33561 sujets
Les plus récents d'abord
Par ordre alphabétique
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Ex 292/ 'I am what I am' (2025-01-31 14:40:41)
- Let's suggest/79 - Taking it easy/ 25 (2025-01-30 10:33:28)
- As ou that (2025-01-30 19:47:24)
- Vocabulaire australien (2025-01-27 10:30:01)
- Learn english (2025-01-25 16:53:49)
- Let's Suggest/ 78 - Taking it easy/ 24 (2025-01-27 21:59:45)
- Our Story/192 (2025-01-31 20:44:31)
- Ex 291/ Daddy loves you (2025-01-29 22:57:26)
- J'ai une question (2025-01-18 10:09:33)
- Précision phrases (2025-01-12 15:32:12)
- Douter ou ne pas douter (2025-01-08 12:20:40)
- Shakespeare (2025-01-06 15:28:51)
- Playing and Working with words/ 63 (2025-01-31 15:32:40)
- Ex 290/ still hoping (2025-01-14 23:10:47)
- Let's Suggest 77- Taking a break 23 (2025-01-14 12:35:49)
- Our Story/ 191 (2025-01-15 22:49:24)
- To lie au trois sens au présent, passé (2024-12-29 15:56:59)
- Does ou S au verbe (2024-12-23 11:45:24)
- Signification du mot 'gorn' (2024-12-26 18:03:52)
- At ou pas à la fin d'une phrase (2024-12-23 10:45:14)
- Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 (2024-12-28 06:24:57)
- Our Story/ 190 (2024-12-29 14:03:32)
- It happened-I happen (2024-12-17 14:30:03)
- Joyeuse année 2025 ! (2025-01-22 20:43:25)
- Ex 289/ defending oneself (2024-12-28 23:01:33)
- BE and the adjectives (2024-12-07 09:31:35)
- Playing and working with words 62 (2025-01-05 16:59:21)
- Anglais de base - lesquels choisir (2024-12-05 20:59:19)
- Ex 288/ business or leisure? (2024-12-14 22:47:30)
- Our Story/ 189 (2024-12-23 16:19:22)
- Let's suggest 75- Taking it easy21 (2024-12-12 22:27:02)
- It is me ou I (2024-12-01 09:14:59)
- Sur IPad, avoir les cours par niveau ? (2024-12-01 09:59:45)
- Taking à gap year pour et contre (2024-11-26 22:21:08)
- Near ou close quel cours ? (2024-11-25 21:06:53)
- Because vs since vs as? (2024-11-24 13:00:05)
- Let's suggest/ 74- Taking it easy/ 20 (2024-11-29 22:54:56)
- Go et get (2024-11-19 03:50:24)
- When suivi de will (2024-11-21 08:54:33)
- Ex 287/ more about Frank (2024-11-30 22:20:01)
- Our Story/188 (2024-11-29 23:13:38)
- With (2024-11-14 16:48:27)
- Soon (2024-11-15 12:12:45)
- Will be + verbe vs Will + verbe (2024-11-15 11:16:58)
- Recommended readings (2024-11-16 16:27:01)
- Cherche ressources verbes irréguliers (2024-11-14 17:14:05)
- Platon (2024-11-10 05:19:17)
- Have you join (2024-11-08 17:34:56)
- AIDEZ MOI SVP Histoire d'horreur anglais (2024-11-13 21:29:02)
- Present perfect (2024-11-23 21:28:23)
- New Enjoy 3e (2024-11-03 19:33:22)
- Playing and working with words 61 (2024-11-30 17:37:43)
- Let's suggest 73- Lets have a break 19 (2024-11-15 20:04:30)
- Our Story 187 (2024-11-15 21:32:28)
- Ex 286- is time of the essence? (2024-11-16 22:50:53)
- Saint Augustin (2024-11-08 17:46:00)
- The books (2024-10-29 12:28:36)
- Correction texte du quotidien (2024-10-30 21:01:25)
- Recherche CD Anglais en chantant DIDIER (2024-10-26 20:54:19)
- Correction texte/ quotidien (2024-10-22 18:44:40)
- Our Story/186 (2024-10-30 22:19:33)
- Jean Paul Sartre/aide (2024-10-20 19:44:43)
- Réponses courtes/ Moi aussi... Moi non plus (2024-10-18 20:31:05)
- Present perfect/ past perfect (2024-10-15 16:24:58)
- Ex 285/ working for the American Dream (2024-10-29 23:10:03)
- Let's Suggest 72/ let's take a break 18 (2024-10-26 21:56:13)
- La surprise/ réponse courte (2024-10-17 13:06:40)
- Happiness/aide (2024-10-06 18:29:15)
- A friend/how they are (pluriel)? (2024-10-09 21:19:07)
