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- Fill in/Fill out (2012-01-30 10:39:46)

- Gérer des élèves turbulents (2012-02-08 05:23:09)

- Motivation des élèves (2012-01-30 21:38:58)

- Beatles museum/meaning (2012-01-26 18:30:20)

- There are no/there is no (2012-01-26 19:46:55)

- Scrambled words '145' (2012-01-30 15:39:50)

- 3° capes anglais (2012-02-09 09:22:55)

- date DNL anglais 2012 AC Dijon (2012-01-25 22:19:09)

- Correction phrase/which  (2012-01-31 00:45:33)

- Vous avez dit zéro?/Thème (2012-02-11 11:23:26)

- Litterature-/Agregation 2012 (2012-01-25 19:22:26)

- Gluggability/meaning (2012-01-26 19:11:58)

- Have/ have got (2012-02-01 09:03:58)

- What time do/does (2012-01-25 22:07:21)

- Phrases/correction (2012-02-23 04:31:13)

- Traduction/préférence (2012-01-25 00:03:38)

- Correction /about theatre (2012-01-25 20:03:43)

- Traduction/texte oral (2012-01-27 08:02:51)

- Utiliser temps/passé (2012-01-25 10:45:53)

- Épreuves d'admission au PLP (2012-01-25 19:07:57)

- CD audio New step in - Enjoy (2012-02-03 12:39:10)

- Version/Moon Tiger (2012-01-24 07:19:12)

- Prepositions/direction (2012-01-23 23:06:49)

- Suffixe/ Phile (2012-01-23 08:59:05)

- Lycée international de Luynes (2012-01-22 19:51:59)

- Aide/letter to sister (2012-01-22 20:33:36)

- Corrections /Exercices (2012-01-26 15:41:21)

- To get/ emploi (2012-01-22 15:19:03)

- Correction / New York City (2012-01-30 22:03:41)

- Traduction/phrases (2012-01-22 18:12:38)

- Recherche TOP 4 (2012-01-21 19:28:39)

- Correction/film by Spielberg (2012-01-22 19:05:52)

- Present / present continuous (2012-01-21 10:00:14)

- Correction/telegraph (2012-01-23 16:48:46)

- There is/there are (2012-01-21 08:43:52)

- Conjugaison/ correction (2012-01-20 23:00:37)

- Présent simple/Be-ing (2012-01-20 17:11:52)

- Mot Mystère N° 100 (2012-01-27 20:06:39)

- Recherche de genre et citation anglaise (2012-01-19 22:12:25)

- Correction/like to do (2012-01-19 22:02:30)

- Phonetics/help (2012-01-19 21:50:23)

- Présent simple/Be-ing (2012-01-19 20:47:09)

- Dialogue/enquête (2012-01-21 19:27:34)

- Birthday/ invitation (2012-01-20 19:22:49)

- Scrambled words '144' (2012-01-24 21:50:01)

- Abstract/correction (2012-01-20 00:23:38)

- Traduction/school environment (2012-01-22 09:34:24)

- Dialogue/Insurance (2012-01-20 00:23:03)

- Explanation/shipwreck (2012-01-19 16:30:04)

- Correction/lettre motivation (2012-01-17 21:56:39)

- Aide/The Observer (2012-01-18 06:10:55)

- Correction/poème (2012-01-18 17:50:14)

- Law and trial /fin (2012-01-18 16:13:21)

- Cd new spring 4 (2012-02-03 12:41:44)

- Correction/leaving my country (2012-01-17 00:46:27)

- Misses Morkan's/Version 2 (2012-02-17 01:10:12)

- Le TOEIC (2012-01-25 18:49:06)

- Simple past /present perfect (2012-01-17 00:25:43)

- Correction/Death cigarette (2012-01-15 21:50:23)

- Robots /essai (2012-01-16 05:12:08)

- Are/Were not sufficient (2012-01-16 21:20:56)

- Traduction/extrait de film (2012-01-16 23:07:34)

- Traduction/sunset winking (2012-01-15 19:30:21)

- Conservation/correction (2012-01-15 18:09:13)

- Les articles (2012-01-15 16:54:22)

- Aide/slavery (2012-01-15 13:46:23)

- Had better /tag (2012-01-17 09:04:40)

- Activité Expression oral interaction (2012-01-17 21:18:01)

- Correction /Phrase (2012-01-14 19:34:27)

- Law and trial/correction (2012-01-16 15:20:47)

- Avis/lettre de motivation (2012-01-15 18:01:14)

- Traduction/phrases (2012-01-16 03:46:07)

- Be/dire l'âge (2012-01-15 14:27:24)

- Achievement/correction (2012-01-14 14:00:13)

