33527 sujets
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Both/either ... (2012-06-05 13:59:28)
- Utilisation/ verbe to do (2012-06-08 16:15:33)
- Temps des verbes/aide (2012-06-04 00:55:08)
- Mots interrogatifs/aide (2012-06-04 06:45:22)
- I don't like him/it (2012-06-03 19:43:28)
- Want to/infinitif (2012-06-03 19:40:18)
- Correction lettre de motivation anglais (2012-06-03 16:56:29)
- Doubt /give a party (2012-06-03 19:09:35)
- But /meaning (2012-06-04 18:13:04)
- Brochure/San Francisco (2012-06-03 18:04:53)
- Construction / past participle (2012-06-03 19:42:36)
- Traduction/ ransom 3 (2012-06-13 09:42:09)
- Traduction/ ransom 2 (2012-06-04 23:15:11)
- Traduction /ransom 1 (2012-06-04 23:13:14)
- Traduction/dialogue (2012-06-03 17:35:18)
- Correction/Emma (2012-06-03 03:15:48)
- Compréhension / video (2012-06-02 10:27:45)
- Their/them (2012-06-02 08:28:40)
- Prétérit-/what did you expect (2012-06-02 17:48:07)
- When et futur/aide (2012-06-02 01:16:11)
- Comprehension/our fees (2012-06-08 22:20:49)
- Correction DM /Voyage (2012-06-03 20:53:04)
- Scrambled words '160' (2012-06-07 13:33:35)
- Lettre motivation/Finance (2012-05-31 17:21:24)
- Something right/ meaning (2012-06-08 05:24:02)
- L'évaluation (2012-05-31 17:24:03)
- Motivation/européenne (2012-05-31 10:33:03)
- Correction /Tsunami (2012-05-31 00:43:02)
- Traduction/ sue over (2012-06-01 14:36:46)
- Féliciter mariés/aide (2012-06-10 00:06:22)
- Some/ ex- 10063 (2012-05-30 19:38:28)
- Correction/Guinness records (2012-06-02 00:30:42)
- Present Perfect /-ing (2012-05-30 16:36:44)
- Progrès en 2 mois/possible (2012-05-30 21:37:49)
- Question/tatouage (2012-05-31 06:29:33)
- Correction/ Essay (2012-06-09 01:24:44)
- Traduction/Loi SRU (2012-06-01 15:49:19)
- Have to or must/aide (2012-05-30 09:16:27)
- Grammar/There is no (2012-06-02 08:48:56)
- Near /near to (2012-05-30 08:36:33)
- Too much of /help (2012-05-30 04:29:56)
- Chiffres/aide (2012-05-29 17:21:10)
- Comparatif/aide (2012-05-30 16:45:02)
- Feel + ing/help (2012-05-29 16:12:03)
- Be going to/will (2012-06-04 22:45:48)
- Test 10063/some (2012-05-28 21:09:08)
- Correction/ crise européenne (2012-05-29 09:08:48)
- Traduction/ maitrise Bac+4 (2012-05-29 07:13:47)
- Expression/ imagination (2012-05-28 19:38:05)
- Coherence/cohesion (2012-05-28 11:27:10)
- Formes en -ing/aide (2012-05-28 16:24:37)
- Summary/correction (2012-05-27 19:23:50)
- Walking stick/crutch (2012-05-27 19:12:32)
- Correction/oral BTS (2012-05-29 13:17:53)
- Sentences/Correction (2012-05-28 23:43:44)
- Rapport stage/Correction (2012-05-27 14:28:23)
- Traduction/envoi fichier (2012-05-27 14:55:55)
- Présentation/correction (2012-05-28 23:08:26)
- V -ing+ traduction/aide (2012-05-27 21:34:36)
- Correction/If clause (2012-05-27 00:32:24)
- Traduction/V -ing (2012-05-27 22:12:15)
- Lettre/Ellis Island (2012-05-26 20:25:14)
- Correction /oral BTS (2012-05-26 19:22:26)
- Correction/USA (2012-05-27 19:08:57)
- Correction/Neuromarketing (2012-05-26 16:05:50)
- Même pas là/traduction (2012-05-26 17:51:43)
- Help/will continue (2012-05-29 00:50:56)
- Rédaction/CV (2012-05-26 16:28:13)
- Courriel/fruit juice (2012-05-25 21:54:50)
- Lettre motivation /Bank (2012-05-25 12:22:59)
- Lettre motivation/photographe (2012-05-25 14:00:42)
- Lettre motivation/Cie aérienne (2012-05-29 18:51:11)
- Correction/expression futur (2012-05-29 06:56:58)
- Présent compliqué/Help (2012-05-25 19:03:27)
- Oral/ BTS (2012-05-24 22:12:11)
