33527 sujets
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- Substantiver un adjectif (2010-07-04 19:47:00)
- Académie inscription 2010 (2010-07-04 11:30:53)
- Passive voice (2010-07-04 08:20:10)
- Correction - G20 (2010-07-11 03:26:40)
- Question capes 2011 équivalence M1 cned (2010-07-04 00:28:39)
- Anticlockwise junction ? (2010-07-07 17:52:53)
- I haven't got /don't have (2010-07-10 04:16:50)
- Weather forecast (2010-07-03 10:45:17)
- Traduire ingénieur TP (2010-07-03 10:53:22)
- Had+past participle (2010-07-02 08:43:11)
- US History- Great American Melting Pot (2010-07-03 21:39:35)
- Scrambled words '68' (2010-07-06 20:48:12)
- Master mef Anglais (2010-06-30 09:47:06)
- Does /don't /didn't (2010-06-29 21:37:17)
- CAPES interne allemand 2011 (2010-07-05 22:16:54)
- Mow the lawn et papermoon (2010-07-03 22:35:06)
- Rédaction /European expansion (2010-06-29 08:40:43)
- 2 contextes - Present perfect (2010-06-30 05:52:24)
- Toefl (2010-06-27 21:18:19)
- So Far, This Far, Since Then (2010-06-27 19:41:16)
- Traduire/étiquette (2010-06-27 15:44:04)
- US History- Statue of Liberty (2010-07-02 18:22:00)
- Prenez un stylo/ take -catch? (2010-06-26 17:52:34)
- Prime neo-tit (2010-06-25 22:17:17)
- Possession avec s (2010-06-27 16:54:07)
- 2 actions dans le passé !! (2010-06-25 20:22:19)
- Exercises/Noun + noun to check (2010-06-30 07:29:39)
- Quelle traduction pour featured matches? (2010-06-25 19:13:00)
- Passer le PGDE (2010-06-24 17:19:12)
- Correction expression bac anglais LV1 (2010-06-28 14:52:50)
- Recherche texte espagnol lycée (2010-06-24 11:44:56)
- Je n'ai pas pu voir/can - be able to (2010-06-26 16:07:12)
- Scrambled words '67' (2010-06-25 02:09:31)
- Anglais et Brevet des collèges (2010-06-25 14:33:52)
- Mot-Mystère N°84 (2010-07-16 00:10:06)
- [Aide] Je cherche un mot (2010-06-23 17:28:35)
- Préparation/Interview for job (2010-06-23 15:35:52)
- To get used to (2010-06-28 14:23:19)
- Mutation et handicap (2010-06-25 14:37:17)
- English Grammar! Help me please (2010-06-23 06:19:13)
- Manuel apprentissage anglais enfant (2010-06-22 09:32:36)
- Tâtonnement expérimental (2010-06-21 18:55:39)
- Voeux d'affectation CAPES 2010 (2010-06-22 12:14:00)
- Oraux capes (2010-07-03 10:54:28)
- ELAO (Test) - Néerlandais-Anglais (2010-06-20 16:35:15)
- Present perfect et prétérit (2010-06-23 02:38:31)
- Correction/ Planet in danger? (2010-06-20 23:09:30)
- Past simple et present perfect (2010-06-20 08:45:59)
- Traduction/smile (2010-06-20 04:42:32)
- Vocabulaire GB du collège (2010-06-19 13:56:02)
- Livre more ! 2 (2010-06-19 11:23:22)
- Exam anglais (2010-06-21 06:48:49)
- Règle étrange du passif (2010-06-23 20:46:51)
- Superlatif d'un adjectif composé (2010-06-23 21:04:53)
- Exercises to check (2010-06-21 20:43:54)
- Traduction/Je suis en train/-ing? (2010-06-19 06:11:56)
- Expressions of quantity (2010-06-18 17:36:32)
- Correction/ Flood in Var,France (2010-06-20 22:06:43)
- Wish or would pour un regret (2010-06-18 14:57:29)
- Examen réussi grâce à AF (2010-06-18 09:53:04)
- Différence is he-is it-is this-is that (2010-06-18 00:08:30)
- Bibliographie épreuves capes ext 2011 (2010-06-20 05:09:03)
- Contraction - 's ' (2010-06-18 07:13:48)
- Nationalités/New Zealand (2010-06-17 18:24:50)
- Traduction /town in China (2010-06-20 10:09:35)
- Traduction/petit scénario GB (2010-06-22 02:30:30)
- Scrambled words '66' (2010-06-18 22:03:43)
- Lettre de motivation GB (2010-06-16 18:13:35)
- To worry about (2010-06-16 17:20:31)
- Mémo anglais (2010-06-16 19:39:11)
- It's time you leave or were off (2010-06-16 15:29:57)
- Organiser le cahier d'anglais (2010-06-17 18:09:32)
- Translation/ 2 proverbs (2010-06-17 01:08:57)