- Etranger et devenir professeur en France (2012-01-15 15:09:10)

- Someone/somebody (2012-01-20 23:04:24)

- Traduction/planches (2012-01-18 21:32:34)

- Prétérit/present perfect -ing (2012-01-16 13:55:14)

- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (2012-01-15 16:45:22)

- To get/to get lost (2012-01-13 13:47:11)

- Barefoot/Barefooted (2012-01-12 17:22:17)

- Mail de relance/stage (2012-01-14 19:26:20)

- Many people/plural (2012-01-12 22:06:24)

- Formulation/lettre motivation (2012-01-25 18:57:43)

- Expression/Lettre (2012-01-12 20:50:38)

- Be loved/Bob Marley (2012-01-12 20:59:51)

- English sentences/cover letter (2012-01-19 04:55:00)

- Mot Mystère N° 99 (2012-01-19 16:08:01)

- Correction/lettre motivation (2012-01-12 18:09:11)

- No whar ob late/meaning (2012-01-11 12:54:36)

- Do et did/verbe (2012-01-11 14:11:07)

- Gerund/ infinitive (2012-01-12 14:16:17)

- It's / That's (2012-01-10 16:39:06)

- How / what (2012-01-14 09:06:19)

- The/prononciation (2012-01-10 16:06:47)

- Lettre motivation/aide (2012-01-23 02:54:40)

- Traduction/...heavy slumber... (2012-01-10 19:26:49)

- Question/prétérit (2012-01-09 22:58:13)

- Aide/le pire jour (2012-01-10 07:51:51)

- Recherche de manuel 3ème (2012-01-11 17:12:23)

- Devenir traducteur/LLCE (2012-01-09 17:34:20)

- Correction/rapport de stage (2012-01-09 14:51:32)

- Lettre motivation/Erasmus (2012-01-17 21:56:33)

- Expression/la coupe est pleine (2012-01-14 08:39:57)

- Paraprosdokians (2012-01-24 13:26:13)

- Reported speech/help (2012-01-09 10:55:41)

- CD let's step in 4eme (2012-01-12 22:51:13)

- Where am I/adverb (2012-01-12 02:34:50)

- What are you/what do you are (2012-01-11 16:22:44)

- Aide/phrases (2012-01-09 01:03:59)

- Phrasal /Prepositional verb (2012-01-08 21:57:43)

- The word bid/ sens (2012-01-15 04:12:59)

- Should do/Should have done (2012-01-07 23:22:10)

- Hang around (2012-01-08 18:05:49)

- Correction/The Guardian (2012-01-08 09:52:56)

- Translation/sentences (2012-01-08 19:26:05)

- Utiliser a / an (2012-01-07 16:46:04)

- CD audio Enjoy 5e (2012-01-22 07:16:37)

- Fruit/Fruits (2012-01-07 22:01:12)

- Lettre motivation/ au pair (2012-01-22 03:18:12)

- Être sur la réserve/essence (2012-01-09 12:06:38)

- Traduction/trouver (2012-01-07 11:35:23)

- Mayn't or may not (2012-01-07 05:34:30)

- Lettre motivation/music store (2012-01-08 17:09:22)

- Comprendre/ Fuel to Fire (2012-01-13 23:48:49)

- Chanson/offa my mind (2012-01-07 19:31:36)

- Manage/Succeed (2012-01-06 10:14:50)

- Sens/be a part of whatever (2012-01-08 23:01:10)

- Oral/Christmas (2012-01-07 11:44:39)

- Correction/ sea level (2012-01-06 06:42:11)

- Shakespeare/bard (2012-01-09 23:00:04)

- CD Enjoy 2011 6e et 5e (2012-02-21 14:44:13)

- So much as/traduction (2012-01-05 18:20:00)

- Obésité aux USA /correction (2012-01-06 19:28:28)

- Traduction/Bac Pro... (2012-01-05 10:56:56)

- Correction/Elvis Presley (2012-01-06 13:13:05)

- Aide/Miss a plane (2012-01-04 18:50:36)

- Arrêté de nomination CAPES (2012-01-04 18:04:46)

- Share my experience as an aupair (2012-01-04 17:55:56)

- Correction /a play (2012-01-04 20:29:36)

- [5ème] Descriprtion? (2012-01-04 17:13:19)

- Capes externe anglais 2013 (2012-01-04 15:28:24)

- Correction/échange université (2012-01-17 17:27:25)

- Flower of life/essay (2012-01-04 00:14:28)

- Exercice/Expressions 3 (2012-01-13 01:03:06)

- Rentrée 2012/Thème débutants (2012-01-23 10:02:19)

- Télévision/éducation (2012-01-04 15:28:29)

- Correction/Lettre motivation (2012-01-05 18:45:56)