- Correction/relationship (2012-05-25 16:50:59)
- Traduction/nom de monument (2012-05-26 09:59:36)
- Aide/go to the wall (2012-05-24 19:37:42)
- Correction/Calais to Dover (2012-05-24 16:29:44)
- Correction/description image (2012-05-24 20:56:39)
- Video/help (2012-05-25 16:24:39)
- Correction/ pop art (2012-05-24 13:59:21)
- Scrambled words '159' (2012-05-30 22:50:54)
- Agir en fonctionnaire de l'Etat (2012-06-29 10:40:07)
- The past simple/aide (2012-05-23 19:16:34)
- Correction/Dracula (2012-05-25 22:12:55)
- Correction/report of survey (2012-05-23 00:56:33)
- Correction/In The Ghettos (2012-05-23 01:06:57)
- Past simple/perfect (2012-05-23 00:31:07)
- About /auxiliary verbs (2012-05-22 20:48:28)
- Traduction/Dogs Act (2012-05-28 07:11:37)
- Traduction /Dog microchips (2012-05-28 19:02:08)
- Have ou Has/aide (2012-05-21 17:50:41)
- Oral/Projet Professionnel (2012-05-21 23:00:01)
- Correction/oral BTS (2012-05-21 16:52:10)
- Can could/help (2012-05-21 22:14:21)
- Phrasal verbs/help (2012-05-23 09:24:59)
- Problem/postpositions (2012-05-20 20:45:08)
- Correction/oral Bac Pro (2012-05-21 13:31:09)
- Structure des modaux/help (2012-05-20 16:59:56)
- Correction/motivation européenne (2012-05-20 20:13:55)
- Oral BTS/aide (2012-05-20 11:29:52)
- Another problem/ain't (2012-05-20 16:54:28)
- Problème/he don't (2012-05-20 09:18:09)
- Correction/Oral (2012-05-20 00:09:30)
- Problème /have (2012-05-19 16:28:35)
- Motivation/ European section (2012-05-19 20:25:18)
- Translation/difficult sentence (2012-05-19 16:49:21)
- Last / take (2012-05-19 15:26:21)
- Participle phrase/help (2012-05-19 20:14:17)
- Le brevet ! (2012-05-30 18:38:50)
- Lettre motivation /correction (2012-05-18 19:00:30)
- Section internationale/aide (2012-05-19 08:09:27)
- Correction/Lettre motivation (2012-05-20 12:44:09)
- Sahara/correction (2012-05-17 17:04:03)
- The survivor/correction (2012-05-18 20:07:06)
- Correction/ association (2012-05-17 18:03:42)
- Scrambled words '158' (2012-05-20 13:26:33)
- Etudiante Etrangère - CAFEP-CAPES (2012-05-18 00:26:50)
- Raconter/scène de film (2012-05-16 17:49:11)
- Description/ image (2012-05-18 07:36:37)
- To go/préposition (2012-05-15 19:36:49)
- Mettre à jour/traduction (2012-05-15 12:46:55)
- Enough/adverb (2012-05-29 00:53:44)
- Traduction/ get on with (2012-05-14 21:58:52)
- An only child/article (2012-05-14 23:12:37)
- CD Join the team 4e (2012-06-08 07:45:30)
- Traduction/timeline (2012-05-17 14:14:10)
- Correction/rapport stage (2012-05-14 22:04:11)
- BBC /Tymoshenko (2012-05-14 13:58:32)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2012-05-13 19:03:51)
- Particule in/nom (2012-05-13 12:56:52)
- Of or for/help (2012-05-13 11:46:53)
- Traduction/courrier (2012-05-12 23:08:40)
- Correction/solar panel (2012-05-12 18:34:51)
- Help-PDE stagiaire pr rentrée (2012-05-14 21:55:11)
- Participle/gerund ... (2012-05-20 16:47:18)
- Possession/ androïde (2012-05-13 10:39:06)
- Lovely to see you/aide (2012-05-12 10:31:28)
- Conditionnel passé/would have (2012-05-15 22:18:24)
- Présentation/entretien (2012-05-10 16:40:54)
- Test /adjectifs (2012-05-10 23:27:43)
- Scrambled words '157' (2012-05-14 11:13:23)
- Description/ image (2012-05-10 04:23:51)
- cd enjoy 5eme + meeting point2 nd (2012-05-09 06:45:55)
- Correction/présentation (2012-05-11 13:08:53)
- Cd classe new step in 5ème (2012-05-08 15:13:40)
- Mots Mystères N° 102 (2012-05-14 20:15:29)
- Citation/traduction (2012-05-08 06:39:14)
- Lettre motivation/épreuve (2012-05-08 05:32:09)
