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- jeune Indiens/correction (2009-04-22 18:56:21)

- Besoin d'aide exo anglais (2009-04-23 17:45:08)

- Corrigé brevet anglais 2004 - Question (2009-04-22 21:15:56)

- Niveau anglais lycée et Cambridge ? (2010-03-10 12:42:52)

- Instructions Officielles vs Programmes (2009-04-27 00:53:49)

- Correction-Une petite histoire (2009-04-23 09:37:00)

- Rechercher un cours-tests (2009-06-24 14:10:01)

- saleswoman/correction (2009-04-22 10:33:51)

- Passif + on impersonnel ? (2009-04-21 17:14:08)

- Conjonction either (2009-04-21 19:15:10)

- Etude de 2 phrases (2009-04-22 08:28:13)

- Made (to), brought (to) is incorrect? (2009-07-11 14:05:06)

- Le visage en question (2009-04-20 23:46:56)

- Can + ing ou infinitif (2009-04-20 21:39:58)

- Quels temps (2009-04-20 21:50:48)

- Devoir + traduction (2009-04-21 10:26:39)

- good deed/correction (2009-04-21 19:16:19)

- Genitif, of the ou rien aide svp (2009-04-20 20:34:30)

- Expression anglaise (2009-04-20 20:41:53)

- Correction/Justin (2009-04-20 18:32:41)

- Majuscules /tests (2009-04-20 18:15:57)

- Devoir (2009-04-22 16:15:23)

- Téléphoner en anglais (2009-04-20 16:49:56)

- Halloween/ correction (2009-04-20 18:38:24)

- Correction rédaction (2009-04-28 19:13:02)

- I want you to do something et autres (2009-04-21 01:58:14)

- Listen-look (2009-04-20 09:26:15)

- mariage/Correction thème (2009-04-24 11:40:22)

- Intelligence artificielle/Correction (2009-04-20 20:01:26)

- Présent continu ? (2009-04-19 18:34:29)

- Livres / se préparer au CAE (2009-04-19 10:35:56)

- Correction of some sentences (2009-04-18 23:21:53)

- Présent simple? (2009-04-22 08:57:56)

- Corrigé LV1 Bac S (2009-04-18 17:40:10)

- Mot-Mystère N°51 (2009-05-19 10:43:44)

- Do ou Be (2009-04-20 00:08:24)

- Are these sentences correct? (2009-04-18 23:20:04)

- Motivation for medicine/correction (2009-04-16 19:09:56)

- Consécration / Correction (2009-04-20 10:55:28)

- Stray Cats/correction (2009-04-20 13:51:06)

- Question et voix passive (2009-04-16 18:10:52)

- Nouveaux manuels de 4e (2009-04-23 21:25:15)

- Tests en attente et code des couleurs (2009-05-17 03:07:15)

- Compréhension/present perfect (2009-04-16 13:12:17)

- LLCE Bilingue (2009-04-24 21:20:31)

- Correction/researchers in robotics (2009-04-18 12:40:25)

- Recherche-livre de grammaire (2009-08-21 19:26:38)

- Reflexive or objective pronouns? (2009-05-11 11:23:52)

- Scrambled words '8' (2009-04-22 21:33:45)

- Correction/green energy. (2009-04-17 23:06:35)

- Neither/So (2009-04-16 04:02:45)

- Exposé /Simpsons (2009-04-16 03:20:17)

- Heure - Cas particuliers (2009-04-15 19:23:44)

- Prépa agrégation à l'ENS (2009-08-08 13:55:37)

- Why (2009-04-29 05:42:26)

- Version CAPES/ correction (2009-04-19 22:31:11)

- Décrire mon niveau en anglais (2009-04-24 10:46:36)

- Problème de compréhension (2009-04-14 20:50:31)

- Essay about father and son (2009-04-16 17:23:41)

- Correction - a an the ou absence d'a (2009-04-14 21:27:45)

- L'écrit au service de l' oral (2009-04-26 14:41:50)

- Lettre de motivation section europenne (2009-04-14 11:30:17)

- Incompréhension d'une phrase (2009-04-14 10:51:06)

- Différence entre luggage et baggage (2009-04-14 08:43:11)

- For-Since Several months (2009-04-14 02:37:11)

- Malade en Angleterre (2009-04-13 18:14:55)

- What do you do Emploi ? (2009-04-17 22:55:05)

- Comment traduire ces 2 expressions?? (2009-04-13 17:43:33)

- Traduction/April in Moscow (2009-04-13 18:12:17)

- Meaning (2009-04-13 02:04:50)

- titelolotte14/correspondant (2009-04-12 22:14:34)

- Left ?? (2009-05-09 19:16:19)

- Present perfect-preterit Recap (2009-04-13 17:38:37)

- traduction se faire renverser (2009-04-12 23:23:57)