- Méthode/auto enregistrement (2012-01-02 23:06:34)

- Correction/devoir (2012-01-02 22:38:03)

- Date/année (2012-01-04 20:49:14)

- Devenir intervenante d'anglais (2012-01-02 18:09:12)

- Comparaison/ 2 dates (2012-01-02 19:10:26)

- Correction /EE -1ère (2012-01-02 17:29:45)

- HELP Correction lettre ERASMUS (2012-01-02 14:37:56)

- Dont + sur lequel (2012-01-02 18:03:11)

- Correction dialogue (2012-01-02 15:05:16)

- Small or little (2012-01-03 23:33:09)

- Traduction/pays de travail (2012-01-02 10:35:16)

- Lire/comprendre (2012-01-10 15:00:50)

- Press the panic button (2012-01-03 05:20:01)

- Essay /Youth crime (2012-01-07 22:44:22)

- Prononciation/lettre i (2012-01-01 11:03:46)

- My vacations/correction (2012-01-03 12:23:37)

- Text /Gregory case (2012-01-08 18:08:15)

- Question/whenever... (2011-12-31 08:36:06)

- Futur/ when (2012-01-08 21:27:41)

- Cd classe Connect 6ème (2012-01-05 15:35:39)

- 5 anglophones à trouver (2011-12-30 15:37:25)

- Devenir membre jury de concours (2011-12-31 00:13:14)

- Will /would be given (2011-12-30 18:16:31)

- Correction/tell the truth (2011-12-31 19:42:14)

- Internet/invention (2011-12-30 06:39:17)

- Subjonctif présent/can (2012-01-02 18:40:05)

- Short story/conseils (2012-01-02 14:09:51)

- Correction/lettre motivation (2012-01-12 09:15:31)

- Expression/baggage and all (2012-01-05 17:40:52)

- Present tense/-ing (2011-12-30 13:44:00)

- Negation /often (2012-01-07 17:44:40)

- Correction/essay about myself (2012-01-02 17:10:49)

- Set for/ traduction (2011-12-28 19:09:58)

- Correction/résumé de BD (2011-12-29 03:56:39)

- Recherche New Step in (2011-12-30 17:45:44)

- Goal-shy/meaning (2011-12-28 13:40:06)

- Examen/Right to die (2012-01-14 03:24:11)

- FAC Licence LEA (2012-01-18 18:45:51)

- Jouer une pièce/traduction (2011-12-29 02:11:46)

- Correction/phrases (2011-12-29 17:13:04)

- Translation/sentences (2011-12-27 19:03:53)

- Indirect speech/help (2011-12-30 06:49:29)

- Correction/Trip to India (2011-12-27 10:44:11)

- Futur/leçons (2011-12-27 10:14:27)

- Singular subject/ verbs (2011-12-26 21:37:22)

- Fly back up/drive back (2011-12-27 15:03:27)

- PGCE Ecosse (2011-12-26 12:53:18)

- Equivalent / presque (2011-12-26 16:53:40)

- Synonyme/deux fois plus (2011-12-26 16:58:12)

- Correction /exercices (2011-12-25 20:10:13)

- Correction/ lettre Erasmus (2011-12-28 17:08:46)

- Past perfect ou non (2011-12-26 00:15:45)

- Correction/lettre motivation (2011-12-26 09:12:16)

- Méthode audio prof New Spring 3èLV2 (2011-12-23 15:01:52)

- BTS Arts appliqués - Examen d'anglai (2011-12-26 15:12:06)

- Same as ever/meaning (2011-12-22 22:35:58)

- Au cours du temps/au fil du temps (2011-12-22 18:29:02)

- Should, could, would/use (2011-12-24 22:22:11)

- Scrambled words '143' (2011-12-22 11:16:27)

- Compréhension/oral (2011-12-22 09:02:54)

- Exercice /Expressions 2 (2011-12-28 10:06:34)

- Buy Nothing Day/correction (2011-12-22 10:58:06)

- Conseils pratiques (2011-12-21 15:40:42)

- Echange d'expériences (2011-12-21 15:24:41)

- Traduire: relevé de notes (2012-01-09 15:19:41)

- Provide for/meaning (2011-12-21 10:46:23)

- Public display/meaning (2011-12-20 19:16:42)

- Traduction/get a look (2011-12-20 18:25:39)

- Résumé/fiche en anglais (2011-12-20 16:06:55)

- There was/ were (2011-12-20 12:40:37)

- Classe de 3°DP6 (2011-12-20 10:08:52)

- Correction sentences/summary (2011-12-20 07:22:26)

- Future job/correction (2011-12-21 14:23:22)

- (2011-12-19 11:43:30)