- When/how long ago (2012-05-08 12:13:40)
- Futur/ is ou will be (2012-05-08 00:19:00)
- Traduction/agent d'accueil (2012-05-07 19:22:16)
- Correction/créer pub (2012-05-09 15:59:09)
- Strange construction/help (2012-05-29 00:32:20)
- Complement / infinitive (2012-05-14 22:38:54)
- Can not/can't (2012-05-07 19:18:17)
- Correction/Cover letter (2012-05-08 17:24:38)
- Traduction/ texte 3 (2012-05-20 02:46:34)
- Traduction/ texte 2 (2012-05-20 02:46:05)
- Traduction/texte 1 (2012-05-20 02:45:24)
- Sens/ Final stroke (2012-05-06 20:22:12)
- Didn't /Wouldn't (2012-05-06 17:12:14)
- Concordance des temps / Since (2012-05-06 17:59:47)
- Concordance des temps/be ou will be (2012-05-09 16:22:48)
- Traduction/ to be + infinitif (2012-05-06 16:37:19)
- Whose / Whom (2012-05-06 15:07:20)
- Have to/ Must (2012-05-20 02:44:42)
- Correction/Abstract dissertation (2012-05-05 22:11:30)
- Aide/section internationale (2012-05-06 23:19:06)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2012-05-11 19:41:44)
- Correction/about politics (2012-05-07 10:52:49)
- Correction/Video game (2012-05-05 17:22:54)
- Correction/présentation (2012-05-09 06:16:07)
- Interview BBC/correction (2012-05-05 11:50:16)
- Give to/talk to (2012-05-05 20:08:59)
- Under/ underneath (2012-05-16 08:54:01)
- Keep it going/gerund (2012-05-07 19:45:25)
- Correction/superhero (2012-05-05 15:04:03)
- Correction/court débat (2012-05-04 20:26:19)
- Poème/ Oscar Wilde (2012-05-03 21:39:01)
- Présent simple/aide (2012-05-04 13:33:57)
- Correction/Phrases (2012-05-08 21:59:01)
- Enseigner la Grammaire Anglaise (2012-05-03 12:26:31)
- Scrambled words '156' (2012-05-09 20:30:07)
- English only/ help (2012-05-03 01:25:42)
- Traduction/lottery (2012-05-05 21:51:30)
- Aide/rapport stage BTS (2012-05-02 18:10:51)
- Correction/Bac ES-S LV1 (2012-05-17 12:01:16)
- Hope/ I will have (2012-05-03 00:03:40)
- Article after what/help (2012-05-03 01:34:42)
- Cherche cd new spring 3è LV2 (2012-05-02 09:39:29)
- New Live 3è (2012-05-03 17:40:34)
- Résumé/livre (2012-05-02 03:44:25)
- Traductions/correction (2012-05-04 17:20:28)
- Connecteur/help (2012-05-01 06:32:38)
- CAPES interne anglais 2013- YES, WE CAN! (2012-06-01 21:26:27)
- Des vagues à l'âme/Version (2012-06-12 09:36:49)
- Correction/exposé animaux (2012-04-30 17:16:10)
- Exposé/ technologie (2012-04-30 10:51:59)
- What doing/like doing (2012-05-02 21:29:14)
- Ever / Never (2012-05-02 17:50:30)
- Had better/Must have (2012-05-03 09:31:54)
- Traduction/film (2012-04-29 19:43:21)
- CDs classe Get in Touch 4° (2012-04-29 17:59:56)
- Auxiliaires modaux/apprendre (2012-04-29 17:46:09)
- Afford/traduction (2012-04-29 16:03:00)
- Article/Tower Bridge (2012-04-29 22:32:51)
- Résumé/ texte (2012-04-30 18:38:30)
- Correction /Application letter (2012-04-30 01:14:51)
- Traduction/Bearskin Helmets (2012-05-20 02:42:34)
- Traductions/Derbyshire Fairy (2012-05-20 02:41:52)
- Traductions/UFO in London (2012-05-20 02:41:08)
- Traductions/April Fool (2012-05-20 02:40:16)
- Correction/transport (2012-04-29 00:02:27)
- E-mail/correction (2012-04-28 15:40:49)
- Relative pronouns/help (2012-04-29 09:15:52)
- Lettre motivation/correction (2012-04-27 18:10:25)
- Correction/phrase (2012-04-27 18:26:49)
- Correction/journalist (2012-04-27 19:46:37)
- Will /will-would (2012-04-27 08:32:13)
- Were being/aide (2012-04-27 12:18:37)
- Théme littéraire/correction (2012-04-27 19:44:13)
- Plus-que-parfait/aide (2012-04-26 16:12:08)
