought nothing. I hate debts; Until now I have always done the best I could, with the money I had.
A debt has to be paid back, and when you start... it is downward spiral. Moreover, borrowing money from one friend is often a good way to lose him. 65 mots

Variante; When I have no money, I don't buy anything. I never borrow any money ( c'était cela l'idée )

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de happynutmeg13, postée le 07-02-2024 à 07:53:35 (S | E)
Hello !
Yes Maggie you're right I think !
Did not you remember = Didn't you remember (On est plus habitué à la forme contractée désormais et de ce fait la forme entière paraît étrange!)

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 07-02-2024 à 13:47:12 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Good job, girls! Here's more food for thought!

ANSWERS B: underline what looks clumsy to you and indicate possible mistakes.

1Why have you written that terrible letter to me ?
Let me ask you back: «Why DID you DO that to me? COULDN'T you imagine how upsetting it would be for our children to hear you yelling out at me?» 35 words

2 "Why can't she be on time once in her life ?
She hasn't changed since she was a child... How many times DID I APOLOGIZE for her being late? How many buses DID she MISS? How many friends DID she KEEP waiting? Her father and I were always anxious to be right on time on every occasion, so whom DID she GET that from? DID she never CONSIDER that her behavior would make her rude to everyone?»
Those were my thoughts as I was waiting for my beloved daughter, wondering if my third coffee would turn cold before she would be there. 95 words : 130 words.

for your help!

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de magie8, postée le 07-02-2024 à 21:19:59 (S | E)
HELLO il n 'y a rien à jeter dans la participation B. Pour moi, c'est un excellent niveau de langue
JE POURRAIS JUSTE remplacer so whom, by therefore whom
and aussi behavior americain par behaviour
Mais c'est vraiment chercher la petite bête

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 09-02-2024 à 12:41:31 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Je ne cherche jamais la petite bête... mais j'ai été habituée à la trouver souvent !


1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
I really wonder why you have written a so terrible letter to me… What did I do for you ? Did I hurt you or offended you ? To receive your letter had been a shock for me. Now I feel not sure, frightened, and doesn’t know that to think. When you sau that I will pay what I done, I don’t know what you’re refering.I don’t think I have never met you so, please, forgot me and admit it is a bery bad joke. 87

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages. I think the most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to maternal school. They are happy when they are with mamas and papas, and teddys. They receive cuddles and smiles, and sweets… Children have no responsability and can even manipule the parents, crying for nothing, and stop only when they got what they want. We take them for angels, but very often, they are demon. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

for your help!

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de magie8, postée le 10-02-2024 à 06:34:30 (S | E)
Now, ANSWERS C: hello my suggestions

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
I really wonder why ( you have written a so terrible letter to me… What( did I do for you ? Did I hurt you or ( offended you ?( To receive your letter had been a shock for me. Now I feel not sure, frightened, and( doesn’t know that to think. When you ( sau that I will pay what I done, I don’t know what you’re ( refering.I don’t think I have never met you so, please, forgot me and admit it is a( bery bad joke. 87

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages. I think the most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to (maternal school. They are happy when they are with ( mamas and papas, and( teddys. They receive cuddles and smiles, and sweets… Children have no ( responsability and can even ( manipule the parents, crying for nothing, and stop only when they
got what they want. We take them for angels, but very often, they are (demon. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

Bon travail 2 bons textes

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de happynutmeg13, postée le 10-02-2024 à 11:43:15 (S | E)
Hello !

Voici mes propositions d'amélioration sur le texte C : je pense comme Maggie que les temps sont un peu mélangés.

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?

I really wonder why you have written a so terrible letter to mesuch a terrible letter to me What did I do for you ? to youDid I hurt you or offended you ? To receive your letter had been a shock for me has been a shock to me. Now I feel not sure Now I am feeling unsafe/insecure, frightened, and doesn’tI don't know that to think. When you sau that I will pay what I done,that I'll pay for what I did, I don’t know what you’re referingreferring toI don’t think I have never met you so, please, forgot me we ever met, so please forget about me and admit it is a bery bad joke. 87

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages (peut-être au singulier?). I think the most babies and kids most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to maternal school. kindergartens They are happy when they are with mamas and papas, and teddys when being with their dads and mums as well as with their teddies. They receive getcuddles and smiles, and sweetscuddles, smiles and sweets… Children have no responsabilityare not in charge of anything and can even manipulemanipulate the parents, crying for nothing, and stopstopping only only when they gotget what they want. We take them for angels, we see them as angelsbut very often, they are demon little devils. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 10-02-2024 à 12:53:17 (S | E)
Hello! Green allowed!