- Phrase - je pensais que je devais (2010-06-17 00:55:09)
- Correction/security project (2010-06-15 19:04:36)
- Vocabulaire coiffeur (2010-06-16 11:09:21)
- Partir un an en Angleterre (2010-07-07 15:09:06)
- Correction/Training report (2010-06-15 10:35:13)
- Correction anglais technique (2010-06-14 09:58:18)
- Correction /My favourite day (2010-06-13 23:12:01)
- We're invited to Steve's (2010-06-12 20:33:14)
- In/at the factory/distinction (2010-06-13 20:38:40)
- Temps du passé (2010-06-12 15:50:16)
- Cas Possessif anglais (2010-06-12 20:12:16)
- Formule de politesse GB (2010-06-13 20:54:29)
- Appropriate tenses (2010-06-11 20:17:37)
- Traduction en anglais et correction (2010-06-11 18:56:37)
- Correction/Mrs Warren's Profession (2010-06-12 09:31:56)
- Absentéisme et décrochage (2010-06-11 16:22:05)
- Correction/ A Cleaner River (2010-06-12 09:55:14)
- Traduction/date de bouclage (2010-06-12 15:44:18)
- Calculer la taille/foot and inch (2010-06-12 00:12:30)
- Traduction/medical field (2010-06-10 21:32:28)
- Inscription CAPES (2010-07-03 01:05:27)
- Rapport Erasmus dernière partie (2010-06-11 02:10:59)
- How come (2010-06-11 12:01:16)
- Convoc oral agreg externe (2010-06-14 19:19:11)
- Scrambled words '65' (2010-06-15 00:41:01)
- Present perfect ou prétérit? (2010-06-15 08:17:46)
- Rapport Erasmus 4e partie (2010-06-10 16:14:47)
- Guinness Beer /Correction (2010-06-12 13:58:17)
- Signification About (2010-06-10 22:35:09)
- Rapport Erasmus 3e partie (2010-06-09 18:01:11)
- Rapport Erasmus suite (2010-06-09 14:07:07)
- Professeur stagiaire (2010-06-09 14:06:53)
- Appartement/Correction (2010-06-09 00:42:50)
- caer pc/collège ou lycée? (2010-06-12 22:30:01)
- poorly hand written? (2010-06-08 16:50:45)
- Traductions difficiles (2010-06-12 09:49:45)
- Exercises /be-get used to (2010-06-16 03:40:48)
- Cours BTS (2010-06-07 21:27:15)
- Travail en groupe (2010-06-19 12:09:33)
- Study abroad - student job (2010-06-07 18:14:34)
- Mot-Mystère N°83 (2010-06-23 18:20:25)
- Misery/correction (2010-06-07 16:42:09)
- Bac anglais Lv2 (2010-06-06 23:33:39)
- Ref 75442/some-any (2010-06-06 21:48:17)
- Exercice/Present or past (2010-06-06 18:55:21)
- Jeremy et la psychocriminologie A vous (2010-07-26 11:26:54)
- Time flies (2010-06-06 19:58:54)
- Question sur exercice/some (2010-06-05 19:32:38)
- Erasmus rapport (2010-06-09 13:52:11)
- Around now (2010-06-05 14:46:20)
- My eardrums ?? (burst) (2010-06-07 00:47:55)
- Easy! word construction (2010-06-05 19:28:33)
- Reported speech (2010-06-06 12:43:51)
- Littérature /section internationale (2010-06-13 18:20:06)
- To do with/To make do with (2010-06-05 11:46:32)
- Traduction / BTS Assistante direction (2010-06-04 10:49:57)
- Child & Comics (2010-06-06 17:58:49)
- Bac anglais complément (2010-06-09 18:49:41)
- My internship /correction (2010-06-04 03:26:26)
- Expression 'conduisant ainsi à' (2010-06-03 21:16:46)
- Durant lesquels/During which? (2010-06-03 22:30:17)
- Poupée de chiffon (2010-06-03 09:04:29)
- Capes Externe 2010 - 2011 (2010-09-03 20:18:57)
- Scrambled words '64' (2010-06-03 22:54:41)
- Mois (2010-06-05 14:19:26)
- En si peu de temps (2010-06-03 02:52:18)
- Capes interne anglais (2010-06-02 18:49:17)
- Exercises to check (2010-06-10 06:58:51)
- Choix de futur/présent ou -ing? (2010-06-02 16:18:34)
- Traduction de 'C'est'/ it (2010-06-02 18:13:56)
- Interdisciplinary common ground (2010-06-02 13:48:41)
- Correction/ Oral d'anglais (2010-06-03 15:27:25)
- Exercises Verb + -ing or to--- to check (2010-06-10 12:17:14)
- Reported speech (2010-06-09 23:18:56)
- Date des oraux capes anglais 2010? (2010-06-28 00:12:51)
- Correction /rent a flat (2010-06-01 11:34:58)
- Traduction - feel virtuous (2010-06-01 22:01:12)