- Playing/and working with words 60 (2024-10-31 16:39:28)
- Improve/ English (2024-10-05 15:19:21)
- Whom/ COI or COD (2024-10-13 15:10:34)
- Care about/take care of (2024-10-01 20:18:23)
- Our Story/185 (2024-10-15 20:18:35)
- Ex 284/ solving problems? or not (2024-10-13 23:28:25)
- Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 (2024-10-12 06:47:42)
- Questions (2024-09-26 18:50:37)
- Comment savoir/ verbe est régulier (2024-09-26 07:50:10)
- Comment signaler un problème généralisé ? (2024-09-23 15:42:24)
- Prononciation/ voyelles anglais (2024-09-22 11:02:58)
- Our Story/184 (2024-09-29 20:22:16)
- Let's Suggest 70/Taking a break 16 (2024-09-26 22:57:49)
- Ex 283/ Let's get to know Frank (2024-09-27 23:09:11)
- Got ou pas/aide (2024-09-13 17:07:01)
- A quote of Gustave Flaubert/help (2024-09-10 11:34:17)
- New connect 3e ressources audio (2024-09-08 19:02:33)
- Projet etwinning (2024-09-06 16:54:47)
- Playing /and working with words 59 (2024-09-29 13:05:43)
- Questions/aide (2024-09-06 01:04:26)
- Our Story/183 (2024-09-15 22:25:08)
- Ex 282/ let's go back to work (2024-09-14 19:46:07)
- Let' s Suggest 69 /Let's have a break 15 (2024-09-13 15:15:02)
- Je veux bien / j'accepte (2024-08-29 19:09:24)
- Make sb do sth/have something done (2024-08-28 20:40:47)
- What's the meaning /'Get to call' (2024-08-27 18:36:14)
- Hasn't / wasn't (2024-08-26 16:34:38)
- Errors/ my story (2024-08-24 19:39:02)
- Adjectifs/aide (2024-08-18 16:26:07)
- Our Story/182 (2024-08-31 22:27:01)
- Let's Suggest 68 /Let's take a break 14 (2024-08-27 23:14:19)
- Ex 281/Frank's decision (2024-08-29 23:50:07)
- Help/ talking or to talk (2024-08-15 15:17:31)
- Playing and working with words/ 58 (2024-08-30 23:06:46)
- Difference in meaning /help (2024-08-12 13:30:39)
- Noms collectifs /aide (2024-08-08 11:18:00)
- Our Story/181 (2024-08-15 21:49:12)
- Let's suggest: 67/ Let's have a break: 13 (2024-08-14 21:24:07)
- Ex 280/ mixed feelings (2024-08-14 21:06:48)
- Mistakes/ in my short story (2024-07-29 09:06:59)
- Problème / prononciation (2024-07-29 09:02:36)
- Ex 279 / Following the Isabels... (2024-07-29 23:13:13)
- Our Story /180 (2024-07-31 14:59:10)
- Let's Suggest 66/ Let's have a break 12 (2024-08-01 16:49:29)
- Show yourself in-out/aide (2024-07-08 18:07:54)
- Playing and working with words/57 (2024-07-30 12:19:05)
- Utilisation / twin (2024-07-05 19:19:47)
- Let's Suggest 65/ Let's have a break 11 (2024-07-22 00:19:36)
- Our Story/ 179 (2024-07-16 10:44:36)
- Ex 278/ hard times (2024-07-16 23:08:18)
- Mr Fast /and Mr Slow (2024-06-27 16:04:14)
- Our Story /178 (2024-06-30 16:08:04)
- Let's Suggest 64/ Let's have a break 10 (2024-07-05 17:06:16)
- Ex 277/going to Two Dance (2024-06-30 23:37:47)
- Playing with words/56 (2024-06-30 15:48:32)
- Let's suggest 63/Let's have a break 9 (2024-06-15 13:13:52)
- Our Story /177 (2024-06-17 15:38:00)
- Ex 276/difficult relationships again (2024-06-13 23:01:51)
- Rédaction/ brevet des collèges (2024-06-02 16:17:34)
- Futur / pas encore (2024-06-04 07:55:01)
- Problèmes de connexion au serveur (2024-06-29 10:37:49)
- Our Story/176 (2024-05-30 22:36:11)
- Ex 275/a mixed couple? (2024-05-29 22:28:22)
- LS62/Let's have a break 8 (2024-06-01 19:29:07)
- Playing with words/55 (2024-05-31 23:18:53)
- Oral d'anglais/ problématique (2024-05-05 12:31:26)
- V-ing clause/ again (2024-05-04 18:30:07)
- A group /questions (2024-05-04 09:40:38)
- Ex 274/conflicts (2024-05-15 10:13:19)
