33527 sujets
Les plus récents d'abord
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- The missing vowels/247 (2018-02-12 13:47:13)
- Je et j'/ traduction (2018-02-08 09:22:46)
- Adverbes/aide (2018-02-07 17:06:14)
- A dystopian novel/genesis (2018-02-08 17:46:10)
- Vérification/ traduction (2018-02-22 20:30:55)
- D'un jour/ traduction (2018-02-06 22:57:07)
- Hour/ Day (2018-02-07 01:30:54)
- Notion/ Idea of Progress (2018-02-06 12:03:07)
- Mots interrogatifs/aide (2018-02-06 14:23:17)
- BBC/ The Impressionists (2018-02-05 18:17:30)
- Phrases/aide (2018-02-05 17:24:23)
- Question/do ou be (2018-02-08 19:55:01)
- Aide/Black Friday (2018-02-05 06:15:18)
- Les temps/aide (2018-02-05 06:22:45)
- Oral/correction (2018-02-04 17:51:47)
- Réponse/are you from France (2018-02-04 14:41:18)
- CV en anglais/aide (2018-02-05 18:30:24)
- Adverbe/aide (2018-02-05 17:39:25)
- Petite rédaction (2018-02-03 16:20:54)
- Exercice/pluperfect (2018-02-03 14:14:19)
- Confusing verbs/aide (2018-02-03 16:39:20)
- Prononciation/ t et d (2018-02-03 22:55:59)
- So English (2018-02-02 20:32:19)
- To take place/aide (2018-02-03 09:17:10)
- Level/ help (2018-02-03 17:55:36)
- Traduction/formule de politesse (2018-02-01 18:09:06)
- Language impairments and teachers (2018-02-01 16:42:32)
- Contraction 'd /could (2018-02-01 20:16:23)
- The missing vowels/246 (2018-02-05 21:37:15)
- A short writing/help (2018-02-03 01:18:56)
- Help/ technical writing (2018-02-05 02:49:38)
- Our Story/ 25 (2018-02-15 10:22:55)
- Discours direct/indirect (2018-02-02 14:13:27)
- Déclinaisons/to let (2018-02-03 01:15:07)
- Présentation/aide (2018-02-14 17:21:33)
- Construction/phrases (2018-02-02 08:02:24)
- Lettre motivation/stage (2018-02-03 19:06:32)
- Rapport /stage (2018-01-30 11:30:27)
- Ex 125/ keeping pace (2018-02-13 23:42:21)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/15 (2018-02-14 23:33:42)
- Compréhension/ erreurs (2018-01-30 03:13:01)
- Question ERASMUS (2018-02-13 21:44:15)
- Différence entre 'eguess' / exi (2018-01-29 11:06:05)
- Going to/ Will (2018-01-28 17:37:07)
- Question tags/aide (2018-01-28 15:24:42)
- Collective nouns/aide (2018-01-27 17:07:09)
- Subjonctif /aide (2018-01-25 19:21:04)
- Future/when as soon as (2018-02-12 12:29:27)
- The missing vowels/245 (2018-01-31 19:22:06)
- Phrase/traduction (2018-01-25 14:20:03)
- Recherche cd classe So English! (2018-01-23 13:46:19)
- Oral/Espaces et échanges (2018-02-01 17:56:57)
- Aide/not to (2018-01-22 20:08:38)
- Texte / trois temps (2018-01-22 18:23:50)
- Word/words (2018-02-04 13:52:50)
- Public Transport/help (2018-01-22 16:47:16)
- Aide/I have been/I was (2018-01-21 22:24:19)
- Non compréhension/oral (2018-01-21 19:59:41)
- Oral/aide (2018-01-26 19:06:24)
- Question tags/aide (2018-01-21 10:20:31)
- Aide/résolutions (2018-01-21 22:36:51)
- Good / well (2018-01-19 23:03:29)
- Here it is/aide (2018-01-19 15:27:12)
- There has/ there have (2018-01-24 06:52:46)
- On dit fifteen/ fiveteen (2018-01-21 19:29:00)
- Prononcer ED/aide (2018-02-01 17:33:44)
- Materialise/problème de conjugaison (2018-01-19 11:23:25)
- Traduction/help (2018-01-18 18:06:14)
- Present or past/ that (2018-01-19 10:14:59)
- The missing vowels/244 (2018-01-23 13:30:46)
- Niveau/école primaire (2018-01-17 23:03:23)
- Expression/explication (2018-01-18 11:49:22)
- Professeur de français en Irlande (2018-01-17 18:26:15)
- Correction/curriculum vitae (2018-02-05 18:43:14)
