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- The missing vowels/198 (2017-01-05 21:31:45)

- Recherche CD audio Join The Team 2009 (2017-01-04 23:29:33)

- Correction/ Cover letter (2017-01-05 19:02:45)

- Cover letter/Correction (2017-01-14 19:33:08)

- How/What will she call him (2017-01-03 16:33:35)

- Explication/ grammaire (2017-01-03 10:32:39)

- My story/ help (2017-01-02 18:40:35)

- Lettre/directeur EE (2017-01-02 14:26:11)

- Thème/correction (2017-01-03 18:53:57)

- Donne manuels lycee (2017-01-01 15:53:44)

- Lettre/motivation Irlande (2017-01-01 11:17:16)

- Cd new spring 4e LV1 (2017-01-03 10:57:34)

- Cetification allemand (2017-01-13 23:09:44)

- Auxiliaire / être (2016-12-31 17:15:56)

- Bac/idea of progress (2017-01-09 17:53:22)

- Aide/Correction récit (2017-01-06 16:31:56)

- Ex: 99/ Happy New Year (2017-01-16 12:02:45)

- Style indirect/aide (2016-12-30 11:45:43)

- Formulation/ phrase (2016-12-30 07:31:38)

- Sentence/ explanation (2016-12-30 11:23:27)

- Idea of progress/oral (2017-01-06 18:18:23)

- The missing vowels/197 (2017-01-04 22:53:57)

- Out of the shelter/ David Lodge (2016-12-28 18:01:50)

- Vocabulary/help (2016-12-27 16:24:09)

- Vous avez dû/aide (2016-12-27 08:48:30)

- Temps/Aide (2016-12-27 13:00:29)

- Aide/ correction Art (2016-12-30 19:31:41)

- Besoin/ correction (2016-12-26 19:17:20)

- Comment se faire des amis (2016-12-26 09:45:22)

- Baby brother run/aide (2016-12-26 10:19:40)

- Aide/manage myself (2016-12-25 10:13:21)

- Aide / phrases (2016-12-28 18:59:50)

- Use/Get (2016-12-23 22:15:24)

- Notion/Spaces and exchanges (2016-12-25 10:26:04)

- Notion/The idea of progress (2016-12-26 21:31:54)

- Quel temps/aide (2016-12-24 15:38:05)

- Traduction/dommage (2016-12-25 09:12:15)

- Texte/Liberté d'expression (2016-12-22 20:16:33)

- Correction/lettre (2016-12-22 19:58:03)

- Aide/brand (2016-12-22 00:32:23)

- The missing vowels/196 (2016-12-22 10:03:09)

- Place/As in sentence (2016-12-21 17:59:19)

- Have to/ instead (2016-12-21 07:25:38)

- Temps / passé (2016-12-20 21:39:25)

- Mail /stage (2016-12-19 17:40:34)

- Contraction/ is (2016-12-20 11:36:08)

- Proverbe/aide (2016-12-19 14:17:49)

- Notion/Idea of progress (2016-12-20 19:07:04)

- Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année ! (2017-01-26 13:11:10)

- Ex 98/ the game goes on (2017-01-01 02:28:29)

- Utilisation /some et any (2016-12-18 09:23:35)

- Traduction/à mesure que (2016-12-18 12:09:53)

- Sentence/ explanation (2016-12-19 18:44:07)

- Contexte/ f... up (2016-12-16 15:20:37)

- Traduction / pour (2016-12-17 01:07:39)

- The missing vowels/195 (2016-12-19 22:25:29)

- Correction/oral de stage (2016-12-14 17:58:48)

- Suffixe / -eth (2016-12-14 07:48:14)

- Aide correction/ Dm (2016-12-14 23:47:57)

- Aide CV/guide (2016-12-12 18:40:11)

- Moi aussi/ Moi non plus (2016-12-29 09:52:42)

- Pronoms /aide (2016-12-11 19:25:41)

- Like/As (2016-12-11 11:33:49)

- Utilisation/For (2016-12-11 19:07:31)

- Sentence/ please help (2016-12-12 09:12:41)

- Film/ Sully (2016-12-12 10:49:41)

- Correction/texte (2016-12-09 15:49:29)

- Problème/ was being (2016-12-09 18:39:10)

- Ex. 97/ You're great (2016-12-18 23:43:35)

- The missing vowels/194 (2016-12-12 20:35:40)

- Cas possessif/aide (2016-12-07 15:09:05)

- Quel temps/aide (2016-12-08 10:54:27)

- Soft / sweet (2016-12-07 19:57:24)

- Conclusion/dossier (2016-12-06 18:56:11)

- Traduction/Licence (2016-12-04 20:15:06)

- Correction/Rédaction (2016-12-04 14:41:15)

- Rédaction /aide (2016-12-04 13:28:34)

- Construction/ texte (2016-12-16 09:14:58)

- Correct form/ verbs (2016-12-04 17:12:23)

- Will/ going to (2016-12-04 17:16:30)

- Idée de progrès/notion (2016-12-05 11:21:51)

- Prononciation/ t en d (2016-12-03 00:18:26)

- Méthode / résumé (2016-12-02 14:24:12)

- Rédaction/ travail artiste (2016-12-04 12:20:15)

- Signification/ phrase (2016-12-02 21:57:37)

- At ou with/aide (2016-12-01 17:41:37)

- Ta-ta/aide (2016-12-01 06:54:33)

- The missing vowels/193 (2016-12-09 23:19:13)

- Help/questions (2016-12-02 19:32:19)

- Pronom sujet/+ ing (2016-12-01 18:47:28)

- Cap Goals (2016-11-30 18:27:12)

- NEW ENJOY ENGLISH 5è (2016-12-01 20:23:01)

- Définition des notions/Bac (2016-11-30 18:24:08)

- Ex96/Still different and difficult (2016-12-10 10:38:50)

- If I was/ I were (2016-12-01 21:40:39)

- Idée de progrès/aide (2016-11-28 15:08:42)

- The rain before it falls/Version (2017-01-23 20:48:18)

- Aide/Halloween (2016-11-27 17:12:24)

- Où est le R/ phonologie (2016-11-29 14:36:41)

- Rapport / stage (2016-11-27 23:29:30)

- To be/adjectifs (2016-11-26 17:26:05)

- Correction/ Rédaction (2016-11-26 12:16:42)

- Correction/ essai (2016-11-26 09:47:42)

- Him/ His (2016-11-26 00:11:13)

- Article The/ ou pas (2016-11-25 07:44:51)

- Verbe falloir/aide (2016-11-25 00:12:40)

- Used to/ Was (2016-11-24 09:29:37)

- The missing vowels/192 (2016-11-26 21:19:53)

- Mind/sens (2016-11-23 20:40:13)

- Traduction/texte court (2016-11-25 18:07:11)

- Correction/ rédaction Master (2016-12-03 11:22:11)

- Was/were (2016-11-25 15:02:41)

- Believe/believed (2016-11-21 16:47:59)

- Demande de correction rédaction Master! (2016-11-23 19:01:29)

- Correction/right words (2016-11-25 18:23:53)

- Aide / phrase (2016-11-20 17:21:24)

- Correction/infinitif-gérondif (2016-11-19 19:52:31)

- Correction/ court texte (2016-11-20 14:23:36)

- Ex 95/ Work and pleasure (2016-11-30 18:29:22)

- Help/our or your (2016-11-24 18:01:42)

- Present perfect/aide (2016-11-18 21:21:13)

- Traduction/aide (2016-11-18 21:20:44)

- Make/ have (2016-11-21 10:47:10)

- Sentence/help (2016-11-18 21:19:40)

- The missing vowels/191 (2016-11-23 15:12:17)

- Workout/aide (2016-11-16 21:42:12)

- Question/ adverbe (2016-11-16 22:43:18)

- On / by (2016-11-16 18:59:01)

- Help/Do not you (2016-11-18 21:27:09)

- Listen to/aide (2016-11-15 19:34:05)

- Since / présent (2016-11-14 23:09:50)

- Wings et staging/aide (2016-12-13 15:56:14)

- Together 3ème (2016-11-13 22:57:28)

- Lettre/ motivation (2016-11-13 21:27:44)

- Correction/Globalization (2016-11-15 15:42:52)

- Exercice/ sur temps (2016-11-13 20:10:55)

- Hooked on screens (situation 3) (2016-11-13 12:00:54)

- Correction/Dagenham (2016-11-12 20:01:47)

- Been ou pas/aide (2016-11-30 18:26:16)

- Correction/rédaction (2016-11-11 22:22:29)

- Correction/ exposé (2016-11-14 20:51:20)

- I have also/also have (2016-11-11 18:59:05)

- Correction/ sentence (2016-11-10 15:09:14)

- The missing vowels/190 (2016-11-15 11:32:24)

- Correct/ my text (2016-11-10 18:40:04)

- Benjamin Franklin/aide (2016-11-13 20:42:47)

- Sentence/help (2016-11-12 18:09:09)

- Ex 94/ No matter what (2016-11-20 23:03:32)

- Toasting shots/aide (2016-11-14 07:12:24)

- Traffic/accidents (2016-11-28 16:54:35)

- Demande d'aide (2016-11-10 14:38:13)

- Compréhension/oral (2016-11-09 15:43:17)

- Correction/forme passive (2016-11-07 15:00:10)

- Correction /dissertation (2016-11-07 14:51:34)