- Our Story/175 (2024-05-15 15:20:44)
- LS61/let's have a break 8 (2024-05-11 23:12:57)
- I feel good/help (2024-04-18 09:36:31)
- Our Story/174 (2024-05-01 18:46:30)
- Différences entre talked /were talking (2024-04-15 20:48:23)
- LS60/let's have a break 7 (2024-04-29 00:08:52)
- Ex 273/meeting Frank (2024-04-28 23:47:04)
- Prononciation /ed (2024-04-14 09:30:51)
- Documents/ presentation (2024-04-15 21:13:10)
- Robert Louis Stevenson/help (2024-04-14 15:28:31)
- Make/ causative (2024-04-12 08:34:50)
- Partir /1 ou 2 ans en Irlande (2024-04-19 12:28:47)
- Vocabulaire / expressions (2024-04-11 04:22:30)
- Will /aide (2024-04-08 12:18:39)
- Confusion Got/Have Got (2024-04-07 10:23:23)
- Playing with words /54 (2024-04-30 17:41:15)
- Place de somebody/ adjectif (2024-04-04 19:33:06)
- Could, should, would/aide (2024-04-06 00:38:06)
- Adjective clause/clause of result (2024-04-05 12:52:19)
- Our Story /173 (2024-04-15 23:25:47)
- Noun clause/ adverb clause ? (2024-03-30 22:51:48)
- LS 59/Let's have a break 6 (2024-04-13 15:08:47)
- Ex 272/blunt truths (2024-04-14 23:19:15)
- Postpositions/aide (2024-04-03 20:33:41)
- Exercice /enorgueilli, top, vers (2024-03-30 06:33:36)
- Recherche lycée au Danemark (2024-03-28 16:58:01)
- Therefore/ usage (2024-03-25 13:00:57)
- Slang /meaning (2024-03-25 13:03:06)
- Beaucoup de règles (2024-03-30 08:03:34)
- Traduction/ paroles d'une chanson (2024-03-19 18:02:42)
- Using the word/ off (2024-03-18 13:35:54)
- Our Story /172 (2024-03-31 18:10:08)
- What does kudos mean?/aide (2024-03-14 20:19:21)
- Ex 271/ bullying (2024-03-28 23:27:53)
- LS58/Let's have a break 5 (2024-03-27 08:32:17)
- Liste de mots/aide (2024-03-13 13:51:09)
- Utilisation de take/aide (2024-03-09 18:37:16)
- Grammar tenses/help (2024-03-08 15:27:19)
- Quel niveau atteindre/aide (2024-03-07 14:48:54)
- Prétérit/ present perfect (2024-03-04 10:20:36)
- Playing with words/ 53 (2024-03-31 18:45:03)
- Go no go/aide (2024-03-01 18:32:16)
- Concordance des temps/John Grisham (2024-03-04 18:43:48)
- Comparatif /en ier (2024-03-01 16:50:40)
- Our Story/ 171 (2024-03-16 11:29:01)
- Ex270 /Positivons (2024-03-13 21:04:37)
- LS57/Let's have a break 4 (2024-03-13 14:21:37)
- Correction /grammaire et orthographe (2024-02-26 16:11:43)
- Petit travail /version (2024-03-02 11:47:04)
- Comment débuter/aide (2024-02-25 17:12:35)
- As if / present - past (2024-02-26 19:50:51)
- Corrigé/ BTS SIO épreuve d'anglais 2021 (2024-02-23 16:44:16)
- The less /The fewer (2024-02-22 08:26:08)
- Our Story/170 (2024-02-28 22:27:27)
- Question sur test/ To have (2024-02-19 21:56:16)
- 10 fois moins/ que (2024-02-20 15:44:25)
- LS56/Let's have a break3 (2024-03-06 16:03:30)
- Ex269/ Meeting Susan, Cliff and Debbie (2024-02-27 22:31:11)
- Let/ impératif négatif et présent (2024-02-14 19:28:18)
- Modaux/aide (2024-02-13 16:21:18)
- Sentence/ correct (2024-02-13 08:35:04)
- I left / I leave (2024-02-13 08:24:31)
- Playing with words/ 52 (2024-03-03 12:08:59)
- The day when / futur (2024-02-09 11:51:27)
- Je ne comprends pas /pourquoi (2024-02-02 20:07:38)
- Philosophie/aide (2024-02-11 10:28:17)
- Ex 268/Strategies (2024-02-14 22:37:34)
- Our Story /169 (2024-02-15 18:35:41)
- LS55/Let's have a break 2 (2024-02-16 22:38:23)
- Traduction/aide (2024-01-30 15:16:14)
- Writing correction/help (2024-02-07 16:38:48)
- V-ing clause/help (2024-01-21 11:46:12)
- La traduction/ to wish (2024-01-18 14:31:32)
- Our Story/168 (2024-01-30 22:12:59)
- Using not only/but also correctly (2024-01-19 15:23:34)