- Scrambled words '155' (2012-04-26 17:03:04)
- There are / they are (2012-04-26 21:30:33)
- Essai/ les téléphones (2012-04-26 17:38:45)
- Grammaire /As vs Like (2012-04-25 21:28:47)
- En+ verbe/aide (2012-04-25 12:56:40)
- Traduction/solar panel (2012-04-24 21:38:59)
- CAPLP 2012 (2012-05-21 13:04:49)
- Traduction/je m'en doute (2012-04-24 13:27:33)
- Rather/ prefer (2012-04-26 15:45:16)
- That/this (2012-04-23 18:15:57)
- Correction/ Fewer and Fewer (2012-04-23 14:34:11)
- Traduction/téléphone (2012-04-23 13:22:46)
- Correction/being a housewife (2012-04-22 20:53:55)
- Correction/aventurier (2012-04-23 14:51:47)
- Rédaction/Vacances de Pâques (2012-04-23 14:21:54)
- Aide/devoir (2012-04-22 13:03:53)
- Aide /phrase à trous (2012-04-26 17:39:13)
- Mise en oeuvre d'un séquence pédagog (2012-04-22 23:05:27)
- Will you /do you (2012-04-20 00:29:58)
- Analysis /oeuvre d'art (2012-04-22 19:29:46)
- Manque-t-il un mot/aide (2012-04-19 16:48:52)
- Devoir / Ruby Bridges (2012-04-21 16:44:54)
- Candidature/mail (2012-04-20 11:55:22)
- Présentation/ famille GB (2012-04-22 00:32:19)
- Scrambled words '154' (2012-04-19 09:16:48)
- Antonyms/help (2012-04-19 22:55:37)
- Someone/pluriel (2012-04-19 21:24:34)
- Motivation/ Section Européenne (2012-04-18 19:15:54)
- Prononciation/ XVII ème siècle (2012-04-18 14:47:00)
- Traduction/La vie (2012-04-18 16:14:18)
- Operant / operand (2012-04-17 20:13:55)
- To turn up/On time (2012-04-18 09:34:50)
- Passé composé/passé simple (2012-04-17 17:44:16)
- S'entraîner au CAPES d'anglais (2012-04-17 01:08:58)
- Correction/guilty (2012-04-19 16:08:15)
- Like/as (2012-04-16 14:50:23)
- Minority Report 2/Correction (2012-04-16 16:58:49)
- Crossing sweeper/traduction (2012-04-16 11:12:56)
- Concordance/Present Perfect (2012-04-17 09:12:13)
- Though/ cependant (2012-04-16 00:21:26)
- Another Style/Simple Future (2012-04-16 15:15:31)
- Comprendre/phrase (2012-04-15 19:43:18)
- Minority Report/Correction (2012-04-16 13:59:27)
- Can't, couldn't/tags (2012-04-15 18:56:31)
- Correction / my future (2012-04-17 08:21:47)
- Création publicité/correction (2012-04-15 08:35:43)
- Lettre motivation/classe européenne (2012-04-18 13:39:32)
- Correction/hometown (2012-04-15 00:23:24)
- DAEU A (équivalent bac littéraire) (2012-04-14 17:23:46)
- Postuler à UCL/motivation (2012-04-17 19:52:39)
- Urgent - cd classe 2nde manuel xl (2012-04-14 15:22:14)
- Correction / traduction (2012-04-14 16:07:59)
- Passive voice/aide (2012-04-14 11:47:44)
- Reste -t-il/traduction (2012-04-13 19:17:56)
- Bob Marley/Me or I (2012-04-14 14:24:24)
- Traductions/gérondif (2012-04-16 13:23:22)
- Stress mark/help (2012-04-15 19:22:27)
- My studies/correction (2012-04-15 19:29:48)
- Publicité/entreprise (2012-04-15 11:14:39)
- Correction/European class (2012-04-12 16:24:10)
- Sens /worth? (2012-04-12 16:03:20)
- Préparation des cours (2012-04-12 14:19:46)
- Place/adjectif (2012-04-13 12:46:12)
- Temps et formes/verbes 2 (2012-04-11 23:46:15)
- Scrambled words '153' (2012-04-18 22:24:11)
- Temps et formes/verbes (2012-04-11 23:23:52)
- Unlike/whereas (2012-04-11 23:27:08)
- Traduction/Phrases (2012-04-11 23:20:46)
- Lettre/ fille au pair (2012-04-12 18:45:47)
- Enoncé/voix passive (2012-04-11 20:13:15)
- Vérification/ E-mail (2012-04-11 15:56:29)
- Cover letter +cv / job UK (2012-04-17 16:45:02)
- And or n/aide (2012-04-12 02:01:50)
- Correction/CHR company (2012-04-10 21:47:30)
- Missions 1eres (2012-04-10 17:41:18)
- Correction/Third world (2012-04-10 14:23:49)