- Livres à donner (2018-01-20 23:18:35)
- Keen on/aide (2018-01-17 12:11:13)
- Aide/Poser une question (2018-01-18 22:41:40)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2018-01-16 05:20:46)
- Ex 124/ gaining momentum (2018-01-30 23:07:49)
- Is putting out /does put out (2018-01-19 10:37:10)
- Day O/aide (2018-01-15 14:24:08)
- Have/are having breakfast (2018-01-15 20:22:25)
- Anyhow/ anyway (2018-01-15 18:49:14)
- I've learned/ while (2018-01-15 20:27:41)
- Audio Bloggers 4e (2018-02-04 15:19:44)
- Getting by/explication (2018-01-14 20:15:13)
- Our Story/ 24 (2018-01-30 22:10:47)
- Rack your Brains and Help/14 (2018-01-29 23:27:11)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2018-01-19 20:43:04)
- Weather/aide (2018-01-13 19:55:06)
- Aide/résumé (2018-01-13 15:11:47)
- Verbes/ dialogues (2018-01-18 14:21:29)
- Liste de mots/aide (2018-01-18 16:09:41)
- Phrase/aide (2018-01-13 21:27:25)
- The missing vowels/243 (2018-01-17 07:44:52)
- Essai /correction (2018-01-13 22:23:59)
- L'adjectif postposé/aide (2018-01-11 11:57:33)
- Correction/surconsommation (2018-01-11 12:27:54)
- Magazine/ Hawaii (2018-01-10 17:23:32)
- Aide/beyond limits (2018-01-11 16:31:10)
- Out superflu/ou pas (2018-01-14 21:49:33)
- Mon weekend/aide (2018-01-10 11:54:58)
- Dunno / do know (2018-01-09 23:08:30)
- Correction/paragraphes (2018-01-15 14:01:25)
- Give me five 4e (2018-01-08 20:19:11)
- Give me five 3eme (2018-01-08 10:36:18)
- Communication/langue anglaise (2018-01-28 16:51:15)
- Ditransitive verbs/aide (2018-01-09 00:14:20)
- Teen Time 4eme chapitre fit and healthy (2018-01-07 19:35:18)
- Correction/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2018-01-08 15:10:37)
- Mot-never/aide (2018-01-08 19:58:48)
- Question tags/aide (2018-01-07 15:32:26)
- Correction/Espaces et échanges (2018-01-06 17:48:43)
- Formulation/ Question (2018-01-06 16:56:16)
- Passive/ two objects (2018-01-07 20:25:07)
- Comment/interpréter (2018-01-06 11:27:17)
- Niveau/aide (2018-01-06 09:38:42)
- Heads-up/aide (2018-01-09 15:09:59)
- Correction/Synthèse (2018-01-05 22:39:25)
- Comparatif d'égalité/aide (2018-01-05 13:54:18)
- Les adjectifs/fonction (2018-01-04 16:45:15)
- Correction/Myths and heroes (2018-01-05 22:10:46)
- Correction/Paradise News (2018-01-04 14:44:28)
- Present continuous/ simple (2018-01-13 13:53:26)
- The missing vowels/242 (2018-01-09 07:24:02)
- Correction/G.Courbet (2018-01-05 14:02:28)
- Correction/ oral (2018-01-03 18:14:27)
- Correction/Espaces et échanges (2018-01-07 18:02:55)
- Doctor Who /Mythes et Héros (2018-01-04 11:01:33)
- Dialogue /Australie (2018-01-03 19:33:54)
- Tâche finale/Hawaii (2018-01-08 23:00:13)
- Vocabulaire/aide (2018-01-01 16:47:26)
- Our Story/ 23 (2018-01-14 12:33:05)
- Mot /supporter (2018-01-02 13:56:48)
- Correction /The best job (2018-01-02 20:00:24)
- Oral/ Myths and heroes (2018-01-03 13:37:36)
- Utilisation/ for (2018-01-02 17:19:41)
- Ex 123/ still on holiday? (2018-01-15 23:56:02)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/13 (2018-01-14 23:26:37)
- Under/ in the shade (2018-01-18 15:20:25)
- Correction/exposé (2017-12-28 18:13:29)
- Help/grammatical question (2017-12-28 18:59:46)
- What accent /help (2017-12-28 14:38:58)
- Meaning/any (2017-12-28 11:35:21)
- As well as/help (2017-12-28 11:26:25)
- The missing vowels/241 (2018-01-03 20:27:40)
- Definition/Myth and Hero (2018-01-04 10:59:51)
- Help/their, his or her (2017-12-27 17:55:23)