- Ex 267/worrying about Vanessa (2024-01-30 23:48:25)
- LS54/ Let's have a break! 1 (2024-02-02 15:14:04)
- Even one / either (2024-01-14 12:49:25)
- After since/ quel temps (2024-01-12 17:19:09)
- Playing with words/ 51 (2024-02-03 11:47:02)
- Want/ + verb en ing (2024-01-10 10:07:39)
- Tense/help (2024-01-10 23:57:48)
- Need aids/ correction (2024-01-21 06:17:56)
- Destination/ mystère #2 (2024-01-15 12:38:26)
- Test no 383 /who-which (2024-01-06 18:04:54)
- Thème oral/ cap epc (2024-01-05 21:50:28)
- What/ which (2024-01-03 19:49:43)
- Explication/2 mots (2024-01-02 12:45:03)
- Our Story /167 (2024-01-16 08:54:34)
- Let's Suggest /53 (2024-01-16 09:35:20)
- Ex 266/ human relationships (2024-01-14 23:18:03)
- Phrases /aide (2024-01-01 12:44:03)
- Destination/ mystère #1 (2024-01-15 17:37:07)
- Subtilité/ traduction (2023-12-28 23:39:29)
- Orage / Météo (2023-12-28 15:52:57)
- My presentation/aide (2023-12-29 15:23:20)
- Aide /who with (2023-12-29 17:43:48)
- Poser une question/aide (2024-01-09 23:37:34)
- Needing the correction/ for my writing (2023-12-31 15:37:42)
- Comparatif /twice more (2023-12-22 07:50:49)
- Ex 265/ needing string (2023-12-30 22:48:27)
- Our Story /166 (2023-12-31 21:43:23)
- Let's Suggest/ 52 (2024-01-03 01:24:13)
- Prononciation/aide (2023-12-16 17:38:09)
- Joyeuse année 2024 (2024-01-19 23:00:10)
- Compréhension orale bac 1ère (2023-12-16 12:16:17)
- Phrasal verbs/ knock (2023-12-08 17:16:50)
- Present perfect /past simple (2023-12-23 10:13:01)
- Playing with words /50 (2023-12-31 15:42:08)
- A real nightmare/help (2023-12-06 08:10:11)
- Traduction / thèse (2023-12-06 11:29:07)
- Our Story /165 (2023-12-15 23:53:49)
- The arrival of rain/help (2023-12-04 20:27:01)
- Let's Suggest /51 (2023-12-16 15:47:48)
- Ex 264/ pas si facile ! (2023-12-17 16:05:50)
- Never / ever (2023-11-28 21:57:59)
- Use / gerund (2023-11-28 19:47:13)
- Are going to/are going v-ing (2023-12-02 09:55:23)
- Répondre/ téléphone (2023-11-27 09:14:14)
- Our Story/164 (2023-11-30 22:17:33)
- A question /pronoun and syntax (2023-11-16 21:51:04)
- 'The words blood and .../help (2023-11-15 19:19:15)
- Let's Suggest/50 (2023-11-28 11:16:46)
- Ex 263 /so quaint and peaceful (2023-11-30 14:43:34)
- Playing with words/49 (2023-11-30 15:54:11)
- Use of today as a verb/help (2023-11-08 13:24:25)
- Simple/V-ing (2023-11-14 02:55:21)
- Never ever/expression (2023-11-05 20:41:53)
- Present simple/Present perfect (2023-11-04 11:40:39)
- Particle/ preposition (2023-11-04 21:30:54)
- Our Story /163 (2023-11-15 19:28:49)
- Let's suggest/49 (2023-11-12 23:13:55)
- Ex 262/Easy to say (2023-11-14 22:29:06)
- Continue, keep on/carry on, go on (2023-11-01 20:30:14)
- Cours IELTS problème (2023-10-31 13:52:21)
- This is / it is - Here is (2023-11-02 12:58:11)
- Prétérit/Present perfect (2023-10-30 07:34:34)
- Always/ ever (2023-10-29 08:06:12)
- Contraction/I'd (2023-10-30 20:15:22)
- Remise en cause/ corrections (2023-10-18 09:21:07)
- Our Story/162 (2023-10-31 09:23:40)
- Are /is (2023-10-16 21:31:50)
- Ex 261/Cathy and her parents (2023-10-31 23:21:05)
- Indirect speech/help (2023-10-24 13:29:23)
- Let's Suggest/ 48 (2023-10-30 11:13:42)
- Have sans do/aide (2023-10-14 09:17:38)
- Babies / baby (2023-10-11 19:20:15)
- Oral 4e/ My Daily Routine (2023-10-11 13:53:10)
- V-Ing /aide (2023-10-11 23:49:05)
- Past simple/Present perfect (2023-10-09 15:39:25)
- Playing with words/48 (2023-10-31 23:52:35)
- Phrases/aide (2023-10-08 21:28:21)