J'ai noté qu'il y a beaucoup de suggestions (vert!), mais comme elle sont mêlées aux indications de fautes (en bleu normalement), j'avoue avoir un peu de mal à m'y retrouver... 😥

Un ou deux petits éclaircissements, peut être... et le tout passera bien mieux!

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de happynutmeg13, postée le 11-02-2024 à 17:11:23 (S | E)
Hello !

Si j'ai bien compris : dans un 1er temps on doit signaler en bleu les fautes, maladresses etc SANS PROPOSER DE CORRECTIONS, puis, lorsque "GREEN ALLOWED apparait" on peut suggérer les corrections ?

Ceci veut-il dire que l'auteur peut corriger de lui-même lorsqu'on est dans la période bleue ? (sorte de 2è chance ?)

En tout cas désolée de ces quiproquos... Voici donc ma réponse "réarrangée", en espérant avoir fait mieux cette fois !

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?

I really wonder why you have written a so terrible letter to mesuch a terrible letter to me What did I do for you ? to youDid I hurt you or offended you ? To receive your letter had beenhas been a shock for me. ]Now I feel not sure Now I am feeling unsafe/insecure, frightened, and doesn’tI don't know what to think. When you sau that I will pay what I done,that I'll pay for what I did, I don’t know what you’re refering. referring to. I don’t think I have never met you we ever met, so, please, forgot me , so please forget about me and admit it is a bery bad joke. 87

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages (peut-être au singulier?). I think the most babies and kids most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to maternal school. kindergartens They are happy when they are with mamas and papas, and teddys when being with their dads and mums as well as with their teddies. They receive get cuddles and smiles, and sweets cuddles, smiles and sweets … Children have no responsability are not in charge of anything and can even manipule manipulate thetheir parents, crying for nothing, and stop only stopping only when they got get what they want. We take them for angels, we see them as angels but very often, they are demon little devils. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 11-02-2024 à 23:22:42 (S | E)
Hello Dear Happynutmeg, and dear You all,

You wrote:

Si j'ai bien compris : dans un 1er temps on doit signaler en bleu les fautes, maladresses etc SANS PROPOSER DE CORRECTIONS, puis, lorsque "GREEN ALLOWED apparait" on peut suggérer les corrections ?
Tout à fait exact ! (Le temps laissé pour le bleu donne à chacun la possibilité d'intervenir en bleu aussi...)

J'ai juste omis de préciser que " normalement ", après 2 jours, le vert (les nouvelles suggestions) remplace le bleu et le souligné. Les deux couleurs ne sont pas sensées cohabiter, mais ce n'est qu'un détail !

Ceci veut-il dire que l'auteur peut corriger [non pas corriger, mais indiquer la faute en bleu, puis en vert dès que possible...] de lui-même lorsqu'on est dans la période bleue ? (sorte de 2è chance ?)

Ceci n'a, pour moi, aucun rapport avec la question précédente mais OUI l'auteur a droit à plusieurs chances ponctuelles... (ne peut pas faire un nouveau texte différent, mais corriger le premier, MILLE FOIS OUI!
L'auteur peut aussi corriger en vert ensuite. Plusieurs le font régulièrement... et le FOLLOW UP donne encore l'occasion à tous de proposer mieux que les corrections...)
Il ne faut surtout pas hésiter...

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de magie8, postée le 12-02-2024 à 09:18:42 (S | E)
hello mes corrections textes C

I ( am really wondering ( why you have written such a terrible letter to me? What I( have done to you ? Did I hurt you or ( offend you ? (Receiving your letter was a shock for me. Now I am scared, and I don't know what to think. When you (say : I will pay for what (I have done, I don’t know what you’re( referring to. I don’t think I have ( ever met you, so, please, (forget about me and admit it is a ( very bad joke. 87

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages. I think ()most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to preschool. They are happy when they are with their (dads and mums as well as with their (teddies. They get cuddles, smiles and sweets … Children, have no (responsibilities/ liabilities or charges ( for whatsoever and can even (manipulate their parents, crying for nothing, and stopping only when they ( get what they want. We (imagine they are angels, but very often, they are (demons. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

Je n'ai pas changé grand chose à la correction de Happynutmeg13 qui est très bonne surtout supprimé le bleu et ajouté les parenthèses

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 12-02-2024 à 23:09:07 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Voici les réponses données et corrigées par nos vaillantes travailleuses !

ANSWERS A: initial text and my indications:

5) You asked me why I could not go out of my house today. DID NOT you remember ? (I said to you that I had to stay home. I was waiting for the electrician. When I called him, he answered that he would come( between 8am to 6pm.
COULD YOU imagine that, he was unable to give a precise time. He arrived at 5pm; I have been stuck at home all day long. 77 MOTS TB

6) Why DID YOU WANT me to borrow money? If I had not had enough money, I would not have bought XXXXXXXX. I hate debts; Until now I have always done (the best I could), with the money I had.
A debt has to be paid back, and when you start... it is downward spiral. Moreover, borrowing money from one friend is often a good way to lose (him. 65 mots TB. BRAVO!

ANSWERS A: indications N°1:

5) You asked me why I could not go out of my house today. DID NOT you remember ?DIDN'T you REMEMBER ? I said to you I told you that I had to stay home. I was waiting for the electrician. When I called him, he answered that he would come(: between 8am to 6pm. he answered he would come(? le that est possible)
COULD YOU imagine that, he was unable to give a precise time. He arrived at 5pm; I have been stuck at home all day long. 77 MOTS TB

6) Why DID YOU WANT me to borrow money? If I had not had enough money, I would not have bought. Peut-être plus simplement : "Without enough money, I wouldn't buy anything (more" I hate debts; Until now I have always done (the best I could, with the money I had.
A debt has to be paid back, and when you start... it is downward spiral. Moreover, borrowing money from one friend is often a good way to lose (him. 65 mots TB

Why DID YOU WANT me to borrow money? If I had not had enough money, I would not have bought XXXXXXXX. Peut-être mieux et pour garder les temps : If I hadn't had enough money, I would have stopped buying. TTB

correction d'après les "suggestions indications" : voici donc les suggestions de Magie :
5) You asked me why I could not go out of my house today. DID NOT you remember ?('DIDN'T you REMEMBER ? I said to you (I told you that I had to stay home. I was waiting for the electrician. When I called him, he answered that he would come(: between 8am to 6pm. he answered he would come COULD YOU imagine that, he was unable to give a precise time. He arrived at 5pm; I have been stuck at home all day long. 77 MOTS TBonnes suggestions/ corrections !

Magie écrit : Je remercie Happynutmeg. J' ai mis en vert ses suggestions.
A l'écrit je ne pense pas que « did not » soit faux : « did not » n’est pas faux. (même à l’oral en fonction de l’effet que l’on veut donner à nos mots !)
say or tell fait partie des règles que j'ai étudié 50 fois et que je ne sais jamais appliquer GRRR ! tell pour raconter OUI ! , Lien internet

said: n'est pas si faux non plus puisque on rapporte un discours qui a déja été dit...Eh bien non ! justement ! (voir plus bas !

6) Why DID YOU WANT me to borrow money? If I had not had enough money, I would have bought nothing/ I wouldn’t have bought anything. I hate debts; Until now I have always done( the best I could, with the money I had.
A debt has to be paid back, and when you start... it is downward spiral. Moreover, borrowing money from one friend is often a good way to lose him. 65 mots
Variante; When I have no money, I don't buy anything. I never borrow any money ( c'était cela l'idée ) OK !

