33527 sujets
Les plus récents d'abord
Par ordre alphabétique
<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Story of a Shoe (2009-02-17 20:50:37)
- What have you been doing (2009-02-16 02:22:43)
- Compréhension orale STG (2009-02-16 09:11:57)
- Marre des fautes d'orthographe (2009-03-01 23:59:54)
- Compréhension/they crossed the border (2009-02-16 09:25:36)
- Commentaire anglais/correction (2009-02-14 23:17:51)
- Alphabet grec et symboles usuels en math (2009-02-17 18:19:16)
- Traduire /si une opportunité ... (2009-02-14 08:20:34)
- Mot-Mystère N°47 (2009-02-25 16:32:28)
- Adverbe + auxiliaires (2009-02-16 02:00:47)
- Traduction/ e-waste (2009-02-13 22:23:03)
- Rédaction/Humour in the world (2009-02-13 07:56:23)
- Problème de traduction/expressions (2009-02-13 17:37:30)
- Quelle filière en anglais? (2009-02-16 12:41:48)
- Traduire une phrase/copier (2009-02-13 20:35:01)
- Exposé (2009-02-12 18:43:20)
- In WWII? (2009-02-12 17:59:43)
- Examen KET (2009-06-09 14:55:20)
- Expression écrite, synthèse personnelle (2009-02-12 22:40:16)
- For natives/In total security (2009-02-12 17:09:38)
- Modaux au passé (2009-02-12 08:32:09)
- Scrambled words '1' (2009-02-18 21:12:49)
- Poésie en anglais (correction) (2009-02-11 21:35:16)
- Correction texte (2009-02-11 20:08:15)
- French tutor à Londres (2009-02-11 12:20:10)
- Chercher le sens (2009-02-11 08:12:20)
- IF (2010-05-25 00:00:15)
- Utilisation de should (2009-02-11 22:34:04)
- Journalism / correction (2009-02-10 22:01:48)
- Present perfect (2009-02-10 11:22:56)
- Bluetooth-beamspot en français (2009-02-09 13:33:49)
- Dilemme / CAPES (2009-02-09 13:07:19)
- Even though / even if (2009-03-11 12:57:49)
- Or, and, but, though ? (2009-02-20 20:34:38)
- Correction - Armée du salut (2009-02-08 20:10:26)
- Lettre motivation job été/correction (2009-02-08 20:48:19)
- La place qu'occupe la télévision (2009-02-09 20:16:25)
- QCM concours passerelle (2009-02-08 15:41:01)
- Correction/Online shopping (2009-02-08 16:39:28)
- Inscription en Licence (2009-03-24 15:46:30)
- Points (2009-02-08 11:44:26)
- Methodologie /résumé en anglais (2009-09-24 16:40:13)
- Correction de lettre anglais- (2009-02-08 17:32:55)
- Capes interne 2009 (2009-02-12 20:54:09)
- Auxiliaire be-do-have (2009-10-12 11:33:47)
- Des erreurs à bannir (2009-02-17 17:36:43)
- The use of 'yet' in a question (2009-02-06 16:00:05)
- Shanghai-England -different school life (2009-02-06 10:35:39)
- Par où commencer ?/traduction (2009-02-07 15:24:10)
- Als-wenn (2009-02-06 13:19:00)
- Lettre à une famille (correction) (2009-02-10 19:24:58)
- Expression anglaise (2009-02-06 16:34:56)
- Traduction/unborn children (2009-02-12 14:37:59)
- New life (2009-02-06 09:18:14)
- Vérification lettre motivation (2009-02-16 09:56:35)
- Aide pour une lettre de motivation (2009-02-28 17:51:51)
- Anglaise qui veut passer le CAPES (2009-02-09 23:25:48)
- Causatif ? (2009-02-06 14:18:39)
- Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 17' (2009-02-11 21:34:23)
- New future (correction) (2009-02-05 18:09:26)
- Will have + participe passé (2009-02-04 19:19:27)
- I think that is true (2009-02-04 19:54:32)
- Vocabulary-(broutard in French) (2009-02-04 15:35:32)
- Recherche d'un enregistrement (2009-02-10 08:29:17)
- Oral - Sujet d'actualité (2009-02-09 22:53:24)
- Prononciation de l'article a (2009-02-03 19:45:19)
- Verbes irréguliers (2009-02-03 18:26:07)
- How to say a telephone number (2009-04-28 19:50:37)
- Touchons du bois? (2009-02-07 16:39:50)
- Voyage usa, aide traduction (2009-02-02 21:02:46)
- Thème/rencontre inattendue (2009-02-03 17:54:31)
- Poser les questions en anglais ! (2009-02-04 15:51:14)