- Décrire une série/aide (2023-10-09 13:56:53)
- L'heure/aide (2023-10-14 03:26:05)
- Politesse /aide (2023-10-05 17:38:21)
- Oral 4e/ my daily routine (2023-10-05 09:32:41)
- Traduction/past perfect continuous (2023-10-02 18:08:42)
- It looks as if/aide (2023-10-02 16:09:58)
- Our Story/161 (2023-10-15 14:19:11)
- Amer/en style figuré (2023-10-01 08:31:47)
- Ex 260/ chacun, tout le monde et vous (2023-10-14 23:27:18)
- Let's Suggest/47 (2023-10-13 22:22:18)
- Vocabulaire /precept (2023-10-05 17:42:11)
- It ou he/animaux (2023-10-02 08:15:00)
- Yes I do/aide (2023-10-08 10:35:00)
- Lie down/ lay down (2023-09-27 21:21:05)
- Résultats sur espace personnel. (2023-09-26 14:39:12)
- Ordre /questions (2023-09-26 11:18:22)
- Fichier/date (2023-09-29 00:10:34)
- Dire /Bonjour (2023-09-26 23:02:27)
- Question/Is it... (2023-09-23 21:16:37)
- Satin doll /traduction (2023-09-25 17:15:43)
- Traduction /phrase (2023-09-18 12:52:50)
- Mots/aide (2023-09-19 22:46:56)
- Let's Suggest/46 (2023-09-27 23:15:05)
- Our Story/160 (2023-09-30 14:16:42)
- Ex 259/will Cathy go to school? (2023-09-28 22:36:51)
- Année / date (2023-09-14 22:23:13)
- Dans quel cas utiliser/ that (2023-09-12 10:38:24)
- Write a report/aide (2023-09-11 17:20:10)
- Playing with words /47 (2023-09-30 17:24:40)
- No or not/aide (2023-09-07 22:39:26)
- Started to /started ing (2023-09-06 15:51:44)
- Il n'y a plus de/ il ne reste plus de (2023-09-06 11:56:15)
- Causatives / passif (2023-09-03 16:06:02)
- Ex 258/expressions (2023-09-14 22:21:05)
- Our Story/159 (2023-09-15 22:25:46)
- Let's suggest/45 (2023-09-15 22:58:01)
- Traduction en français/aide (2023-09-02 05:00:56)
- Expression écrite/aide (2023-08-27 17:21:21)
- Mnemotechnique 'Cas' (2023-08-25 13:54:23)
- Quand mettre/ the ou pas (2023-08-22 16:57:46)
- CD So English 6e 2016 (2023-08-22 09:43:01)
- Never mind/expression autorisée (2023-08-21 16:24:05)
- Our Story/158 (2023-08-30 23:50:54)
- Mot à mot/aide (2023-08-22 11:50:47)
- Ex 257/meeting Cathy (2023-08-30 23:35:55)
- Let's Suggest/44 (2023-09-02 22:06:07)
- Question/ 's (2023-08-16 06:03:21)
- Playing with words/46 (2023-08-31 22:44:48)
- Divers/ renseignements (2023-08-07 08:30:45)
- Off / verbe (2023-08-02 09:44:54)
- Let's Suggest/ 43 (2023-08-08 21:36:45)
- Our Story/ 157 (2023-08-15 22:12:33)
- Relative clause/no punctuation (2023-08-01 11:09:30)
- Whatever /aide (2023-08-07 08:22:16)
- Voltaire/aide (2023-07-30 09:12:52)
- I see /aide (2023-08-01 01:42:49)
- Relative pronoun/aide (2023-07-28 12:47:27)
- Ex 256/Try your luck (2023-08-10 22:41:21)
- A-An /contradiction (2023-07-26 21:45:45)
- Thème/correction (2023-07-25 12:52:52)
- Conjugaison/ worried (2023-07-25 00:43:33)
- Question/téléphone (2023-07-30 23:51:33)
- Questions/radio (2023-07-23 21:38:42)
- Supériorité/infériorité (2023-07-23 10:20:32)
- Aparté/aide (2023-07-21 20:54:12)
- Aide / futur (2023-07-22 09:14:10)
- Utilisation /too (2023-07-20 05:18:42)
- Sonner/ faire venir (2023-07-19 21:46:51)
- Réussir/ examen (2023-07-19 18:01:34)
- Made of /made from (2023-07-19 12:41:30)
- Go on/ aide (2023-07-17 17:29:03)
- Let's Suggest/42 (2023-07-30 21:09:09)
- Our Story/156 (2023-07-30 14:44:25)
- Ex 255/traduction: à l'abri (2023-07-26 22:20:11)
- To -ing /confusion (2023-07-20 05:16:12)
- Playing with words/45 (2023-07-31 23:26:27)
- Let's Suggest/41 (2023-07-15 11:11:44)
- Our Story/155 (2023-07-14 09:58:23)
- Ex 254/traduisons toujours ! (2023-07-13 22:56:10)