- Adverbes négatifs/aide (2016-11-06 22:31:11)

- Its ou Their/aide (2016-11-06 18:28:04)

- Correction/ poème (2016-11-06 14:26:41)

- Correction/radios pirates (2016-11-06 19:51:48)

- Article The/ ou pas (2016-11-06 12:10:02)

- Article / pluriel (2016-11-06 18:34:57)

- Correction/dialogue (2016-11-06 20:22:31)

- Utilisation/ génitif (2016-11-05 19:01:31)

- Correction/Lucky Luciano (2016-11-06 11:16:06)

- Utilisation/ Can (2016-11-05 18:17:53)

- No longer/aide (2016-11-29 14:46:38)

- Place/adverbe (2016-11-05 10:47:40)

- Phrases complexes/aide (2016-11-04 17:12:38)

- Introduction /rapport (2016-11-04 11:43:21)

- English/ expression (2016-11-23 15:26:01)

- The missing vowels/189 (2016-11-13 13:03:42)

- Might be/have (2016-11-03 21:14:46)

- Gestion des Ressources Humaines (2016-11-03 09:56:07)

- Tense/describe a past trip (2016-11-03 12:58:43)

- Traduction/phrase (2016-11-05 16:54:46)

- Devoir/ poème (2016-11-05 17:18:31)

- My story/present tense (2016-11-01 16:08:14)

- Lettre/ motivation (2016-11-02 22:09:02)

- Correction /CV (2016-11-01 12:21:51)

- Traduire /auprès de (2016-10-31 17:04:09)

- Notion/myths and heroes (2016-10-31 18:18:18)

- Phrase/ambiguë (2016-10-31 15:09:39)

- Lettre commerciale/ BTS (2016-10-30 23:59:44)

- Economy/ environment (2016-11-01 19:41:39)

- Vérification/texte (2016-10-31 10:17:06)

- Motivation/ Erasmus UK (2016-11-02 15:51:01)

- Génitif/interprétation (2016-10-30 21:26:42)

- CD classe Join the team 3e édition 2013 (2016-10-30 14:58:36)

- Work out/aide (2016-10-31 09:05:55)

- Ex 93/ no pain, no gain (2016-11-09 23:34:53)

- AUDIO ROUND THE CORNER 6e (2016-10-30 08:54:47)

- Synthese Bac //// (2016-10-29 21:13:52)

- Traduction/redonner le goût (2016-11-01 18:10:03)

- Justesse/ traduction (2016-10-29 13:24:15)

- In lines/in the lines (2016-10-30 19:47:13)

- Since/ Present Perfect-ing (2016-10-28 16:23:46)

- Recherche cd classe welcome 3ème (2016-10-27 18:02:14)

- Quand/écrire (2016-10-28 13:18:42)

- Décrire/vadim (2016-10-30 14:29:50)

- Questions/ interro-négatives (2016-10-27 19:41:18)

- The missing vowels/188 (2016-10-28 13:28:54)

- Correction/Cows (2016-10-26 18:36:56)

- Correction/cartoons (2016-10-26 14:38:29)

- My dialogue/help (2016-10-28 16:30:35)

- Pronom/Who-whom (2016-10-25 22:00:38)

- Myths and heroes/plan (2016-10-25 11:13:23)

- Traduire/tu devras (2016-10-25 10:55:31)

- Exposé/Boeing (2016-11-03 14:23:01)

- Why/ Questions (2016-10-27 16:49:53)

- Notion/myths and heroes (2016-10-27 16:13:15)

- Believe/Believe in (2016-10-24 20:47:58)

- Tournure/ phrase (2016-10-24 18:52:02)

- Elevator pitch/aide (2016-10-24 19:11:32)

- Oral/marketing (2016-10-27 13:57:40)

- Mot voilà/aide (2016-10-23 09:30:12)

- Present perfect simple/v-ing (2016-10-28 14:59:32)

- En vouloir/aide (2016-10-23 19:09:09)

- Progression / Bac (2016-10-22 21:16:10)

- Any breakages/aide (2016-10-21 17:40:07)

- Devoir/USA Today (2016-10-21 17:58:09)

- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-10-21 23:21:56)

- Les verbes/aide (2016-10-21 23:08:51)

- Adverbes/aide (2016-10-20 09:58:40)

- The missing vowels/187 (2016-10-24 20:48:42)

- A lot more/ in common (2016-10-20 08:50:40)

- Compréhension/film (2016-10-18 18:47:06)

- Ex.92/more brain-teasing (2016-10-30 23:46:00)

- Correction/postuler (2016-10-19 18:03:30)

- My story/past tense (2016-10-20 11:46:04)

- Correction/little text (2016-10-19 00:02:06)

- Good introduction/aide (2016-10-18 23:39:57)

- Exclamation/emploi de SO (2016-10-16 17:51:07)

- Comparatif/ supériorité (2016-10-15 20:54:33)

- Pluriel/ noms (2016-10-15 18:08:23)

- Correction/motivation (2016-10-15 11:50:08)

- Exposé/ business (2016-10-20 18:32:52)

- Relecture/motivation (2016-10-14 14:25:36)

- Prétérit -ing/BV - (2016-10-14 23:02:53)

- The missing vowels/186 (2016-10-19 20:50:43)

- Oral/ vacances (2016-10-14 11:14:36)

- Sens /climb (2016-10-15 13:50:44)

- Correction/ Cover Letter (2016-10-13 13:54:45)

- Traduction /reprendre (2016-10-19 15:47:51)

- Missions 2 cds classe (2016-10-12 02:45:55)

- Mobile phone/aide (2016-10-12 20:30:29)

- Correction/ grammaticale (2016-10-20 18:38:03)

- Expressions/ proverbiales (2016-10-10 23:18:04)

- Correction/Steve Jobs (2016-10-11 13:36:25)

- Want/aide (2016-10-09 17:55:07)

- Moi aussi/Aide (2016-10-11 16:31:58)

- Heure américaine/aide (2016-10-09 11:54:49)

- Mémoire (2016-10-09 09:57:44)

- Présentation/niveau B1 (2016-10-08 12:15:06)

- Ex 91/not that easy,take care (2016-10-19 23:23:48)

- Traduction/motivation (2016-10-07 22:34:43)

- Correction/ essai (2016-10-08 10:01:58)

- Help/ essay (2016-10-07 17:32:38)

- Correction/ exclamation (2016-10-07 22:52:50)

- Titre/ projet (2016-10-07 11:54:59)

- Given budget/rules (2016-10-06 18:24:14)

- Correction abstract/ mémoire (2016-10-06 23:15:37)

- Laisser échapper/aide (2016-10-06 00:44:14)

- Rédiger/ emails (2016-10-05 22:14:01)

- You ou to you/aide (2016-10-05 14:51:22)

- CDs New Spring 4ème LV2 (2016-10-06 14:16:33)

- Correction /CV (2016-10-04 22:25:51)

- Article/aide (2016-10-13 09:49:04)

- CD Let's step in 3ème (2016-10-02 23:23:26)

- Aide/exercice temps (2016-10-03 12:46:07)

- 3 phrases/correction (2016-10-02 21:37:14)

- Aide/ rédaction (2016-10-01 20:05:06)

- Explanation/sentence (2016-10-04 08:05:11)

- Autobiographie/aide (2016-10-15 22:53:43)

- Idea of progress/Bac (2016-10-02 15:10:52)

- Article/ Pokemon Go (2016-10-02 16:46:48)

- Concours interne help! (2016-09-30 09:56:05)

- Ex 90/get better and better (2016-10-09 23:06:45)

- Strong/Hard et Tough (2016-09-29 14:43:32)

- Was / had (2016-10-05 14:40:12)

- Mot it/aide (2016-09-29 10:33:08)

- Pronoms relatifs/aide (2016-09-28 19:23:17)

- Prononciation/wanted (2016-09-28 18:51:24)

- Paragraph/dangers of internet (2016-09-28 17:13:46)

- 1e L/ problématiques (2016-09-27 18:48:32)

- Description/ physique (2016-09-27 01:33:17)

- Emploi/was (2016-09-26 20:53:36)

- Exposé/aborigènes (2016-09-29 18:52:19)

- Invention/ correction (2016-09-25 12:05:22)

- Dictionnaires (PLURIEL) (2016-09-25 10:04:38)

- Corriger/Not forget (2016-09-25 07:39:14)

- Correction /Cheops pyramid (2016-09-23 16:33:46)

- Traduction/correcte (2016-09-22 22:35:30)

- Sentence/help (2016-09-25 09:47:00)

- Créer un test (2016-09-23 08:46:17)

- Vérification/orthographe (2016-09-21 10:49:47)

- Take/aide (2016-09-20 09:32:21)

- Aide/ Stage (2016-09-19 22:53:36)

- Pb affichage du site sur mon pc (2016-09-19 18:38:15)

- Student/ from-of-in (2016-09-18 13:47:16)

- Traduction/C'est encore loin... (2016-09-18 14:25:25)

- Ex 89/Let's never give up (2016-09-29 23:16:53)

- Devenir formatrice d'anglais (2016-09-17 13:48:23)

- Traduction/The Believers (2016-09-17 13:38:58)

- To rest, resting/aide (2016-09-16 21:01:03)

- Version/bénéfice net (2016-09-15 15:32:19)