- Preposition (2009-02-02 19:17:32)
- Tense agreement (2009-02-08 12:27:10)
- Too ou Also ? (2009-02-02 14:57:38)
- Expect that et expect (2009-02-02 18:25:58)
- Exercice direct speech (2009-02-04 00:13:35)
- pierre3 /correction dialogue (2009-02-01 21:16:04)
- Correction /surpass yourself (2009-02-02 14:38:47)
- Adverbe de modalité (2009-02-01 17:10:25)
- Accord sujet-verbe (2009-02-01 20:44:03)
- Coyote (correction) (2009-02-05 16:05:16)
- Exercice sur les modaux 2 (2009-02-01 16:12:33)
- Formulaire (correction) (2009-02-01 15:40:54)
- Adjectifs composés en -ed (2009-02-01 15:33:58)
- Traduction /cherchaient d'où (2009-02-01 16:25:59)
- Comment employer le bon temps (2009-02-01 15:43:16)
- Will, won't + be (2009-02-03 09:36:10)
- Aide pour expression (2009-02-01 13:03:22)
- Travel (2009-01-31 22:48:13)
- Traduire -me remerciant (2009-02-01 05:05:23)
- Traduction de 'du coup' (2009-02-02 15:17:53)
- Brevet A2 qui a raison?? (2009-01-31 16:38:05)
- Étrange terminaison (2009-02-01 12:12:03)
- DALF C1 session février (2009-01-30 19:33:19)
- Où préparer l'agrégation d'angl (2009-01-31 16:33:45)
- affirmation gratuite (2009-01-31 09:43:19)
- Correction CV pour Jersey (2009-02-01 19:22:11)
- Plans for the future-correction (2009-01-30 13:34:33)
- Adverbes ! (2009-01-29 23:39:25)
- Le soleil de petite Margot Version IV (2009-03-01 23:33:45)
- Double comparatives (2009-01-29 22:13:23)
- No Direct Reports ?? Comment traduire ? (2009-01-30 14:02:13)
- Level primary ? (2009-01-30 16:49:05)
- Améliorer mon texte ? (2009-01-31 20:49:00)
- La proposition infinitive (2009-01-29 15:45:39)
- Expedience's sake (2009-01-29 21:45:04)
- Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 16' (2009-02-04 21:14:30)
- LV2 + option LLCE (2009-01-31 14:45:25)
- Work experience/correction (2009-01-29 23:06:57)
- New York /Expression Ecrite (2009-01-28 20:55:56)
- Traduction/comment ai-je pu.... (2009-01-29 11:54:54)
- Should have (2009-01-29 00:43:55)
- A burnt child dreads fire (2009-01-28 16:18:01)
- Les métiers (2009-01-28 16:52:09)
- Correction CV (2009-01-28 18:04:24)
- Être en congé parental?en anglais (2009-01-28 16:54:45)
- Would (2009-02-21 16:37:05)
- Les notes aux tests (2009-01-28 15:04:38)
- Les notes en Anglais (2009-01-28 09:44:36)
- Prof après 45 ans ? (2009-02-01 21:44:27)
- Correction lettre Erasmus (2009-01-28 16:23:44)
- Fiche pédagogique (2009-01-28 22:45:31)
- Exercice, modaux (2009-01-28 01:40:09)
- Better late than never (2009-02-11 19:47:45)
- Mot-Mystère N°46 (2009-02-13 18:30:36)
- Master finance à Paris Dauphine (2009-01-27 14:23:34)
- Introduce myself/correction (2009-01-27 10:41:08)
- What you up to (2009-02-26 05:57:11)
- Traduction homemade (2009-01-27 19:01:01)
- Immigration / correction (2009-01-26 21:41:38)
- Termes techniques Industriel (2009-01-27 19:01:56)
- To get to +ing (2009-02-01 16:14:37)
- Present Perfect ou Prétérit (2009-01-26 19:27:27)
- Traduction/ciments de la société (2009-01-27 10:22:30)
- Translation (2009-01-26 01:48:48)
- Traduction /metal detecting (2009-01-26 01:43:05)
- Lettre /Dear Rosalind (2009-01-25 18:57:30)
- Difference entre ces 2 phrases ? (2009-01-25 15:14:45)
- Verbe -ing ou BV ? (2009-01-25 14:45:08)
- What does ' 's ' refer to? (2009-01-25 21:20:32)
- Pluriel/trousers (2009-01-25 11:38:47)
- Prétérit (2009-01-25 10:55:44)
- What have you been doing? (2009-01-25 03:57:03)
- Writing Time (2009-01-25 17:36:25)
- Since-for (2009-01-24 19:40:14)
- Most of the time (2009-01-24 18:51:13)
- Another world (correction) (2009-01-25 11:13:47)
- Ordonnance en anglais (2009-01-25 08:44:49)
- Traduction Karl Lagerfeld (2009-01-25 18:36:48)