- Throw out/throw away (2023-06-28 21:50:35)
- Cambridge exam/help (2023-06-22 12:34:41)
- The use /their (2023-06-18 11:33:36)
- Our Story/154 (2023-06-30 11:38:58)
- Analyse d'un poème/aide (2023-06-21 11:42:42)
- Phrases/aide (2023-06-27 13:54:38)
- Ex 253/ terrible times (2023-06-29 23:39:55)
- Compréhension/accord (2023-06-20 13:30:07)
- Let's Suggest/ 40 (2023-06-30 23:19:03)
- Playing with words /44 (2023-06-30 15:56:01)
- A question / idiom (2023-06-06 23:18:49)
- Our Story/153 (2023-06-15 22:27:49)
- Ex 252/ le temps passe (2023-06-14 22:54:22)
- Let's Suggest /39 (2023-06-18 18:55:52)
- Gérondif/ a taking (2023-05-27 00:51:47)
- Apprendre par coeur (2023-05-27 17:43:37)
- Be used/used (2023-05-22 09:07:39)
- L'apostrophe/aide (2023-05-18 19:25:44)
- Her-His-Their/aide (2023-05-16 13:35:32)
- Dû /should ou had to (2023-05-18 10:20:23)
- Our Story/152 (2023-05-30 17:49:42)
- Ex 251/ poor Lexington (2023-05-29 23:08:16)
- Let's suggest /38 (2023-05-27 23:41:54)
- Utilisation /sound (2023-05-13 20:31:58)
- Contraire d'orphelin/aide (2023-05-12 09:33:26)
- Over - On/aide (2023-05-09 19:46:08)
- La place de off/aide (2023-05-07 01:53:35)
- Playing with words/ 43 (2023-05-31 10:19:26)
- Fooled / duped (2023-05-06 09:28:12)
- Footprints / shoe prints (2023-05-06 21:35:30)
- Peur de l'examen /aide (2023-05-05 16:20:23)
- Ex 250/ traduisons encore (2023-05-13 23:27:02)
- Our Story/151 (2023-05-15 10:36:37)
- Emploi de help/aide (2023-04-28 20:49:02)
- Let's Suggest/37 (2023-05-13 11:44:16)
- Leçon reçue chaque semaine par mail (2023-04-26 19:23:16)
- Voltaire/traduction (2023-04-21 20:36:55)
- Our Story/150 (2023-04-28 21:55:56)
- Ex 249/back home after a good evening (2023-04-29 23:46:10)
- Let's Suggest/36 (2023-04-28 14:46:28)
- Life /like a movie (2023-04-13 19:30:08)
- Expression/aide (2023-04-12 22:50:22)
- Place/ COD (2023-04-09 20:44:50)
- Traduction/aide (2023-04-09 09:08:47)
- De négation en négation/aide (2023-04-07 20:18:33)
- Correction/ mails (2023-04-09 01:35:11)
- Forme ING/ ou pas (2023-04-07 14:40:23)
- The furthest/ utilisation (2023-04-07 21:52:57)
- Playing with words /42 (2023-04-30 21:23:35)
- Holding back the years/aide (2023-04-04 17:36:45)
- Effective / efficacious (2023-04-06 20:58:50)
- Our Story/149 (2023-04-16 12:31:53)
- Bambi/aide (2023-03-30 21:43:08)
- Expression /do go (2023-03-29 18:08:51)
- Ex 248/ trying to help (2023-04-14 22:40:09)
- Us all/ All of us (2023-03-30 15:34:57)
- Let's suggest/35 (2023-04-14 15:27:05)
- Corriger/ texte (2023-03-27 10:26:54)
- Corriger / exercice (2023-03-26 09:24:04)
- Correction/exercice (2023-03-26 17:08:02)
- Is it-do /aide (2023-03-25 11:48:17)
- A et an/aide (2023-03-24 20:57:15)
- Infinitif/aide (2023-03-23 19:23:30)
- In / With (2023-03-25 04:23:55)
- Correction/aide (2023-03-19 16:32:45)
- Début/ phrase (2023-03-18 21:21:50)
- Après la terminal (2023-03-18 11:15:56)
- Correct / incorrect (2023-03-18 12:20:36)
- Good or well/help (2023-03-17 08:24:00)
- Participle clauses/help (2023-03-16 15:24:51)
- Et pourtant/aide (2023-03-15 20:58:25)
- Our Story/148 (2023-03-31 04:49:20)
- Place/ adjectifs-adverbes (2023-03-15 16:13:22)
- Traduction / mot (2023-03-15 19:04:55)
- Ex 247/celebrating Lexington (2023-03-28 23:05:15)
- About sb to do/help (2023-03-13 15:43:55)
- Fonctions /aide (2023-03-13 16:28:29)
- Let's Suggest/34 (2023-03-27 20:08:09)
- Utiliser/ it ou that (2023-03-11 17:59:15)
- Explication/care (2023-03-10 17:10:36)
- Grammaire/vérification (2023-03-09 13:02:20)