- Signification That's Why (2009-04-12 01:54:24)

- Communication- correction (2009-04-11 16:39:18)

- Have-take a shower (2009-04-13 02:52:17)

- Traduction de munchkin (2009-04-11 14:17:18)

- Shall, have to ou have to (2009-04-14 17:39:13)

- Correction- Trip (2009-04-10 20:51:32)

- Correction My Life (2009-04-10 20:49:37)

- Speaking of which ? (2009-04-11 11:17:58)

- Correction d'une lettre de motivatio (2009-04-10 17:52:30)

- Simple Past vs present perfect (2009-04-15 17:54:44)

- You did not mean it, did you? Version I (2009-05-04 21:01:43)

- Housework (2009-04-18 03:23:27)

- Quitter le jeu planet english (2009-04-11 20:34:36)

- Traduction- April in Moscow5 (2009-04-10 18:21:46)

- Signification de 'a close call' (2009-04-11 22:52:24)

- Not only but also (2009-04-11 18:15:53)

- Correction/prise de sommifère (2009-04-10 22:03:48)

- A et an help! (2009-04-09 21:19:03)

- Résultats du 3ème concours (2010-01-20 00:47:27)

- Vocabulaire réseau professionnel (2009-04-09 17:25:13)

- Traduction de liquide ! (2009-04-09 16:21:36)

- Correction-their house (2009-04-10 10:11:04)

- Traduction- April in Moscow (2009-04-09 11:09:18)

- Tag (2009-04-09 15:59:18)

- Scrambled words '7' (2009-04-15 21:51:33)

- Pas d'accord /so neither... (2009-05-07 10:20:57)

- Reference (2009-04-08 18:10:53)

- Traduction/80 per cent of our planet (2009-04-08 22:26:26)

- Correction de lettre (2009-04-08 17:05:12)

- The life of Peter Einstein (2009-04-08 15:06:35)

- Correction CAPES? (2009-04-10 13:19:16)

- Something of (2009-04-08 14:19:28)

- Traduction /would like (2009-04-08 18:56:01)

- Traduction - Entrer en anglais (2009-04-08 16:26:38)

- Traduction- April in Moscow 3 (2009-04-08 11:17:04)

- From my birth/correction (2009-04-09 22:59:03)

- Correction rapide + prononciation (2009-04-07 21:45:46)

- Projets SHS (2009-04-07 16:37:39)

- Traduction-April in Moscow 2 (2009-04-07 16:37:55)

- One hundred- a hundred (2009-04-07 12:40:48)

- Quel temps (2009-04-13 16:14:50)

- Used and don't any more (2009-04-07 11:32:35)

- Traduction /projet SHS anglais (2009-04-07 13:39:53)

- Durée/when I went to Washington (2009-04-15 23:41:00)

- How to teach writing lessons (2009-05-24 12:37:24)

- To wish- le souhait et le regret (2009-04-06 22:12:20)

- Comment m'organiser?/CAPES (2009-04-07 16:38:52)

- Correspondant américain et interview (2009-04-07 17:11:38)

- Be to blame vs be to be blamed (2009-04-09 11:28:03)

- Traduction/April in Moscow (2009-04-06 22:16:41)

- Traduction Anglais->Français (2009-04-06 18:37:51)

- Used to and use (2009-04-07 11:37:37)

- Lettre de motivation en anglais (2009-04-16 14:20:19)

- Problème de compréhension (2009-04-06 13:11:27)

- Aide correction intro Adélaïde (2009-04-06 06:31:14)

- Correction / Melbourne (2009-04-06 06:00:23)

- Réforme du cap esthétique (2009-05-07 10:52:08)

- Phrase correcte? (2009-04-05 22:06:42)

- Linking words (2009-04-05 20:58:05)

- Version - Energie et environnement (2009-04-06 17:32:05)

- Thème - Energie et environnement (2009-04-06 17:32:17)

- Give me five (2009-04-30 20:16:22)

- Correction d'un texte-anglais (2009-04-06 06:39:41)

- Debate in English (2nde) (2009-04-06 13:41:41)

- Hardcastle-traduction (2009-04-05 11:45:03)

- Quelle lecture en 3ème ? (2009-04-05 10:26:41)

- Correction /campagne US (2009-04-04 22:39:53)

- Did or not did (2009-04-04 20:37:28)

- La voix active et la voix passive (2009-04-04 19:34:05)

- Traduction/I went to Cyprus (2009-04-06 06:55:51)

- Traduction- what about you? (2010-06-06 18:24:56)

- Mail (2009-04-03 16:17:15)

- Ecole de langue à Firenze (2009-04-03 00:00:31)

- Test section européenne (2009-04-02 21:53:25)

- Correction /Jungle Book (2009-04-15 15:55:36)

