33527 sujets
Les plus récents d'abord
Par ordre alphabétique
<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Let's suggest/ 20 (2022-09-04 09:14:00)
- Confusing comparative /help (2022-08-13 17:23:34)
- Correction/ texte (2022-08-12 12:53:28)
- Playing with words/34 (2022-08-29 23:09:15)
- Til / chanson (2022-08-08 01:46:13)
- Formulation/ question (2022-08-03 16:51:39)
- Our Story/ 133 (2022-08-14 07:55:33)
- Resultative clauses /aide (2022-08-01 08:11:25)
- Indication Copyright /Phrase !? (2022-07-31 02:23:38)
- Génitif / article the (2022-07-30 08:20:23)
- Ex 232/ another translation into English... (2022-08-12 00:01:17)
- Learn/ Learning (2022-07-27 22:47:32)
- Ponctuation américaine/aide (2022-08-08 08:41:57)
- Abréviation /Numéro (2022-07-27 20:19:32)
- Bump into/ come upon (2022-07-28 14:56:59)
- Let's Suggest/19 (2022-08-11 20:29:39)
- Grammar/aide (2022-07-24 21:49:30)
- Not/infinitif complet (2022-08-01 08:13:36)
- Aide/ traduction (2022-07-22 13:53:21)
- Thème/aide (2022-07-21 08:46:44)
- Our Story/ 132 (2022-07-30 20:47:06)
- Ex 231/ will this translation be easier... (2022-07-28 22:49:01)
- Aide/ exercice (2022-07-14 13:55:07)
- Thème/aide (2022-07-15 02:35:19)
- Let's suggest/18 (2022-08-06 12:47:39)
- Comment parrainer un membre- un ami(e) ? (2022-07-11 10:26:07)
- Savoir où mettre les pieds/aide (2022-07-09 13:53:25)
- Monter/ niveau (2022-07-09 01:33:33)
- Les verbes/aide (2022-07-12 10:14:18)
- Translations /Fr into En (2022-07-25 06:56:55)
- Definite article/ comparative (2022-07-04 20:24:02)
- Playing with words/33 (2022-07-31 19:42:17)
- Conditionnel/ type 3 (2022-07-02 15:40:10)
- Our Story/131 (2022-07-14 22:09:06)
- Go /aide (2022-07-01 02:13:25)
- In the line of/aide (2022-06-30 22:58:38)
- Ex 230/ not an easy task (2022-07-13 22:27:44)
- Let's suggest /17 (2022-07-17 09:09:57)
- How are we to /aide (2022-06-24 22:35:15)
- Absence/article A (2022-06-24 22:57:46)
- Traduction/ phrase (2022-07-06 04:00:37)
- Traduction/milieu socio-culturel (2022-06-21 09:28:40)
- Some-any/help (2022-06-28 17:20:53)
- Bob's your uncle/traduction (2022-06-22 07:26:03)
- Verbe/en fin de phrase (2022-06-18 12:25:36)
- Correction/job interview (2022-06-16 19:12:15)
- Being laughed at/aide (2022-06-16 12:37:49)
- Correction/ v-ing (2022-06-16 14:51:37)
- Passif, Prétérit, Past Perfect/aide (2022-06-15 17:42:05)
- Our Story/130 (2022-06-29 21:59:04)
- Playing with words/ 32 (2022-06-30 22:14:31)
- Ex 229/ Good-bye Signora! (2022-06-28 23:25:19)
- Correction/phrase v-ing (2022-07-06 09:28:08)
- Let's suggest/16 (2022-07-03 00:00:22)
- Bourse et enseigner en Espagne (2022-06-10 19:54:41)
- Help/correction story (2022-06-13 00:16:21)
- Correction/phrases (2022-06-13 13:49:24)
- Problème Phishing avec Avast (2022-09-21 20:24:48)
- Help/correct story (2022-06-07 19:29:51)
- Past Perfect/aide (2022-06-10 11:09:08)
- Correction/ texte anglais (2022-06-05 14:39:55)
- Prétérit/Present perfect (2022-06-05 17:51:38)
- Grammaire/ pourquoi why (2022-06-04 18:11:47)
- Would prefer/ V-ing (2022-06-06 04:04:42)
- Temps/action juste terminée (2022-06-02 16:01:27)
- Temps/aide (2022-06-02 21:08:36)
- Examen/ tefl-tesol (2022-06-02 08:43:04)
- Raisons impérieuses /English (2022-05-31 16:37:51)