- Petit doute (2010-05-31 22:23:11)
- Joyeux Anniversaire Lucile83 (2010-06-01 07:54:29)
- Autres exercices à vérifier (2010-06-01 01:45:39)
- Exercices/helpful suggestions (2010-06-01 22:41:13)
- Syllabes (2010-06-04 00:37:25)
- Difference between mend and repair (2010-05-31 05:20:38)
- Exercice/-expressions idiomatiques (2010-05-30 10:19:34)
- Article de Journal - Murder (2010-05-30 18:19:15)
- Choisir need to ou need +ing (2010-05-31 14:17:29)
- Question en anglais/where did.... (2010-05-31 22:56:37)
- It's got my name on it (2010-06-02 17:31:21)
- Whose is this pen/whose pen is this? (2010-05-29 19:53:13)
- Voeux d'affectation (2010-06-14 19:15:53)
- Faire un résumé (2010-05-28 03:52:26)
- Exposé/particle collision (2010-06-01 17:16:00)
- Certification européenne B2 (CLES) (2010-05-27 17:04:59)
- In South Africa after a long journey (2010-05-27 17:34:28)
- Rapport de stage/oral anglais BTS (2010-05-28 03:16:39)
- Application for a one year work/correctio (2010-05-27 15:19:31)
- Correction/English at the university (2010-07-10 13:48:56)
- Scrambled words '63' (2010-06-02 21:51:47)
- Oral d'anglais (2010-05-26 23:07:46)
- Enjoy ou Join the Team? (2010-06-14 23:51:17)
- ELAO Niveau (2010-05-27 22:32:21)
- Expression/Someone's ox (2010-05-26 19:10:27)
- Bear- can't stand (2010-05-26 21:53:04)
- Vocabulary / travel and food (2010-05-26 21:23:32)
- Cover lettre/USA (2010-06-01 01:06:53)
- Essay - The emerging-market banks (2010-05-28 17:25:46)
- Inspection de titularisation (2010-06-01 19:42:27)
- Oral / Travel agency (bis) (2010-05-24 22:59:25)
- Oral d'anglais/Travel agency (2010-05-24 21:13:48)
- Correction/ comparative form (2010-05-24 17:49:23)
- Who-Whom (2010-05-24 15:17:55)
- Encore /another - more ? (2010-05-24 18:16:01)
- I need you (2010-05-24 13:05:13)
- Correction/dialogue: l'habitat (2010-05-24 18:13:42)
- Temps / have been? (2010-05-24 14:10:02)
- Résultats capes externe /31 mai (2010-06-07 17:38:50)
- Traduction / Porter (2010-05-25 08:33:15)
- Oral capes anglais 1 mai 2010 (2010-05-23 11:50:01)
- Correction - 'The story of Molly Duk (2010-05-22 20:39:40)
- Miss Comer fired (2010-05-22 15:05:19)
- Spoken English notes (2010-06-05 13:08:14)
- Correction/foreign language (2010-05-25 06:41:32)
- Prononciation (2010-05-22 10:58:51)
- Essay/Children and Parents (2010-05-22 05:15:21)
- Petite lettre/about a software (2010-05-23 14:21:23)
- Style indirect/ exercice grammatical (2010-05-29 07:50:18)
- Traduire /pour la galerie (2010-05-20 18:25:02)
- Discours indirect/ Reported speech (2010-05-21 01:02:30)
- Doublement de consonne (2010-05-20 11:37:14)
- Get off- go down? (2010-05-22 20:49:06)
- Scrambled words '62' (2010-05-27 00:20:24)
- Toeic Parties 5 et 6 (2010-05-19 20:43:37)
- Karaoke (2010-05-19 18:44:17)
- Near- next to (2010-05-21 18:10:01)
- Temps utilisés/v+ing et heard (2010-05-24 04:27:08)
- Correction-Essay (2010-05-22 18:44:10)
- Traduction simple/about colours (2010-05-19 19:02:44)
- Correction/talled ? (2010-05-19 14:41:06)
- A translation please (2010-05-22 06:55:04)
- Confuse (2010-06-19 08:23:41)
- Would and used to (2010-06-19 09:52:19)
- Utiliser ask/ ask of (2010-05-25 12:41:41)
- Mot-Mystère N°82 (2010-06-07 12:24:54)
- curriculum and cover letter (2010-05-25 11:14:04)
- Correction/The author concludes that.. (2010-05-19 17:36:39)
- Expression idiomatique/whatchamacallits (2010-05-18 18:32:28)
- Problème en Version-Thème LLCE (2010-05-17 23:07:25)
- Lettre de rappel/stage étranger (2010-05-25 04:30:07)
- Traduction/phrases BTS anglais (2010-05-17 20:45:02)
- Définition d'expressions (2010-05-18 20:53:24)
- Doute / pay rise (2010-05-18 05:13:30)
- Shall and will (2010-05-16 12:02:55)
- Créer des applications interactives (2010-05-16 19:36:56)
- Contentious à propos d'une décision (2010-05-16 08:35:49)
- Violence on TV /Correction (2010-05-18 23:17:04)
- Correction/Children's decisions (2010-05-16 11:25:08)
- Witness/documents (2010-05-15 19:42:41)
- Comprendre /tradition and modern life (2010-05-17 03:45:33)
- Anyone going to take IELTS? (2010-05-15 14:23:25)
- Lettre de motivation en anglais (2010-05-15 12:15:12)
- I have discovered it (2010-05-15 16:59:34)
- Traduction / my destiny (2010-05-17 17:28:36)
- What's diluting content ? (2010-05-21 22:26:26)
- Takeaway food/correction (2010-05-17 12:25:49)
- Futur/will- going to (2010-05-15 04:51:33)
- To ask (2010-05-14 17:15:50)
- Préposition adresse (2010-05-14 11:26:22)
- Third paragraph on my essay (2010-05-14 04:07:41)
- Africa's essay (2010-05-15 05:24:14)
- voyages dans l'espace /Correction (2010-05-13 19:36:55)
- Correction-Africa (2010-05-14 18:06:21)
- Lire en anglais (2010-05-13 18:10:23)
- Doubler la consonne finale (2010-05-13 13:43:45)
- Should/ would (2010-05-13 21:13:28)
- Conjugaison /cooking (2010-05-15 09:35:07)
- Phrase GB (2010-05-13 11:30:15)
- Scrambled words '61' (2010-05-19 22:35:16)
- Prehistory (2010-05-13 13:02:14)
- Essay /African country (2010-05-12 21:06:12)
- GB/personne n'entendit plus parler.. (2010-05-13 22:12:21)
- To book a flight billet (2010-05-25 04:33:28)
- What does fiscal concern mean? (2010-05-13 09:22:18)
- Vous ou tu ? (2010-05-11 10:53:46)
- Reason why /reason for ? (2010-05-10 23:42:20)
- Urgence/ inscription CAPES 2010 bis (2010-05-24 14:47:50)
- Few et a few ?! (2010-05-10 18:57:20)
- Un homme qui a du chien Version III (2010-06-11 09:48:32)
- Have to / correction (2010-05-10 15:50:59)
- Correction/Children's decisions (2010-05-11 05:58:14)
- Have got/have (2010-05-09 22:41:41)
- Concours lycée international ( Luynes ) (2010-05-09 22:00:02)
- Back at or to? (2010-05-10 11:23:04)
- Correction/feelings of teenagers (2010-05-11 07:10:36)
- Wuthering Heights /correction (2010-05-09 21:23:14)
- Eating- to eat ?? (2010-05-09 19:56:51)
- Dialogue/opportunity to have a conversati (2010-05-09 20:27:56)
- Joy can be seen as well as felt (2010-05-11 18:38:37)
- Traduction poème (2010-05-09 11:47:46)
- Correction oral anglais (2010-05-09 22:54:37)
- Questions en anglais (2010-05-12 20:12:18)
- Après admission capes interne? (2010-05-10 16:10:59)
- Description / The Runaway (2010-05-09 14:20:21)
- Verbe + to et verbe sans to (2010-05-08 22:31:11)
- Phrase avec conditionnel (2010-05-09 14:40:15)
- Double négation (2010-05-08 18:57:21)
- Correction /industrial revolution (2010-05-09 04:30:42)
- To be on the same page/meaning (2010-05-07 11:30:16)
- Traduction phrases GB (2010-05-08 17:13:15)
- Expression 'ça bouge'/move? (2010-05-07 09:43:32)
- CD professeurs join the team et enjoy (2010-07-05 22:54:30)
- Nick lived in NYC / Correction (2010-05-07 06:39:57)
- Prefered ? ou preferred ? (2010-05-07 02:19:27)
- Be able to ou Can (2010-05-06 11:13:24)
- Take ease (2010-05-06 09:22:16)
- Scrambled words '60' (2010-05-12 23:34:27)
- Traduction/Channel and TV (2010-05-07 07:13:13)
- Extreme sports (2010-05-05 18:00:41)
- Assignment about personal questions (2010-05-06 09:22:22)
- Some people can speak English... (2010-05-07 12:20:16)
- The osmium system (2010-05-07 17:36:39)
- Modalité radicale et épistémique (2010-05-05 10:37:29)
- Passive voice (2010-05-05 11:09:39)
- Correction /heroism (2010-05-05 13:50:39)
- Medieval cookery books (2010-05-04 19:18:58)
- The Dwarves of death/suite/correction (2010-05-14 02:21:47)
- The Dwarves of death/correction (2010-05-07 18:01:32)
- Correction /London trip (2010-05-05 09:09:53)