- Pattern/ English sentence (2023-03-07 16:21:42)
- Playing with words/41 (2023-03-30 21:38:33)
- CD classe enjoy English 4e (2023-03-05 13:31:38)
- Defeaning ep/aide (2023-03-05 20:37:09)
- As/aide (2023-03-04 17:56:44)
- Correction/ s'il vous plaît (2023-03-05 17:53:33)
- I wished I would/ I wished I could (2023-03-01 17:21:23)
- Needn't / passé (2023-03-01 08:46:01)
- Our Story/147 (2023-03-15 11:05:33)
- Ex 246/ la vie est difficile (2023-03-13 23:09:55)
- New member/correction (2023-02-26 09:00:48)
- Main clause/subordinate clause (2023-03-07 09:38:03)
- Let's Suggest/33 (2023-03-13 23:29:07)
- Shiver me timber/aide (2023-02-23 16:03:46)
- Occupations/ plural (2023-02-21 08:31:16)
- Des explications à/aide (2023-02-18 13:57:41)
- Traduction/Espérons que (2023-02-17 22:57:00)
- Singulier / pluriel (2023-02-21 12:41:50)
- Our Story/146 (2023-02-27 22:13:16)
- Usage de whose/aide (2023-02-16 10:59:31)
- Ex 245/what's friendship? (2023-02-26 20:08:49)
- Traduction/justifier (2023-02-13 10:35:19)
- Vérification/rédaction-exposé (2023-02-13 09:47:02)
- Give me five 3e (2023-02-09 22:58:08)
- The injured bird/aide (2023-02-09 20:52:03)
- Playing with words /40 (2023-02-27 21:19:00)
- It's-that-this is /aide (2023-02-09 15:46:27)
- Let's Suggest/32 (2023-02-22 21:46:27)
- Traduction /aide (2023-02-12 09:12:35)
- Rédactions/aide (2023-02-07 07:07:24)
- Ice cream social /aide (2023-02-05 20:45:04)
- Recette/ Gingerbread men (2023-02-06 14:20:31)
- Screenplay /writing (2023-02-04 22:46:20)
- Affirmative/ negative (2023-02-25 10:41:57)
- To finger/aide (2023-02-03 13:41:34)
- You don't seem to/aide (2023-02-02 17:42:11)
- En/ aide traduction (2023-02-02 15:54:26)
- Expression /moucher - mouché (2023-02-01 14:18:48)
- Are you done/Have you done (2023-02-01 02:33:34)
- Our Story/145 (2023-02-15 21:05:13)
- Ex 244/more difficult relationships (2023-02-11 22:01:51)
- Construction/ phrases (2023-01-29 15:12:37)
- Correction/ inquiètude (2023-01-28 16:54:30)
- Let's Suggest/31 (2023-02-10 20:39:17)
- Superlatif et one/aide (2023-01-23 11:50:52)
- Anything/aide (2023-01-22 17:32:57)
- For/aide (2023-01-22 17:29:53)
- You are being /You are (2023-01-22 13:58:58)
- I love this site (2023-01-21 20:16:26)
- Present perfect simple /continuous (2023-01-21 19:59:41)
- Subject verb agreement /help (2023-01-19 05:59:14)
- Is there a mistake/help (2023-01-17 18:38:16)
- A-An/aide (2023-01-21 10:25:01)
- Any-no /différence (2023-01-14 19:33:11)
- Usage in/into (2023-01-15 12:49:38)
- Our Story /144 (2023-01-29 21:34:27)
- Used to / prétérit (2023-01-13 21:37:37)
- Ex 243/ meeting, or not? (2023-01-28 22:52:07)
- Les députés/ Royaume-Uni (2023-01-11 14:27:23)
- Playing with words/39 (2023-01-30 12:54:05)
- Correction/ phrase (2023-01-11 06:27:51)
- Wish/Savoir l'utiliser (2023-01-10 12:54:59)
- Let's Suggest/30 (2023-02-10 13:36:15)
- Less and few/help (2023-01-07 18:23:22)
- Challenge/ Day 01 (2023-01-06 20:43:29)
- Défi ! /Apprendre l'anglais en couple (2023-01-05 22:46:15)
- I don't understand/help (2023-01-06 17:52:27)
- I want/to know the difference (2023-01-06 22:17:59)
- Précisions pour consignes (2023-01-04 17:00:30)
- Why/ no hyphen (2023-01-07 10:57:29)
- Understand/my mistake (2023-01-05 08:45:53)
- Our Story/143 (2023-01-13 22:52:15)
- Help/ error (2022-12-30 20:30:44)
- Catch-capture the attention/the eye (2022-12-28 21:39:38)
- Ex 242/Difficult relationships (2023-01-11 23:22:16)
- Expression Ecrite/Oliver Twist (2022-12-27 17:23:57)