- Our Story/129 (2022-06-14 22:22:47)
- Questions/aide (2022-06-06 11:51:02)
- Ex 228/there you go again (2022-06-13 23:09:03)
- Let's suggest/ 15 (2022-06-12 20:09:10)
- Questions/aide (2022-05-27 22:43:15)
- Structures causatives/aide (2022-05-23 09:50:47)
- Choix / temps verbal (2022-05-20 17:31:41)
- Ecrit anglais/correction (2022-05-20 11:29:20)
- Can-Could-May/aide (2022-05-30 19:14:42)
- Imperative/correction (2022-05-17 13:42:43)
- Turning verbs/past simple (2022-05-17 10:58:29)
- Use of for/aide (2022-05-16 20:42:15)
- Our Story/128 (2022-05-30 21:12:20)
- Dangle-poofers/aide (2022-05-15 16:16:09)
- Correction/ traduction (2022-05-27 11:48:55)
- Pop-off/aide (2022-05-14 20:28:18)
- Ex 227/Following Signora again (2022-05-29 23:40:18)
- Inversion des mots/aide (2022-05-14 12:49:50)
- Correction/ help (2022-05-20 14:25:21)
- Let's suggest/14 (2022-05-30 21:08:51)
- Linguistic competence/ N°2 (2022-05-12 14:50:27)
- Playing with words/ 31 (2022-05-30 12:27:02)
- Linguistic competence/aide (2022-05-08 09:49:31)
- Our Story/127 (2022-05-14 21:36:29)
- Ex 226/did you say 'holiday'? (2022-05-14 16:58:12)
- Prefer TO v-ing/help (2022-04-28 16:39:15)
- Liste d'actions/mettre TO ou pas (2022-04-26 20:45:14)
- RYB/ let's suggest 13 (2022-05-15 20:02:27)
- What is / what was ou what (2022-04-25 12:12:51)
- Correction/ devoir (2022-04-25 18:39:41)
- To happen/aide (2022-04-22 12:49:09)
- Explain /Quotes (2022-04-18 11:07:42)
- Our Story/126 (2022-04-29 21:30:38)
- Tournure/ phrase (2022-04-29 13:46:22)
- Faire une course/aide (2022-04-14 18:30:26)
- Ex 225/ another story (2022-04-28 23:42:58)
- Use to-used to be/ auxiliaire BE (2022-04-25 12:20:35)
- RYB /Let's suggest 12 (2022-05-03 13:59:12)
- Prétérit / present perfect (2022-04-14 18:32:02)
- Avis/ séjours linguistiques (2022-04-20 02:41:24)
- Wish / would (2022-04-07 15:53:47)
- Playing with words/30 (2022-04-30 19:03:28)
- Our Story/125 (2022-04-15 21:57:34)
- Ex 224/sans surprises (2022-04-13 22:47:03)
- RYB/Let's suggest 11 (2022-04-18 13:32:07)
- Use to/ adorer (2022-04-02 23:16:42)
- TCF SO - les accents (2022-03-26 12:24:29)
- Causative passive/ get (2022-03-25 18:29:48)
- This/ time phrases (2022-03-23 05:03:02)
- Correction/Live life fully (2022-03-30 12:27:02)
- Aide /vocabulaire (2022-03-22 03:04:16)
- Traduction/ of it (2022-03-16 19:57:10)
- Our Story/124 (2022-03-30 21:43:15)
- Question/ milieu (2022-03-16 11:51:00)
- Ex 223/the end of the race (2022-03-29 23:41:59)
- Spend on/aide (2022-03-13 08:44:12)
- RYB/Let's suggest 10 (2022-04-01 20:39:46)
- Playing with words /29 (2022-03-31 16:28:59)
- Aide /This - it (2022-03-10 14:13:33)
- Grammaire/Possessif (2022-03-09 02:55:33)
- Aide/ manager (2022-03-09 03:05:02)
- Traduire/died (2022-03-02 18:53:40)
- Those/ Which - That (2022-03-02 18:21:00)
- Rich/wealthy (2022-03-01 10:06:17)
- Our Story/123 (2022-03-14 21:50:46)
- Ex 222/More sentences to translate (2022-03-13 23:36:16)
- Prononciation/ phonème A-U (2022-02-27 12:35:54)
- A et an / h (2022-02-26 10:04:33)
- Différence/sorry (2022-02-28 03:49:28)
- RYB/ Let's suggest 9 (2022-03-11 20:19:52)
- Parler de today/ time frame (2022-02-21 14:33:26)
- This is / it's (2022-02-25 23:50:19)