- Sentence/intend to (2009-04-03 13:22:21)

- Any luck yet? (2009-04-03 01:57:00)

- Correction death penalty (2009-04-03 19:06:04)

- Correction outline-étude (2009-04-05 15:50:19)

- Correction-describe (2009-04-03 16:18:34)

- Traduction d'une phrase (2009-04-02 11:32:04)

- À propos de la didactique (2009-04-03 12:02:14)

- Mot-Mystère N°50 (2009-04-18 14:53:17)

- Hollywood sign (2009-04-01 23:44:04)

- Traduction (2009-04-01 23:35:42)

- Devenir prof de Français en Angleterre (2009-12-10 16:12:30)

- Scrambled words '6' (2009-04-08 21:33:24)

- Correction (2009-04-03 19:25:06)

- Lettre de shannon ryan ! (2010-03-31 19:35:40)

- Last August /Correction (2009-04-02 10:31:07)

- Aide sur une phrase (2009-04-02 07:21:47)

- Correction/three witches (2009-04-02 10:25:24)

- Concordance des temps (2009-04-04 08:27:30)

- dialoue/portable (2009-04-01 01:36:56)

- Quel était le sujet agreg ext, jour1? (2009-04-03 12:05:00)

- Préparer l'agrégation (2009-03-31 23:33:26)

- Traduction/carte postale (2009-04-01 08:28:31)

- Orwell / Correction (2009-03-31 16:51:17)

- Norfolk naval base (2009-03-31 16:29:58)

- Article 'the' (2009-03-31 19:00:47)

- Style indirect (2009-04-01 16:11:07)

- Mode verbal (2009-04-01 19:22:07)

- Issue-problem (2009-03-30 21:21:51)

- Traduction/idea of tolerance (2009-03-30 21:11:01)

- Remettre des mots en ordre (2009-03-30 17:51:32)

- Discours indirect (2009-03-30 21:17:09)

- Confirmer une traduction (2009-04-02 11:31:36)

- Imperatif (2009-03-30 11:16:49)

- Lettre à corriger (2009-03-30 15:30:56)

- Histoires pour enfants en Anglais (2009-03-30 10:17:48)

- Oral d'anglais (2009-03-30 20:03:55)

- Avoir l'impression (2009-03-31 11:04:43)

- Adjectif + -y ? (2009-03-29 22:35:02)

- Correction mistakes (2009-03-29 20:11:54)

- Intrigue / Correction (2009-03-30 20:49:43)

- Writing time- Policeman report (2009-03-30 13:54:36)

- Thème - Energy & Environment (2009-03-31 16:16:47)

- Version - Energy & Environment (2009-03-31 16:17:19)

- Correction /playstation 3 (2009-03-28 19:25:47)

- Correction of a text on a trip (2009-03-28 16:20:09)

- Queen Victoria (2009-03-28 21:16:48)

- Nandira/ correction (2009-03-30 13:58:53)

- Tom and Sue correction (2009-03-28 12:04:16)

- Interaction orale / aide pr docs (2009-04-07 21:48:36)

- Problème pour écouter les leçons en audio (2009-03-29 16:06:47)

- Prononciation chin-shin (2009-03-27 13:43:01)

- My project (correction) (2009-03-27 12:53:50)

- An ideal match, an ideal date (2009-03-28 17:18:59)

- PGCE en anglais (2009-10-15 15:56:13)

- Query (2009-05-27 09:03:05)

- Besoin d'aide/BTS (2009-03-26 23:37:34)

- To have the numbers ? (2009-03-29 17:18:28)

- Portable (correction) (2009-03-30 12:29:08)

- Lesane Parish Crooks/correction (2009-03-27 16:55:24)

- Writing about Marketing and Advertising (2009-03-30 18:10:33)

- Help/forme interrogative (2009-03-26 15:52:55)

- Take-have (2009-03-26 15:37:43)

- Enseigner l'anglais (2009-03-26 11:41:09)

- Partir à l'étranger (2009-04-07 15:54:12)

- Scrambled words '5' (2009-04-01 21:21:51)

- You did not really mean it ,did you? Ver (2009-04-12 12:09:16)

- Correction- Prince Eduard Island (2009-03-25 22:27:51)

- Filleuls (2009-04-22 13:22:52)

- Besoin d'une explication merci (2009-03-25 20:51:44)

- Questions instruments de musique (2009-03-25 22:27:52)

- Correction lettre de motivation (2009-03-25 17:22:19)

- Commentaire civilisation américaine (2009-03-27 22:43:16)

- Question sur used to (2009-04-20 20:57:24)

- Traduction parole (2009-03-25 15:41:24)

- Best wishes and best regards (2009-04-25 06:43:27)

- Inter office (2009-03-25 14:17:59)

- Une traduction/my aircraft (2009-03-26 00:27:29)