- CD classe Join the team 6eme 5eme 4eme 3 (2016-09-15 14:58:20)

- Ecrire/ rapport (2016-09-15 14:36:09)

- The missing vowels/185 (2016-09-23 18:42:13)

- Pourtant/traduction (2016-09-15 20:49:04)

- Dialogue/départ (2016-09-15 01:05:20)

- CD classe New Spring 4e (2016-09-21 22:13:30)

- Probleme/ like et as (2016-09-14 18:19:43)

- Décrire/ vidéo (2016-09-15 13:45:53)

- Ing /since (2016-09-14 07:38:39)

- Article/aide (2016-09-13 22:22:33)

- CDs classe Join the team 6e (2016-09-12 22:41:58)

- CDs e for English 3e et 4e (2016-09-12 21:46:43)

- Aide/ rester (2016-09-13 12:20:59)

- It ain't /aide (2016-09-12 15:20:06)

- CD Full Swing 1ère (2016-09-23 07:06:51)

- Recherche CDs New Password 2de (2016-09-10 18:41:21)

- Recherche CDs 3e E for English (2016-09-11 16:50:50)

- Still/Present perfect (2016-09-11 10:38:13)

- Question /grammaticale (2016-09-10 15:18:38)

- Ex 88/ slowly, yet smoothly (2016-09-18 23:40:36)

- Le temps que/ Traduction (2016-09-09 23:08:27)

- The missing vowels/184 (2016-09-13 21:10:47)

- Correction /publicitaire (2016-09-13 23:26:01)

- Devoir/Sadiq Kahn (2016-09-08 18:24:08)

- Mercury theatre/aide (2016-09-08 15:16:27)

- Difference/delay and postpone (2016-09-09 00:18:23)

- Recherche manuel enjo 5ième ed2006-09 (2016-09-21 17:13:33)

- CD So English nouvelle edition 2016 (2016-09-07 12:11:39)

- Grammar/help (2016-09-17 21:36:54)

- CDs classe Join the Team 4ème (2012) (2016-09-06 23:45:10)

- Lettre Motivation 2/ correction (2016-09-26 01:06:19)

- Mot /traduction (2016-09-06 11:51:46)

- Difference hire/ recruit (2016-09-06 02:24:18)

- Relecture/ texte Rome (2016-09-05 20:33:58)

- Douceur/sweetness (2016-09-05 14:50:54)

- Initiation à l'Anglais ludique ? (2016-09-05 11:05:01)

- Difference/repair and mend (2016-09-05 11:14:25)

- Need help/reference (2016-09-06 22:45:32)

- CDS classe e for English 3e (2016-09-11 16:54:39)

- The lake/Version I (2016-10-07 10:52:23)

- New Bridges Terminale CD classe (2016-09-18 16:09:03)

- Enjoy 4° guide pédagogique (2016-09-04 10:01:41)

- Traduction/Aurait pu (2016-09-04 12:50:09)

- Bonne traduction/aide (2016-09-03 09:20:54)

- Prononciation / twenty (2016-09-04 19:26:01)

- Stage /Angleterre (2016-09-03 21:14:31)

- CD E For English 4e (2016-09-02 18:06:32)

- Going to/adverbe (2016-09-02 21:52:28)

- Aide/ conjugaison (2016-09-05 17:12:22)

- Aide/Temps employés (2016-09-01 11:13:42)

- The missing vowels/183 (2016-09-11 08:53:24)

- Ex 87/on continue (2016-09-13 08:45:48)

- Obtenir/ niveau B2 (2016-08-31 09:21:50)

- Texte/ordre des idées (2016-09-01 20:29:13)

- Reverse outline/aide (2016-08-30 13:55:31)

- Aide/Present Perfect (2016-08-30 14:04:05)

- Correction/taxes (2016-08-28 19:14:22)

- Aide / texte (2016-08-30 16:01:46)

- Je suis déjà allé/aide (2016-08-29 14:09:30)

- CD classe MP3 Enjoy 2006 6ème 4ème 3ème (2016-08-27 17:36:22)

- Traduction/formation (2016-08-26 15:31:58)

- Recherche Cds New Live 4e (2016-08-25 15:09:58)

- Recherche CD New Enjoy 5ème (2016-08-25 10:29:41)

- CD classe enjoy 3ème et join the team 3è (2016-08-24 14:31:00)

- Would /Aide (2016-08-26 15:51:38)

- Community 1re (2016-08-23 17:25:22)

- Prétérit -ing/ simple (2016-08-22 22:04:13)

- CD classe new spring 5e (2016-08-25 15:13:01)

- Recherche cd classe meeting point termin (2016-08-22 15:06:52)

- Aide/lettre motivation (2016-08-29 15:48:56)

- Liste lectures de 3e à terminale (lv1) (2016-08-20 12:17:04)

- The one/the one that (2016-08-20 22:22:21)

- Ex 86/encore participatif (2016-09-05 16:57:05)

- To vs for/aide (2016-08-21 09:35:34)

- Expression écrite/aide (2016-08-19 22:29:09)

- CD classe New Enjoy 5e (2016-08-22 15:18:59)

- Recherche CD audio let's step in (2016-08-19 12:28:33)

- Design/ pluriel (2016-08-19 08:14:32)

- Importance/make (2016-08-19 10:21:49)

- Infinitif / complément (2016-08-26 16:08:00)

- The missing vowels/182 (2016-09-01 06:43:21)

- Harry Potter/aide (2016-08-17 22:28:54)

- Aide/phrase (2016-08-27 18:11:18)

- Expression/aide (2016-08-17 16:32:41)

- Recherche CD classe Hi There 5ème (2016-09-06 21:21:01)

- Résumé/aide (2016-08-17 10:43:49)

- Cds So English (2016-08-17 09:11:54)

- Correct sentence/help (2016-08-29 21:28:32)

- Help/ abstract (2016-08-17 16:28:56)

- Cds classe Boarding Pass 1ere Techno (2016-08-16 17:38:50)

- Dissertation/aide (2016-08-18 10:58:25)

- Traduction /C'est... (2016-08-16 18:09:11)

- MP3 Enjoy 5e (ancienne version) (2016-08-15 17:23:31)

- Compréhension/ Present perfect (2016-08-27 17:51:19)

- Le gérondif /aide (2016-08-15 14:35:37)

- The missing vowels/181 (2016-08-12 14:03:34)

- Discours rapporté/aide (2016-08-13 17:23:17)

- Correction/ amélioration (2016-08-10 00:39:02)

- Recherche CDs classe Here We Go 6ème (2016-08-17 09:13:47)

- Entrainement / thème (2016-08-09 18:17:00)

- Ce qui ne se traduit pas/aide (2016-08-12 18:38:39)

- Ex 85/on se bouscule ... (2016-08-22 21:24:01)

- Will be + ing/ going to (2016-08-08 21:28:15)

- Possessifs / objet (2016-08-09 13:17:44)

- Expression/ écrite (2016-08-19 20:07:29)

- The / pas The (2016-08-07 15:29:47)

- Expression écrite/ aide (2016-08-05 15:17:22)

- Improvisation/aide (2016-08-14 20:23:02)

- Expression/ idiomatique (2016-08-07 15:34:08)

- The missing vowels/180 (2016-08-10 14:16:46)

- It does need/aide (2016-08-05 15:57:14)

- Expression/aide (2016-08-04 19:15:18)

- Going to/ Will (2016-08-03 16:55:46)

- Will / Going to (2016-08-03 15:05:57)

- Some/ any (2016-08-02 17:36:18)

- A l'essai/aide (2016-08-02 17:33:28)

- Come back/aide (2016-08-01 13:49:27)

- Explication/would (2016-08-02 19:29:45)

- Auxiliaires/verbes (2016-07-31 21:29:40)

- Expression écrite/aide (2016-07-31 22:02:26)

- Ex.84/Still sharing pleasure (2016-08-12 19:00:13)

- Apprendre/anglais (2016-07-31 02:31:31)

- For/aide (2016-07-29 15:13:28)

- A fruit /fruit (2016-07-28 17:45:38)

- Should/shall (2016-07-27 17:52:02)

- Something/forme interrogative (2016-07-28 22:40:11)

- Traduction/univers (2016-07-27 07:13:45)

- Aide/pas d'autre choix (2016-07-27 23:51:33)

- Recherche CD classe New Enjoy 3e (2016-07-26 10:01:30)

- Pickled onion/aide (2016-07-25 16:04:35)

- Place /efficiently (2016-07-24 18:40:35)

- Traduction / gérondif (2016-07-26 15:49:18)

- Passé/ présent (2016-07-24 18:17:39)

- Présent Be+ing/Simple (2016-07-24 18:23:53)

- Problème/ temps (2016-07-22 00:04:14)

- Verb+object+infinitive/aide (2016-07-22 20:17:32)

- Present Perfect /Compréhension (2016-07-21 15:32:02)

- Ex 83/message reçu (2016-07-30 23:24:41)

- Expression/aide (2016-07-19 11:25:16)

- Recherche CDs New Enjoy 4e (2016-07-23 20:26:21)

- Was-were/aide (2016-07-17 19:28:32)

- Livres /conseiller (2016-07-16 23:02:31)

- Recherche CD classe E for English 6è (2016-07-16 09:01:41)

- Correction/Lettre motivation (2016-07-15 14:33:14)

- Traduction/fresh ears (2016-07-16 14:54:18)