- Prétérit/present perfect (2022-02-20 18:31:00)
- Obviously/ mot de liaison (2022-02-16 15:34:01)
- Aide/ go away (2022-02-20 22:35:33)
- Cas possessif / 's (2022-02-19 10:35:07)
- Our Story/122 (2022-02-27 22:46:25)
- Doute /See or Look (2022-02-16 22:55:17)
- Aide/lockdown video (2022-02-15 15:50:17)
- Comment utiliser le clavier virtuel? (2022-02-12 18:38:22)
- Ex 221/Will he do it, or not? (2022-02-26 23:37:07)
- Meaning /“to be into oneself “ (2022-02-24 01:00:19)
- RYB/ Let's suggest 8 (2022-02-28 21:56:36)
- They /A-AN (2022-02-09 15:12:30)
- Phonetics / phonology (2022-02-07 19:46:12)
- Avec any/aide (2022-02-04 08:52:45)
- Playing with words/28 (2022-02-28 18:32:48)
- Aide/phrases (2022-02-13 12:47:20)
- Traduction/ phrase (2022-02-05 19:23:42)
- Our Story/121 (2022-02-14 21:36:08)
- Ex 220/translating tirelessly (2022-02-11 23:17:04)
- Of / génitif (2022-01-29 21:56:48)
- RYB/let's suggest 7 (2022-02-13 20:04:14)
- Couldn't bear/ seeing ou to see (2022-01-28 13:42:22)
- Lettre motivation/ Bachelor (2022-01-31 16:56:37)
- Aide/pronoms (2022-02-07 14:26:36)
- Which/the subject (2022-01-20 12:07:05)
- Sans traduction/mot à mot (2022-02-08 17:42:11)
- Saint Exupery/citation (2022-01-19 09:59:41)
- Our Story/120 (2022-01-31 09:13:16)
- Help/master's degree (2022-01-18 12:34:37)
- Ex 219/ let's go on (2022-01-29 23:52:51)
- Present perfect/prétérit (2022-01-27 12:58:23)
- Playing with words/27 (2022-01-31 11:38:26)
- RYB/let's suggest 6 (2022-01-28 10:40:38)
- Programme /aide (2022-01-11 20:40:53)
- Aide /un jour (2022-01-20 21:39:13)
- The Police/ the Government (2022-01-07 14:00:57)
- Besoin /correction (2022-01-07 19:21:33)
- Mille fois plus /aide (2022-01-07 18:56:33)
- Phrase / traduire (2022-01-06 16:35:05)
- Traduction / texte (2022-01-09 07:57:25)
- Négation/aide (2022-01-12 13:24:05)
- Which, of which/ whose (2022-01-05 10:11:24)
- Prétérit ou present perfect/aide (2022-01-11 08:00:39)
- Our Story/119 (2022-01-15 22:56:09)
- Present perfect/prétérit (2022-01-02 17:42:49)
- Aide/ponctuation (2022-01-09 19:19:50)
- Above ou beyond/might ou could (2022-01-02 12:55:43)
- Ex 218/Happy New Year! (2022-01-13 23:02:02)
- Night flight/aide (2021-12-31 17:26:47)
- Ecrit anglais /correction (2021-12-30 18:19:12)
- RYB/let's suggest 5 (2022-01-13 12:35:24)
- Aide/traduction (2021-12-24 13:09:07)
- Explication/aide (2021-12-23 16:25:40)
- Correlative/help (2022-01-12 13:57:12)
- The same/ likewise (2021-12-22 15:05:01)
- CD New Enjoy English 5e (2021-12-21 09:22:10)
- Present perfect/help (2021-12-21 11:57:24)
- Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année 2021-2022 (2022-02-06 07:05:36)
- Gerondif/aide (2021-12-17 10:27:30)
- Our Story/118 (2021-12-30 21:06:42)
- Passé/ aspect perfectif (2021-12-23 16:45:01)
- Ex 217/ Britt's feeling of guilt (2021-12-30 23:56:16)
- Noun clause/adverb clause (2021-12-22 01:13:58)
- Certification obligatoire d'anglais BTS (2021-12-13 11:24:34)
- RYB/ let's suggest 4 (2022-01-04 07:57:06)
- Past participle/ adjective (2021-12-13 16:11:10)
- Baby belly/aide (2021-12-14 12:17:25)
- Trouver/expression (2021-12-10 10:28:25)
- Adverbes/ upwards, outwards, inwards (2021-12-12 21:20:41)
- Ordre des mots/aide (2021-12-14 08:55:36)