- Caplp externe d'anglais (2009-05-15 15:11:59)

- Aide sur une expression (2009-03-25 11:56:46)

- In the past (2009-03-28 20:28:46)

- Translation/do you do with (2009-03-24 18:15:35)

- Compréhension (2009-03-25 07:47:58)

- Discipline Non Linguistique en Euro ? (2009-03-24 14:32:17)

- Correction/ High school (2009-03-25 22:24:30)

- data-processing platform/correction (2009-03-25 13:12:44)

- As fewer than (2009-03-26 14:26:57)

- Caractères phonétiques (2009-03-23 22:32:53)

- Sending an e-mail (2009-03-26 15:07:13)

- Happy hour (2009-03-23 21:13:58)

- Reprendre contact (2009-03-26 15:10:07)

- Incompréhension de phrase (2009-03-23 17:46:56)

- Aide sur une phrase (2009-03-23 12:31:16)

- CAPES et TOEFL (2009-03-29 15:22:59)

- Correction CV (2009-03-23 11:03:15)

- Passive voice 1 (2009-03-23 11:19:08)

- Question! monnaie anglaise (2009-03-23 10:03:15)

- Passive voice (2009-03-23 13:50:47)

- The meaning of guestbook (2009-03-23 06:09:09)

- Homework correction (2009-03-23 14:19:08)

- Traduction phrase et temps (2009-03-23 06:51:52)

- Question au sujet du preterit simple (2009-03-24 13:01:54)

- Hésitation !! (2009-03-22 18:35:48)

- Phonétique (2009-03-22 16:41:04)

- Put on, doit on séparer put de on ? (2009-03-22 17:14:10)

- Can / should (astonishment) (2009-03-23 21:34:37)

- Correction-Internet (2009-03-22 14:17:45)

- Pourquoi a devant house? (2009-03-24 22:05:19)

- Vocabulaire film d'horreur (2009-03-21 18:59:32)

- Tongue / language (2009-04-07 16:01:51)

- The meaning of 'winp“ (2009-03-21 23:08:30)

- Combinations are vague (2009-03-22 02:51:53)

- Enseigner l'anglais (2009-03-24 18:37:20)

- How long? OR How long for? (2009-03-21 06:16:23)

- Impératif (2009-03-21 14:53:39)

- Phrase incomprise (2009-03-20 16:17:51)

- A same phrase in different cultures (2009-07-16 15:25:13)

- Idioms anglais (2009-03-20 19:01:10)

- THE Pas-de-Calais ? (2009-03-20 16:03:34)

- Differences between cross and accross (2009-03-20 05:28:54)

- Help/questions (2009-03-20 00:14:14)

- Prépositions/correction (2009-03-23 12:29:13)

- Traduction 'Non-state actors' (2009-03-19 21:20:00)

- Wendy's life in the past (2009-03-19 18:09:54)

- Correction /magazine scientifique (2009-03-19 19:16:38)

- Correction/chemins de fer espagnols (2009-03-19 19:17:16)

- Singapour traduction correction (2009-03-19 17:04:44)

- News en anglais (2009-03-19 18:49:37)

- Question sur le Y (2009-03-19 22:03:03)

- Economic Crisis/correction (2009-03-19 18:48:14)

- Correction - rendre (2009-03-19 21:57:06)

- Hold your horses (2009-05-11 11:27:39)

- Cover letter for university (2009-03-26 15:47:45)

- Correction /Cherokee (2009-03-19 11:26:58)

- Scrambled words '4' (2009-03-25 23:06:03)

- Fast food / Correction (2009-03-18 20:48:16)

- Ya, abréviation de yet? (2009-03-18 21:02:11)

- Prepositon with holiday (2009-03-18 19:07:21)

- Combien d'inscrits en capes anglais (2009-03-23 14:36:42)

- Champ lexical de la peur en anglais (2009-03-18 15:28:19)

- Le thé? C'est sacré ! (Version) (2009-04-02 11:56:33)

- Prepositions (2009-03-18 12:22:13)

- Correction message (2009-03-18 20:07:00)

- Correction compte rendu (2009-03-18 17:32:56)

- He'd consider (2009-03-23 08:59:22)

- Peter / correction (2009-03-17 22:47:51)

- Lettre de motivation (2009-03-18 15:19:13)

- Little -a little (2009-04-04 09:24:57)

- Verb tenses in a text (2009-03-17 12:37:50)

- Sujets agreg interne anglais 2009 (2009-03-20 05:35:23)

- Family celebration-correction mistakes (2009-03-18 04:00:01)

- Accord collégial. (2009-03-16 18:42:28)

- Le latin (2009-10-05 06:16:03)

- The way I are (2009-03-16 17:42:24)

- Décrire et commenter une image (2009-03-16 18:51:23)