- Exercice 14455 (2010-05-04 08:38:15)
- Questions sur l'exercice N°14455 (2010-05-03 21:53:00)
- Traduction 'avoir fait ' (2010-05-03 21:16:53)
- Essay about elections in the UK (2010-05-03 20:43:15)
- Périphrases modales (2010-05-03 18:13:46)
- Present perfect avec since (2010-05-05 19:13:07)
- Correction rédaction (2010-05-05 19:18:42)
- Traduire informatique et informaticien (2010-05-03 11:47:53)
- Apprendre l'anglais (2010-05-02 21:53:02)
- A few sentences (2010-05-02 21:44:22)
- Comment traduire 'oft-cited' (2010-05-02 21:12:51)
- La gastronomie anglaise (2010-05-04 14:54:25)
- Comment prononcer enough? (2010-05-03 03:15:00)
- Je ne comprends pas un passage en anglai (2010-05-02 19:24:47)
- Should Mike Traut be allowed to bungee ju (2010-05-06 16:07:03)
- Team won - has won (2010-05-02 19:24:04)
- Correction-a good teacher (2010-05-03 08:11:49)
- They've won 7 day luxury holidays ? (2010-05-02 18:42:26)
- Phrase juste ?/when I was young... (2010-05-02 19:10:06)
- Correction /Believing in oneself (2010-05-02 16:47:53)
- Traduire- le léger accent du boulanger (2010-05-02 17:52:18)
- Mon oral/Trip to Ireland (2010-05-02 21:59:13)
- A young black man in America (2010-05-03 13:31:20)
- Grammatical translation (2010-05-02 17:45:40)
- Futur? will ou going to? (2010-05-02 13:09:29)
- Confusion Past continuous/Past simple (2010-05-10 22:01:35)
- Correction/nouvelles inventions (2010-05-02 15:14:50)
- Heures de projet et Bac Pro (2010-05-01 22:52:41)
- Aide pour traduction GB (2010-05-02 19:35:39)
- Traduction phrases GB (2010-05-04 02:09:27)
- Explication phrase-do (2010-05-03 12:34:36)
- Place des adjectifs (2010-05-01 18:00:28)
- I rest my case - comment traduire? (2010-05-02 09:25:02)
- Correction /influenced? (2010-05-02 00:14:21)
- What about-have (2010-05-02 09:26:59)
- What would your ideal school be like ? (2010-05-02 09:40:44)
- Mozart-correction of my essay (2010-05-01 17:42:18)
- Prononciation have (2010-04-29 17:56:30)
- Future simple and continuous (2010-05-01 01:23:29)
- How do you do- How are you? (2010-04-30 09:13:51)
- Capes interne (2010-05-01 19:36:10)
- Concours CRPE 2010 (2010-05-13 19:07:42)
- Oral d'anglais (2010-04-29 03:56:49)
- Have / has (2010-04-29 00:14:36)
- Scrambled words '59' (2010-05-06 00:14:53)
- Conditional (2010-04-29 04:07:26)
- Question/....my leg (2010-04-28 22:32:20)
- Prétérit ou present perfect ? (2010-04-28 20:46:51)
- Traduction/lots of series (2010-05-02 11:11:10)
- Austria/correction (2010-04-29 18:27:07)
- Essay/ very short questions (2010-04-29 10:39:29)
- Articles in English(a-an) (2010-04-28 17:23:58)
- Question/can't et mustn't (2010-04-29 10:42:46)
- Que veut dire- I'd ? (2010-04-28 17:03:41)
- Traduire- Ils disposent souvent (2010-04-28 15:13:48)
- Mot-Mystère N°81 (2010-05-18 22:38:13)
- He et It (2010-04-28 10:49:43)
- Correction/recruitment interview (2010-04-28 01:01:00)
- Whether and if (2010-04-27 21:30:30)
- Date bizarre/xxx oh nine (2010-04-28 11:02:52)
- Présent progressif et present perfect (2010-04-27 19:25:03)
- Traduire / il arrive souvent que (2010-04-29 18:55:11)
- Traduction/fight terrorism (2010-04-27 17:05:48)
- Description of a person - Essay (2010-04-27 14:39:02)
- Join the team 5e - U4, L2 (2010-05-07 18:57:27)
- Essay-interview (2010-04-27 17:15:31)
- Vacataire, CAPES et réforme (2010-04-26 21:47:02)
- Difference between these verbs (2010-04-27 04:08:01)
- Essay/cover letter (2010-04-26 19:25:04)
- Aide en anglais/Bac (2010-04-25 18:39:39)
- Throughout ou through out (2010-04-25 16:55:35)
- Ten commandments (2010-04-25 14:16:46)
- Courte pièce de théâtre (2010-04-25 10:30:44)
- Section internationale (2010-04-25 07:46:42)