- L'enfant (correction) (2009-01-24 15:55:27)
- CAPLP Lettres-Anglais 2009 (2009-01-30 21:56:24)
- To go et les temps (2009-01-24 03:09:45)
- 'There is a lot' ou 'There (2010-03-25 18:39:08)
- What did you do? (2009-01-23 22:32:13)
- Être diplômé de (2009-01-23 19:04:31)
- Petit problèmes de traduction (2009-01-23 18:48:35)
- Advertising (2009-01-23 10:53:30)
- To kick it with s.o? (2009-01-23 15:17:00)
- Calcul moyenne admissibilité (2009-01-24 00:38:44)
- Jeux de groupe en anglais pour débutants (2009-01-24 23:03:08)
- Besoin Correction Description (2009-01-23 17:44:30)
- Aide Correction d'un dialogue (2009-01-24 15:15:37)
- CAPES 2009-2010 + réformes (2009-07-11 15:18:12)
- Améliorer la participation orale (2009-01-27 20:27:32)
- A or an (2009-01-22 10:27:15)
- Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 15' (2009-01-28 21:34:16)
- celebrities / correction (2009-01-23 11:48:38)
- Correction d'un petit e-mail (2009-01-22 13:02:44)
- Adjectif-Composés [3 eme] (2009-01-21 16:00:43)
- Proofreading please (2009-01-21 15:33:03)
- Correction /system of reparation (2009-01-21 14:43:14)
- Place des adverbes (2009-01-23 11:54:11)
- Traduction/the oath is taken (2009-01-21 15:34:57)
- Traduction avec abréviation 'kinda (2009-01-22 18:48:40)
- Temps et phrases/formulaire (2009-01-21 10:55:08)
- Conversation téléphonique (2009-01-21 16:14:59)
- Immigration (2009-01-20 20:39:19)
- Cherche textes en anglais (2009-01-28 22:42:33)
- Pertinence des consignes (2009-02-05 12:56:53)
- Traduction / lollies (2009-01-20 13:45:58)
- At-In En fonction du temps ? (2009-01-20 09:08:34)
- Comparatif et superlatif (2009-01-20 16:18:16)
- Cover Letter (2009-01-19 22:35:22)
- Prétérit en ING (2009-01-20 21:36:50)
- Lettre (2009-01-20 12:46:34)
- If you were (2009-01-19 22:05:18)
- Programme collège (2009-01-29 08:59:31)
- Expression écrite Paris (2009-01-20 10:07:40)
- Utilisation et signification de 'it (2009-01-19 15:04:59)
- Ing ou pas ? (2009-01-21 10:53:58)
- Passive voice (2009-03-16 00:54:36)
- Quel temps? (2009-01-19 06:25:52)
- Petit problème jeu du coffre français (2009-01-26 11:33:52)
- Expression écrite/ lecture (2009-01-19 17:18:39)
- Préparation d'examen F C E (2009-01-18 16:10:17)
- Quand le slang s'en mêle (2009-01-18 15:54:11)
- Présentation pour un examen (2009-01-18 18:33:54)
- Wishes & regrets (2009-01-18 14:05:10)
- Aide/leçon modèle (2009-01-31 10:24:00)
- Texte juste ? / Manchester (2009-01-18 12:46:26)
- Family (2009-01-17 21:15:09)
- Infos agrégation interne anglais (2009-05-17 09:30:12)
- Expressions au sujet de l'aviation (2009-01-17 21:25:01)
- Grammaire/Passive voice (2009-01-17 19:14:04)
- Futur antérieur de Bridg (2009-01-17 18:15:17)
- romimis/corres anglophones (2009-01-17 18:08:07)
- Formules de courrier (2009-01-20 19:24:34)
- letitange /correction (2009-01-18 17:24:23)
- Phrases /permis d'ouvrir (2009-01-17 16:13:45)
- Shall - should, j'ai un doute (2009-01-19 12:42:38)
- How much ou how many (2009-01-17 15:25:42)
- Traduction ( introduction) (2009-01-18 23:30:33)
- Verbes en -ing (2009-01-16 23:59:26)
- Devenir traductrice (2009-01-28 20:17:48)
- Quand le verbe change de sens avec une p (2009-01-16 19:42:11)
- Traduction d'un extrait de J Stiglit (2009-01-19 10:42:26)
- Besoin viscéral (correction) (2009-01-17 13:56:01)
- Phrase commerciale (2009-01-16 15:17:59)
- Articles a /an: probléme (2009-01-16 14:02:35)
- Compréhension écrite/Cell phones (2009-01-16 15:30:17)
- President elect (2009-01-18 18:06:04)
- Rank second after or to? (2009-01-17 11:57:57)
- Question avec used to (2009-01-16 11:10:58)
- Direct speech (2009-01-16 19:01:37)
- For - to (2009-01-15 21:48:23)
- Sourire ravageur (correction) (2009-01-16 16:11:05)
- Sujets d'expression écrite (2009-01-16 09:19:43)
- Doubler la consonne finale? (2009-01-17 11:49:44)
- Help - To introduce (2009-01-15 14:17:19)
- Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 14' (2009-01-21 21:59:27)
- The Queen and I - Sue Townsend (2009-01-14 09:38:40)
- A and an (2009-01-14 02:50:43)
- Correction d'une lettre (2009-01-14 00:12:58)
- Présent progressif en tant que futur (2009-01-13 22:53:23)
- The pipe maker secrets (2009-01-13 21:46:35)
- Present perfect simple/ continuous (2009-01-15 10:27:27)
- Style indirect en anglais (2009-01-13 20:41:18)
- Comment traduire « à »/ Thème grammatical (2009-01-21 18:44:53)
- Merci quand même/traduction (2009-09-25 02:57:53)
- Les deux presents (2009-01-13 12:16:55)
- Traduction avec gérondif (2009-01-13 20:34:00)
- Resolutions for the New Year (2009-01-25 01:59:16)
- Aide pour titre de thèse (2009-01-13 22:25:43)
- What et How, pour une phrase exclamative (2009-01-12 18:34:27)
- Sense of 'stressing' (2009-01-12 20:19:08)
- Would - wouldn't (2009-01-12 13:30:42)
- Statement of interest (2009-01-12 12:21:54)
- That or which (2009-02-13 18:38:14)
- Question avec 'À' (2009-01-12 19:30:07)
- Vidéo Projects 2de (2009-01-11 21:03:47)
- Correction dialogue/read the letter (2009-01-11 23:08:39)
- Déçu par 6 mois en immersion (2009-01-11 20:53:57)
- Questions (2009-01-11 18:46:08)
- Anglais en maternelle ! Help ! (2009-06-17 20:15:25)
- Compréhension de consigne (2009-01-11 21:39:04)
- Ne pas insister (correction) (2009-01-11 13:57:44)
- Les temps sont-ils bien conjugués ici ? (2009-01-11 15:08:28)
- Idées/anglais avec mes CE2 (2009-01-11 21:31:20)
- Qualificatifs et pluriel (2009-01-11 08:46:32)
- Traduction/ Holiday Wish Lists (2009-01-11 00:46:17)
- Traduction d'une phrase anglais>f (2009-01-11 01:05:51)
- Les 'poetics' anglais (2009-01-10 21:28:39)
- Correction Jennifer cavelleri (2009-01-10 18:54:10)
- Traduction - stage de 10 mois + Firm (2009-01-12 20:12:19)
- Accident de voiture (correction) (2009-01-10 17:37:14)
- Anglais 1ere d'adaptation. (2009-02-08 17:00:14)
- Traduction - bust (2009-01-10 15:28:04)
- Gave himself up for lost (2009-01-09 19:26:52)
- Présent progressif ou non ? (2009-01-09 17:34:25)
- Partenariat/ lycée professionnel anglais (2009-01-09 16:27:09)
- Tongue twisters et traduction (2009-01-09 18:52:36)
- hemophilia (correction) (2009-01-09 14:23:49)
- Translation/travail des secrétaires (2009-01-09 17:16:22)
- Mot-Mystère N°45 (2009-01-27 15:04:11)
- Recommencer à zéro/traduction (2009-01-08 22:00:23)
- Traduction/hot wind... (2009-01-08 21:34:59)
- To do-play sport ? (2009-01-10 17:20:55)
- Critères-évaluation d'une tâche (2009-01-12 11:34:59)
- Correction/quite big family (2009-01-10 18:14:10)
- Correction /Oliver Barret (2009-01-11 10:19:07)
- Traduction de 'passer le code' (2009-01-18 20:53:57)
- Devenir un prof (2009-01-10 20:56:57)
- Experience with GPA (2009-01-08 00:15:48)
- Le soleil de petite Margot Version III (2009-02-08 18:34:32)
- Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 13' (2009-01-14 21:22:21)
- Besoin d'aide pour capes interne (2009-01-07 20:56:28)
- Correction /éducation (2009-01-08 13:19:32)
- Enseigner à nouveau ? (2009-01-10 20:55:48)
- Ecrit d'invention type Bac (2009-01-07 17:39:54)
- Dialogue à corriger (2009-01-07 20:28:36)
- To be ou to have ? (2009-01-08 01:07:28)
- We want to fight the bad or the dark (2009-01-08 21:09:55)
- Anglais - Américain (2009-01-07 18:49:20)
- Signification - this much-used (2009-01-07 19:04:32)
- Sujets CAPES AGREG 2009 (2009-01-06 22:44:11)
- 24 hour business day ? (2009-01-06 21:03:10)