- Enregistrements sonores (2009-03-15 20:39:59)

- My dog / correction (2009-03-17 10:18:07)

- Correction of a text (2009-03-17 12:30:38)

- Correction of some sentences for tomorrow (2009-03-15 19:10:41)

- Canterville Chase (2009-03-15 19:01:10)

- Should I use like or as? (2009-05-01 08:18:19)

- Correction d'une lettre (2009-03-15 21:10:18)

- Correction/journal intime (2009-03-15 19:37:25)

- Éducation /Correction (2009-03-15 18:58:49)

- Unwanted machines (2009-03-15 11:08:57)

- Correction - Self Description (2009-03-15 17:20:20)

- Correction/with your project (2009-03-14 18:47:54)

- 20 janvier (correction) (2009-03-15 03:26:51)

- cry/crying? (2009-03-14 16:58:12)

- Tax-free?? (2009-03-14 14:25:45)

- Expression 'He's got pipes' (2009-03-14 14:51:44)

- Preposition (2009-03-17 21:02:39)

- 'My favourite band Ever ?' (2009-03-13 22:46:35)

- Let's get down to business (2009-03-14 12:21:46)

- BAC PRO en 3 ans- ouvrages? (2009-04-10 15:12:42)

- Stage2009-2010 pour titulaire CAPES 2008 (2009-03-29 13:23:26)

- Questions sans auxiliaire (2009-03-26 18:43:06)

- At a profit loss (2009-03-13 00:09:28)

- At short notice (2009-03-12 22:17:50)

- Scrambled words '3' (2009-03-19 03:24:53)

- Correction of a text on Animal Farm (2009-03-13 01:09:37)

- CAPLP Lettres Anglais 2009 (2009-06-24 20:28:41)

- Phrase à traduire (2009-03-12 15:04:05)

- Mais quel jeu ??? ( CAPES ) (2009-05-25 10:43:19)

- Correction-Economie et épargne (2009-03-12 13:40:00)

- George Orwell /correction (2009-03-12 18:20:26)

- Dialogue sur l'esclavage -Correction (2009-03-12 20:22:08)

- Problème (2009-03-11 17:41:52)

- Correction/careers adviser (2009-03-13 19:15:44)

- Pas compris (2009-03-11 21:32:24)

- Correction /famous person (2009-03-12 10:11:40)

- Write - Written Besoins d'aide (2009-03-11 21:49:52)

- Prétérit en BE+ING (2009-03-11 14:05:53)

- Less or no way ? (2009-03-12 09:00:03)

- Traduction / fond et forme (2009-03-13 16:53:22)

- Quelle formation faut-il? (2009-04-01 16:10:37)

- Conditionnel dans le futur avec will (2009-03-11 09:22:04)

- Correction rédaction sur la pollution (2009-03-11 20:26:09)

- Inversion sujet-verbe (2009-11-07 12:25:17)

- lo30bis / Lettre de Motivation (2009-03-12 14:21:11)

- Droits d'auteurs -tests (2009-03-10 16:23:46)

- Napoléon/correction (2009-03-12 15:19:28)

- Nandira /correction (2009-03-10 11:03:56)

- Thème - Work & Leisure (2009-03-10 18:25:33)

- Version - Work & Leisure (2009-03-11 07:23:03)

- Question sur The (2009-03-11 20:03:00)

- A text (2009-03-11 12:35:39)

- Have-Make, strucures causatives (2009-03-10 19:13:47)

- Mot-Mystère N°49 (2009-04-03 12:13:23)

- Prendre le Taxi (2009-03-09 17:51:55)

- esturgeon /Lettre de motivation (2009-03-09 21:40:39)

- BTS- NRC (2009-03-18 20:50:46)

- Convocation CAPES (2009-03-09 19:22:49)

- Manuels de néerlandais (2009-03-24 18:33:35)

- Correction/continuous contact (2009-03-09 19:51:44)

- Correction / proof that our friendship (2009-03-08 18:41:18)

- Lettre de motivation a rédiger (2009-03-15 19:17:43)

- A phrase (2009-03-08 18:00:50)

- Anglaise/ professeur d'anglais (2009-03-08 14:01:23)

- tuni59 /report - correction (2009-03-08 13:56:56)

- Préparation DS Niveau 3e (2009-03-08 20:24:41)

- From A beginning (2009-03-07 21:59:31)

- Résultat du mouvement inter PLC2 (2009-03-07 20:35:36)

- Transposition du futur simple (2009-03-07 22:41:52)

- English Travel I (2009-03-07 18:49:08)

- Into the wild/correction (2009-03-07 18:58:27)

- Passif et actif (2009-03-13 22:03:02)

- Nombre de vitres à payer /correction (2009-03-10 02:49:49)

- Ing ou pas??? (2009-03-08 21:12:29)