- Correction - Authority (2010-04-25 16:51:26)
- Partir en Angleterre mais où? (2010-04-24 14:15:46)
- Résumé et correction/Snow Is Due (2010-04-24 20:09:03)
- Traduction cuisine muffin (2010-04-26 21:52:55)
- Te / pronom anglais (2010-04-24 20:58:46)
- Cry or weep quelle différence? (2010-04-23 23:18:53)
- Correction lettre de motivation (2010-04-25 19:09:55)
- Prof d'anglais au R-U (2010-04-24 01:16:40)
- Expression/to have a bit of an attitude (2010-04-23 23:58:52)
- Perles en anglais Pourquoi ? (2010-04-23 22:02:52)
- Let's have-let's eat (2010-04-24 09:05:00)
- Correction/Coutumes étrangères (2010-04-24 19:56:35)
- Quelques phrases (2010-04-23 13:39:32)
- Correction email (2010-04-23 17:44:24)
- Alice in Wonderland/correction (2010-04-28 16:13:21)
- Correction d'exercices (2010-04-22 19:50:27)
- Problème /Business world ? (2010-04-23 00:48:53)
- Phrases avec to be et to have (2010-04-22 17:08:21)
- Traduction/help you to lift (2010-05-31 11:04:00)
- Correction petite phrase (2010-04-22 17:23:43)
- Queer-strange (2010-04-22 18:04:37)
- Oraux anglais bac pro (2010-04-29 13:49:47)
- Accord des verbes/GB (2010-04-23 22:11:26)
- BE ou pas BE (2010-04-25 16:55:48)
- Scrambled words '58' (2010-04-28 22:23:19)
- English (2010-04-21 22:36:47)
- Correction de mon poème en prose (2010-04-21 23:17:59)
- Traduction/peace city is the place... (2010-04-21 20:07:11)
- Lettre de motivation correction (2010-04-25 12:44:55)
- Traduction d'une phrase (2010-04-21 18:36:43)
- Question/ how long...? (2010-04-22 21:27:19)
- Différence entre want wish will (2010-04-23 22:49:28)
- Oral d'anglais (2010-04-21 08:25:42)
- Correction/my studies (2010-04-21 01:10:03)
- Signification de still (2010-04-21 14:38:59)
- Anglais argotique (2010-04-20 22:02:28)
- Traduction d'une phrase (2010-04-20 17:25:47)
- Devenir prof d'anglais pour adulte (2010-04-20 15:21:13)
- Traduction work experience (2010-04-23 10:27:07)
- Lost in Orientation (2010-04-19 22:46:59)
- Parlez de nos expériences en GB (2010-04-22 20:49:46)
- Question/200 feet high (2010-04-19 20:31:25)
- Correction/your free time?/essay (2010-04-24 17:20:31)
- Explication phrases (2010-04-19 17:15:39)
- Dorothy's house (2010-04-20 16:38:27)
- Présent continu en voix passive (2010-04-20 15:01:38)
- Capes 3ème concours anglais (2010-05-27 21:07:53)
- But (2010-04-19 12:52:32)
- Correction/Where do you come from? (2010-04-20 16:22:49)
- Mot-Mystère N°80 (2010-05-12 18:36:43)
- Noms dénombrables sens collectif (2010-04-23 18:57:08)
- English pronunciation (2010-04-18 14:56:02)
- Apprendre juste en lisant les journaux ? (2010-06-17 15:38:32)
- Préterit-Present Perfect (2010-04-18 13:51:46)
- Could-May-Can (2010-05-10 20:28:01)
- Quel temps utiliser lettre motivation (2010-04-18 12:40:32)
- Obama rencontre Martin Luther King (2010-04-25 20:15:50)
- Discours /work and children (2010-04-18 13:32:22)
- Correction/ ED (2010-04-17 23:15:03)
- Essay/encounters change life or not? (2010-04-18 12:38:54)
- Concours ESSA (2010-04-17 13:39:44)
- Traduction phrases GB (2010-04-20 20:17:11)
- Meaning of a sentence (2010-04-20 20:11:24)
- Correction de (mes) phrases (2010-05-06 18:44:22)
- Double consonant ? (2010-04-18 12:00:29)
- Some and Any (2010-04-17 11:16:54)
- Correction/ Comparatif (2010-04-16 20:44:35)
- Traduction (2010-04-16 19:29:26)
- Correction mariage (2010-04-16 16:07:13)
- Film en anglais (2010-04-16 23:33:31)
- Such or such a? (2010-04-17 04:03:13)
- Essay/correction (2010-04-16 06:59:05)
- Traduction GB/mettre la pression (2010-04-16 20:50:04)
- People were sat? possible? (2010-04-15 20:16:19)
- Échange CD ENJOY 4ème (2010-05-08 19:38:27)
- Employé de mise en rayon + GB (2010-04-15 19:58:52)