- Which sentence/help (2017-12-27 23:59:08)
- Correction/ Name Spelling (2017-12-27 17:14:05)
- Stock Taking/help (2017-12-27 13:59:35)
- Help/mobile phones (2017-12-26 10:51:03)
- Question/some-any (2017-12-25 22:14:35)
- Différence/mots (2017-12-25 21:19:03)
- Mot-question/that (2017-12-25 19:51:19)
- Question/que (2017-12-25 19:50:48)
- Différence/phrases (2017-12-25 19:52:36)
- Traduction/mot (2017-12-23 21:54:37)
- Prononciation/ verbes en ed (2017-12-29 08:21:05)
- Temps / modaux (2018-01-18 08:45:16)
- Superlatif/aide (2017-12-21 14:24:20)
- The missing vowels/240 (2017-12-24 21:39:17)
- Système de points/aide (2017-12-20 13:40:13)
- Participe passé/aide (2017-12-19 22:00:56)
- Prétérit / USA (2017-12-25 04:32:13)
- Prétérit simple /-ing (2017-12-20 19:33:54)
- Joyeuses fêtes 2017-2018 ! (2018-01-15 20:11:33)
- Exercice/ spot publicitaire (2017-12-18 17:13:28)
- Our Story/ 22 (2018-01-01 21:54:26)
- Ex122/playing through the Holiday (2017-12-30 23:30:42)
- Texte/démocratie animale (2017-12-20 12:59:37)
- Correction/Drama club (2017-12-17 18:35:18)
- Traduction/kissing gate (2017-12-17 18:46:36)
- Aide/devoir (2017-12-17 16:30:16)
- Présent simple/v-ing (2017-12-16 19:40:31)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/12 (2017-12-29 23:41:38)
- Correction/ Oral (2017-12-15 17:48:58)
- Places and forms of power/aide (2017-12-16 16:05:57)
- Some any no/aide (2017-12-15 19:11:58)
- Préposition/For (2017-12-14 11:04:44)
- Adjective/ Preposition (2017-12-16 12:39:08)
- The missing vowels/239 (2017-12-18 03:26:36)
- Traduction/ phrase difficile (2017-12-19 22:39:02)
- Lettre /aide (2017-12-18 19:10:10)
- Aide/description document (2017-12-13 14:39:59)
- Traduction/phrases (2017-12-15 18:06:55)
- Problème/ phrases (2017-12-12 21:44:50)
- Réorientation LLCE ANGLAIS 2e semestre (2017-12-11 22:25:15)
- Prepositional verb/aide (2017-12-13 16:48:12)
- Indirect speech/help (2017-12-11 14:38:55)
- Plan / sujet (2017-12-10 14:17:38)
- Série /anglais (2017-12-12 15:03:36)
- Futur/aide (2017-12-13 08:15:51)
- Problème /Question (2017-12-20 21:08:36)
- Oral/ Places and Forms of Power (2017-12-13 17:46:52)
- Correction/ email (2017-12-18 20:09:29)
- Idiomatique/aide (2017-12-09 14:31:14)
- Lettre/ motivation (2017-12-08 12:27:15)
- Correction/ sentence (2017-12-11 21:44:52)
- In two weeks time /aide (2017-12-07 17:09:04)
- Complément/aide (2017-12-07 11:36:32)
- Insérer une image sur le forum (2017-12-07 14:20:01)
- Correction/ police interview (2017-12-08 20:02:24)
- Prétérit/ present perfect (2017-12-07 11:24:23)
- The missing vowels/238 (2017-12-12 20:00:19)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2017-12-06 23:20:00)
- Vérification/ traductions (2017-12-06 18:34:24)
- Present perfect/prétérit (2017-12-06 14:30:43)
- Explication/phrase (2017-12-06 14:38:03)
- Ever/question (2017-12-05 17:32:04)
- Traduction/open off (2017-12-06 15:00:51)
- Présentation/ livre (2017-12-04 00:27:17)
- Press review /méthodologie (2017-12-04 11:59:44)
- Correction exercice/ temps (2017-12-04 00:13:30)
- Faire partie/aide (2017-12-04 10:21:18)
- Oral /Presentation (2017-12-03 17:14:56)
- Give me five 3e (2017-12-02 22:30:27)
- Cv / anglais (2017-12-02 17:42:17)
- Traduction/ web pattern (2017-12-02 16:04:59)
- Correction/ Oral (2017-12-02 10:37:36)
- Avis traduction/ titre (2017-12-11 21:43:03)
- Ex 121/ enthusiastic as ever (2017-12-17 23:58:40)
- Rack your brains and help!/ 11 (2017-12-16 23:28:08)