- Traduction/city of self (2012-04-11 12:27:31)
- Essay/Correction (2012-04-17 02:02:45)
- CD classe Enjoy English in 4° (2012-04-10 17:33:05)
- Correction/Avatar (2012-04-09 23:46:20)
- The career ladder/help (2012-04-09 22:02:48)
- Problème/horloge (2012-04-09 20:50:31)
- Essay/correction (2012-04-09 17:55:21)
- Which sentence/ use (2012-04-09 10:39:03)
- Correction/Expression (2012-04-09 19:54:58)
- Intro/décolonisation (2012-04-11 18:23:03)
- Section internationale/aide (2012-04-08 22:43:49)
- The worst it gets/traduction (2012-04-09 21:58:59)
- Everything/anything (2012-04-12 17:18:15)
- Modal verb, genitive/help (2012-04-08 16:06:26)
- The slightest/ the least (2012-04-09 19:44:27)
- Forme passive/aide (2012-04-08 09:38:05)
- Correction/cover letter (2012-04-10 09:59:11)
- Phrases/correction (2012-04-08 02:54:31)
- Learn English/correction (2012-04-11 03:51:24)
- Correction/ résumé (2012-04-07 19:34:30)
- Questions/correction (2012-04-07 09:28:03)
- Aide/passif (2012-04-07 11:21:16)
- Sentences/correction (2012-04-06 20:23:33)
- Polish an article/help (2012-04-06 15:11:41)
- As a or as.../aide (2012-04-06 15:14:25)
- Place de l'adverbe/aide (2012-04-06 10:54:15)
- Must au passé /aide (2012-04-06 11:47:13)
- Correction/synthèse (2012-04-05 22:32:42)
- Correction/ about war (2012-04-05 21:11:27)
- Aide/ conditionnel (2012-04-14 10:28:31)
- Mail commercial/correction (2012-04-06 00:27:13)
- Traductions /français-anglais (2012-04-10 00:33:34)
- Scrambled words '152' (2012-04-11 22:24:40)
- Subject vs matter/aide (2012-04-05 00:13:37)
- Traductions/phrases (2012-04-05 00:17:55)
- 310 million customers/aide (2012-04-04 20:00:01)
- Objectifs et compétences (2012-04-04 20:09:42)
- Aide/subordonnées complétives (2012-04-05 00:11:09)
- Proposition infinitive/doctor 's (2012-04-04 23:41:50)
- Sens/ withhold (2012-04-03 17:35:02)
- Correction/statut des femmes (2012-04-03 21:37:14)
- Oral CAP2 (2012-04-04 21:17:39)
- Contractions/gonna, wanna (2012-04-03 00:51:43)
- Monnaie anglaise/aide (2012-04-02 18:29:22)
- Traduction/coupe-faim (2012-04-02 17:24:17)
- Traduction/changer avec l'âge (2012-04-02 14:45:24)
- Particule adverbiale/aide (2012-04-04 16:18:26)
- Poème/correction (2012-04-02 03:19:50)
- Fill in a form/help (2012-04-03 21:22:04)
- Utilisation /Can (2012-04-02 01:19:24)
- One-term proposition/help (2012-03-31 17:23:08)
- Correction/Past et PP (2012-04-04 20:34:51)
- Essai & documents (2012-03-31 02:39:30)
- Explication/expression (2012-03-31 12:58:29)
- Correction/ lettre motivation (2012-03-31 01:27:14)
- Scrambled words '151' (2012-03-30 11:23:35)
- Support oral/correction (2012-04-10 12:02:34)
- Correction/telephone (2012-03-29 17:20:57)
- Correction/Gap year (2012-03-27 23:01:58)
- Correction/Running away (2012-03-27 22:31:08)
- Marry/get married (2012-03-29 16:14:07)
- Traduction/mesures efficaces (2012-03-27 19:37:35)
- Traduction/bilingue (2012-04-05 14:42:10)
- At home/fin de phrase (2012-03-30 12:34:45)
- Correction /addiction (2012-03-28 04:21:10)
- There is/ modalité (2012-03-26 22:14:45)
- Correction/Shakespeare (2012-03-27 05:58:50)
- Difference/ all - all of (2012-03-30 13:05:38)
- Conseil (2012-03-26 20:49:54)
- Correction/meeting (2012-03-26 12:04:07)
- Conseils/ livres (2012-03-26 17:06:26)
- Downstairs/First floor (2012-04-09 08:43:30)
- Correction/lettre (2012-03-25 23:24:19)
- Correction/lettre (2012-03-25 20:25:23)
- Full name/right? (2012-03-25 16:07:46)
- Correction/ mes vacances (2012-03-25 19:10:25)