- Do / to be (2011-12-19 00:30:38)

- Devoir/ compréhension (2011-12-24 15:34:29)

- Great deal/traduction (2011-12-18 18:02:37)

- Assimilation intuitive (2011-12-24 14:48:51)

- Infos sur l'oral CAPES (2011-12-17 02:39:49)

- Traduction/mise en rayon (2011-12-19 00:09:17)

- Correction /email motivation (2011-12-16 14:51:48)

- Pronunciation ch/ th (2011-12-16 15:42:48)

- Assistanat (2011-12-15 23:25:45)

- Joyeuses fêtes! (2012-02-01 17:41:50)

- I love English (2011-12-15 14:49:22)

- Scrambled words '142' (2011-12-20 22:22:53)

- Langue Vivante Approfondie (2011-12-17 02:18:22)

- Phrasal verb or not ? (2011-12-14 20:39:49)

- Correction dialogue (2011-12-18 11:50:56)

- CAPES (2011-12-15 23:11:18)

- Stage à l'étranger pour seconde ! (2011-12-14 18:52:35)

- French Table Manners (2011-12-19 08:00:07)

- Lettre /assistant de langue (2011-12-16 22:07:10)

- Parachute /Correction (2011-12-14 03:36:23)

- Comparatif/correction (2011-12-13 12:09:43)

- Partenaire de travail-DLC italien (2011-12-12 10:03:12)

- Misses Morkan's/Version (2012-01-19 14:29:30)

- Texte/Environnement (2011-12-13 05:50:02)

- Celui/celle (2011-12-11 14:18:25)

- Correction/right words (2011-12-11 11:21:34)

- Structure/ avec an (2011-12-18 19:31:07)

- Coucher de soleil (2011-12-19 13:14:28)

- Would/could (2011-12-11 23:02:09)

- English/correction (2011-12-10 14:01:59)

- Have and get (2011-12-10 04:18:34)

- Ebook/débutant (2011-12-27 11:47:13)

- Some/any (2011-12-12 04:51:27)

- Conjuguer verbe devoir (2011-12-16 23:17:27)

- Aide/exercice anglais (2011-12-10 21:59:00)

- Correction/Football team (2011-12-09 12:39:46)

- Exercice pour tous/Expressions (2011-12-19 14:39:10)

- How to Save irregular verbs (2011-12-08 14:18:31)

- About Plural nouns (2011-12-10 04:25:12)

- Scrambled words '141' (2011-12-14 20:36:09)

- Texte/Habitudes, manières (2011-12-07 21:23:45)

- Oral/phrase d'anglais (2011-12-07 19:49:51)

- Exercice (2011-12-07 16:01:13)

- De cours et de recoins (2011-12-07 16:49:10)

- Bon courage/traduction (2011-12-08 23:48:10)

- We have lived in Paris for two months (2011-12-07 15:10:03)

- Would ? (2011-12-07 12:13:07)

- Mots mystères N° 98 (2011-12-15 21:18:04)

- Vocabulaire juridique (2011-12-06 22:01:28)

- Relative Pronoun (2011-12-26 20:50:46)

- Expression française/traduction (2011-12-06 18:33:35)

- Chocolate/exposé (2011-12-07 15:29:01)

- Quel temps utiliser? (2011-12-06 22:13:17)

- Babies/languages (2011-12-06 03:23:48)

- Translation/Harry (2011-12-05 18:27:24)

- Subjonctif/ en anglais (2011-12-08 23:53:14)

- Faire une synthese de texte (2011-12-04 21:28:31)

- Correction/Lettre de motivation (2011-12-04 12:11:13)

- Traduction/faire de son mieux (2011-12-04 19:20:06)

- His ou Its (2011-12-04 00:37:54)

- Thême bac pro (2011-12-03 19:36:30)

- LLCE par correspondance (2011-12-03 18:49:08)

- CAP esthétique examen (2011-12-03 14:00:41)

- About conditional/gotten (2011-12-03 18:41:35)

- Correction/conjonctions (2011-12-03 00:26:25)

- Possession/ mettre le s (2011-12-05 16:18:45)

- Emploi des temps/correction (2011-12-13 08:55:44)

- Synthèse/Education (2011-12-01 23:41:00)

- To give back (2011-12-02 00:00:44)

- Correction/rapport santé (2011-12-01 17:04:55)

- Adverbes/lettre motivation (2011-12-01 17:40:29)

- Exposé/Las Vegas (2011-12-01 15:47:30)

- Prononciation /hype (2011-12-01 12:18:29)

- Lettre motivation/Erasmus (2011-12-01 02:09:30)

- Lettre de motivation (2011-12-01 09:59:05)

- Scrambled words '140' (2011-12-01 13:25:03)