- Correction/abstract stage (2017-12-17 14:00:18)
- Our Story/ 21 (2017-12-18 12:02:41)
- The missing vowels/237 (2017-12-06 07:51:30)
- Speech leadership/aide (2017-11-30 19:16:08)
- Compter les mots/Bac (2017-11-29 21:13:49)
- Used to/marginal verb (2017-11-30 16:32:20)
- Présent simple/ Be+ ing (2017-11-28 19:01:53)
- Politics/school uniform (2017-12-01 09:24:42)
- Lettre et forme en ing (2017-11-28 16:14:07)
- Worry/countable or uncountable (2017-11-28 11:56:11)
- Préposition/To (2017-11-28 19:46:57)
- Demande/correction (2017-11-28 00:27:46)
- Correction/ Oral (2017-11-28 16:25:30)
- Used to/ always (2017-11-28 18:04:52)
- Join the team 3e 2012 vidéos (2017-11-27 21:40:20)
- Analyse/cours (2017-11-27 15:05:14)
- Prepare tea/dialogue (2017-11-27 14:10:26)
- A lot-lots of/help (2017-11-27 00:30:03)
- Notion/ Idea of Progress (2017-11-27 16:08:28)
- Correction/ email (2017-11-27 16:12:10)
- Analyse /criticizes (2017-11-25 17:58:40)
- Traduction/aide (2017-11-26 12:05:48)
- Mail / stage (2017-11-25 02:12:28)
- Dialogue/so et neither (2017-11-24 14:59:16)
- Correction/ Rédaction (2017-11-23 19:14:18)
- Aide/Manchester (2017-11-27 20:46:34)
- English summary/aide (2017-11-24 18:51:16)
- Let him go/ goes (2017-11-24 14:49:08)
- My cover letter/aide (2017-11-23 13:55:57)
- The missing vowels/236 (2017-11-29 00:03:07)
- Think of/think about (2017-11-26 21:49:14)
- Aide/relecture (2017-11-22 18:17:22)
- Correction / IELTS (2017-11-21 20:23:35)
- Tournure/ expression (2017-11-22 15:13:05)
- Aide/ traduction (2017-11-28 16:14:50)
- Basic/help (2017-11-20 21:03:45)
- Memorial/article ou pas (2017-11-20 18:34:29)
- Present perfect/aide (2017-11-19 21:04:48)
- Aide/ astreinte (2017-11-19 15:36:37)
- Traduction/candidature (2017-11-22 00:03:21)
- Curriculum vitae/help (2017-11-20 13:50:35)
- EOC/Locations and Forms of power (2017-11-18 23:45:06)
- Phrasal Verb/particule inséparable (2017-11-20 19:51:07)
- Reconnaissance et respect (2017-11-21 17:28:13)
- Whose/ question (2017-11-17 20:06:23)
- Freedom/help (2017-11-19 06:26:34)
- The missing vowels/235 (2017-11-23 00:16:16)
- Conjugaison/aide (2017-11-17 10:18:33)
- Correction/ page BD (2017-11-17 20:56:10)
- The news hit/ hits (2017-11-16 16:18:03)
- Exception/emploi de will (2017-11-16 09:50:09)
- To + noun/for + noun (2017-11-25 13:09:36)
- Work /lifestyle (2017-11-16 16:18:23)
- Recherche/ serveur discord (2017-11-15 03:45:55)
- Which/help (2017-11-16 09:59:01)
- Correction/ grammaire (2017-11-15 12:59:40)
- Correction/ Myths and Heroes (2017-11-14 14:46:47)
- Superlatif/aide (2017-11-14 14:36:43)
- During or on/help (2017-11-13 22:54:25)
- Aide/ traduction (2017-11-16 22:31:50)
- Our Story/20 (2017-11-29 22:13:55)
- Discours direct/ indirect (2017-11-13 23:20:44)
- Inversion /help (2017-11-13 15:06:03)
- Passé simple/imparfait (2017-11-13 11:40:24)
- Rack your brains/10 and help (2017-11-30 05:38:55)
- Ex120/ steady... go on! (2017-12-01 08:06:46)
- I or me/ discussion (2017-11-12 20:32:17)
- Correction/Évariste Galois (2017-11-12 18:26:38)
- Différence/deux questions (2017-11-12 14:57:35)
- Disadvantage / cigarette (2017-11-18 11:41:27)
- Benefit/geography (2017-11-13 11:38:59)
- Have /help (2017-11-12 00:35:15)
- EOC/Locations and Forms of power (2017-11-11 18:04:06)
- Nombre /aide (2017-11-11 19:16:22)
- Recherche CD New Password 2nde (2017-11-11 11:02:37)
- Cherche des amis (2017-11-17 01:29:10)
- LELE /parcours initiatique-dossier (2017-11-10 22:11:22)
- Welcome Tea-room/Dialogue (2017-11-11 05:20:40)
- Question/ possession (2017-11-10 13:09:32)
- Correction/assurance (2017-11-11 19:01:51)
- Had or if/help (2017-11-09 14:16:50)
- Usage/Future Perfect Progressive (2017-11-09 14:43:31)
- The missing vowels/234 (2017-11-12 13:53:36)
- Exercice/Souhait-Volonté-Regret (2017-11-08 22:07:55)
- My personal belief/aide (2017-11-11 04:45:21)
- When shall we meet/Dialogue (2017-11-08 18:18:38)
- Passif/aide (2017-11-08 16:46:57)
- Cover letter/aide (2017-11-11 07:07:23)
- Conjugaison / temps (2017-11-07 23:36:50)
- Pouvoir musique/dissertation (2017-11-07 17:36:00)
- Synthèse/ Terminale (2017-11-08 16:21:14)
- Question/Thèmes (2017-11-11 02:00:55)
- Correspondance/graphie phonie (2017-11-08 12:59:01)
- Allow/aide (2017-11-07 21:23:48)
- For/sous-entendu (2017-11-08 10:28:54)
- Préposition/ To (2017-11-06 15:37:58)
- Aide/ lettre Erasmus (2017-11-11 07:26:09)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2017-11-05 20:47:10)
- All /All of (2017-11-06 15:34:19)
- Wherever/where (2017-11-06 15:32:36)
- Present perfect/aide (2017-11-05 21:13:44)
- Aide/ images choquantes (2017-11-05 16:36:09)
- Question Conjugaison 'does permit (2017-11-05 13:24:03)
- Construction/ plusieurs mots (2017-11-07 14:44:18)
- Discours/Expression Ecrite (2017-11-05 10:48:15)
- Transformer phrase/passif (2017-11-04 18:55:32)
- Cd classe (2017-11-04 13:13:55)
- Correction/1960 (2017-11-05 07:57:11)
- Correction/grass flip flops (2017-11-03 16:52:15)
- Habitude/aide (2017-11-03 20:35:19)
- Traduction/ simple phrase (2017-11-03 15:30:20)
- Emploi /on (2017-11-03 15:31:21)
- Aide/Belfast (2017-11-02 12:54:42)
- Correction/flip flops (2017-11-02 23:28:23)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2017-11-02 12:35:41)
- Goodbye/dialogue (2017-11-03 06:03:14)
- The missing vowels/233 (2017-11-08 08:41:14)
- Particule up/ utilité (2017-11-01 23:40:50)
- Compréhension/To (2017-11-03 14:19:40)
- Correction / Freddie Mercury (2017-11-02 11:44:29)
- Correction/ notions (2017-11-05 17:46:04)
- Préfixe/anglais (2017-11-04 22:25:26)
- Demande d aide et conseil (2017-11-01 09:07:49)
- Smart phone/help (2017-11-17 08:48:37)
- Irregular verbs/aide (2017-10-31 20:19:29)
- Correction/working (2017-11-01 12:47:48)
- Phrasal verbs/correction (2017-10-31 19:55:39)
- Welcome/correction (2017-10-31 11:51:57)
- Student /aide (2017-10-31 00:46:06)
- Correction/graduation (2017-10-31 14:41:40)
- When shall we meet/aide (2017-10-30 18:27:13)
- Aide/Bac anglais (2017-10-31 14:19:27)
- Our Story/ 19 (2017-11-13 21:49:21)
- Correction/ rédaction (2017-11-02 12:00:36)
- Préparation DNL (2017-10-29 17:00:31)
- Aide/ Donoghue (2017-10-29 17:29:41)
- Remplacement/ gérondif (2017-10-28 16:04:37)
- Rack your brains 9/and Help (2017-11-13 17:11:32)
- Ex 119/ with enthusiasm but moderation (2017-11-14 08:15:14)
- Traduction/ phrase simple (2017-10-28 17:30:11)
- Correction/expression écrite (2017-10-26 20:05:49)
- Aide /traduction (2017-10-27 12:27:17)
- At ou In the kitchen/aide (2017-10-28 13:41:09)
- The missing vowels/232 (2017-10-31 09:58:29)
- Enseigner l'anglais à des élèves esp (2017-10-27 07:35:05)
- Must have/aide (2017-10-25 14:32:08)
- Licence d'anglais à distance (2017-10-27 13:17:52)
- Formateur chez Berliz (2017-10-25 08:44:29)
- Medical progress/Correction (2017-10-30 18:34:16)
- The two/the two of (2017-10-24 03:11:48)
- Here we go/ expression (2017-10-25 13:31:50)
- Understanding/ questions (2017-10-23 18:30:06)
- Question/how much of a ... (2017-10-22 21:13:02)
- Consumption/ consumer customer (2017-10-22 20:37:46)
- To have / to pass (2017-10-22 19:09:02)
- Business inteligence (2017-10-22 17:51:52)
- Need-dare/présent simple (2017-10-22 21:26:34)
- Corrigé /150 mots (2017-10-22 15:56:13)
- Grammaire/traduction (2017-10-24 18:24:56)
- What about/how about (2017-10-29 17:17:37)
- Would you mind/aide (2017-10-20 14:27:12)
- Walk up/help (2017-10-23 01:21:08)
- Back/emploi particulier (2017-10-22 03:42:46)
- The missing vowels/231 (2017-10-21 20:56:33)
- Grammaire/base (2017-10-21 18:36:51)
- E for English 5ème, édition 2017 (2017-10-18 17:02:54)
- Although/in spite of (2017-10-19 11:23:41)
- Preposition/time (2017-10-17 21:04:40)
- Traduction/Périr dans les flots (2017-10-18 20:01:09)
- Prétérit/Past continuous (2017-10-16 21:12:35)
- Aide/ invention (2017-10-16 21:42:21)
- Our Story/ 18 (2017-10-31 13:16:30)
- Ex118/ less long, this time (2017-10-29 23:53:17)
- Traduction/ Phrase (2017-10-16 11:26:47)
- Compléments/+ passif (2017-10-15 22:30:04)
- Plan /s'améliorer (2017-10-16 23:02:44)
- Aide/orthographe (2017-10-17 18:43:44)
- Help him,rack your brains/7 (2017-11-05 22:16:45)
- Difficult/october (2017-10-15 18:31:59)
- Forme passive/aide (2017-10-14 15:46:08)
- Relecture/ résumé (2017-10-14 03:29:25)
- Correction/ texte de BD (2017-10-14 14:21:14)
- Translation/Quel ami (2017-10-13 21:49:18)
- Quand/accent secondaire (2017-10-14 15:30:21)
- As/ because and since (2017-10-30 14:01:20)
- Accentuation /difficile (2017-10-13 11:22:18)
- Heure/aide (2017-10-13 09:41:14)
- The missing vowels/230 (2017-10-19 22:26:16)
- Going to/ Will (2017-10-12 10:46:56)
- La géométrie facile (2017-10-11 14:33:52)
- Any/emploi (2017-10-12 01:10:25)
- A end/an end (2017-10-22 03:55:26)
- Question tag/help (2017-10-16 23:32:38)
- Traduction/come out (2017-10-15 21:57:14)
- Forgot/did forget (2017-10-10 08:36:05)
- Futur proche/condition-intention (2017-10-10 09:50:39)
- Recherche CD classes 3D TOP goals (2017-10-09 14:00:06)
- A, an/absence d'article (2017-10-14 16:00:43)
- Aide/texte (2017-10-09 07:42:18)
- Pas assez de catégories (2017-10-08 19:56:10)
- For/ pendant (2017-10-06 14:33:25)
- Meet/aide (2017-10-06 14:19:52)
- Nuances /futur proche (2017-10-06 11:17:43)
- There is-are/help (2017-10-06 11:36:52)
- Quantité/niveau débutant (2017-10-05 10:30:54)
- Being/aide (2017-10-05 08:12:29)
- The missing vowels/229 (2017-10-10 20:46:54)
- Listening/aide (2017-10-04 18:30:04)
- Futur antérieur/aide (2017-10-04 11:14:22)
- Millionaire/ stress pattern (2017-10-05 22:59:36)
- Correction/Looking for (2017-10-06 23:20:20)
- Meaning/against (2017-10-02 11:58:19)
- Traduction/aide (2017-10-01 20:03:19)
- Hommage/ (2017-10-02 10:22:22)
- Aide correction/résumé (2017-10-04 20:37:54)
- Certification anglais/avis (2017-10-04 11:56:01)
- Whom /correct (2017-10-04 02:07:22)
- Présent Simple/Be+ing (2017-10-15 12:53:02)
- Accent/endroits différents (2017-10-01 16:42:04)
- Différence/ questions (2017-09-29 20:02:55)
- Usage/ futur (2017-09-29 19:19:38)
- Our Story /17 (2017-10-15 23:21:43)
- Ex.117/work and fun (2017-10-15 23:04:22)
- Help him,rack your brains/6 (2017-10-15 19:26:56)
- Accents encore/aide (2017-09-29 16:51:53)
- Verbes /+ up (2017-09-29 08:35:39)
- Le chemin /paths (2017-10-04 09:48:15)
- Signification/ Wish (2017-09-28 19:16:22)
- Correction/ sentences (2017-09-28 14:05:43)
- Présent /present perfect (2017-09-30 00:09:29)
- The missing vowels/228 (2017-10-05 00:15:31)
- Correct/ sentences (2017-09-27 16:25:06)
- Contexte/exercices (2017-09-27 13:13:30)
- Secondary stress/aide (2017-09-28 12:47:03)
- Traduction/stuck in reverse (2017-09-27 08:58:58)
- Aide / devoirs (2017-09-26 19:59:41)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2017-09-25 11:10:22)
- Phonétique/aide (2017-09-27 11:18:35)
- Verbes réguliers/irréguliers (2017-09-24 22:21:48)
- There's been/ they were (2017-09-24 16:23:19)
- Present Perfect/aide (2017-09-23 21:13:08)
- Contraction croisée/aide (2017-09-30 14:11:48)
- Usage of/ Or else (2017-09-23 01:52:04)
- The missing vowels/227 (2017-09-26 14:57:12)
- Correction/ sentences (2017-09-24 10:02:19)
- Faire faire/aide (2017-09-20 18:58:10)
- I'm /have been wondering (2017-09-20 19:07:45)
- Have to /Structure (2017-10-09 14:35:31)
- Orientation (2017-09-19 17:23:00)
- E for English 3ème (2017-09-19 13:15:57)
- Analyse/proposition et V-ing (2017-09-19 22:13:43)
- Correction/ résumé (2017-09-19 23:18:12)
- Student council/school council (2017-09-18 15:10:48)
- Conjunctions/help (2017-09-18 13:55:11)
- CD easy goals segpa palier 2 URGENT (2017-09-17 21:51:46)
- Auxiliaires /modalité (2017-09-16 22:21:19)
- Past Tense/help (2017-09-19 23:10:47)
- DVD /anglais (2017-09-16 16:31:17)
- Have to/get to (2017-09-16 04:41:25)
- Our Story/N° 16 (2017-10-01 11:02:24)
- To be/ to have (2017-09-14 18:27:38)
- The missing vowels/226 (2017-09-15 12:21:34)
- Aide/lettre de motivation (2017-09-13 10:41:51)
- Vœux de mariage/aide (2017-09-13 23:24:25)
- Help him & Rack your brains/ 5 (2017-09-29 22:39:39)
- Ex 116/ early, for once... (2017-09-29 23:41:09)
- Dialogue /correction (2017-09-14 14:02:20)
- A story/aide (2017-09-16 22:31:58)
- Audios/ sous-titrés (2017-09-10 16:35:48)
- Need to/ have to (2017-09-12 16:38:12)
- Reconversion/aide (2017-09-09 17:22:37)
- Méthodologie cours d'anglais niveau (2017-09-09 15:36:37)
- Correction/ vacances (2017-09-10 14:56:25)
- My fellow Americans/aide (2017-09-09 09:46:14)
- Correction/ résumé (2017-09-11 02:12:31)
- Aide /traduction (2017-09-12 21:37:18)
- Modal/ perception (2017-09-08 21:19:29)
- Mots semblables/aide (2017-09-08 14:02:57)
- American Truck/aide (2017-09-08 10:58:05)
- Past Simple/Present Perfect (2017-09-07 17:51:13)
- Have to/ present perfect (2017-09-11 18:19:22)
- First ou firstly/choix (2017-09-07 19:58:23)
- The missing vowels/225 (2017-09-12 23:14:21)
- As Far As/aide (2017-09-05 13:45:55)
- Order of words/help (2017-09-05 23:47:10)
- Anglais BTS Métier de la chimie (2017-09-04 09:47:39)
- Compréhension/structure (2017-09-04 21:08:57)
- Correction/ texte (2017-09-02 22:45:00)
- Cd new hi there 5ème (2017-09-01 12:03:55)
- Let's take/aide (2017-09-01 16:59:36)
- He sees/he is seeing (2017-09-01 16:47:01)
- The missing vowels/224 (2017-09-06 08:49:42)
- Our Story/ N° 15 (2017-09-15 22:31:55)
- Reported Speech/ corrections (2017-09-01 11:39:12)
- Vidéo sur E for English 4ème (2017-08-30 19:54:07)
- Off/traduction (2017-09-01 16:20:40)
- Correction de lettre (2017-08-29 17:38:38)
- Ex 115/End of the holiday (2017-09-15 23:20:12)
- Help him & rack your brains/4 (2017-09-14 22:25:02)
- Examen écrit en neérlandais ce vendredi (2017-08-28 23:49:18)
- Irish structures/help (2017-09-04 17:20:27)
- Verbes/aide (2017-08-28 16:33:06)