- Mots Mystères N°102 (2012-03-30 20:28:30)
- Present perfect/aide (2012-04-04 15:31:52)
- I were/ I was (2012-03-24 23:47:10)
- New Apple Pie 4ème (2012-03-24 15:55:17)
- Aide/ I or Me (2012-03-24 16:41:52)
- Lettre motivation/aide (2012-03-24 15:10:06)
- Articles/son consonne-voyelle (2012-03-24 18:16:18)
- Lettre motivation/aide (2012-03-24 08:20:39)
- Difference/ finish - finish up (2012-03-22 16:01:19)
- Correction/pollution (2012-03-22 12:51:50)
- Traduction/scandale (2012-03-22 15:52:16)
- Verbes transitifs/aide (2012-03-22 08:41:58)
- Récréation/Thème (2012-05-01 08:39:18)
- Correction/WW II (2012-03-21 22:21:41)
- Scrambled words '150' (2012-03-26 11:54:42)
- Correction/mariage (2012-03-21 21:22:49)
- Pronom/Me Myself (2012-03-21 18:14:59)
- CD classe Let's Step in (2012-04-25 15:44:02)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2012-03-20 22:50:27)
- Cours d'anglais particulier (2012-03-21 09:01:15)
- Facebook /Facesbook (2012-03-21 03:44:53)
- Kidz in the hall - 'occasion' (2012-03-20 17:54:43)
- Meet for ages/traduction (2012-03-21 09:10:23)
- Vérifier/ question (2012-03-21 18:11:40)
- Like and As/help (2012-03-20 15:09:01)
- Niveau B2/aide (2012-05-05 15:22:01)
- AT/Comment l'utiliser (2012-03-21 16:49:40)
- Cela se dit-il/ain't a rule (2012-03-24 15:23:48)
- Verbs and prepositions/help (2012-04-03 04:16:12)
- Correction/réussir dans la vie (2012-03-19 07:27:18)
- Dissertation/Correction (2012-03-19 16:56:33)
- Traduction/'pour me permettre de (2012-03-17 21:06:53)
- Les articles/ an et a (2012-03-21 16:05:27)
- Correction text/graph (2012-03-17 18:33:10)
- Future (will-going to) (2012-03-17 23:29:33)
- Préparation à l'OIB (2012-03-18 17:21:56)
- Pronom/Me Myself (2012-03-17 16:13:13)
- Précision auxiliaire/Question (2012-03-18 15:38:21)
- Foreign words/use (2012-03-17 23:34:50)
- Help/correct word (2012-03-18 00:49:06)
- Apprentissage / B1 à C1 (2012-03-19 22:56:30)
- Conditionnel/ futur (2012-03-18 16:30:25)
- Question/auxiliaire do (2012-03-18 05:44:00)
- Idioms-phrasal verbs (2012-03-16 03:14:12)
- BTS COM Oral Comprehension (2012-03-15 19:58:57)
- Devenir prof à domicile (2012-03-15 20:37:13)
- Lettre motivation/Erasmus (2012-03-15 03:42:32)
- Prononcer/article A (2012-03-14 17:43:23)
- Dissertation/Correction (2012-03-15 03:35:40)
- Lettre motivation/correction (2012-03-21 13:11:05)
- Round the Corner 5è (2012-03-13 16:25:33)
- Aide/ traduction (2012-03-13 16:58:37)
- Clôturer à la hausse/à la baisse (2012-03-15 15:38:00)
- Speak about a movie/help (2012-03-13 05:12:46)
- Date de naissance/help (2012-03-12 23:45:33)
- It was high time/aide (2012-03-13 13:03:58)
- Correction/Drought (2012-03-12 02:36:28)
- Présentation orale/aide (2012-03-11 20:36:10)
- Traduction/Proposition (2012-03-18 22:33:41)
- Traduction/mail (2012-03-11 17:32:05)
- Résumer/phrases (2012-03-11 18:29:48)
- Participé passé /Write (2012-03-10 14:25:09)
- Mots mystères N° 101 (2012-03-15 16:11:09)
- Grammaire/verbes (2012-03-10 21:03:45)
- Interro négation/aide (2012-03-11 12:17:43)
- Correction/Best day in life (2012-03-11 21:35:31)
- Oral capes interne (2012-03-14 09:36:31)
- TPE /correction (2012-03-10 15:57:26)
- Obligation/passé (2012-03-08 20:30:31)
- Traduction/texte XIV et XV (2012-03-20 19:50:03)
- Traduction/ texte XIII (2012-03-20 19:47:37)
- Traduction/texte XI et XII (2012-03-20 19:46:10)
- New Spring 4° (2012-03-21 14:02:05)
- Conditions requises pour CAPES (2012-03-08 23:48:53)
- Correction/questions (2012-03-08 11:05:05)
- Concordance temps/aide (2012-03-07 20:35:50)
- Correction/ CV (2012-03-07 15:13:08)
- Over/définition (2012-03-09 17:45:01)
- CAPES interne anglais (2012-05-19 04:44:15)
- There is/there are (2012-03-07 13:59:30)
- Concordance temps/prép to (2012-03-10 16:23:36)
- Traduction/journaux (2012-03-20 20:22:18)
- Working age/active (2012-03-06 22:06:02)
- Cover letter/Canada (2012-03-06 15:23:23)
- It has been/it was (2012-03-09 15:32:22)
- Essay /Can we laugh at anything (2012-03-06 15:47:13)
- Conditionnel/ Will et Would (2012-03-06 15:38:46)
- Présentation/correction (2012-03-09 04:00:17)
- Structure//help finish (2012-03-06 16:33:50)
- Stagehand/sens (2012-03-05 21:49:40)
- Ecrire email/aide (2012-03-07 18:23:00)
- Litté/Commentaire de texte (2012-03-04 19:21:21)
- Temps/aide (2012-03-04 18:04:34)
- CD classe Join The Team 3e et 6e (2012-03-04 11:11:17)
- If / whether (2012-03-04 20:26:21)
- Superlatif/aide (2012-03-04 11:39:37)
- To have +ed/aide (2012-03-04 09:47:30)
- Forecast/to allow for (2012-03-06 11:24:18)
- Traduction/Montaigne (2012-03-03 01:49:22)
- Present simple/mistake (2012-03-02 18:12:36)
- Publicité robot/correction (2012-03-03 19:46:11)
- Present perfect/ prétérit (2012-03-02 11:52:33)
- Where et does/aide (2012-03-06 02:51:39)
- Biographie/ Jean Dujardin (2012-03-05 12:13:02)
- Unlike/Whereas (2012-03-01 20:16:04)
- Maths en anglais/aide (2012-03-01 13:38:07)
- Beautiful English/conseils (2012-03-10 17:04:25)
- The Beatles/dialogue (2012-03-01 06:53:14)
- Relatifs/that which... (2012-02-29 21:47:46)
- Présentation orale /BTS (2012-02-29 15:05:58)
- Articles/aide (2012-02-29 15:27:58)
- Prononciation/aide (2012-03-01 11:20:31)
- Past perfect - ing /aide (2012-02-29 07:47:31)
- Which city/correction (2012-02-28 21:58:42)
- Lettre motivation/ Erasmus (2012-02-29 14:58:32)
- Child-care credits/aide (2012-02-28 14:09:06)
- Absolute decline/sens (2012-02-28 10:03:39)
- Correction/dialogue (2012-02-28 03:04:17)
- Pluperfect/prétérit (2012-02-28 13:12:30)
- Translation/clown doctors (2012-02-27 21:34:07)
- Exposé/Mariage (2012-02-26 23:04:19)
- Correction/Gainsbourg (2012-02-26 22:08:31)
- Neither/So (2012-02-26 21:20:32)
- Traduction/mask (2012-02-26 17:28:41)
- Étude de texte & livres (2012-02-27 20:27:56)
- Back cover/correction (2012-03-03 22:24:19)
- Passif/aide (2012-03-04 09:50:40)
- Texte/Canada (2012-02-26 10:55:06)
- Meaning/have a litter (2012-02-26 19:41:38)
- Expression/toys out of the pram (2012-02-26 14:33:05)
- Vérification/The Fun they had (2012-02-26 05:03:32)
- Texte/ picture (2012-02-25 20:36:24)
- Questions/Nandira's boyfriend (2012-02-25 21:14:38)
- Could/ can (2012-02-25 18:19:17)
- Dissertation/Correction (2012-02-27 03:11:00)
- Problème/écriture (2012-02-25 16:57:56)
- Essai/éducation (2012-02-27 22:32:42)
- Help please/phrase (2012-02-24 16:59:32)
- Letter/ your actor (2012-02-24 14:50:37)
- Use/ much of (2012-02-24 16:47:35)
- 2ndes français bac pro (2012-03-09 16:04:49)
- May/Will (2012-02-24 11:37:35)
- Grammaire/ erreur phrase (2012-02-25 00:21:27)
- Genre /substantifs (2012-02-23 20:03:54)
- Dangers/new technologies (2012-02-23 19:21:17)
- Translation/attendre (2012-02-24 13:54:42)
- Exposé/mariage (2012-02-23 21:23:08)
- Correction/enfance (2012-02-23 23:04:40)
- Traduction /tatouage (2012-02-23 15:03:01)
- Scrambled words '149' (2012-02-25 15:22:34)
- Correction / publicité (2012-02-22 18:19:51)
- New Spring & Join the team 4e (2012-02-22 17:26:44)
- A An / lettre H (2012-02-22 19:31:33)
- Correction/ Motivation Erasmus (2012-02-22 12:37:03)
- Le français aux étrangers (2012-02-22 16:59:00)
- Description/publicité (2012-02-21 22:48:29)
- Is used to/is used for (2012-02-22 14:55:13)
- Cours première S (2012-03-07 12:59:43)
- Correction/world poverty (2012-02-22 00:33:27)
- Phrases/chemistry (2012-02-21 17:44:41)
- Who/ did (2012-02-23 06:21:10)
- trouver des corres pr classe de 3e (2012-02-20 21:29:32)
- Vocabulary /Campsite (2012-02-21 08:02:15)
- Help/ translating a sentence (2012-02-21 08:06:15)
- L3 LEA cherche cours de LLCE (2012-02-19 20:09:58)
- Devenir professeur de FLE au Canada (2012-02-22 11:38:15)
- Lettre motivation/BBC (2012-02-20 09:50:58)
- Lettre famille/USA (2012-02-20 05:56:15)
- Telecharger/Audrey (2012-02-21 12:08:46)
- Entretien échange/aide (2012-02-20 05:21:35)
- Mathématiques/anglais (2012-02-20 04:46:37)
- Correction/dialogue (2012-02-19 19:10:01)
- Text /some mistakes (2012-02-20 08:24:49)
- Aide /Exposé Facebook (2012-02-18 21:17:17)
- Traduction/escorte présidentielle (2012-02-18 21:48:04)
- Expression/Presse (2012-02-19 13:46:43)
- Traduire/Dont (2012-02-24 22:24:36)
- Ecrire /date (2012-02-22 15:12:30)
- Business letter/correction (2012-02-17 18:00:26)
- Correction/countries (2012-02-18 01:23:06)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2012-02-17 00:13:51)
- LLCE anglais 1ère année (2012-03-05 02:26:00)
- Scrambled words '148' (2012-02-20 23:11:26)
- Théme gramatical/Help 2 (2012-02-15 19:30:53)
- Essay/Holiday and country (2012-02-15 18:21:39)
- Possible connection/tenses (2012-02-24 01:18:44)
- Traduction/voyage (2012-02-15 18:08:10)
- Best/The best (2012-02-15 17:50:37)
- Problème/génitif (2012-02-15 12:57:59)
- Traduction/phrases (2012-02-15 05:33:30)
- Temps du passé/aide (2012-02-29 06:38:49)
- Lettre/correction (2012-02-15 17:45:49)
- Verbs/tr or intr (2012-02-14 09:02:02)
- Vérification/social network (2012-02-14 21:38:43)
- Misses Morkan's/Version 3 (2012-03-26 13:20:22)
- Expression écrite/correction (2012-02-17 16:33:58)
- Théme grammatical/help (2012-02-14 22:54:19)
- Lettre/famille d'accueil (2012-02-14 10:45:26)
- A word in my ear/correction (2012-02-16 17:28:11)
- Time frame/chart of tense (2012-02-17 05:37:28)
- Correction/opinion (2012-02-18 17:18:18)
- Hidden word/help (2012-02-12 23:23:13)
- Verbe/ gérondif ou infinitif (2012-02-13 10:50:06)
- Particules/verbes synonymes (2012-02-12 20:10:41)
- Question/conjugaison (2012-02-12 18:28:50)
- Correction/Good morning England (2012-02-15 18:35:06)
- Traduction/phrases-expressions (2012-02-12 21:24:07)
- Traduction/résultats élèves (2012-02-12 20:45:41)
- Help a lot him/'help him a lot (2012-02-11 12:39:34)
- Epreuve de leçon (2012-04-13 09:56:47)
- Correction/sens phrase (2012-02-10 22:24:11)
- Were/Was (2012-02-11 01:13:20)
- Traduction/ conversation téléphonique (2012-02-13 18:24:34)
- Of/ suite (2012-02-10 10:57:17)
- Passive Voice/help (2012-02-10 10:13:33)
- Help/cover letter (2012-02-10 03:36:20)
- Question/correction (2012-02-09 21:25:21)
- Motivation/poissons (2012-02-09 19:00:45)
- Élision/pronom personnel (2012-02-10 13:28:56)
- Scrambled words '147' (2012-02-15 20:16:58)
- Niveau d'anglais visa j1 student + p (2012-02-08 22:31:24)
- Erreurs/ mon résumé (2012-02-09 21:42:59)
- Repérage/erreurs (2012-02-13 18:41:51)
- Conseils pour des cours particuliers (2012-02-09 19:16:54)
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