- Thinging about (2009-01-06 18:34:45)
- Stagiaire construction de séquences (2009-01-14 20:48:58)
- Prendre l'année en cours de route (2009-01-11 11:27:47)
- Conditional (2009-01-06 22:54:35)
- Best pattern (to or for) (2009-01-06 11:39:56)
- LCE anglais avec bac S (2009-01-25 18:12:50)
- Prés de-à coté de (2009-01-06 14:42:47)
- Infinitif ou ing ? (2009-01-06 10:09:35)
- Bonne réception (2009-01-08 14:22:36)
- Cours de langue par téléphone (2009-01-05 14:51:01)
- Verbes irréguliers (2009-01-05 10:07:23)
- Explications sur le H (2009-01-04 22:37:04)
- Description/article ou pas (2009-01-05 11:18:12)
- Could take photographs/traduction (2009-01-04 18:45:19)
- Traduction/s'investir (2009-01-07 11:34:30)
- Expression traduction (2009-01-05 10:01:29)
- Traduction-closest (2009-01-04 17:39:12)
- Traduction/How I wish (2009-01-04 14:12:47)
- Aide pour thème - prépa littéraire (2009-01-05 18:02:15)
- Traduction/steaming across (2009-01-04 15:48:49)
- Traduction et avis (2009-01-10 01:26:43)
- Is it important to be different ? Essay (2009-01-05 23:07:49)
- Traduction/dates of schools (2009-01-03 19:22:55)
- French assistant Cover letter (2009-01-03 16:32:36)
- My sweet sixteen (2009-01-02 21:40:26)
- Exercice sur les goûts (2009-01-03 01:47:12)
- Les langues/avenir (2009-01-05 17:03:13)
- Recensement des vidéos youtube (2009-01-02 18:24:56)
- Vocabulaire texte anglais (2009-01-02 16:53:47)
- Noun phrases (2009-01-02 18:37:18)
- Probleme avec l'article (2009-01-02 20:47:06)
- Je ne comprends pas/points (2009-03-05 19:46:56)
- I would / I'd? (2009-03-11 13:00:43)
- Larmes retenues? (2009-01-18 01:17:02)
- Okay, then (2008-12-31 23:03:28)
- Télécharger Office2007 (2008-12-31 10:07:51)
- Meaning of ' kinda, kind of ' (2008-12-31 11:49:52)
- Harmony business? (2009-01-04 04:02:56)
- Voyelles (2009-01-01 19:14:18)
- Him et who,compatibles? (2009-01-12 19:11:19)
- Concordance de temps (2008-12-31 18:26:21)
- Pourquoi le pronom -she ? (2008-12-31 11:25:07)
- Les meilleurs délais (2008-12-30 17:45:51)
- Advertising consumer (2008-12-30 18:24:16)
- Be born (2008-12-30 13:17:31)
- Correction/Chief inspector (2009-01-03 15:25:08)
- Besoin d'aide lettre motivation (2009-01-03 14:32:56)
- fish (s) (2008-12-31 17:08:34)
- Exercice plu-perfect (2008-12-29 22:19:07)
- Intégrer une université de l'Ivy lea (2008-12-29 12:02:42)
- Enter prétérit (2008-12-29 12:44:02)
- Apprentissage traduction (2009-07-20 14:48:07)
- Pourqoi like au lieu de as (2008-12-29 10:42:23)
- Niveau des connaissances des langues (2008-12-29 09:29:26)
- Exercice/cooking (2009-01-03 01:30:16)
- Verb, object, complement and adverbial (2008-12-29 11:17:03)
- Correction / Prétérit ou Past Perfect (2008-12-28 22:46:04)
- Indénombrable pluriel ? (2008-12-29 12:32:30)
- Gestion de la classe (2009-01-06 17:31:49)
- Terminaison de verbe (2008-12-27 14:50:46)
- Nombres de postes - CAPES 2009 (2009-01-04 12:58:53)
- Restitution organisée des connaissances (2008-12-27 14:07:25)
- Marketing (aide) (2008-12-30 18:23:07)
- Assistanat CIEP ou programme Comenius (2008-12-26 23:04:06)
- Vocabulary quiz 'P-words 13' (2009-01-07 21:24:08)
- La position de Who? (2008-12-26 20:22:17)
- Auxiliaire do ou have ? (2008-12-26 23:47:12)
- Lexique adapté, riche et varié (2009-01-10 16:06:57)
- Commentaire/Ellis Island (2009-01-04 15:54:26)
- CAPES 2009/English student (2009-02-16 16:47:26)
- Rédaction au choix/anglais (2008-12-28 16:24:13)
- Voix passive en anglais (2008-12-30 19:26:37)
- Rather ou better (2008-12-25 17:55:46)
- Correction/In the 50ties (2008-12-29 15:48:05)
- Cherche programme de recensement (2008-12-24 18:09:40)
- Cool (2008-12-26 11:44:40)
- No ou not (2008-12-24 19:17:02)
- Traduction carte de Noël (2008-12-24 17:26:44)
- Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année (2009-03-08 13:36:17)
- Ma traduction/Most hopes (2008-12-25 23:47:27)
- Ma traduction/game folder (2008-12-24 10:09:26)
- Description /new technology (2008-12-24 18:10:48)
- Vérification (2008-12-23 21:57:33)
- Musique (2008-12-28 13:36:40)
- The or 0 (2008-12-23 14:07:14)
- Exposé /trucks and buses (2008-12-23 17:09:24)
- Aide traduction série anglaise (2008-12-22 19:19:24)
- Non-titulaire (2009-01-06 14:41:27)
- Homophones 'vane' (2008-12-22 14:24:32)
- What/what a,an and how (2008-12-22 17:37:17)
- Translation on a resume (2008-12-21 16:27:10)
- Christmas recipe ? (2008-12-21 16:48:42)
- Petite question/greet your father (2008-12-22 07:26:34)
- Marchés de Noël (correction) (2008-12-23 12:20:12)
- I need your help (2008-12-20 23:06:31)
- Carte de voeux en anglais (2008-12-22 22:18:14)
- Stress and accent (2009-02-09 19:49:29)
- Sens d'un mot (2008-12-20 21:28:06)
- Traduction (2008-12-19 20:45:26)
- Phonétique (aide) (2009-01-23 21:56:25)
- Enhancement/improvement (2008-12-22 09:32:22)
- Maître en la matière (2008-12-20 20:06:52)
- Le soleil de petite Margot/ Version II (2009-01-09 10:25:49)
- Help correction/Money (2008-12-19 14:10:58)
- Je suis en pause (2008-12-20 20:11:05)
- Traduction de titre (2008-12-18 15:27:49)
- Have et adverbe de fréquence (2008-12-18 19:43:46)
- My compositon of 'Equilibrium' (2008-12-19 14:25:20)
- Vocabulary quiz 'D-words 13' (2008-12-26 21:34:11)
- Correction fautes ' Cartoon ' (2008-12-18 10:20:30)
- Vocabulaire ' faire un stage ' (2008-12-21 09:12:37)
- Grammaire (2008-12-17 02:42:43)
- (a) hot water (2008-12-16 19:49:49)
- Suspense in books and films (2009-01-05 18:45:18)
- Avoir la tête ailleurs (correction) (2008-12-20 20:36:46)
- Traduction -on the force (2008-12-15 21:41:02)
- superhero‘s duty (correction) (2008-12-17 18:29:43)
- Correction/Torn Apart (2008-12-15 22:22:28)
- Salvation army (2008-12-19 19:23:41)
- You should have told me (2008-12-20 10:17:54)
- Correction of extract (2008-12-14 21:27:42)
- Tellement longtemps/traduction (2008-12-14 17:51:06)
- Anglais médical (2008-12-14 17:35:59)
- Sorry for/about (2008-12-14 18:05:22)
- Traduction present continuous (2008-12-14 16:31:25)
- A thriller (2008-12-17 14:10:28)
- Incroyable! (correction) (2008-12-14 16:40:32)
- Pour un résumé (2008-12-14 11:33:08)
- Verbe have (2008-12-13 22:07:49)
- Révolution industrielle (correction) (2008-12-14 16:46:17)
- Système d'alarme (correction) (2008-12-14 11:27:33)
- Dernière séance avant Noël (2008-12-14 18:17:09)
- Traduction/revisiter (2008-12-15 21:04:09)
- Traduction/transmettre (2008-12-13 17:23:44)
- Correction /we haven’t written (2008-12-14 00:10:20)
- Correction d'une lettre de motivatio (2009-01-02 23:32:00)
- What is the correct word meaning (2009-03-11 12:58:38)
- Aide traduction/but a peanut (2008-12-13 09:05:50)
- Analyse d'une image (2008-12-14 15:07:40)
- Traduction de falloir (2008-12-13 14:26:47)
- Do/does (2008-12-12 23:16:47)
- Phrases/premier rang (2008-12-12 14:57:31)
- Questions de grammaire (2008-12-12 11:19:56)
- Pièce de théâtre en anglais (2010-05-10 23:31:23)
- A, An ou rien? (2008-12-12 08:08:22)
- Modalisation- Devoir (2008-12-13 23:51:23)
- Sketch Section Européenne (2008-12-17 14:15:51)
- Comment traduire 'bailout'? (2008-12-12 00:23:26)
- Questions / F1/sport auto (2008-12-16 20:40:04)
- Seconde fois que ... (2008-12-11 18:01:39)
- I hope + passé (2008-12-11 05:55:17)
- Problème cours particulier (2008-12-14 15:37:20)
- Vocabulary quiz 'C-words 13' (2008-12-17 21:17:49)