- On dirait : He said : «I will come between 8 am and 6pm.» là, c’est du discours direct et on ne sait pas à qui tu parles ! // ou he said to him : «I will come between 8 am and 6pm.» interlocuteur connu, mais discours direct ! // He said that he would come (là je rapporte un discours, mais on ne SAIT PAS QUI EST L INTERLOCUTEUR !)
He told me that he would come between…. Là, tu connais l’interlocuteur (me) et c’est du discours rapporté. L’IMPORTANT est L’INTERLOCUTEUR connu ou pas !
Revoir avec soin : Lien internet

- the best I could : s’entend et se dit, surtout aux EU. En anglais britannique, on préfère : as well as I could…
- mais on dit aussi : I’ll do my best. (ou si l’on veut : I’ll do as well as I can !)
happynutmeg13 a ajouté : Yes Maggie you're right I think !
Did not you remember = Didn't you remember (On est plus habitué à la forme contractée désormais et de ce fait la forme entière paraît étrange!)

Merci à toutes les deux pour ces bonnes réflexions et suggestions !


2) ANSWERS B: initial text and my preliminary indications :
1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me ?
Let me ask you back: «Why DID you DO that to me? COULDN'T you imagine how upsetting it would be for our children to hear you yelling out at me?» 35 words TTB

2. "Why can't she be on time once in her life ? »
She hasn't changed since she was a child... How many times DID I APOLOGIZE for her being late? How many buses DID she MISS? How many friends DID she KEEP waiting? Her father and I were always anxious to be right on time on every occasion, so whom DID she GET that from? *(DID she never CONSIDER that her behavior would make her XXXX rude to everyone?»
Those were my thoughts as I was waiting for my beloved daughter, wondering if my third coffee would turn cold (before she would be (there. 95 words : 130 words.

- Magie a dit : il n 'y a rien à jeter dans la participation B. Pour moi, c'est un excellent niveau de langue [Pour moi aussi ! ]
JE POURRAIS JUSTE remplacer so whom, by therefore whom (D’accord, je n’aime pas (trop) so… mais une fois de temps en temps…)
'as I WAS WAITING' PAR 'WHILE I WAS WAITING' (les deux sont OK !)
and aussi 'behavior' americain par 'behaviour'[même moi je ne suis pas aussi stricte !)
* Revoir la construction.
- Revoir les conjonctions de subordination : Lien internet


ANSWERS C: initial text and my preliminary indications :

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
I really wonder why you have written (a so terrible letter to me… What did I do (for you ? Did I hurt you or (offended you ? (To receive your letter (had been a shock for me. Now I feel (not sure, frightened, and (doesn’t know (that to think. When you (sau that I will pay XXX what I XXXX done/ or another tense), I don’t know what you’re refering XX.I don’t think (I have never met you so, please, (forgot me and admit it is a (bery bad joke. 87 AB

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing XX has no advantages. I think (the most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to (maternal school. They are happy when they are with (mamas and papas, and (teddys. They receive cuddles and smiles, and sweets… Children have no (responsability and can even (manipule the parents, crying for nothing, and (stop only when they (got what they want. We take them for angels, but very often, they are XXXXXX (demon. I do not want to grow up. 86 words
I'm sure we'll help you correct these mistakes...

Answers C: indications N°1

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
I really wonder why you have written a so terrible letter to me… What( did I do for you ? Did I hurt you or ( offended you ?( To receive your letter (had been a shock for me. Now I feel (not sure, frightened, and( doesn’t know that to think. When you ( sau that I will pay XXX what I XXXX done, I don’t know what you’re (refering XX.I don’t think I have (never met you so, please, (forgot me and admit it is a( bery bad joke. 87

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing XX has no advantages. I think (the most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to (maternal ? school. They are happy when they are with ( mamas and papas, and( teddys. They receive cuddles and smiles, and sweets… Children have no ( responsability and can even ( manipule the parents, crying for nothing, and (stop only when they (got what they want. We take them for angels, but very often, they areXXXXXX (demon. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

De bonnes indications.