- Correction /Lettre de motivation (2011-12-03 11:30:31)

- Indeed/ place dans phrase (2011-12-01 10:08:46)

- Question/article the (2011-11-30 20:26:48)

- Examen/description (2011-11-30 19:53:21)

- Questions/Wh... (2011-12-01 17:21:45)

- Système éducatif/UK France (2011-12-01 18:37:12)

- Agree/ préposition (2011-11-30 13:06:30)

- Doc annexes capes interne anglais (2011-12-05 11:00:33)

- Audio-lingua scripts - mise en commun (2011-11-30 10:34:14)

- Exposé/Telethon (2011-12-01 11:37:51)

- Enseigner le français- idées nouvelles? (2011-11-30 01:16:53)

- Águas de Março/translation (2011-11-30 01:12:25)

- Correction/Big Fish (2011-11-30 09:03:55)

- Smaller/ less (2011-11-29 21:55:39)

- Texte /Avignon (2011-11-30 16:02:05)

- Rapport BTS/aide (2011-11-29 18:25:34)

- Différence lost/have lost (2011-11-29 05:35:29)

- Rejoindre la L3 (2011-11-29 02:02:43)

- Correction/ profil CV (2011-11-28 18:45:22)

- Correction/lettre de motivation (2011-11-28 17:01:20)

- Correction/calendrier (2011-11-28 21:31:27)

- Texte /des erreurs (2011-11-30 11:23:55)

- Found that /awaked to (2011-11-29 12:28:42)

- Raise to/up from (2011-11-29 02:37:08)

- His being absent /his absence (2011-11-28 15:25:30)

- Dissertation Civi/USA (2011-12-03 18:52:11)

- Italian ecomics crisis (2011-11-29 09:55:45)

- Correction/How did you learn English (2011-11-30 06:46:52)

- Correction/phrases (2011-12-01 09:33:24)

- Correction/déforestation (2011-11-27 20:19:04)

- Correction/Thanksgiving (2011-11-27 14:40:15)

- Forme courte/contractée (2011-11-27 18:17:38)

- Infinitif /correction (2011-11-27 10:29:45)

- Meurtre/Correction (2011-11-27 11:06:30)

- Has come to mean (2011-11-26 23:43:26)

- Discours/correction (2011-11-27 10:35:09)

- Correction/going to the restaurant (2011-11-27 08:40:16)

- Date/in ou on (2011-11-30 16:13:05)

- Two tenses/one sentence (2011-11-26 12:15:31)

- Correction/soccer and women (2011-11-27 15:09:58)

- Correction/CV (2011-11-25 15:05:10)

- Correction/lettre motivation (2011-11-25 14:55:43)

- Direct and Indirect form (2011-11-25 12:08:35)

- Scrambled words '139' (2011-11-25 20:05:49)

- I wish he were (2011-11-25 00:25:27)

- Comme si /like (2011-11-25 00:07:20)

- Madame /Mesdames (2011-11-25 01:47:25)

- Tintin and his dog (2011-11-24 21:25:23)

- Post out/traduction (2011-11-25 10:29:16)

- Témoignage/Correction (2011-11-27 11:38:11)

- Lettre de motivation/USA (2011-12-05 07:53:33)

- CD New Spring 5eme - 4e - 3e (2011-11-24 18:16:44)

- Comparaison Than/As (2011-11-24 18:21:11)

- Gérondif /want (2011-11-28 23:42:34)

- Site internet/accroche (2011-11-24 15:48:19)

- Concours général/anglais (2011-11-24 20:58:41)

- Expression / niveau bac (2011-12-07 17:10:29)

- Commentaire/article (2011-11-24 18:03:41)

- Lettre commerciale/aide (2011-11-23 21:27:56)

- Thèmes /français anglais (2011-11-24 11:53:59)

- Present progressive/forget (2011-11-23 12:08:32)

- New York/exposé (2011-11-23 20:17:30)

- Remembrance Day/aide (2011-11-23 16:22:41)

- Traduction/quitter sa femme (2011-11-26 11:32:45)

- Whether/sens (2011-11-23 06:22:09)

- The British Isles'people (2011-11-22 21:30:37)

- Sujet du CAPES 2012 (2011-12-03 11:40:52)

- Gerondif/Infinitif (2011-11-22 07:51:53)

- Correction /phrases (2011-11-22 08:54:07)

- Verbes de goût (2011-11-21 20:43:42)

- Ch. CD1 classe New Live 4e (2011-11-24 18:10:05)

- Cherche CD classe Get in Touch 4e (2011-11-21 10:43:22)

- Welcome 6ème (2011-11-20 22:12:36)

- Traduction/USA (2011-12-01 10:02:47)