- Aide sur un test d'anglais (2008-12-12 13:19:07)
- Mot-Mystère N°44 (2009-01-09 10:19:34)
- Emploi de neither...nor (2008-12-10 20:16:56)
- TOEIC - (2009-06-18 14:39:19)
- Past perfect (2008-12-10 22:43:44)
- Traduction 'pattern' (2008-12-10 09:54:32)
- Devenir prof d'anglais à 41 ans ? (2008-12-21 08:50:13)
- Traduction de phrase/overhead (2008-12-10 10:00:30)
- Conditionnel présent (2008-12-09 11:56:17)
- Auto stop (aide) (2008-12-09 17:00:13)
- Présentation d'un berceau (2008-12-10 19:49:48)
- Prepositions on and by (2008-12-08 22:30:29)
- Correction d'une rédaction (2008-12-14 23:54:41)
- Superhero (2008-12-09 18:12:30)
- Cover letter/Lettre de motivation UK (2008-12-08 22:55:37)
- Expression écrite thriller (2008-12-08 20:08:20)
- point de grammaire (2008-12-08 17:39:04)
- Step In 3e (2009-12-17 23:27:04)
- Statut des biens (2009-01-10 15:44:05)
- Correction discours fictif (2008-12-11 16:47:37)
- Partir vivre à Londres (2010-01-15 02:59:53)
- Prof de français en GB à 30 ans (2008-12-30 21:41:50)
- Correction/visual document (2008-12-08 09:51:30)
- Correction d'un dialogue (2008-12-07 18:30:13)
- Traduction expression (2008-12-07 17:41:50)
- Aide à la traduction/ Nina (2008-12-09 11:52:10)
- Expression'prendre le pas' (2008-12-08 19:44:52)
- Correction exercice/conditionnel (2008-12-07 10:45:52)
- Éducation et prévention (correction) (2008-12-06 20:22:40)
- Enseignement universitaire (2008-12-06 19:05:20)
- Résumés livre (2008-12-11 19:03:06)
- Bébés / (correction) (2008-12-06 15:27:36)
- Le soleil de Petite Margot Version I (2008-12-23 18:06:26)
- ELE (2008-12-05 21:02:42)
- Correction d'un exercice (2008-12-06 23:36:09)
- Traductions textes de bac (2008-12-05 18:54:26)
- Sujet de Partiel - Stem Cell (2008-12-05 15:03:26)
- Traduction texte littéraire (2008-12-06 20:39:08)
- Cours particuliers (2008-12-15 10:18:02)
- Traduction/Eastern Nile (2008-12-07 21:01:49)
- Correction /artificial heart (2008-12-05 12:14:12)
- Theatre (2008-12-06 16:14:16)
- Correction /to get a tattoo (2008-12-08 11:55:06)
- Medical report (correction) (2008-12-06 19:33:57)
- Phonétique facile? (2008-12-11 18:22:46)
- Sujet de société (correction) (2008-12-05 00:14:50)
- Moderate ou conversational (2008-12-05 07:32:13)
- Vocabulaire et Expression (2008-12-04 18:45:46)
- Le fils (correction) (2008-12-06 20:53:55)
- Vocabulary quiz 'S-words 12' (2008-12-10 21:44:06)
- Question/might think (2008-12-04 19:19:52)
- Correction de fautes/logistics (2008-12-03 19:35:41)
- Traduction/vacance de poste (2008-12-04 09:38:07)
- A local difficulty (translation) (2008-12-03 15:20:17)
- Me présenter en Anglais (2008-12-03 13:53:23)
- La spécialité commençe en master 1 ou 2? (2008-12-03 01:02:10)
- Voeux en Anglais HELP! Merci (2008-12-03 07:48:50)
- Calcul d'un score TOEFL PBT (2008-12-02 23:17:42)
- Commencer un mail en anglais (2008-12-03 01:35:05)
- Place de not only (2008-12-02 17:15:53)
- Version et niveau (2008-12-02 17:31:23)
- Hello and thanks a lot (2008-12-02 15:14:43)
- Correction/adjectifs substantivés (2008-12-02 19:04:32)
- Témoignages 3ème concours (2008-12-01 17:18:00)
- Steal (2008-12-02 17:04:47)
- Correction/looking at me (2008-12-06 23:17:24)
- Traduction/suite plus tard... (2008-12-02 05:20:39)
- Obtenir le CAPES? Si difficile? (2008-12-19 16:21:04)
- Mot Mystère N° 43- (2008-12-10 20:11:59)
- H muet et H aspiré (2008-12-01 00:45:03)
- Present perfect (2008-12-01 06:24:33)
- Childhood (Correction) (2008-12-01 11:50:32)
- Rimouski /Correction (2008-12-04 00:15:28)
- sunny September /Correction (2008-12-04 00:14:58)
- Des expressions difficiles !! (2008-12-03 17:48:46)