- Quand/ ne pas utiliser of (2021-12-06 22:57:53)
- Playing with words/ 26 (2021-12-31 15:04:52)
- Carpe diem/aide (2021-12-06 17:40:10)
- Our Story/ 117 (2021-12-15 14:56:15)
- Ex 216/let's go on translating (2021-12-13 23:43:01)
- Sentence/ transformation (2021-12-11 17:06:16)
- Choléra/Correction (2021-11-29 09:19:36)
- Eat / eats (2021-11-27 23:13:16)
- RYB/ let's suggest-3 (2021-12-12 21:28:04)
- Forgive for/ to (2021-11-27 18:45:00)
- Citation/aide (2021-11-27 15:12:40)
- That / What (2021-11-27 10:51:48)
- Passive voice /help (2021-12-08 07:00:15)
- Choose/ studies (2021-11-30 18:46:36)
- Ordre/adjectifs (2021-11-23 19:04:01)
- Avis/ correction CV (2021-11-22 17:02:15)
- Without /aide (2021-11-22 10:48:46)
- Aide/ traduction (2021-11-18 17:17:16)
- So you like/ do you? (2021-11-30 17:45:23)
- Dare/aide (2021-11-16 11:30:36)
- Our Story/116 (2021-11-30 22:12:43)
- Dear white brother/aide (2021-11-15 17:15:14)
- Ex 215/I know you can do it (2021-11-29 23:16:08)
- RYB/let’s suggest-2 (2021-11-30 11:38:13)
- One-man London mob/aide (2021-11-14 18:51:46)
- Littérature/John Steinbeck (2021-11-11 21:05:47)
- Explanation/ structure (2021-11-09 21:28:07)
- Résumer un texte medical (2021-11-08 21:20:07)
- Present perfect/ for (2021-11-09 08:02:02)
- Inversion /help (2021-11-08 19:44:23)
- Playing with words/25 (2021-11-30 11:52:32)
- Traduction/aide (2021-11-04 22:09:14)
- Correction/phrase (2021-11-04 20:39:48)
- Grandmother's letter/correction (2021-11-06 13:07:17)
- Traduction/ Ce dont (2021-11-12 11:50:00)
- Our Story/115 (2021-11-16 11:13:30)
- Whose of/Of whose (2021-11-01 16:25:06)
- Ex 214/pure translation (2021-11-14 23:08:33)
- RYB/let's suggest-1 (2021-11-13 18:28:31)
- Before/ not before (2021-10-28 15:10:08)
- Correction/ thème Mines-Pont (2021-10-26 16:46:07)
- Besoin/explication (2021-10-24 17:14:12)
- Ecrire/ fractions (2021-10-26 16:34:21)
- Nombres/ monnaie (2021-10-24 21:08:09)
- Relatives/correction (2021-11-08 16:25:53)
- Correction/phrases (2021-10-23 20:50:06)
- Prépositions /précision (2021-10-24 09:40:05)
- Question/ pluriel (2021-10-21 14:21:03)
- Being done/aide (2021-10-20 11:09:23)
- While/aide (2021-10-20 11:09:51)
- My fish/correction (2021-10-20 09:38:15)
- Much/adverbe ou adjectif (2021-10-19 04:19:22)
- Un site complet/aide (2021-10-16 19:08:40)
- Our Story/114 (2021-10-31 23:07:18)
- Gérondif / passé (2021-10-15 23:03:46)
- Asking/ questions (2021-10-16 16:39:16)
- Voix passive /aide (2021-10-14 16:19:21)
- Traduction/On (2021-10-14 13:31:01)
- What / mistake (2021-10-14 11:15:54)
- Ex 213/ a new translation (2021-10-29 23:24:19)
- Comparatif/aide (2021-10-15 18:43:49)
- Traduire famous/aide (2021-10-13 05:22:08)
- Even so/still (2021-10-13 17:48:38)
- RYB and Help/Finale (2021-10-31 22:27:34)
- Beautiful journey/drop of water (2021-10-09 21:21:16)
- My talent/correction (2021-10-08 08:39:07)
- Playing with words/24 (2021-10-31 18:17:45)
- Il faut /aide (2021-10-08 15:00:37)
- Up to par-scratch/snuff-the mark (2021-10-17 09:52:18)
- Talk into /out of (2021-10-04 18:43:37)
- Un enfant déçu/correction (2021-10-06 09:22:36)
- Whom-whose-who/aide (2021-10-02 20:11:27)
- A half/ half (2021-10-01 21:23:10)
- Correction/texte (2021-10-01 18:15:34)
- Our Story/ 113 (2021-10-14 21:33:04)
- To be likely to/to be unlikely to (2021-10-06 11:47:31)
- Would be better/Had better (2021-10-01 10:03:46)
- Prefer/Would rather (2021-10-01 10:02:59)
- Ex 212/some training for you! (2021-10-13 23:16:12)
- Il faudrait /Il a fallu (2021-09-29 20:31:17)
- Différence yell /scream (2021-09-29 08:33:37)
- Dialogue/aide (2021-09-29 16:45:17)
- Le sens d'un mot/aide (2021-09-28 10:25:51)
- Correction/ phrases (2021-09-28 18:26:19)
- Verbes à l'infinitif / to (2021-09-29 08:42:44)
- Rack Your Brains/103 (2021-10-17 15:28:13)
- Vérification/correction (2021-09-27 18:41:18)
- Indirect speech/ indirect question (2021-09-29 11:01:02)
- Actually/ Even (2021-09-27 13:06:16)
- Articles/aide (2021-09-27 11:08:10)
- Présent Simple/aide (2021-09-26 14:02:10)
- Place / much (2021-09-25 12:56:07)
- To /aide (2021-09-24 15:23:44)
- You're welcome/You got it (2021-09-23 00:09:33)
- Gérondif/construction (2021-09-24 20:58:51)
- Différence/movies et pictures (2021-09-21 16:44:52)
- Génitif / gérondif (2021-09-20 18:18:14)
- Geste commercial/aide (2021-09-25 09:29:35)
- Impératif /aide (2021-09-19 15:38:56)
- Like au présent/aide (2021-09-18 17:33:17)
- Comparative /help (2021-09-18 02:02:05)
- Anytime soon/aide (2021-09-18 12:22:45)
- Formule de politesse/aide (2021-09-17 11:00:17)
- Mots de liaison/aide (2021-09-17 22:18:32)
- Our Story/ 112 (2021-09-30 22:48:23)
- Double négation/aide (2021-09-16 09:55:37)
- City /ville ou cité (2021-09-16 09:17:59)
- Ex 211/work with us, please (2021-09-29 23:23:25)
- Concession/ contraste (2021-09-18 13:56:37)
- Un peu perdu/aide (2021-09-13 17:50:48)
- Verbe impersonnel/aide (2021-09-13 13:40:36)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/102 (2021-10-02 15:03:11)
- Passive/ noun clause (2021-09-12 18:15:54)
- I or Me/aide (2021-09-12 16:17:34)
- Two hours and a half/help (2021-09-12 14:52:49)
- Traduction/ the (2021-09-10 09:41:52)
- Summary/aide (2021-09-10 02:14:27)
- Playing with words/23 (2021-09-29 18:16:30)
- To see/ to see to (2021-09-13 11:57:41)
- Négation/aide (2021-09-08 12:04:34)
- Use of the/aide (2021-09-09 19:06:27)
- To burst/ to break out (2021-09-06 21:18:04)
- Don't-Doesn't/aide (2021-09-06 00:54:24)
- Present simple or/continuous (2021-09-05 09:26:41)
- Aide/VIE Portugal (2021-09-02 16:59:51)
- Verbe à particules /intransitif (2021-09-03 18:03:55)
- La possession/aide (2021-09-01 23:41:24)
- Apostrophe/aide (2021-09-01 14:34:33)
- Our Story/111 (2021-09-15 18:51:43)
- A day in my summer/ daily routine (2021-09-02 23:42:32)
- Ex 210/there we go again (2021-09-14 23:32:50)
- New Bloggers 5e (2021-08-30 09:07:15)
- Ordre des mots/aide (2021-08-30 17:23:55)
- Rack Your Brains/101 (2021-09-17 21:47:12)
- Verbes/ particules (2021-08-30 07:40:15)
- Correction/candidature (2021-08-29 01:05:04)
- Prétérit/Imparfait (2021-08-27 15:21:24)
- Aide / traduction (2021-08-25 18:58:30)
- Nothing/anything (2021-08-24 22:58:45)
- Relecture/aide (2021-08-23 21:43:03)
- Reduced/ relative clause (2021-08-21 22:59:26)
- Explication /ruddy well (2021-08-20 21:05:36)
- Fonctions/ pronoms relatifs (2021-08-29 12:37:48)
- Particule/aide (2021-08-19 22:21:18)
- Have something done/aide (2021-08-21 12:24:13)
- Exercices/ entreprise (2021-08-18 09:19:12)
- Souhait/ Potentiel (2021-08-19 16:12:25)
- Je vous /je te (2021-08-16 15:50:54)
- Must be/aide (2021-08-16 14:37:33)
- Our Story/110 (2021-08-30 23:10:09)
- Ex 209/August 2021: climate disruption (2021-08-31 00:00:11)
- Traduction/phrase (2021-08-17 08:59:01)
- Résultative /aide (2021-08-15 09:09:16)
- Rack Your Brains /100 (2021-08-31 18:12:33)
- Look after/Watching Over (2021-08-09 23:42:40)
- Voix passive/aide (2021-08-09 19:04:46)
- Subjonctif/What a pleasure (2021-08-20 11:11:20)
- I had/I was having (2021-08-09 00:32:30)
- Playing with words/ 22 (2021-08-31 20:39:19)
- Difficulté/ traduction (2021-08-07 16:10:19)
- Abréviation/aide (2021-08-06 19:31:27)
- CV/ Conjugaison-grammaire (2021-08-08 00:56:44)
- Past simple/aide (2021-08-07 09:21:03)
- Seated / sitting (2021-08-06 11:42:00)
- Jeu du coffre - solutions (2021-08-04 02:54:29)
- Confusions fréquentes/aide (2021-08-12 12:59:51)
- Différence/ phrases (2021-08-04 11:24:17)
- Our Story/109 (2021-08-15 22:32:13)
- Résultative/aide (2021-07-31 13:40:27)
- Either or/neither nor (2021-07-30 14:40:32)
- Ex 208/transient sunshine and heat (2021-08-15 23:55:23)
- That /Which (2021-07-29 15:41:12)
- Rack Your Brains/99 (2021-08-23 17:12:18)
- Pas évident/ traductions (2021-07-29 09:51:31)
- Tellement /Interjection (2021-07-26 15:59:59)
- Voix passive/causative (2021-07-27 15:01:10)
- Livre en anglais/aide (2021-07-30 18:58:18)
- Conditionnel passé /aide (2021-07-26 11:39:08)
- Traduction/ON français (2021-07-22 14:58:39)
- Place/adverbe de fréquence (2021-07-21 10:17:31)
- Comparatif / 2 personnes (2021-07-19 10:10:41)
- Confusions fréquentes/aide (2021-07-17 17:58:45)
- Use / and (2021-07-17 18:01:03)
- Our Story/108 (2021-07-30 23:15:39)
- Must have/aide (2021-07-14 09:36:37)
- Ex 207/where has summer gone? (2021-08-01 10:39:58)
- Ditch/Give up (2021-07-13 19:40:32)
- Rack Your Brains/98 (2021-08-02 14:20:14)
- Playing with words/21 (2021-07-31 22:55:04)
- Séjour linguistique/ 56 ans (2021-07-05 23:07:01)
- Génitif/ déterminants (2021-07-06 14:47:52)
- Utilisation de 've/aide (2021-07-04 19:27:53)
- Imperative Sentence/help (2021-07-03 16:38:35)
- Brevet anglais/ 2021 (2021-07-16 16:54:45)
- Signification/phrase (2021-07-03 20:33:55)
- Quel mot/gars-type (2021-07-03 12:17:58)
- Sir/ miss (2021-07-01 21:12:40)
- Our Story/ 107 (2021-07-15 15:46:01)
- Traduction/dont (2021-07-02 16:34:51)
- Ex 206/getting ready for real Summer (2021-07-13 23:08:42)
- Go/aide (2021-06-28 12:45:00)
- Correction WSS/ conclusion (2021-06-29 11:19:35)
- Correction WSS/partie 3 (2021-06-29 11:05:55)
- Correction WSS/ partie 2 (2021-06-29 09:45:49)
- Correction WSS/partie 1 (2021-06-29 09:25:30)
- Which/ that (2021-06-27 22:46:50)
- Rack Your Brains/97 (2021-07-15 15:16:05)
- Every time/ Each time-Whenever (2021-06-27 20:43:17)
- Never had practised/Had never practised (2021-06-26 09:22:19)
- Present perfect/since (2021-06-27 09:52:55)
- Might/prétérit ou conditionnel (2021-06-25 19:15:48)
- Compréhension/aide (2021-06-20 17:19:14)
- The ou pas /Must ou have to (2021-06-22 12:08:27)
- Confusions fréquentes/aide (2021-06-19 00:28:30)
- Traduction/ correcte (2021-06-19 08:06:48)
- Doesn't/ dosen't (2021-06-17 08:55:28)
- Our Story/106 (2021-06-30 14:00:20)
- Je doute /aide (2021-06-17 21:59:20)
- Past perfect /subjunctive (2021-06-16 15:43:18)
- Ex 205-/much too hot now (2021-06-29 23:02:38)
- Nationalités/adjectifs ou noms (2021-06-14 15:04:58)
- Playing with words /20 (2021-06-30 08:46:42)
- Rack Your Brains/96 (2021-07-01 12:36:13)
- Correction/phrases (2021-06-10 18:14:40)
- Noms/ adjectifs substantivés (2021-06-11 01:46:04)
- Take back/aide (2021-06-10 07:49:15)
- Verbes séparables/relatifs (2021-06-20 19:22:08)
- La confiance/aide (2021-06-07 10:19:42)
- Signification /philo (2021-06-06 16:02:12)
- To / for (2021-06-06 17:03:00)
- Génitif/ temps (2021-06-06 10:30:19)
- Le moindre /aide (2021-06-06 00:42:43)
- Twice as much/as many (2021-06-03 16:57:44)
- There are no bars open/open bars (2021-05-31 19:31:45)
- Our Story/105 (2021-06-18 07:46:53)
- Its / his (2021-05-31 19:13:12)
- Ex 204/here comes the sun at last! (2021-06-14 22:36:19)
- To happen to/ happened to (2021-06-01 21:03:33)
- Between/mother and daughter (2021-06-02 23:53:39)
- Correction/publicité (2021-05-29 13:25:22)
- Rack Your Brains/95 (2021-06-14 18:15:48)
- Formes/ affirm, inter et nég (2021-05-29 09:18:13)
- A - an/aide (2021-05-31 15:26:07)
- Exercices structuraux (2021-05-22 16:55:47)
- Traduction/ citation (2021-05-22 14:44:45)
- Trois fois plus /Trois fois moins (2021-05-23 10:08:59)
- Discours/ handicaps (2021-05-20 09:11:33)
- Quite - Rather- Fairly/ Pretty (2021-05-27 10:19:45)
- Perfect/ perfectly (2021-05-18 12:35:27)
- Traduction/phrase élégante (2021-05-18 18:21:30)
- Comparatif/aide (2021-05-20 12:02:44)
- As/while (2021-05-16 14:19:55)
- Comparatif/ou pas (2021-05-17 04:57:57)
- Our Story/104 (2021-05-31 16:32:47)
- Ex 203/ Pouring rain in Paris... (2021-05-29 22:51:46)
- Rack Your Brains /94 (2021-05-30 10:32:40)
- Expression/gérondif (2021-05-18 09:18:43)
- Pronom relatif/aide (2021-05-13 18:19:17)
- Traduction/the prospect's black (2021-05-11 17:43:26)
- Traduire/subordonnée (2021-05-12 10:56:19)
- Subjonctif présent/gérondif (2021-05-12 11:12:15)
- Subjonctif/proposition infinitive (2021-05-11 15:23:09)
- Correction/guerre de sécession (2021-05-10 18:42:34)
- Regret/ Reproche (2021-05-11 14:28:16)
- To be worth /aide (2021-05-11 14:29:08)
- Gerondif / again and again (2021-05-07 11:27:58)
- The missing vowels /397 (2021-05-27 04:11:29)
- Question/which (2021-05-05 16:35:48)
- Traduction/aide (2021-05-05 15:11:25)
- I would like/aide (2021-05-04 14:24:54)
- Cover letter/correction (2021-05-04 13:20:26)
- Overwhelming/aide (2021-05-04 09:02:53)
- Expression /On the big loop (2021-05-03 07:06:34)
- Playing with words/19 (2021-06-02 22:14:41)
- To forbid /-ing (2021-05-03 18:56:35)
- Our Story/103 (2021-05-15 18:38:45)
- Place/adverbe et gérondif (2021-04-30 15:35:14)
- Our city /correction (2021-04-30 23:40:24)
- Gerondif/adjectif possessif (2021-04-29 19:18:05)
- The missing vowels/396 (2021-05-06 01:40:47)
- Ex 202/still confined and masked (2021-05-15 17:26:35)
- Study Plan/correction (2021-04-28 14:12:20)
- Doute/correction (2021-04-29 21:27:19)
- Ing verbes/ passé (2021-04-28 18:00:08)
- Trouver/ gérondifs (2021-04-27 19:03:22)
- Genre/ noms anglais en canadien (2021-04-29 09:39:22)
- Noun / verb (2021-04-30 04:56:18)