- Have been (2010-04-16 16:00:33)
- Correction/comparatif smaller than.... (2010-04-15 18:04:52)
- Present perfect ou Past perfect (2010-04-19 18:14:19)
- Through ou By ? (2010-04-17 15:07:24)
- Méthode Headway-quels livres choisir? (2010-04-14 23:25:38)
- Scrambled words '57' (2010-04-21 22:44:41)
- Exam BTS Indus 2011- qui a compris? (2010-04-27 16:54:11)
- Étude d'une nouvelle en seconde (2010-04-22 19:48:56)
- That/Conjonction ou pronom relatif (2010-04-14 16:44:05)
- Prépositions (2010-04-14 16:49:02)
- Go out vs come out (2010-04-14 16:15:47)
- Formulation/despite? (2010-04-14 17:54:10)
- Infinitif ou v + ing? (2010-04-14 16:59:08)
- To be + having (2010-04-14 10:14:03)
- Correct ?place, prices and drinks (2010-04-14 04:28:48)
- Visite inspecteur (2010-04-17 12:18:34)
- Correction/what I would change (2010-04-13 21:14:26)
- Cambridge University's exams (2010-05-13 23:38:26)
- Correction dm GB (2010-04-13 18:28:18)
- Des erreurs à bannir (2010-04-24 08:33:35)
- Correction /During the last holidays (2010-04-14 21:28:47)
- Dreams/achievements (2010-05-21 07:27:31)
- State of fear (2010-04-13 01:35:47)
- Have to et BE to (2010-04-13 22:24:32)
- Traduction vocabulaire-Mesure UK ou US ? (2010-04-13 09:26:46)
- Correction/career and idealism (2010-04-13 09:24:25)
- Know et have (2010-04-12 17:57:38)
- Concordance des temps (2010-04-12 13:27:19)
- Dictionnaire en classe de langue (2010-04-19 22:18:14)
- Traduction /environmental program (2010-04-14 06:48:36)
- Essay Dr house (2010-04-12 15:34:51)
- Quel futur?-ing ou futur proche? (2010-04-11 18:54:47)
- Essay/ my passion (2010-04-16 10:34:04)
- 'Question tags' aren't I (2010-04-13 07:37:15)
- to sort out (2010-04-10 22:27:28)
- Catastrophe/storm Xynthia (2010-04-12 19:17:43)
- Past tenses or continuous (2010-04-10 17:27:33)
- Un homme qui a du chien Version II (2010-06-10 21:48:05)
- Reformulation de phrases en anglais (2010-04-10 17:19:47)
- My diary/Thème (2010-04-16 10:09:16)
- Vocabulaire (2010-04-09 14:24:41)
- CDS 3eme (2010-04-09 13:11:45)
- Old values ? (2010-04-17 19:25:53)
- Des erreurs? /if only... (2010-04-10 20:09:41)
- Démarches téléphoniques/on the phone (2010-04-08 22:39:38)
- Programme LLCE (2010-05-05 14:07:54)
- In particular and punctuation (2010-04-08 23:02:57)
- Superlatif? (2010-04-19 17:14:58)
- Scrambled words '56' (2010-04-14 21:49:49)
- Correction/Would or Will (2010-04-08 18:31:05)
- Traduction (2010-04-13 00:31:53)
- Correction/gastronomic restaurant (2010-04-12 10:30:50)
- Present perfect ou preterit ? (2010-04-10 23:52:27)
- Correction/ au pair girl in Ireland (2010-04-21 17:33:45)
- Present perfect (2010-04-07 21:56:42)
- Short answers to sentences (2010-07-10 13:52:13)
- Problème ex N°18221 (2010-04-08 03:22:10)
- The ou pas the (2010-04-06 12:02:05)
- One's = son, sa, ses (2010-04-06 19:56:53)
- Place de never (2010-04-06 18:38:37)
- To be slumped or to be collapsing (2010-04-05 18:32:40)
- Sens-fonction de very (2010-04-05 19:46:38)
- Questions et Prépositions + (2010-04-05 22:22:18)
- Any and his mother /correction (2010-04-05 19:26:51)
- New York (2010-04-05 18:13:39)
- Correction/Mangas (2010-04-05 23:31:04)
- How to say (2010-04-06 21:46:43)
- Comment traduire 'ON' ? Thème (2010-04-13 09:41:52)
- Possession/NY's Statue of Liberty? (2010-04-06 00:21:10)
- Conditionnel - test 15503 (2010-05-16 22:42:55)
- Erreur/I don't know if I can see you (2010-04-05 11:48:11)
- Orientation post-bac - LLCE - LEA ? (2010-04-08 00:24:41)
- Prétérit or past perfect? (2010-04-04 18:21:50)
- Traduction - newsflash (2010-04-04 12:26:22)
- On pense que/On dit que (2010-04-04 12:47:10)
- In the past (2010-04-04 13:59:28)
- Correction/ a poem about science (2010-04-04 00:25:26)