- Faire-faire has had (2009-03-08 19:00:48)

- Dialogue à corriger (2009-03-06 18:57:35)

- Descente aux flambeaux (2009-03-06 15:17:58)

- The word 'being' (2009-04-22 21:34:49)

- Le mot 'welfare' ?? (2009-03-20 08:09:39)

- Correction /Family stories (2009-03-07 13:14:40)

- Admissibilité capes externe (2009-03-06 16:34:59)

- Verbes irreguliers (2009-03-06 18:49:41)

- Correction d'un texte (2009-03-07 11:59:32)

- Lettre type bac (2009-03-05 14:29:37)

- Difficulté avec une classe de SMS (2009-03-27 17:28:59)

- A uniform, an umbrella (2009-03-05 12:40:34)

- Besoin d'une relecture (2009-03-04 22:53:25)

- Rugby / correction (2009-03-04 23:18:02)

- Compréhension de consigne (2009-03-04 21:25:21)

- Nouvelle / correction (2009-03-04 16:34:14)

- Correction lettre de motivation (2009-03-25 17:14:46)

- Correction/Les nanoparticules (2009-03-04 17:16:03)

- deb/Lettre de motivation -correction (2009-03-08 11:56:29)

- Je ne me passe pas de/correction (2009-03-04 15:47:15)

- Traduction/mise en place d’applications (2009-03-06 07:12:13)

- Modalités épreuves capes externe (2009-03-05 15:26:36)

- Enregistrements New Spring 5° (2010-07-09 09:23:02)

- Traduction/courant artistique... (2009-03-07 03:40:20)

- Speed dating (correction) (2009-03-03 19:27:14)

- Does it mean something for natives ? (2009-03-04 15:27:52)

- john beek/Correction (2009-03-03 18:19:52)

- cosmetics testing /correction (2009-03-04 16:39:49)

- Orientation post-bac à la fac d'angl (2009-03-03 11:11:07)

- Five - correction (2009-03-14 14:20:49)

- As responsible for health/correction (2009-03-02 22:03:47)

- Système informatique (2009-03-02 22:00:44)

- Work in a different environment/correctio (2009-03-03 19:20:34)

- What's happened-What happened (2009-03-02 22:19:06)

- Avancer dans/sur un projet (2009-03-02 23:50:55)

- Text correction- stylistic touch (2009-03-03 01:03:51)

- Master CNED (2009-05-05 20:14:11)

- casser une jambe./correction (2009-03-02 20:50:25)

- Vocabulaire comptable et financier (2009-03-02 12:53:54)

- Date des notes dans le livret (2009-03-04 13:33:07)

- Construction de phrase (2009-03-05 22:48:04)

- Svp de l'aide (2009-03-01 23:36:37)

- Transcription for school (2009-03-02 13:22:47)

- Correction - Nos vacances idéales ! (2009-03-01 21:39:08)

- Modaux (2009-03-01 23:01:41)

- BTS esthétique (2010-01-14 14:56:53)

- Correction/expressions (2009-03-01 17:47:20)

- poker game/correction (2009-03-01 18:10:00)

- Question prétérit ING (2009-03-01 12:15:59)

- Pour des traductions techniques (2009-03-01 17:27:45)

- Suspence du Dialogue (2009-03-01 11:40:51)

- Correction /Tom's new idea (2009-03-03 18:06:49)

- Use past probability (2009-03-01 10:10:41)

- Jean de l'Epine/correction (2009-02-28 20:37:47)

- Does Anyone - Do anyone ? (2009-02-28 20:07:04)

- a serious car accident (2009-02-28 20:19:12)

- Entretien téléphonique (2009-02-27 20:53:00)

- Meanwhile - correction (2009-03-02 22:48:18)

- Help me please ! /if or when (2009-02-27 21:08:41)

- Aide à la correction de phrases (2009-02-27 12:21:53)

- Superlatif-comparatif (2009-02-27 13:32:19)

- Such or such a (2009-02-26 16:22:27)

- CFA et autorisation d'absence (2009-02-26 22:04:50)

- Correction of detective history (2009-02-26 17:09:55)

- Est-ce correct en anglais ? (2009-02-27 10:12:18)

- Correction /economic cycle (2009-02-27 14:08:53)

- Que signifie 'anymore' (2009-02-27 16:00:38)

- Got no/Not got? (2009-02-25 23:00:18)

- Mot-Mystère N°48 (2009-03-09 18:01:36)

- Contexte économique-correction (2009-02-25 16:58:14)

- Voyage en LLCE (2009-02-26 19:52:04)

- Cover Letter (first work experience) (2009-03-11 12:59:03)

- Delighted - correction (2009-02-27 14:56:10)

- Mise en page (2009-02-24 16:24:47)