- Faire ses preuves? (2008-11-30 23:06:12)
- H aspiré ou non (2008-11-30 18:50:40)
- Juste une petite précision (2008-11-30 16:18:49)
- Hamlet (correction) (2008-11-30 18:14:27)
- Temptation (2008-12-01 16:40:43)
- Futur et shall (2008-12-03 17:09:43)
- Noms collectifs (2008-11-29 22:56:25)
- Conjugaison (2008-11-30 16:18:12)
- Traduction pour un CV (2008-12-01 22:44:25)
- The word 'Class' (2008-11-29 21:00:31)
- Poème en anglais (2008-11-30 17:54:59)
- Résumé de prison break (2008-12-03 18:43:28)
- Comment utiliser must/may/can't have (2008-11-29 16:21:47)
- Aide traduction/confidence (2008-12-06 19:37:44)
- Cas possessif correction (2008-11-30 20:25:15)
- Cours de phonétique LCE anglais (2008-12-04 08:37:26)
- Tag/aide (2008-11-29 13:34:03)
- Place des mots dans une question (2008-11-29 19:49:19)
- Capes / civilisation (2008-12-11 12:55:07)
- Phonetique - retranscrire des mots (2008-11-30 18:27:42)
- 'On' ou 'In' dans cet (2008-11-29 13:46:10)
- Traductions des prénoms (2008-11-28 21:05:07)
- Vocabulary of wine (2008-11-28 10:34:33)
- Playway? (2008-11-28 15:36:48)
- Pacs et mutation (2009-10-07 17:28:51)
- Infinitif ing ou to (2008-11-28 07:13:01)
- BTS NRC- épreuve orale (2008-11-27 22:18:33)
- Funny Apology Letter (2008-11-29 11:45:34)
- Complément d'information Plz (2008-11-27 20:50:00)
- plaidoyer/correction (2008-11-27 20:24:29)
- Phrases au gérondif (2008-11-27 18:28:11)
- pourquoi -worries? (2008-11-27 18:45:55)
- Then and by then (2008-11-28 03:49:57)
- Correction de phrases (2008-11-27 21:56:27)
- Essay d'anglais (2008-11-27 16:21:45)
- Année 2003 en toutes lettres (2008-11-27 14:32:34)
- Traduction - noms de diplômes (2008-12-02 07:28:09)
- Labour has a majority (translation) (2008-11-27 00:21:57)
- De l aide pour corriger quelques phrases (2008-11-27 17:26:47)
- Vocabulary quiz 'P-words 12' (2008-12-03 21:19:54)
- Prétérit simple et Be + -ing (2008-11-26 21:36:31)
- Capes avec option Anglais HHEELLPP (2008-11-26 21:03:38)
- Meaning of 'not be where near'? (2009-01-25 22:48:15)
- Conditionnel présent??? (2008-11-26 16:53:45)
- Pluriels (2008-11-26 16:43:09)
- Stephenie Meyer / Correction (2008-11-26 21:32:58)
- Mot-Mystère N°42 (2008-11-28 14:41:51)
- It is hot water et non it is a hot water (2008-11-26 16:56:34)
- Where're (2008-11-26 02:44:59)
- Ecrire la date (2008-11-25 11:24:20)
- Qui peut me traduire littéralement la fa (2008-11-25 13:22:31)
- Je ne comprends pas pourquoi!! (2008-11-24 21:22:21)
- Lettre/ weekend (2008-11-25 18:40:01)
- Tag question (2008-11-28 09:05:08)
- Smoke (2008-11-24 18:54:40)
- Prononciation, articulation (2008-11-23 23:10:51)
- Role play (correction) (2008-11-23 23:31:39)
- A colorfull newspaper (correction) (2008-11-25 11:13:14)
- Degrees of probability (2008-11-23 19:17:00)
- To need (2008-11-23 23:08:23)
- vegetarian, / Correction (2008-11-26 22:38:55)
- (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II (2008-12-02 09:11:49)
- burnout (correction) (2008-11-25 11:19:18)
- Differences between similar words? (2009-02-19 01:08:37)
- Travel in Washington (correction) (2008-11-23 18:04:05)
- 'we're getting somewhere'? (2008-11-24 09:39:54)
- Preterit or present perfect? =) (2008-11-23 16:12:12)
- Exercice juste? (2008-11-23 13:54:53)
- Que pensez vous de ma traduction? (2008-11-25 17:21:46)
- Enseigner en banlieue parisienne,en ZEP (2008-11-23 13:52:12)
- Traduction - la malaria (2008-11-23 15:33:43)
- Comment dire 'Quels sont-ils?' (2008-11-23 18:13:29)
- Correction pour un oral d'anglais (2008-11-26 17:15:42)
- ESIT / ISIT (2008-11-22 18:32:35)
- Utilisation de 'Sake' (2008-11-22 18:52:28)
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