Happynutmeg’s suggestions ???? propositions d'amélioration sur le texte C :suggestions !
1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
I really wonder why you have written (a so terrible letter to me… such a terrible letter to me What did I do for you ? to youDid I hurt you or offended you ? To receive your letter had been a shock for me has been a shock to me. Now I feel not sure Now I am feeling unsafe/insecure, frightened, and doesn’tI don't know that to think. When you sau that I will pay what I done,that I'll pay for what I did, I don’t know what you’re refering referring toI don’t think I have never met you so, please, forgot me we ever met, so please forget about me and admit it is a bery bad joke. 87 (Très difficile à lire surtout sur le script...)

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages (peut-être au singulier?)Les deux sont corrects. . I think the most babies and kids most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to maternal school. kindergartens They are happy when they are with mamas and papas, and teddys when being with their dads and mums as well as with their teddies. They receive get cuddles and smiles, and sweetscuddles, smiles and sweets… Children have no responsabilityare not in charge of anything and can even manipule manipulate the parents, crying for nothing, and stop stopping only only when they got get what they want. We take them for angels, we see them as angelsbut very often, they are demon little devils. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

Si j'ai bien compris : dans un 1er temps on doit signaler en bleu les fautes, maladresses etc SANS PROPOSER DE CORRECTIONS, puis, lorsque "GREEN ALLOWED apparait" on peut suggérer les corrections ? Ceci veut-il dire que l'auteur peut corriger de lui-même lorsqu'on est dans la période bleue ? (sorte de 2è chance ?)

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
I really wonder why you have written such a terrible letter to me. What did I do to you ? Did I hurt you or (offended you ? (To receive your letter has been a shock for me. Now I am feeling unsafe/insecure, frightened, and don't know what to think. When you say that I'll pay for what I did, I don’t know what you referring to. I don’t think we XXXX ever met, so please forget about me and admit it is a very bad joke. 87

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages (peut-être au singulier?No, plural is OK). I think most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to kindergartens/ pre school. They are happy with their dads and mums as well as with their teddies. They get cuddles and smiles, and sweets … Children are not in charge of anything and can even manipulate their parents, crying for nothing, and stopping only when they get what they want. We see them as angels but very often, they are little devils. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

TTB! A vous deux, vous avez corrigé presque toutes les erreurs ! pour votre camarade !
N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez toujours proposer d'autres améliorations dans le Follow Up Work !
Merci pour ce beau travail de collaboration !

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de happynutmeg13, postée le 14-02-2024 à 21:40:22 (S | E)
Hello !

Je suis intéressée par le "follow up". Comment l'activer ? Merci de votre aide !

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 14-02-2024 à 23:10:27 (S | E)

Réponse en mp! de la question.

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de magie8, postée le 16-02-2024 à 10:01:41 (S | E)
follow up texte C

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
I really wonder why you have written such a terrible letter to me. What did I do to you ? Did I hurt you or offend you ? receiving your letter has been a shock for me. Now I am feeling unsafe and don't know what to think. When you say that I'll pay for what I did, I don’t know what you referring to. I don’t think we have ever met, so please forget about me and admit it is a very bad joke. 87

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages. I think most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to kindergarten/ pre school. They are happy with their dads and mums
and their teddies. They get cuddles and smiles, and sweets … Children are not in charge of anything and can even manipulate their parents, crying for nothing, and stopping only when they get what they want. We see them as angels but very often, they are little devils. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

Réponse : LS55/Let's have a break 2 de here4u, postée le 16-02-2024 à 22:38:23 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Relecture du follow up texte C

1. Why have you written that terrible letter to me?
I really wonder why you have written such a terrible letter to me. What did I do to you ? Did I hurt you or offend you ? r Receiving your letter has been a shock for/ to me. Now I am feeling unsafe and don't know what to think. When you say that I'll pay for what I did, I don’t know what you referring to. I don’t think we have ever met, so please forget about me and admit it is a very bad joke. 87 Très bonnes corrections

4. Are you sure that growing up has advantages?
No, growing has no advantages. I think most babies and kids are very happy. They play and laugh, they learn if they go to kindergarten/ pre school. They are happy with their mums and dads and their teddies. They get cuddles, and smiles, and sweets … Children are not in charge of anything and can even manipulate their parents, crying for nothing, and stopping only when they get what they want. We see them as angels but very often, they are little devils. I do not want to grow up. 86 words

Très bonnes corrections.


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