- Architecture of Paris (2011-11-21 23:17:05)

- Songe d'une Nuit d'été (2011-11-20 23:49:01)

- Gerund or infinitive (2011-11-20 21:07:29)

- Future agrégation (2011-11-25 09:21:55)

- Traduction (2011-11-20 15:45:53)

- Identifier les formes (2011-11-20 15:37:26)

- Phonétique (2011-11-20 14:18:14)

- Difficultés /compréhension (2011-11-20 13:43:47)

- Foreign policies/ politics (2011-11-20 14:40:14)

- Concours interne 2012 VAE infos? (2011-12-08 15:34:20)

- Ah, tu es là !/ traduction (2011-11-20 04:18:12)

- I and I'm (2011-11-26 13:03:30)

- Réaliser une séquence en 3 séances (2011-11-20 16:05:36)

- Exercice / not (2011-11-19 18:49:31)

- Will look/will be looking (2011-11-19 18:06:39)

- Help/ will et would (2011-11-19 14:55:26)

- Question au passif (2011-11-20 22:47:19)

- Pluriel en y/ prononciation (2011-11-19 08:58:08)

- Queen Elizabeth (2011-11-19 00:37:07)

- Correction/dialogue (2011-11-19 17:10:46)

- Untraining (2011-11-19 08:24:40)

- Any/ question (2011-11-19 07:53:26)

- Draft-Rough/différence (2011-11-21 08:54:36)

- EOC bac pro 2012 (2011-11-26 02:22:00)

- Scrambled words '138' (2011-11-23 13:05:03)

- The / superlatif (2011-11-18 18:57:46)

- Correction/Past and present (2011-11-16 20:50:10)

- New Enjoy 6è CD (2011-12-11 15:15:43)

- Élèves bilingues en cours (2011-11-16 10:50:24)

- Correction / wish (2011-11-16 07:28:40)

- Cover letter/correction (2011-11-24 16:50:23)

- CAPES 2012 (2011-11-15 20:41:01)

- Y rester/expression (2011-11-16 10:05:54)

- Wine and viticulture (2011-11-19 17:43:35)

- Images oral espagnol (2011-11-15 14:54:54)

- Word order/passive (2011-11-15 15:01:43)

- Aide/Working as a journalist (2011-11-14 21:59:26)

- Utilisation de that (2011-11-14 17:20:19)

- Cursus apèes un BTS (2011-11-14 08:49:19)

- Correction/Théâtre (2011-11-13 23:42:10)

- Enseignement ludiqueThème 1 (2011-12-06 22:54:47)

- Mal dit/traduction (2011-11-15 12:02:13)

- Correction/G20 à Cannes (2011-11-13 18:43:14)

- Plusieurs membres sur un seul compte (2011-11-15 15:42:20)

- Correction/description (2011-11-13 16:54:32)

- Verbes en ing (2011-11-13 07:10:33)

- Lettre motivation /correction (2011-11-13 01:00:37)

- Environment/correction (2011-11-12 23:34:16)

- Traduction/League (2011-11-13 09:00:25)

- About had to (2011-11-12 16:25:09)

- Have been taken/taking (2011-11-13 23:04:34)

- Could/Would (2011-11-11 16:24:13)

- Correction/Expérience professionnelle (2011-11-11 13:19:41)

- Global warming/aide (2011-11-11 12:48:17)

- Present simple/cries (2011-11-10 19:27:47)

- And the bride wore Botox (2011-11-16 04:36:08)

- Scrambled words '137' (2011-11-15 22:31:39)

- Le 3 novembre/Thème (2011-11-24 22:18:47)

- Pendant ou depuis (2011-11-09 20:26:31)

- Workplacement/oral (2011-11-11 12:24:46)

- Correction/phrases (2011-11-09 15:36:07)

- Create/exercise (2011-11-09 12:25:47)

- Carnet de notes (2011-11-09 12:10:06)

- Difference/ BE and AE accent (2011-11-09 05:04:37)

- Phrase/tatouage (2011-11-09 18:29:01)

- Traductions/ correction (2011-11-10 10:44:30)

- Ever/signification (2011-11-08 18:50:27)

- Showcase/Showcasing (2011-11-09 08:26:38)

- Allude and elude/meaning (2011-11-28 09:32:16)

- Mots mystères n°97 (2011-12-10 09:58:21)

- Outlived/traduction (2011-11-07 17:07:51)

- Cds new spring 5e (2011-11-07 12:16:49)

- Correction/exercice FCE (2011-11-07 14:04:08)

- Had wished (2011-11-07 19:56:10)

- Correction/honeymoon (2011-11-07 22:13:07)

- Present perfect continuous (2011-11-07 08:12:31)