- Nombre d'inscrits au CAFEP d'an (2009-02-25 13:56:39)

- Traduction/this property (2009-03-03 14:00:59)

- Stage à l'étranger/Bac Pro (2009-02-24 10:23:05)

- Correction /film (2009-02-25 09:41:10)

- Used to/Get used to (2009-02-24 22:29:18)

- Séjour linguistique, immersion ou cours? (2009-02-24 15:13:09)

- Correction -Flip-Flops (2009-02-24 20:17:41)

- Test image (2009-02-25 12:12:04)

- Correction lettre/examen (2009-02-24 10:16:42)

- Correction / philosopher (2009-02-26 11:45:49)

- Begin, beginning (2009-11-09 11:15:02)

- Un classement de tous les membres ? (2009-02-24 15:16:40)

- Correction /Do something. (2009-02-24 21:40:10)

- Lettre correspondance (2009-02-27 18:01:07)

- Combien de temps /correction (2009-02-25 14:43:23)

- Money (2009-02-22 20:31:11)

- Correction /preventive ads (2009-02-23 17:22:10)

- Vérification de vocabulaire (2009-02-22 23:09:50)

- Does it 'sound ' English? (2009-03-06 13:09:51)

- Grammaire/apostrophe (2009-02-22 14:01:21)

- Écoles (corrections) (2009-02-23 20:07:47)

- S'adresser à (2009-02-22 14:51:18)

- Traduction /objets performants (2009-02-22 10:16:55)

- Animal Farm /correction (2009-02-22 00:55:09)

- How to use the word ' could ' (2009-08-12 09:15:28)

- Projet Yearbook - petite correction (2009-02-21 11:11:34)

- Correction present perfect exercice (2009-02-20 19:22:34)

- Bloody-Mary/ correction (2009-02-20 18:29:42)

- Preterit continu - Past perfect continu (2009-02-24 17:22:38)

- Unemployment/correction (2009-02-25 19:35:39)

- Traduction/tired (2009-02-22 17:11:28)

- Applaudissements (2009-03-26 16:13:49)

- Correction (2009-02-20 12:25:45)

- Lettre en anglais (2009-02-20 14:12:32)

- Au téléphone en anglais (2009-02-20 14:01:29)

- A l'aide/sourire (2009-02-20 11:22:17)

- Correction advertizers-junk food (2009-02-20 13:55:24)

- Conseils formation pour adultes (2009-03-01 20:49:29)

- Monkeys- Correction (2009-02-19 20:24:04)

- Aide the et pluriel (2009-02-19 22:16:37)

- The soldier /correction (2009-02-19 21:56:58)

- Lettre de motivation pour Écosse (2009-02-19 20:40:33)

- Correction mail/exercice (2009-02-20 14:34:18)

- Les modaux au présent et au futur (2009-02-19 17:31:35)

- Aide pour traduction SVP (2009-08-25 19:31:23)

- School of the future (2009-02-19 14:41:45)

- Prononciation équation mathématiques (2009-02-20 13:16:30)

- Boat,ship - lunch,have lunch (2009-02-19 04:35:24)

- Correction /communication today (2009-02-19 10:10:43)

- Question bien construites? (2009-02-19 09:20:32)

- 'Scrambled words 2' (2009-03-12 20:40:09)

- Attention! Dates CAPLP modifiées (2010-03-25 22:17:42)

- Traduction 'outside courses' (2009-02-19 16:27:19)

- Correction- A letter from New York (2009-02-18 21:58:13)

- Correction et explications (si fautes) (2009-02-18 19:30:17)

- Question avec préposition (2009-02-19 16:16:58)

- Description photo 'gun culture' (2009-02-19 09:27:01)

- Correction /moved to Sydney (2009-02-17 22:42:33)

- Aide Traduction et Vocabulaire (2009-02-17 18:28:15)

- DM/Cambridge to Edinburgh (2009-02-18 07:52:46)

- Medicine for a cold (2009-02-17 20:07:09)

- Concours interne 2010? (2009-02-17 16:40:06)

- Correction/mon voyage à Londres (2009-02-17 16:24:08)

- Correction/real identity (2009-02-18 14:02:56)

- Conditionnel passé (2009-02-17 11:26:33)

- Devoir Maison - Version /hunting (2009-02-20 12:26:57)

- Devoir Maison - Thème /shopping (2009-02-21 15:05:51)

- Present Perfect Continuous (2009-02-18 22:14:39)

- Correction d'un journal (2009-02-16 20:24:01)

- Le soleil de petite Margot Version V (2009-03-09 21:37:42)

- Admissibilité Capes interne (2010-04-30 09:44:47)

- Correction/stage en entreprise (2009-02-16 21:48:12)

- Story of a Shoe (2009-02-17 20:50:37)

- What have you been doing (2009-02-16 02:22:43)