- Wandering/Wayfaring (2023-01-01 16:14:13)
- Let's Suggest/29 (2023-01-12 12:36:56)
- Par où commencer ? (2022-12-20 22:24:54)
- Expression/ Drive in turns (2022-12-22 19:54:35)
- Causative form/aide (2022-12-19 15:26:57)
- Différence/ never et before (2022-12-18 13:50:48)
- Conseil Sur l' examen oral (2023-01-02 17:33:09)
- Utilisation/ modaux (2022-12-22 13:48:53)
- Our Story/142 (2022-12-29 23:08:36)
- Ex 241/ Laura's uncle Carlos (2022-12-27 23:09:22)
- Les prépa CNED concours (2022-12-11 16:27:58)
- Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année 2022-2023 (2023-01-22 11:54:09)
- Let's Suggest /28 (2023-01-09 00:04:42)
- Playing with words/38 (2022-12-31 16:07:50)
- English words /pacsé and concubin (2022-12-14 19:56:32)
- Correction/ paroles (2022-12-04 19:23:11)
- Oral /anglais (2022-12-04 16:26:44)
- Emploi/ far (2022-12-03 18:15:57)
- Correction / phrase (2022-12-02 17:06:24)
- Our Story/141 (2022-12-13 21:44:53)
- Négation /adjectif (2022-12-01 10:24:48)
- Ex 240/ being zen or not? (2022-12-11 23:37:11)
- Let's suggest/ 27 (2022-12-12 22:29:22)
- Bag of wind/aide (2022-11-26 17:15:50)
- Long or short vowel/help (2022-12-02 19:33:58)
- Traduire /science de la matière (2022-11-21 20:45:51)
- Our Story/140 (2022-11-29 22:10:44)
- Present perfect /facultatif (2022-12-02 16:17:56)
- Ex 239/ meeting another woman: Clara (2022-11-28 22:25:56)
- I facultatif /mails (2022-11-11 15:27:34)
- Most/ fin de phrase (2022-11-12 08:07:50)
- Let's Suggest/ 26 (2022-12-10 18:46:21)
- One's / utilisation (2022-11-09 15:43:21)
- The /ou pas (2022-11-10 22:52:28)
- Préposition/verbe (2022-11-10 22:51:16)
- Playing with words/37 (2022-11-29 17:38:24)
- Double comparatif/aide (2022-11-06 10:32:04)
- Accord /conditionnel présent (2022-11-15 18:39:29)
- Deux verbes/ To ou Ing (2022-11-04 10:45:40)
- Our Story/139 (2022-11-14 22:17:46)
- Ex 238/ Into English now (2022-11-12 22:46:27)
- Which phrase is correct/help (2022-11-17 12:10:14)
- Let's Suggest /25 (2022-11-20 12:04:27)
- Word order/help (2022-10-26 21:35:02)
- Translations/ two excerpts (2022-10-26 03:06:55)
- Aide/Mister (2022-10-28 16:42:43)
- Change into negative/help (2022-10-26 05:19:15)
- Aide /Try (2022-10-26 02:31:36)
- Not to have/ To have not (2022-10-24 18:55:25)
- Votre avis/aide (2022-10-23 12:49:23)
- Indénombrable/petite quantité (2022-10-24 21:18:50)
- Aide/ split (2022-10-22 10:49:30)
- Prononciation/aide (2022-10-21 20:06:55)
- Forgot / have forgotten (2022-10-21 08:23:12)
- Go down, Come down, Get down/aide (2022-10-18 19:37:05)
- Our Story/138 (2022-10-29 19:30:39)
- Mot /aide (2022-10-16 00:55:21)
- Ex 237/ generous Joan (2022-11-05 17:51:31)
- Neither/nor (2022-10-20 22:10:09)
- Let's Suggest/24 (2022-11-17 14:45:31)
- Help/ translation (2022-10-09 09:00:31)
- Can't help/ prevent somebody (2022-10-09 21:35:54)
- Set of translations/help (2022-10-07 16:22:09)
- Playing with words /36 (2022-10-29 20:09:16)
- Translations/help (2022-10-07 16:00:13)
- Our Story/137 (2022-10-14 22:06:43)
- Ex 236/another translation into English... (2022-10-13 22:40:56)
- Emploi /auxiliaires (2022-09-28 19:01:42)
- I miss talking to the old you/aide (2022-09-28 19:28:53)
- Let's Suggest/ 23 (2022-10-14 22:38:33)
- à l'oral /4,2 billion (2022-09-24 15:29:15)
- This/ appartenance (2022-09-22 17:46:50)
- Gérondif/ infinitif (2022-09-20 13:43:11)
- This woman's work/ accouchement (2022-09-22 17:45:33)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |