33527 sujets
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Recherche audio Good News 4e (2011-02-23 01:46:39)
- Prétérit (2011-02-24 05:45:20)
- Exercice/correction (2011-02-24 02:23:30)
- Correction lettre parents (2011-02-23 12:42:10)
- Correction /exposé (2011-02-23 14:21:03)
- Demande de correction (2011-02-28 15:10:26)
- I can hear, I did hear (2011-02-22 20:52:23)
- Appreciating the family (2011-02-22 19:33:41)
- Petit exposé (2011-02-21 17:03:22)
- Correction lettre de présentation (2011-02-23 17:31:20)
- Subjonctif ou pas ? (2011-02-21 22:38:21)
- Dénombrable - indénombrable (2011-02-21 21:12:01)
- Choisir temps au passé (2011-02-21 15:25:06)
- Prefer/ prefer to having (2011-02-21 21:26:34)
- Scones ? (2011-02-22 09:20:37)
- Perry Mason, Attorney at Law/Ecouter (2011-03-28 14:13:53)
- Lady Catherine de Bourgh I/Ecouter (2011-03-07 14:31:38)
- Pronom personnel (2011-02-20 21:06:48)
- Correction /nightmare at sea (2011-02-21 22:54:00)
- Preliminary English Test (PET) (2011-02-20 17:35:59)
- Résumé/Shannon Ryan (2011-02-20 17:00:56)
- Traductions sur forum (2011-02-20 18:13:23)
- Traduction/ Mall (2011-02-20 11:16:23)
- Correction/Chinese Cinderella (2011-02-20 10:45:26)
- Don't like+gerund ou -ing (2011-02-20 13:31:01)
- Abréviations dans un film (2011-02-21 10:00:53)
- Correction/excuses (2011-02-21 08:10:01)
- Beachcomber (2011-02-19 14:34:44)
- Echange CD Enjoy-Join the Team (2011-02-24 12:02:25)
- To be, be, being (2011-02-19 12:01:31)
- Is it right?(Grammar) (2011-02-28 13:26:26)
- Correction/Exercice lettre (2011-02-20 09:01:55)
- Comment traduire? (2011-02-19 00:30:46)
- Rédaction sur les langues (2011-02-19 14:18:29)
- Traduire : du coup (2011-02-18 16:05:10)
- Temps du passé (2011-02-19 05:08:35)
- I'm singing in the sun (2011-02-18 17:59:50)
- Essai d'anglais (2011-02-19 10:38:39)
- A quelle heure? (2011-02-17 18:09:47)
- Que signifie 's ? (2011-02-17 14:12:38)
- Load/loading (2011-02-17 22:33:35)
- Question us-we (2011-02-17 18:15:39)
- The immigration in Europe [correction] (2011-02-17 07:02:07)
- Scrambled words '101' (2011-02-23 21:44:36)
- Recueil du corpus pour mon M2 (2011-02-16 18:24:40)
- Active and Passive forms (2011-02-20 21:31:41)
- Languages/correction (2011-02-19 10:32:37)
- Prof face à groupe hétérogène (2011-03-07 19:36:26)
- Country/ Correction (2011-02-16 17:04:51)
- Answer/correction (2011-02-15 20:47:05)
- N'est pas encore (2011-02-15 16:30:36)
- Put away /Puts away (2011-02-15 09:23:00)
- Dialogue /correction (2011-02-15 20:46:16)
- Qu'on le veuille ou non (2011-02-14 22:32:22)
- Career path (2011-02-14 20:11:15)
- Doute concernant Whether (2011-02-14 23:50:02)
- Traduction/rien ne va/ tout va (2011-02-14 14:27:59)
- Tenses (2011-02-16 16:37:44)
- Healthy food (2011-02-14 09:56:24)
- Correction/dialogue (2011-02-28 16:24:26)
- Passive voice/correction (2011-02-14 10:29:47)
- Commentaire/Great divide (2011-02-14 20:55:23)
- That way (2011-02-13 12:33:09)
- Woody plants/traduction (2011-02-13 14:49:28)
- Temps du passé/aide (2011-02-13 17:47:50)
- Correction Exposé (2011-02-13 09:35:33)
- Correction DM (2011-02-13 23:35:37)
- Animisme- dur dur (2011-02-15 00:54:47)
- Traduire 'avec qui ?' (2011-02-12 17:45:44)
- The ou rien? (2011-02-12 17:27:31)
- Essai/lettre (2011-02-12 12:07:38)
- Traduction/venu à Paris? (2011-02-11 20:25:48)
- Cover letter /correction (2011-02-11 19:11:35)
- Inscription capes interne (2011-02-11 18:01:13)
- Explication d'un test (2011-02-11 18:56:56)
- Emma and Mr Knightley/Ecouter (2011-02-27 09:06:28)
- CV in English (2011-02-17 07:07:41)
- Marées noires / Correction (2011-02-13 20:47:54)
- Sociolinguistic (2011-02-12 10:56:01)
- Present perfect et passé composé (2011-02-10 20:45:35)
- Signification/daisy cutter (2011-02-10 22:34:17)
- Scrambled words '100' (2011-02-11 21:02:32)
- Correction/Painting (2011-02-09 23:06:50)
- Podcast en anglais ? (2011-02-09 20:36:54)
- Correction/Gross national product (2011-02-11 11:28:52)
- ch.Enjoy contre Join the team (2011-02-09 17:57:03)
- Temps du passé (2011-02-10 23:10:03)
- To wait (2011-02-09 15:55:32)
- Durée / correction (2011-02-09 21:26:21)
- How offensive is it? (2011-02-09 15:18:59)
- Essai email /compatibility (2011-02-09 17:12:25)
- Question tag (2011-02-09 10:15:45)
- Magazine Du Jour (2011-03-04 20:19:37)
- -Ing- ou l'infinif (2011-02-08 23:54:51)
- For Since /correction (2011-02-09 17:58:19)
- Essai/pétrole et environnement (2011-02-09 17:54:08)
- Traduction/correction phrases (2011-02-12 10:30:18)
- A l'oral (2011-02-08 18:30:00)
- Modal auxiliaries/correction (2011-02-08 18:06:12)
- Traduire ces phrases en anglais (2011-02-08 18:14:07)
- Prononciation push (2011-02-08 07:03:02)
- Être présent sur quelque chose (2011-02-07 21:59:57)
- Correction dialogue anglais ( urgent ^^) (2011-02-07 19:29:27)
- Paris / Correction (2011-02-07 17:21:17)
- Présent/ say + -ing (2011-02-11 10:22:17)
- Concordance des temps (2011-02-09 09:13:06)
- Correction candidature (2011-02-07 09:10:51)
- Apart from (2011-02-06 22:54:44)
- Pour faire quelque chose (2011-02-06 21:44:23)
- Verbes + infinitif ou -ing (2011-02-07 01:10:28)
- Correction/relance candidature (2011-02-06 21:51:15)
- Correction /Publicity (2011-02-07 20:31:08)
- Traduction de citations (2011-02-06 16:35:58)
- Rédaction/life based on travellling (2011-02-07 14:48:07)
- Correction/primary school (2011-02-06 20:19:59)
- Help! job interview soon (2011-02-08 14:24:57)
- Chasing pavements (2011-02-06 18:21:26)
- Sujets Agrégation interne 2011 (2011-02-16 19:41:41)
- Oral CAPES externe (2011-02-17 08:36:26)
- The et that (2011-02-06 11:36:26)
- Traduction /give a ball (2011-02-07 13:25:09)
- Knock at-on (2011-02-06 00:24:23)
- Poème /The ball of flowers (2011-02-05 18:31:22)
- Cambridge Proficiency in English (2011-02-07 08:48:50)
- Dénombrable - indénombrable (2011-02-05 17:36:36)
- Correction/ Reflexive verbs (2011-02-06 12:08:53)
- Reporting an exclamation (2011-02-07 13:30:13)
- Scrambled words '99' (2011-02-03 20:15:51)
- Cours d'anglais de 3ème (2011-02-03 21:50:27)
- Correction-Texte sur film (2011-02-02 21:21:50)
- Correction texte/film (2011-02-03 08:25:32)
- Final Price (2011-02-05 23:04:49)
- Correction / texte pour oral (2011-02-02 19:46:25)
- Correction/English in Benin (2011-02-06 22:18:52)
- Demande/ faire et pourtant bien (2011-02-06 21:06:18)
- Should have been delivered (2011-02-01 23:13:23)
- Beyond ou In spite of (2011-02-14 19:51:56)
- Résumé/Article du Figaro (2011-02-02 10:42:45)
- Préposition de temps (2011-02-01 20:38:46)
- Test /do you mind? (2011-02-01 16:02:47)
- Correction expression (2011-02-01 16:06:51)
- ressources/anglais commercial (2011-02-01 11:59:28)
- Call on (2011-02-01 22:38:44)
- CAPES interne 2011 (2011-02-08 08:44:24)
- Correction (2011-02-01 11:18:41)
- Utilisation/despite and in spite of (2011-01-31 21:22:49)
- Traduction/aussi bien que (2011-01-31 21:33:07)
- Critique/film Taken (2011-02-02 09:42:16)
- Problem - Matter - Issue (2011-01-31 18:34:07)
- Forme des questions (2011-01-31 18:24:32)
- Possessive-plural (2011-02-24 02:08:06)
- Aide lettre de motivation (2011-02-11 20:29:46)
- Did ou were-was not ? (2011-02-06 23:32:47)
- Translation /block offices (2011-01-31 21:40:11)
- Correction/article (2011-01-31 12:35:55)
- Temps des verbes/fin (2011-01-30 21:51:19)
- Kettlebells (2011-01-30 22:45:03)
- At the greengrocer's (2011-01-30 19:46:37)
- Correction de 'describe' (2011-01-30 18:43:34)
- Correction/ paragraphe (2011-01-30 17:06:35)
- Aide lettre de motivation (2011-01-31 08:19:27)
- We got to talking (2011-02-01 11:16:21)
- Temps des verbes (2011-01-31 05:00:42)
- As soon as/concordance (2011-01-29 17:22:05)
- Décrire ville natale (2011-01-29 12:07:10)
- 8h35 ! Problème pour l'heure ! (2011-01-29 08:58:42)
- La place de off (2011-01-28 22:56:39)
- Correction/verbes (2011-01-29 22:48:38)
- Expression /est-ce que (2011-01-28 21:39:26)
- Traduction (2011-01-28 18:40:38)
- Cope or deal with (2011-01-28 14:36:23)
- Scrambled words '98' (2011-01-28 20:38:48)
- Tenses / homework (2011-01-27 07:24:21)
- Correction d'un paragraphe (2011-01-31 16:37:39)
- It's no use crying over spilt milk (2011-02-18 13:01:28)
- Text /Correction (2011-01-25 21:51:06)
- Correction/ sentences (2011-01-31 17:51:07)
- English work (2011-01-27 01:56:10)
- Madonna/correction (2011-01-24 20:05:21)
- Have verbe et auxiliaire (2011-01-24 19:49:09)
- Correction texte/ Norvège (2011-01-24 22:21:41)
- Adjectifs - progression (2011-01-25 08:23:50)
- Correction expression écrite (2011-01-24 19:42:19)
- Expression écrite/lettre (2011-01-25 02:23:14)
- Les discussions/correction (2011-01-24 15:39:07)
- Participe passé (2011-01-25 11:55:37)
- Anniversaire -Correction (2011-01-25 18:35:37)
- A nice trip/correction (2011-01-25 05:31:12)
- A mes yeux (2011-01-23 20:01:10)
- Utilisation de aboard (2011-01-23 22:01:06)
- Statue honours Queen Mum/Ecouter (2011-02-10 21:16:43)
- Ce que j'ai fait/correction (2011-01-27 18:38:26)
- Lettre de motivation - Départ en échange (2011-01-23 00:14:27)
- Résultats capes 2011 (2011-02-16 11:38:55)
- Livres pour faux débutants (2011-06-14 19:13:21)
- Jumping in at the deep end (2011-01-22 21:54:36)
- Test linguistique en Belgique (2011-01-22 21:46:23)
- Scrambled words '97' (2011-01-21 12:26:59)
- Present / Past Perfect continuous (2011-01-22 14:42:04)
- Préposition 'on' (2011-01-18 20:12:08)
- Différentes expressions pour saluer (2011-01-18 19:58:21)
- Do + verbe (2011-01-22 15:41:16)
- Correction /Les mamans (2011-01-26 08:48:09)
- Preterit- present perfect (2011-01-18 13:31:47)
- CV anglais/ besoin de corrections (2011-01-18 02:30:48)
- Going to or will (2011-01-19 20:13:43)
- Expression (2011-01-22 15:21:16)
- Préposition into + gérondif (2011-01-17 23:35:57)
- État civil / CV anglais et américain (2011-01-18 15:33:56)
- Comparatif de supériorité (2011-01-17 18:30:27)
- Explication/correction (2011-01-18 15:47:05)
- G de ing remplacé par ' (2011-01-17 20:35:29)
- Traduction /chargé de TD (2011-01-17 12:49:12)
- Traduction en vue voyage (2011-01-17 09:18:58)
- Video/help (2011-01-16 21:14:23)
- Modify sentences/help (2011-01-18 03:07:13)
- Consonne-voyelle-consonne - on double ! (2011-01-14 20:01:44)
- Eg/meaning (2011-01-14 20:33:35)
- Questions/ city...she/it (2011-01-14 15:37:34)
- Courte traduction (2011-01-16 14:19:44)
- Verbe to deal (2011-01-13 16:06:41)
- Traduction! (2011-01-13 04:27:55)
- Present perfect - Article BBC (2011-01-13 18:25:36)
- Scrambled words '96' (2011-01-19 22:47:00)
- Au fur et à mesure que (2011-01-12 20:16:22)
- Was ou has ? (2011-01-15 03:02:35)
- Essay (2011-01-13 02:06:42)
- By foot (2011-01-12 13:33:43)
- Heureux de te lire (2011-01-12 15:13:22)
- Fautes / lettre de motivation (2011-01-11 06:52:34)
- Mot-Mystère N°91 (2011-02-24 22:01:57)
- About the weather (2011-01-12 21:30:56)
- Vulgaire ou non (2011-01-17 22:06:30)
- Avoir une bonne prononciation (2011-01-10 19:50:09)
- Le present perfect (2011-01-10 20:41:31)
- Français en lycée professionnel (2011-01-16 22:03:26)
- Conseils, impératif, politesse (2011-01-09 19:57:26)
- World is gonna bend/traduction (2011-01-09 15:24:03)
- Bac/ entrainement (2011-01-08 19:03:00)
- Revenir vers quelqu'un (2011-01-08 12:29:10)
- Traduire (2011-01-09 16:09:35)
- At the restaurant (2011-01-08 14:51:07)
- Present perfect continuous (2011-01-08 18:31:24)
- Are my sentences correct? (2011-01-10 21:58:27)
- For ou on ? (2011-01-07 20:32:08)
- Give in et give up (2011-01-09 11:58:57)
- Just for fun (2011-01-08 16:49:47)
- To / And avec deux verbes (2011-01-07 19:15:31)
- Correction d'un texte (2011-01-07 18:05:36)
- I can't help it (2011-01-06 23:31:13)
- Pollution traduction (2011-01-06 18:56:01)
- The Tide is turning (2011-01-06 14:22:24)
- Juste pour le plaisir (2011-01-10 17:20:46)
- Scrambled words '95' (2011-01-07 18:27:52)
- Va je ne te hais point/Version (2011-02-02 19:28:02)
- Devoir maison (2011-01-09 12:32:06)
- Prononciation de certains mots (2011-01-06 22:34:22)
- Lettre motivation échange Asie (2011-01-06 07:30:27)
- To die of - règle (2011-01-05 13:19:07)
- Examen bac pro 3 ans (2011-01-10 14:07:22)
- This week/Correction (2011-01-07 23:15:51)
- Description d'une image/correction (2011-01-04 20:38:26)
- Équivalence /maman de cœur (2011-01-04 19:26:32)
- Verbs and Questions (2011-01-22 16:08:51)
- Une fois par mois (2011-01-04 10:14:01)
- BE + ING/ incompréhension (2011-01-05 10:00:40)
- Traductions/about media (2011-01-04 01:27:40)
- Expression 'Eh man!'- significa (2011-01-03 22:01:27)
- Correction monologue pour oral (2011-01-05 04:28:28)
- Proverbe (2011-01-04 00:11:09)
- Lettre de motivation poste assistante (2011-01-03 20:29:52)
- I am hungry myself (2011-01-04 12:17:07)
- Différence present perfect/ prétérit (2011-01-03 18:14:40)
- Aide/ anglais audio (2011-01-03 14:39:43)
- Verbes transitifs-intransitifs (2011-01-03 18:05:26)
- Genre/ noms communs en poésie (2011-01-03 20:56:10)
- Sir - Gentleman - Mister (2011-01-02 21:22:39)
- Any (2011-01-08 13:21:38)
- Echange cds anglais collège (2011-01-02 15:15:29)
- Traduction (2011-01-02 18:30:31)
- [DM] Compréhension orale (2011-01-02 13:24:14)
- Juste une phrase (2011-01-01 21:01:33)
- Here lies Lily Waters (écouter) (2011-01-19 01:18:49)
- If et should (2011-01-02 07:23:35)
- Sujet d'expression dialogue (2011-01-02 19:22:25)
- Suggestion vidéos (2010-12-31 17:47:52)
- What's millions upon millions (2011-01-01 08:58:45)
- Linguistique/devoir (2011-01-02 17:50:31)
- Countries and New Year (2011-01-02 08:11:46)
- Present perfect - Prétérit (2010-12-31 11:14:19)
- Traductions diverses (2011-01-03 09:46:17)
- Phrases à sens futur (2010-12-31 02:44:23)
- Grammar/people (2010-12-30 16:43:00)
- Story writing (2010-12-31 10:27:57)
- Correction-DM récit de voyage (2011-01-03 19:35:59)
- Cv et lettre de motivation (2010-12-30 20:20:51)
- Remerciements (2010-12-31 02:55:13)
- DM/ work and company (2010-12-30 10:09:37)
- Scrambled words '94' (2010-12-30 19:19:15)
- Les structures causatives (2010-12-29 22:20:59)
- Personal pronouns (2010-12-30 14:38:24)
- About loyalty in relationship (2010-12-29 20:23:23)
- Orthographe, syntaxe anglaise (2011-01-02 16:26:25)
- Aide à la traduction (2010-12-29 18:14:38)
- Pollution report (2010-12-30 21:58:02)
- Une parodie (2010-12-30 17:03:20)
- Grammar (2010-12-28 22:23:45)
- TOEFL book (2010-12-28 19:43:00)
- Traduction /Galop 5 (2010-12-28 19:41:28)
- The fortunate Ones (2010-12-28 15:29:26)
- Letter to daughter (2010-12-29 15:41:43)
- Expression écrite (2011-01-01 19:15:25)
- Jiminy Cricket ! (2010-12-28 13:47:36)
- Why - topic - Correction (2010-12-28 03:19:53)
- Aide traduction citations (2010-12-28 18:36:05)
- Grammar correction (2010-12-29 17:38:43)
- Dreams (2010-12-27 22:13:39)
- Poser cette question (2010-12-28 03:30:05)
- Correction/texte en anglais (2010-12-27 21:16:55)
- Corriger un exercice (2010-12-27 16:26:28)
- Maison de vos rêves/correction (2010-12-28 01:46:32)
- Yes, I am ? (2010-12-26 22:33:01)
- Issue (2010-12-26 22:45:27)
- Me or I (2010-12-26 18:40:15)
- Subjonctif (2010-12-27 21:37:47)
- Writing/wedding ring (2010-12-26 19:34:33)
- Difference/ both and the two (2010-12-25 23:08:46)
- Mots Mystères N°90 (2011-01-10 23:19:21)
- Correction/ dissertation (2010-12-26 10:20:25)
- Correction essay (2010-12-26 17:17:04)
- Problème de traduction (2010-12-25 17:07:23)
- Aide Dm d'anglais (2011-01-03 15:07:13)
- Le modal Would (2010-12-25 13:50:55)
- Far or Away ? (2010-12-24 14:19:41)
- Besoin d'une information (2010-12-24 03:21:45)
- Problème/adjectifs composés (2010-12-27 01:56:38)
- Correction/livre préféré (2011-01-01 09:34:50)
- DM- juvenile delinquents (2010-12-25 15:17:32)
- Essai de dissertation (2010-12-24 15:53:23)
- Topic-Correction (2010-12-25 19:49:58)
- Scrambled words '93' (2010-12-23 14:01:15)
- when (2010-12-23 18:03:52)
- What would you become ? (2010-12-23 14:03:45)
- Traduire/en fonction de (2010-12-22 17:19:09)
- Correction d'un article (2010-12-28 09:24:30)
- Should ou ought to ? (2010-12-27 11:46:20)
- Slang idiom (2010-12-23 03:59:45)
- Les modaux (2010-12-21 18:12:07)
- Essai/resist temptation (2010-12-22 21:01:37)
- Although et however (2010-12-21 17:24:07)
- Traducteur d'allemand (2010-12-22 08:00:11)
- Corrections sur traductions (2010-12-31 20:29:42)
- Rédaction-Société de consommation (2010-12-23 09:01:35)
- Farming became Industry /Correction (2010-12-30 10:54:28)
- Correction/ devoir d'anglais (2010-12-21 14:25:55)
- What's your nationality? (2010-12-20 17:23:21)
- Interprète/ LEA? LLCE ? (2011-01-04 21:57:00)
- Sports car or sport car (2010-12-20 17:16:48)
- Texte-correction (2010-12-22 10:15:54)
- Syntaxe (2010-12-20 08:23:00)
- American citizenship (2010-12-19 21:37:21)
- Homework /about medicine (2010-12-19 18:12:03)
- Inversion/not only (2010-12-23 00:48:39)
- What or which (2010-12-20 17:24:48)
- Techniciens du spectacle-ressources (2010-12-17 16:04:22)
- Are these sentences correct ? (2010-12-17 21:40:14)
- Préparation au concours (2010-12-17 11:40:44)
- React the same way as somebody (2010-12-18 03:29:12)
- Miss Marple - écouter (2011-01-10 11:32:30)
- Correction/texte en anglais (2010-12-23 18:29:22)
- Sentences/corrections (2010-12-20 02:48:13)
- Scrambled words '92' (2010-12-16 21:19:36)
- A test (2010-12-19 11:35:57)
- Correction/sentences (2010-12-16 00:34:41)
- Mots interrogatifs (2010-12-15 15:29:32)
- Rédaction en anglais seconde (2010-12-15 14:44:36)
- Correction Internship report (2010-12-15 16:35:32)
- Exercice/correction (2010-12-16 12:17:10)
- Traduction (2010-12-14 12:00:55)
- Traduction/phrases (2010-12-14 15:03:10)
- Stay tooned (2010-12-17 07:55:13)
- Verb 'barouder' in French (2010-12-14 00:37:50)
- Expression /on ne peut se passer (2010-12-14 22:01:18)
- Traduction française de cette phrase - (2010-12-14 03:23:29)
- Correction d'un texte ou d'une (2010-12-13 15:16:28)
- Aide métier ! (2010-12-13 14:07:43)
- Traduction/phrases en anglais (2010-12-12 22:26:31)
- Devoir sur Dickens (2010-12-13 19:36:24)
- Prétérit - present perfect (2010-12-13 03:31:54)
- organiser une réunion/corriger (2010-12-13 02:13:59)
- Pronoms personnels (2010-12-11 22:44:12)
- Noël / classe d'italien (2010-12-12 20:26:45)
- Descripteurs précis du cadre - 5èmes (2010-12-20 00:39:35)
- Correction d'un texte (2010-12-12 14:08:30)
- BTS audiovisuel anglais (2010-12-14 21:58:12)
- Lettre commerciale (2010-12-13 20:10:13)
- Statistiques expression écrite au bac (2010-12-10 15:36:27)
- Rédaction /colocation (2010-12-10 14:03:11)
- Activités et chansons de Noël (2010-12-10 07:47:37)
- Correction- Offshore outsourcing (2010-12-11 18:34:15)
- Help/ expression écrite (2010-12-10 12:06:24)
- Ajout d'un -s au présent (2010-12-09 19:57:41)
- Essai /structure - grammaire (2010-12-09 15:17:00)
- Tobacco company (2010-12-09 11:48:15)
- Who which (2010-12-09 09:33:24)
- Scrambled words 91' (2010-12-09 16:53:00)
- Correction DM please (2010-12-08 22:25:29)
- Correction test n°10063 (2010-12-08 20:06:25)
- Correction / WWII (2010-12-08 21:30:36)
- Correction/live - leave (2010-12-09 17:39:10)
- Correction/school system (2010-12-09 17:18:10)
- Exercice sur le passif (2010-12-08 20:30:47)
- Introduction /Votre avis ? (2010-12-09 10:11:36)
- Jeu planet English (2010-12-08 12:42:48)
- Kick off meeting (2010-12-08 10:03:53)
- Résumé/ scène de film (2010-12-08 19:10:34)
- Correction dialogue anglais (2010-12-08 17:21:32)
- Prof d anglais sans diplôme (2010-12-15 20:52:30)
- Scraps (2010-12-07 14:29:14)
- Ressources 2ndes et 1eres pro esthétique (2010-12-07 13:17:38)
- La voix passive (2010-12-07 20:06:57)
- Contact clause (2010-12-07 03:36:14)
- Application/Lithuania (2010-12-08 14:21:24)
- Expression/ takin shorts (2010-12-06 21:51:23)
- BTS MUC NRC CI (2010-12-07 18:29:29)
- En vos titres et qualités (2010-12-07 09:32:33)
- Correction/ online courses (2010-12-08 18:35:32)
- Rédaction/ be+ing et prétérit - ing (2010-12-06 18:32:44)
- Les valeurs du présent (2010-12-06 18:46:47)
- Idioms and birds (2010-12-06 17:39:50)
- Traduction - phrases (2010-12-06 15:11:30)
- Traduction/ bloodstream (2010-12-06 11:32:57)
- Insérez les accents (2010-12-06 14:51:22)
- Jane Austen's house (écouter) (2010-12-30 04:04:01)
- infos LLCE!!! (2010-12-06 00:00:18)
- Correction/to be a liar (2010-12-06 14:45:48)
- Mots Mystères n° 89 (2010-12-25 20:27:50)
- Autorité en cours de LV (2010-12-11 14:35:10)
- Correction/imagination (2010-12-06 01:20:03)
- Correction /Stress Management (2010-12-04 21:10:38)
- La forme interrogative (2010-12-05 13:06:14)
- Ch. audios join the team 6E 2010 (2010-12-17 00:19:06)
- Problème de syntaxe (2010-12-04 14:19:35)
- Bridges1ère contre New step/spring (2010-12-04 12:29:05)
- Chansons pour 6e&3e (2010-12-03 20:34:45)
- Le présent (2010-12-05 14:39:43)
- E-mail commercial (2010-12-03 22:14:36)
- No use (2010-12-02 22:36:52)
- Question tag (2010-12-04 22:35:15)
- Traduction lettre de motivation (2010-12-10 09:49:07)
- Traduction phrases (2010-12-02 19:42:51)
- Traduction/Polar Bear Alert (2010-12-02 23:32:11)
- Excuse pour un retard (2010-12-02 19:38:24)
- Scrambled words '90' (2010-12-07 10:20:21)
- Anglais, expression (2010-12-02 17:03:53)
- Comment prononcer ng (2010-12-09 01:26:53)
- Exposé 19ème siècle (2010-12-01 21:21:04)
- Ch. Live 4ème page 157 (2010-12-01 16:21:52)
- Forme passive (2010-12-01 17:02:27)
- Abide et Remain (2010-12-01 14:23:13)
- Fait divers/Correction (2010-12-11 19:32:11)
- 'Why' exclamatif ? (2010-12-01 11:33:23)
- Capes anglais par correspondance (2010-12-05 09:01:38)
- Open-plan office (2010-11-29 21:00:07)
- A question/box-tree (2010-11-29 18:51:31)
- Équivalent diplôme francais => anglais (2010-12-01 09:43:40)
- The fact that (2010-11-30 00:48:55)
- Préparation aux oraux (2010-12-26 17:55:58)
- 12685 Wish ou Hope (2010-11-29 21:51:52)
- Orthographe (2010-11-30 09:52:53)
- Arthur Conan Doyle's House (Écouter) (2010-12-23 18:54:57)
- Traduction/tomber amoureux (2010-11-28 22:17:21)
- Be used to- get used to (2010-11-28 21:47:41)
- Can et to be able to (2010-11-28 23:03:05)
- Monologue (2010-12-02 18:07:22)
- Parler à/traduction (2010-11-28 18:04:49)
- Choix prétérit-Present perfect (2010-11-28 21:30:02)
- Across -through (2010-11-28 17:01:43)
- Pollution résumé ! (2010-11-28 16:34:54)
- Sujets capes 2010 bis (2010-12-22 12:26:44)
- Biography /William Shakespeare (2010-11-28 16:38:48)
- École idéale (2010-11-28 17:59:28)
- Dialogue d'anglais (2010-11-28 11:31:09)
- The evolution of petrol (2010-11-28 10:39:39)
- How do you say in English (2010-11-28 20:03:46)
- Correction-description d'un tableau (2010-11-28 15:05:53)
- I wish I had never been born (2010-12-07 08:42:59)
- Double licence LLCE- Histoire (2010-11-27 17:27:27)
- Une sémillante sexagénaire (suite) (2011-01-08 03:03:40)
- To think of (2010-11-28 15:53:34)
- X can cause hearing loss (2010-12-03 09:41:20)
- Writing/Robbery (2010-11-26 00:59:19)
- Scrambled words '89' (2010-11-25 18:25:52)
- What OR which (2010-11-29 11:01:34)
- As or like (2010-11-29 02:26:11)
- Updated or to be updated (2010-11-27 02:19:22)
- BTS NRC Correction Pres Orale (2010-11-26 22:16:13)
- Might /could? (2010-11-25 08:41:08)
- Phrase/ once et run (2010-11-24 23:23:59)
- Correction/Un métier (2010-11-24 16:25:03)
- What clauses (2010-11-23 22:10:37)
- CD good News 6ème (2010-11-23 19:11:55)
- Correction texte en anglais (2010-11-25 11:20:13)
- Signature américaine (2010-11-24 09:29:03)
- Chock full (2010-11-23 17:06:18)
- Omettre -that (2010-11-23 09:59:06)
- BA Degree in English (2010-11-25 17:36:48)
- Présentation/article du New Yorker (2010-11-23 22:00:55)
- Les enfants -exercice Thème (2010-12-12 02:06:52)
- Discours direct (2010-11-23 13:03:45)
- Investment - Correction (2010-11-23 02:47:47)
- Golf / correction (2010-12-01 13:36:12)
- Introduce myself/correction (2010-11-25 17:06:31)
- Dialogue /mother and daughter (2010-11-21 11:11:03)
- Temps verbaux/correction (2010-11-21 11:21:30)
- Afraid of vs afraid to (2010-11-27 18:42:48)
- Lettre de motivation (2010-11-22 20:40:16)
- Question/broke ou broken (2010-11-21 16:15:48)
- Pluriel ou singulier/mots composés (2010-11-21 13:44:41)
- Points- modifications (2010-12-04 17:40:41)
- A world you (I, he, they) never made! (2010-11-20 11:30:13)
- Questions d'un débutant (2010-11-20 03:37:13)
- What + modal ou non (2010-11-19 20:39:41)
- Problème d'autorité (2010-12-13 09:12:14)
- Legal English-just English (2010-12-02 13:09:50)
- Bibliographie capes anglais 2011? (2010-11-18 12:57:08)
- Emploi de settle for (2010-11-19 16:28:33)
- Partir un an aux USA (2010-11-17 22:18:40)
- Scrambled words '88' (2010-11-19 13:37:26)
- Correction /police and neighbour (2010-11-19 18:38:05)
- How do you fancy-like ? (2010-11-27 01:27:42)
- Fautes dans rédaction (2010-11-17 23:14:39)
- Traduction /Amazonia (2010-11-21 15:15:35)
- 22h30 /formulation (2010-11-22 09:42:37)
- Anniversaire de Bridg (2010-11-18 07:01:16)
- To be involved in something (2010-11-16 21:22:27)
- Enumération : The ou pas (2010-11-16 18:22:25)
- Aide texte brain vs computer (2010-11-16 20:06:42)
- My parents !!! Correction (2010-11-20 12:03:30)
- Ouverture de Publinet (2010-11-16 06:09:20)
- The most expensive spice (aural) (2010-12-09 22:30:34)
- CD fast wings 4ème (2010-11-18 20:30:05)
- I did find - I did found (2010-11-16 17:00:58)
- Rédiger une lettre commerciale (2010-11-17 20:09:37)
- Expression - faire tomber la température (2010-11-15 15:11:28)
- Extrait de texte - tank ventilation (2010-11-15 19:32:45)
- 'If it were' ? (2010-11-29 21:00:27)
- Expression 'être traversé pas' (2010-11-15 10:57:43)
- Subjonctif et should (2010-11-15 04:55:45)
- Resume of an article (2010-11-16 16:17:03)
- Position de -at / question (2010-11-14 17:53:24)
- The Landlady / Conte (2010-11-15 19:40:24)
- Réponse négative tag (2010-11-13 20:27:43)
- PET(Preliminary English Test) (2011-03-07 09:21:35)
- Pollution ! (2010-11-14 10:15:49)
- 1 an Erasmus-quels résultats? (2010-11-13 17:00:47)
- Méthode anglais du voyageur (2010-11-13 18:59:14)
- Correction- some sentences 3 (2010-11-14 18:24:37)
- Correction- some sentences 2 (2010-11-15 01:30:59)
- Traduire/Statue de la Liberté (2010-11-21 12:55:34)
- Is it or are they? (2010-11-13 18:04:05)
- Correction d'une traduction (2010-11-14 23:42:04)
- Lettre de motivation en anglais (2010-11-22 00:15:26)
- New Technologies Correction ! (2010-11-12 20:12:17)
- Correction/ some sentences (2010-11-15 02:39:31)
- Agatha Christie's home (aural) (2010-12-06 00:32:08)
- Questions/problème de justice (2010-11-14 17:45:54)
- Damned woodenhead guy (2010-11-12 03:36:07)
- Quand faut-il mettre to? (2010-11-13 00:50:16)
- Traduction/fight back (2010-11-11 12:27:32)
- Want + to ? (2010-11-11 12:05:27)
- My US cover letter (2010-11-11 10:27:11)
- Scrambled words '87' (2010-11-19 13:13:43)
- Doute/America and institutions (2010-11-11 16:34:59)
- Stage d'iut commerce au R.U. (2010-11-10 18:50:04)
- Aide à la traduction - jargon technique (2010-11-10 20:04:51)
- Traduction d'une phrase en français (2010-11-10 19:30:45)
- Lettre commerciale GB (2010-11-10 11:26:56)
- English humour - exercice(thème) (2010-11-21 18:37:04)
- Traduction de 2 phrases (2010-11-08 23:40:14)
- Was to ... (2010-11-08 23:09:28)
- Traduction de 'rags' (2010-11-08 09:10:51)
- Aide à la traduction - stérilisaton (2010-11-07 23:09:12)
- Expression écrite GB (2010-11-09 11:06:42)
- Lettre de motivation en anglais (2010-11-08 21:28:03)
- Correction- Accro aux jeux (2010-11-11 19:37:31)
- Besoin d'aide/Globalization (2010-11-10 21:04:49)
- What does it mean? (2010-11-07 16:15:28)
- Dialogue à corriger (2010-11-07 16:01:13)
- Signification - Stuff (2010-11-07 15:43:09)
- Exposé/ Galvanization (2010-11-07 14:50:42)
- The Lady with the Lamp [aural exercise] (2010-11-22 17:35:20)
- Niveau en anglais (2010-11-07 23:14:59)
- Dialogue- 'the remarkable trip' (2010-11-07 18:04:24)
- Temps et correction (2010-11-06 22:49:30)
- CD originaux classe (new spring, LV2 etc (2010-11-06 18:28:17)
- Correction/about Facebook (2010-11-07 19:14:44)
- Traduction/ temps (2010-11-06 18:54:58)
- Correction/ our daughter (2010-11-07 17:51:26)
- La distance/How far (2010-11-09 16:05:52)
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