- Subjunctive mood/help (2017-09-13 03:56:40)
- Recherche CD Full Impact Terminales (2017-08-28 16:12:18)
- Help /sentences (2017-08-28 12:37:09)
- Traductions possibles/aide (2017-08-28 20:21:57)
- Vérification/ texte (2017-08-25 14:54:58)
- Fixer/rendez-vous (2017-08-28 20:23:21)
- The missing vowels/223 (2017-08-27 08:56:06)
- Méthodologie/compréhension de texte (2017-08-24 21:14:35)
- Correction/ review book (2017-08-23 22:23:29)
- Problèmes/heure (2017-08-23 21:41:25)
- The last week/last week (2017-08-26 11:09:15)
- Definite article/help (2017-08-26 17:47:52)
- Else/help (2017-09-06 00:45:37)
- CDs New Enjoy 4e (2017-08-23 06:06:06)
- Correction/réunion (2017-08-24 15:31:47)
- Aide/traduction (2017-08-26 19:25:40)
- Conseils pour mon premier cours d'an (2017-08-20 14:23:06)
- Adverbes/much-nearly (2017-08-25 19:46:11)
- Protecting/ Protective (2017-08-19 14:05:46)
- Question/ traduction (2017-08-21 21:23:29)
- Aide/ traduction (2017-08-18 22:44:39)
- Worthless/ help (2017-08-19 01:18:07)
- Host family / Australia (2017-08-21 22:43:37)
- Correction/candidature (2017-08-18 01:02:09)
- Adjectifs / adverbes (2017-08-18 10:55:57)
- Traduction/short book (2017-08-17 18:36:26)
- Question /aide (2017-08-17 16:38:36)
- Mot technique/aide (2017-08-17 16:09:37)
- The missing vowels/222 (2017-08-23 23:28:04)
- Prononciation/ contractions (2017-08-15 21:54:25)
- The environment/ part 1 (2017-08-16 14:47:00)
- Aide/vérification synthèse (2017-08-16 14:36:52)
- Help him & rack your brains/3 (2017-09-01 23:35:36)
- Our Story/ N°14 (2017-08-30 20:59:51)
- Difference/at - in (2017-08-14 15:31:13)
- Ex 114/ going, going (2017-08-30 23:12:17)
- Aide/traduction (2017-08-13 23:34:47)
- C'est une tuerie/Traduction (2017-08-13 13:31:56)
- Correction/présentation (2017-08-12 19:36:00)
- Prof de français en Angleterre (2017-08-11 08:15:09)
- CV anglais/ Correction (2017-08-10 08:01:48)
- The missing vowels/221 (2017-08-15 15:42:39)
- Past perfect simple/v-ing (2017-08-08 15:34:18)
- Symboles /API (2017-08-12 09:51:19)
- Matériels/ apprendre (2017-08-07 20:22:38)
- Valeur anglais/vidéo (2017-08-06 17:14:02)
- Besoin de conseil (2017-08-14 16:13:03)
- Attention/mise en garde (2017-08-06 16:19:44)
- Que faire /contexte (2017-08-04 07:24:38)
- Aide traduction/vidéo (2017-08-03 16:04:43)
- The missing vowels/220 (2017-08-06 21:12:06)
- Would/ subordonnée (2017-08-03 18:37:18)
- Afterwards/aide (2017-08-13 18:07:42)
- Traduction/ phrases (2017-08-02 05:44:33)
- Look after/take care of (2017-08-13 17:10:36)
- Journaux américains/aide (2017-08-02 22:04:55)
- Here We Go 6è (2017-07-31 14:42:44)
- Adjectif vs adverbe/aide (2017-08-08 15:43:39)
- Traduction/aide (2017-08-08 14:56:05)
- Help! and rack your brains/2 (2017-08-15 00:39:58)
- Ex 113/ hardworking students (2017-08-15 17:13:49)
- Article a-an/ the (2017-07-29 16:52:38)
- Our Story/ N°13 (2017-08-13 22:54:25)
- Help/ Please (2017-08-03 20:35:59)
- The missing vowels/219 (2017-08-01 18:49:24)
- Can/ could (2017-07-27 12:08:28)
- Aide/toucher (2017-07-27 23:19:05)
- Aide/ traduction (2017-07-27 01:56:45)
- CD New Step IN 5ème (2017-07-26 11:53:02)
- Article après from/aide (2017-07-30 14:50:16)
- Pourquoi/ed (2017-07-26 14:08:35)
- CD classe E for English 6° (2017-07-27 16:13:30)
- Two nouns/help (2017-07-27 02:00:17)
- Listes mots/sons IPA (2017-08-11 10:12:11)
- Cas particuliers/Be-ing (2017-07-22 21:05:10)
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