- Present perfect/aide (2016-07-22 07:49:32)

- Does he is/aide (2016-07-15 02:58:58)

- Rédaction/Oklahoma (2016-07-14 14:05:31)

- In/emploi (2016-07-17 19:32:03)

- Correction/difficulties (2016-07-16 08:16:12)

- The missing vowels/179 (2016-07-15 21:32:54)

- Aide/may-can (2016-07-14 17:41:29)

- Grammaire/To decide (2016-07-14 11:04:02)

- I won't be long/aide (2016-07-12 12:12:36)

- The more than/aide (2016-07-12 13:21:53)

- Licence LEA management international? (2016-07-12 05:04:24)

- CD classe New Connect 4° et Good News 4° (2016-07-11 22:03:09)

- Pound/poids ou monnaie (2016-07-11 19:16:06)

- 2 verbes successifs/aide (2016-07-12 12:03:48)

- Ex 82/Message in a bottle (2016-07-22 06:19:45)

- The missing vowels/178 (2016-07-12 06:17:56)

- CD classe E for English 4°-3° (2016-07-12 10:34:21)

- Donne manuels lycée (2016-07-06 22:58:18)

- CD Classe New Enjoy English 5e (2016-07-18 18:45:31)

- Emploi/I am (2016-07-07 19:49:35)

- Se boucher/oreilles (2016-07-06 20:31:21)

- CD classe Connect 5 CD (2016-07-04 18:50:03)

- Phrases/ pour oral (2016-07-10 17:08:19)

- Correction/sentence (2016-07-03 13:42:37)

- Audios Welcome 5e (2016-07-01 10:20:31)

- TEFL (2016-06-30 23:04:17)

- Problème français/anglais (2016-06-30 21:31:40)

- In / To (2016-06-30 17:02:15)

- Relative clauses/help (2016-07-06 09:30:04)

- Can't help/ doing (2016-06-30 16:51:16)

- Traduire/ 2 phrases (2016-06-29 22:06:25)

- Entendre/aide (2016-06-30 17:05:43)

- Accent/Prononciation (2016-06-29 22:14:40)

- Conjuguer/après if (2016-06-30 18:34:39)

- Corrections/ texte (2016-06-29 09:55:43)

- Does-Can-Will/aide (2016-06-29 11:43:44)

- Correction/text (2016-06-28 23:36:35)

- Ex 81/Ready, steady (2016-07-10 23:12:33)

- Comprendre/dessin (2016-06-28 16:54:25)

- Aide/script (2016-06-28 11:14:05)

- Is it correct ?/help (2016-06-28 18:33:51)

- Recherche cours Meef anglais (2016-06-28 01:54:11)

- Question/améliorer anglais (2016-07-13 13:08:53)

- J'attends/J'ai attendu (2016-06-27 00:04:52)

- Document /oraux Bac (2016-06-30 00:20:45)

- Construction/ phrase (2016-06-25 23:07:03)

- Adverbes /Be (2016-06-25 18:48:06)

- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-06-27 20:03:20)

- Conseil/oraux Bac LVA (2016-06-24 08:03:33)

- The missing vowels/177 (2016-06-27 22:35:18)

- Règle/To après verbe (2016-06-22 18:55:09)

- Rapport/ BTS MMV (2016-06-28 18:08:45)

- Corrigé du Brevet 2016-anglais (2016-06-22 10:42:02)

- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-06-20 18:11:53)

- Temps /These days (2016-06-21 18:06:48)

- Correction/Terry Jones (2016-06-20 18:14:30)

- All about intent/aide (2016-06-19 17:19:14)

- Question/ Bac anglais 2016 (2016-06-23 23:44:01)

- Dad's/ Dads (2016-06-18 17:36:38)

- Ex. 80/ Longing for a holiday (2016-06-29 23:46:48)

- Monnaie anglaise/aide (2016-06-17 13:41:33)

- The missing vowels/176 (2016-06-22 20:24:46)

- Recherche manuels Spring 5è et 3è (2016-06-16 01:12:45)

- Which/aide (2016-06-16 23:16:28)

- Bourrin/aide (2016-06-16 13:56:59)

- Be off for/aide (2016-06-16 01:48:58)

- Traduction/Missions (2016-06-14 10:13:46)

- Aide/ on another level (2016-06-12 18:51:32)

- Expression écrite /Bac (2016-06-12 12:11:07)

- To be/to have (2016-06-13 23:26:26)

- In ou On/aide (2016-06-11 08:27:30)

- Ethics and business/aide (2016-06-11 21:00:48)

- Ex 79/Still holding (2016-06-20 22:57:41)

- Linguistique/aide (2016-06-12 16:30:01)

- Need help /Reference (2016-07-11 17:12:18)

- Junk food/ complaint (2016-06-10 14:11:47)

- Motivation/euro 2nde (2016-06-09 22:33:26)

- Oral/Introduce yourself (2016-06-09 21:49:16)

- The missing vowels/175 (2016-06-12 08:53:13)

- Bulats/ B2 (2016-06-08 23:39:50)

- Police/singulier ou pluriel (2016-06-08 18:56:08)

- Aide /emploi passé (2016-06-08 11:41:59)

- Creep/-ing (2016-06-07 12:59:55)

- Oral littérature/aide (2016-06-08 06:52:42)

- Traduction /citation (2016-06-24 15:57:44)

- Past Perfect/aide (2016-06-06 22:44:24)

- Used to + verb/would +verb (2016-06-06 18:47:46)

- Traduction/aide (2016-06-06 13:24:31)

- Doute/ Be (2016-06-05 19:44:50)

- Comment est la LLCE anglais? (2016-06-05 17:44:01)

- Traduction/faudra t-il faire (2016-06-06 16:30:47)

- Nom de société/aide (2016-06-05 14:57:26)

- CAPES/ Compréhension orale (2016-06-03 19:01:34)

- Traduction/ citation (2016-06-04 09:01:40)

- Emploi/ can (2016-06-03 07:58:28)

- Phrase commerciale/aide (2016-06-03 18:32:29)

- Diction anglaise/aide (2016-06-06 20:30:24)

- The missing vowels/174 (2016-06-06 13:58:47)

- CV/stage Angleterre (2016-06-30 21:26:55)

- Aide/Dystopia and Utopia (2016-06-01 13:19:03)

- Aide/friendship (2016-06-10 10:32:18)

- Each other/aide (2016-05-29 10:48:27)

- Phrase/Traduction (2016-06-01 03:05:39)

- Aide/lettre motivation (2016-05-31 16:01:40)

- Correction/ CV et lettre (2016-05-30 20:40:31)

- SVP besoin de join the team (2016-06-21 10:54:39)

- Correction/ phrases (2016-05-31 13:53:08)

- Aide/ résumé (2016-05-29 23:11:04)

- Problématiques/Bac (2016-05-29 10:38:55)

- Traduction/Allemagne (2016-05-29 11:58:23)

- Oral/My favourite actor (2016-06-01 16:34:29)

- Aide/ traduction (2016-05-31 06:13:27)

- Ex 78/ bracing up... (2016-06-11 14:00:22)

- Oral/Bac TES (2016-05-29 11:25:57)

- Passé dans futur/aide (2016-05-27 23:54:29)

- Might / could (2016-05-27 11:46:31)

- Avis/traduction (2016-05-30 15:31:09)

- Recherche cd new enjoy 4 (2016-05-26 10:05:07)

- The missing vowels/173 (2016-05-31 07:04:11)

- cds join the team (2016-05-25 17:16:34)

- Oral/Places and forms of power (2016-05-25 15:02:01)

- Correction/présentation orale (2016-05-25 12:34:04)

- Exposé/ Ireland (2016-05-24 22:20:50)

- Oral/Places and forms of power (2016-05-26 11:50:38)

- CV /Australie (2016-05-29 12:42:15)

- Crustal/ emotive resources (2016-05-24 10:51:20)

- Infinitive/ in Inventory (2016-05-24 18:34:37)

- Oral /to present (2016-05-23 19:55:12)

- Aide récap/ texte (2016-05-23 11:51:39)

- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-05-22 20:07:45)

- Correction/How green (2016-05-23 18:22:54)

- Aide/it's high time (2016-05-21 13:32:02)

- Correction/ armes (2016-05-21 11:20:09)

- Oral/Locations and Forms of Power (2016-05-23 15:21:34)

- Oral/Spaces and Exchanges (2016-05-22 14:09:37)

- Oral/Idea of Progress (2016-05-22 10:25:50)

- Signification/perfect (2016-05-21 15:25:36)

- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-05-22 16:05:17)

- Correction/phrase (2016-05-22 14:08:54)

- Past progressive/aide (2016-05-20 12:55:53)

- Correction /animal (2016-05-20 10:37:49)

- Names like sugar cubes/Version (2016-07-08 18:01:31)

- Recherche/outil (2016-05-19 18:35:45)

- Ex 77/somewhat out of breath (2016-05-30 22:36:17)

- You and me/and I (2016-05-20 16:24:55)

- The missing vowels/172 (2016-05-23 13:30:05)

- Architecture/ invention (2016-05-18 21:07:19)

- Once upon a time/aide (2016-05-20 14:37:24)

- Correction /student (2016-05-24 19:25:14)

- Oral/Civil Rights Act (2016-05-18 16:04:12)

- Mrs Watson/Help (2016-05-19 16:11:46)
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