- Compréhension orale STG (2009-02-16 09:11:57)

- Marre des fautes d'orthographe (2009-03-01 23:59:54)

- Compréhension/they crossed the border (2009-02-16 09:25:36)

- Commentaire anglais/correction (2009-02-14 23:17:51)

- Alphabet grec et symboles usuels en math (2009-02-17 18:19:16)

- Traduire /si une opportunité ... (2009-02-14 08:20:34)

- Mot-Mystère N°47 (2009-02-25 16:32:28)

- Adverbe + auxiliaires (2009-02-16 02:00:47)

- Traduction/ e-waste (2009-02-13 22:23:03)

- Rédaction/Humour in the world (2009-02-13 07:56:23)

- Problème de traduction/expressions (2009-02-13 17:37:30)

- Quelle filière en anglais? (2009-02-16 12:41:48)

- Traduire une phrase/copier (2009-02-13 20:35:01)

- Exposé (2009-02-12 18:43:20)

- In WWII? (2009-02-12 17:59:43)

- Examen KET (2009-06-09 14:55:20)

- Expression écrite, synthèse personnelle (2009-02-12 22:40:16)

- For natives/In total security (2009-02-12 17:09:38)

- Modaux au passé (2009-02-12 08:32:09)

- Scrambled words '1' (2009-02-18 21:12:49)

- Poésie en anglais (correction) (2009-02-11 21:35:16)

- Correction texte (2009-02-11 20:08:15)

- French tutor à Londres (2009-02-11 12:20:10)

- Chercher le sens (2009-02-11 08:12:20)

- IF (2010-05-25 00:00:15)

- Utilisation de should (2009-02-11 22:34:04)

- Journalism / correction (2009-02-10 22:01:48)

- Present perfect (2009-02-10 11:22:56)

- Bluetooth-beamspot en français (2009-02-09 13:33:49)

- Dilemme / CAPES (2009-02-09 13:07:19)

- Even though / even if (2009-03-11 12:57:49)

- Or, and, but, though ? (2009-02-20 20:34:38)

- Correction - Armée du salut (2009-02-08 20:10:26)

- Lettre motivation job été/correction (2009-02-08 20:48:19)

- La place qu'occupe la télévision (2009-02-09 20:16:25)

- QCM concours passerelle (2009-02-08 15:41:01)

- Correction/Online shopping (2009-02-08 16:39:28)

- Inscription en Licence (2009-03-24 15:46:30)

- Points (2009-02-08 11:44:26)

- Methodologie /résumé en anglais (2009-09-24 16:40:13)

- Correction de lettre anglais- (2009-02-08 17:32:55)

- Capes interne 2009 (2009-02-12 20:54:09)

- Auxiliaire be-do-have (2009-10-12 11:33:47)

- Des erreurs à bannir (2009-02-17 17:36:43)

- The use of 'yet' in a question (2009-02-06 16:00:05)

- Shanghai-England -different school life (2009-02-06 10:35:39)

- Par où commencer ?/traduction (2009-02-07 15:24:10)

- Als-wenn (2009-02-06 13:19:00)

- Lettre à une famille (correction) (2009-02-10 19:24:58)

- Expression anglaise (2009-02-06 16:34:56)

- Traduction/unborn children (2009-02-12 14:37:59)

- New life (2009-02-06 09:18:14)

- Vérification lettre motivation (2009-02-16 09:56:35)

- Aide pour une lettre de motivation (2009-02-28 17:51:51)

- Anglaise qui veut passer le CAPES (2009-02-09 23:25:48)

- Causatif ? (2009-02-06 14:18:39)

- Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 17' (2009-02-11 21:34:23)

- New future (correction) (2009-02-05 18:09:26)

- Will have + participe passé (2009-02-04 19:19:27)

- I think that is true (2009-02-04 19:54:32)

- Vocabulary-(broutard in French) (2009-02-04 15:35:32)

- Recherche d'un enregistrement (2009-02-10 08:29:17)

- Oral - Sujet d'actualité (2009-02-09 22:53:24)

- Prononciation de l'article a (2009-02-03 19:45:19)

- Verbes irréguliers (2009-02-03 18:26:07)

- How to say a telephone number (2009-04-28 19:50:37)

- Touchons du bois? (2009-02-07 16:39:50)

- Voyage usa, aide traduction (2009-02-02 21:02:46)

- Thème/rencontre inattendue (2009-02-03 17:54:31)

- Poser les questions en anglais ! (2009-02-04 15:51:14)

- Preposition (2009-02-02 19:17:32)

- Tense agreement (2009-02-08 12:27:10)

- Too ou Also ? (2009-02-02 14:57:38)

- Expect that et expect (2009-02-02 18:25:58)

- Exercice direct speech (2009-02-04 00:13:35)
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