- Description (2010-04-04 07:28:35)
- Utilisation de the et de for (2010-04-04 22:19:22)
- Le cas possessif (2010-04-03 20:39:24)
- Erreur?/He is always doing his homework (2010-04-03 19:01:25)
- Biographie/Willard Christopher Smith (2010-04-03 12:01:25)
- Will et would (2010-04-02 19:07:01)
- Exercice/ about family (2010-04-02 16:29:39)
- Correction/After The Caviar ... (2010-04-02 02:19:05)
- Traduction d'une citation (2010-04-02 03:40:05)
- Problème avec 'the' (2010-04-02 09:40:18)
- Correction/economical person (2010-04-04 16:14:09)
- It's about time + preterit? (2010-04-02 16:10:18)
- Cover letter (2010-04-01 18:25:24)
- Lacune avec les modaux (2010-04-04 12:37:52)
- Correction/sturgeon from Gironde (2010-04-01 23:28:48)
- Scrambled words '55' (2010-04-07 21:33:57)
- Traduction/through the cracks (2010-04-01 18:39:28)
- Correction/Gorillas (2010-03-31 21:28:30)
- Lettre de motivation lycée GB (2010-04-04 10:47:47)
- Traduction /Deux mille mètres (2010-04-01 22:59:29)
- Join the Team 3° (2010-03-31 16:27:07)
- The 1st April (2010-04-02 09:09:55)
- Adjectif substantivé (2010-03-31 16:26:04)
- Correction/Bangkok Street (2010-03-31 19:12:33)
- Paranoid people (2010-03-31 19:02:03)
- Mot Mystère N°79 (2010-04-18 13:47:55)
- Capes et Master (2010-04-12 11:33:35)
- Correction/economy of Africa (2010-03-31 00:57:07)
- Traduction /...history to teach us (2010-04-04 20:29:03)
- Lettre Motivation /European section (2010-03-30 16:46:29)
- Correction/exemplary behaviour (2010-03-30 14:35:40)
- Traduction- paths worn through (2010-03-31 12:07:03)
- Vocabulaire/scandalisation (2010-03-30 14:03:29)
- Phrase /no sooner...than (2010-03-30 21:00:32)
- Formules d'exclamation (2010-03-30 07:54:08)
- Correction /music therapy (2010-03-30 10:08:35)
- Tournures GB incomprises (2010-04-05 18:31:16)
- Correction/symbol of liberty (2010-03-30 19:31:30)
- Oral d'anglais (2010-03-30 18:07:46)
- What shall we do? (2010-03-29 19:30:11)
- Present perfect and have -haven't (2010-03-30 08:53:19)
- Might not be able to (2010-03-29 18:22:40)
- It ou He (animaux) (2010-04-02 20:43:22)
- Prefer-rather (2010-03-29 07:36:12)
- Would (2010-03-29 08:36:11)
- Signification de FOR (2010-03-29 12:35:00)
- Pronoms relatifs/ exercice (2010-04-10 19:18:10)
- Singulier ou pluriel + mathematics (2010-03-28 17:17:23)
- Probabilité et modaux (2010-03-28 15:27:51)
- Correction/letter to penfriend (2010-03-31 22:45:21)
- Lettre pour famille d'accueil GB (2010-03-28 12:56:03)
- Mississippi Burning/correction (2010-03-29 16:26:22)
- Correction /système de santé américain (2010-04-01 18:51:52)
- Correction /political capital (2010-03-31 00:56:19)
- Unfortunately + affirmation? (2010-03-27 22:33:01)
- Exposé oral - Correction possible ? (2010-03-28 16:24:35)
- Correction /Australia (2010-03-27 17:50:36)
- Correction/one of the greatest scientists (2010-03-27 10:34:58)
- Since or from? (2010-03-27 13:47:01)
- We lived ou we have lived? (2010-03-27 00:09:47)
- To + adverbe + verbe (2010-04-05 23:46:07)
- I want you to be w (2010-03-27 09:41:43)
- BV+ing en tant que nom (2010-03-26 19:02:44)
- Pluriel des noms de magasins (2010-03-26 03:05:33)
- Grammaire intuitive? (2010-03-25 16:04:23)
- Prépa oraux capes anglais toulouse (2010-03-25 12:13:56)
- Scrambled words '54' (2010-03-31 21:53:17)
- Phrases/ title and culture (2010-03-24 22:50:20)
- Adjectifs suivis d'un verbe (2010-03-25 14:50:26)
- anglais99 / parler français et anglais (2010-03-24 17:04:21)
- Voix passive ? Question ? (2010-03-24 20:38:21)
- About informal expressions (2010-03-24 15:31:30)
- Mobile phone/correction (2010-03-28 11:45:09)
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