- Journal intime (2011-11-06 20:57:59)

- Correction/phrases (2011-11-07 09:54:40)

- Investigation/Correction (2011-11-06 13:49:01)

- Lettre de motivation/VIE) (2011-11-06 12:55:12)

- Forme passive/correction (2011-11-06 16:33:34)

- Accroissement/ le plus-le plus (2011-11-06 15:40:36)

- Analyse/ image (2011-11-06 10:30:28)

- Traduction/titre de roman (2011-11-05 18:32:48)

- Présenter une invention (2011-11-05 21:12:10)

- Introducing greeting (2011-11-05 15:56:44)

- What have you been doing ? (2011-11-06 11:34:11)

- Questions/correction (2011-11-06 17:27:48)

- Prétérit /present perfect (2011-11-05 11:39:57)

- Incompréhension/futur (2011-11-04 21:30:09)

- Essai/A week in London (2011-11-09 19:30:50)

- Triple Word Challenge 8 (2011-11-11 21:14:52)

- Whoever/ whomever (2011-11-04 00:36:02)

- Correction/opinion essay (2011-11-05 19:13:27)

- Résumé/my country (2011-11-03 23:28:12)

- Correction/ fire at home (2011-11-05 11:43:06)

- Corrigés épreuves capes anglais 2010 (2011-11-03 11:54:10)

- Scrambled words '136' (2011-11-04 11:12:18)

- COD/attributs (2011-11-02 22:17:02)

- Diplôme/ traducteur (2011-11-17 11:30:42)

- Correction/Article de Presse (2011-11-02 10:54:28)

- Utilisation/past perfect (2011-11-01 21:28:26)

- Joie de vivre (2011-11-02 22:25:06)

- Correction/dialogue (2011-11-02 17:52:52)

- Pluriel de fish/fishes (2011-11-03 18:42:51)

- Lycée international (2011-11-01 10:39:52)

- Contraction et forme réduite (2011-11-03 22:44:01)

- Pronoun/reported speech (2011-11-01 10:28:43)

- Correction/lettre motivation (2011-11-01 12:30:29)

- Dialogue/conjugaison (2011-10-31 20:34:18)

- Money in society/ 2e (2011-11-01 17:55:46)

- Correction/Money in society (2011-10-31 10:23:47)

- Text/about China (2011-11-08 02:09:00)

- In contrast to/make a contrast with (2011-10-31 06:25:56)

- Utiser 'for ou to' (2011-10-30 17:26:41)

- Homicide involontaire (2011-11-03 14:39:51)

- Michael Jackson/oral (2011-10-30 17:26:04)

- Texte /optimisme (2011-11-03 17:57:20)

- Tâche finale, lettre (2011-10-30 13:33:00)

- Degré de certitude/modal verb (2011-11-01 17:57:30)

- Lettre de motivation/UK (2011-10-30 10:02:46)

- Arena ou Bullring (2011-10-30 07:41:27)

- Dans combien de temps... (2011-10-30 15:16:31)

- Correction /conjugaison (2011-10-31 20:56:05)

- Un bon livre d'anglais (2011-10-29 17:21:55)

- Any/ point de grammaire (2011-10-30 07:44:04)

- Traduction/phrases (2011-10-29 12:48:04)

- Correction /Money (2011-10-28 21:57:53)

- Correction/Logo d'Apple (2011-10-28 19:50:11)

- Correction/11/9 attacks (2011-10-28 19:07:58)

- Commenter/ texte (2011-10-28 19:01:38)

- Formateur en Angleterre (2011-11-17 21:39:37)

- Trackers 1ère (2011-10-28 15:28:23)

- Vocabulaire/jeux (2011-10-29 15:12:57)

- Correction/robbery (2011-10-28 14:10:22)

- Traduction/être professeur (2011-10-28 12:51:53)

- Correction/présentation (2011-10-28 11:35:15)

- Casting for TV show (2011-10-28 14:21:01)

- Phrases/traduction (2011-10-28 01:16:55)

- Correction/traduction (2011-10-27 23:48:01)

- Traduction/Such (2011-10-27 21:24:28)

- Present perfect progressive (2011-10-28 20:54:05)

- Capes et réalité (2011-10-27 20:12:03)

- Aide/a year in Mexico (2011-10-27 19:58:00)

- Quelle traduction (2011-10-28 18:34:08)

- Correction/lettre CNED (2011-10-31 07:29:25)

- Traversée pour la Corse (2011-11-08 18:59:37)

- Correction/gap year (2011-11-01 10:37:18)

- Quite/Very/Really (2011-10-30 14:19:16)

- Expressions/proverbes (2011-10-27 23:12:03)

- Correction/ Expression (2011-10-27 11:41:45)

- Rectification/expression (2011-10-31 17:58:59)

- Correction /simple past tense (2011-10-28 02:44:20)

- Scrambled words '135' (2011-10-29 00:36:31)

- Correction /Vie d'un trappeur (2011-10-27 12:04:54)

- Rédaction/adolescence (2011-10-27 17:35:16)

- Hotel ESP English (2011-10-26 13:01:45)

- Triple Word Challenge 7 (2011-11-03 21:13:04)

- Would you mind (2011-10-25 22:46:39)

- Présentation/Sebastien Loeb (2011-11-11 12:58:08)

- He was chill (2011-10-25 18:25:21)

- Michael Jackson/ oral (2011-10-25 19:36:51)

- Cover Letter (2011-10-25 15:29:09)

- Correction/candidature (2011-10-25 13:20:12)

- Lettre/demande d'emploi (2011-10-25 17:49:00)

- Those Online Translations! (2011-10-24 19:04:08)

- Correction-texte (2011-10-24 19:15:53)

- Parler de son héros (2011-10-24 20:09:36)

- Structure résultative (2011-10-24 12:38:54)

- Voyage/Correction (2011-10-24 21:56:10)

- Correction/dialogue (2011-10-23 23:24:49)

- Traduction / dopage (2011-10-23 16:37:29)

- British supermarkets (2011-10-23 13:25:51)

- Cours particulier et rattrapage (2011-11-03 20:04:54)

- Correction/ Présentation (2011-10-23 21:56:17)

- Utilisation/déterminant (2011-10-23 00:18:19)

- For ou since (2011-10-23 15:35:50)

- Mes vacances/Thème (2011-11-02 08:37:44)

- Correction /lettre aux parents (2011-10-21 23:38:16)

- Prétérit simple ou progressif (2011-10-21 19:37:33)

- Take it on (2011-10-21 12:50:07)

- Oral de CAP (2011-10-22 17:52:27)

- Correction /commerce (2011-10-20 23:59:14)

- Wedding ceremony (2011-10-22 11:28:09)

- You're settled down (2011-10-21 05:35:53)

- Correction/Dialogue (2011-10-21 15:30:46)

- Exposé/lancer une entreprise (2011-10-27 18:56:16)

- In review (2011-10-20 18:01:56)

- Les unités de mesure (2011-10-20 16:00:02)

- Pink Union Jack (2011-10-20 16:45:48)

- Scrambled words '134' (2011-10-20 21:19:56)

- Exposé/Scarf and business (2011-10-20 02:49:33)

- Présentation/correction (2011-10-20 06:06:05)

- My various jobs (2011-10-19 18:08:38)

- BBC online subtitles (2011-10-19 21:04:55)

- Present perfect/négation (2011-10-20 02:07:05)

- Traduction/sur un livre (2011-10-19 02:20:49)

- Message/correction (2011-10-18 20:33:53)

- Expression/journal intime (2011-10-19 17:32:03)

- Traduction/discussion (2011-10-18 20:19:56)

- TZR Ac Versailles sans affectation? (2011-10-22 10:54:08)

- Frozen product (2011-10-18 09:58:14)

- To Ask/To Request (2011-10-18 11:50:13)

- Missions 2nd (2011-10-25 21:58:06)

- Correction/objet caractéristique (2011-10-17 22:01:32)

- Adverbial clauses (2011-10-17 19:14:18)

- Expression toll (2011-10-17 15:04:33)

- CV Australie/correction (2011-10-17 14:45:21)

- Correction/présentation 2 (2011-10-17 22:01:18)

- Operation assistant (2011-10-17 02:24:29)

- Correction/présentation orale (2011-10-17 09:52:43)

- Méthode travail anglais Master 1 SHS (2011-10-17 12:05:36)

- Le @ commercial (2011-10-16 21:41:19)

- Correction/University (2011-10-17 18:30:20)

- Present perfect +ing (2011-10-16 21:47:13)

- Correction/Flatmate (2011-10-16 17:57:44)

- Email/correction (2011-10-17 14:41:31)

- Traduction/cyclisme (2011-10-19 17:54:01)

- CD classe join the team 5ème (2011-10-19 22:09:17)

- A or An (2011-10-17 09:50:09)

- Licence LLCE/ conseils (2011-10-16 17:33:40)

- China and education (2011-10-16 14:01:26)

- Death Penalty in the USA (2011-10-16 19:33:15)

- I am really confused (2011-10-15 06:51:05)

- Geek in the pink (2011-10-17 10:27:50)

- Travail au supermarché (2011-10-21 19:53:41)

- Social networking (2011-10-13 21:24:05)

- Conditional/if clauses (2011-10-23 03:45:07)
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