- Wish /to (2021-04-27 15:18:05)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/93 (2021-05-15 08:16:39)
- Souhait irréaliste/non réalisé (2021-04-25 17:07:25)
- Present perfect simple/v-ing (2021-04-26 08:16:31)
- Must have/aide (2021-04-27 18:54:39)
- Correction/ résumé (2021-04-24 19:39:40)
- Lettre/motivation (2021-04-25 10:04:13)
- Correction/oral (2021-04-23 15:29:22)
- Négation/aide (2021-04-22 15:57:04)
- The missing vowels /395 (2021-04-24 21:49:37)
- Relance/paiement (2021-04-20 23:01:14)
- Whose/of which (2021-04-19 19:03:07)
- Linking verbs/State verbs (2021-04-20 15:45:34)
- Test / lycée international (2021-04-19 06:39:08)
- Correction/Invisible Sun (2021-04-20 21:18:03)
- Nouns/ plural form (2021-05-03 20:50:51)
- To be left/to have left (2021-04-18 15:28:22)
- Tétraphtongue / Quadriphtongue (2021-04-17 09:48:46)
- Correction/Oral (2021-04-20 06:47:25)
- Our Story/102 (2021-04-30 17:01:27)
- Correction/devoir (2021-04-16 12:31:09)
- Correction/Rapport enquête (2021-04-16 17:57:46)
- Barême traductions (2021-04-15 13:16:39)
- The missing vowels/394 (2021-04-19 22:03:14)
- Ex 201/Not better at all (2021-04-28 23:28:44)
- Question/do (2021-04-20 23:27:14)
- Demande d'avis (2021-04-19 11:04:26)
- Différence/is-has (2021-04-16 05:26:30)
- Traduction /Miracle Mile (2021-04-13 22:26:17)
- Playing with words/18 (2021-04-30 06:23:58)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/92 (2021-04-28 14:50:14)
- Correction/ thème (2021-04-12 18:57:20)
- Stilnovo (2021-04-09 20:50:49)
- Correction/ thèse véto (2021-04-09 09:09:09)
- Simple/ compound (2021-04-14 23:15:26)
- The missing vowels/393 (2021-04-13 17:37:58)
- Que veut dire /hulk (2021-04-20 06:48:42)
- Correction/biography (2021-04-08 17:52:04)
- Speech/redemption (2021-04-06 17:00:40)
- Expression écrite/ Branksy (2021-04-05 19:06:58)
- Traduction/ dicton (2021-04-05 08:32:44)
- Correction/exposé 2 (2021-04-06 15:07:58)
- Correction/extrait d'exposé (2021-04-06 15:06:53)
- Je regrette/ I wish (2021-04-04 16:45:02)
- Cover letter/ correction (2021-04-04 16:11:17)
- Daeu A test positionnement montpellier (2021-04-03 19:55:23)
- The missing vowels/392 (2021-04-07 13:31:52)
- Our Story/101 (2021-04-16 09:27:36)
- Ex 200/let's be patient (2021-04-14 23:36:23)
- Test écrit/section internationale (2021-03-30 19:15:59)
- Correction/Trailer (2021-03-31 11:25:30)
- Phrase type /help (2021-03-30 07:13:05)
- Article/rencontre (2021-03-28 19:15:07)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/91 (2021-04-15 14:16:36)
- Question to be/ prétérit (2021-04-02 12:08:42)
- Correction/feelings (2021-04-06 15:47:44)
- Terme/ américain (2021-03-27 11:00:30)
- Someone/anyone (2021-03-26 16:22:16)
- Present perfect/ Prétérit (2021-03-27 19:02:34)
- Correction/sport (2021-04-06 19:42:54)
- The missing vowels/391 (2021-03-29 17:43:05)
- Construction poétique/aide (2021-03-24 09:47:19)
- Who / which (2021-03-23 17:47:38)
- Present perfect/since et for (2021-03-23 20:55:45)
- Already/still (2021-03-21 09:44:31)
- Fonction publique - Apprentissage du fr (2021-03-20 18:26:12)
- Aide / gérondif (2021-03-19 16:47:32)
- Ressources what's on 3e (2021-03-18 15:32:46)
- Grammar/Check (2021-03-21 13:45:38)
- The missing vowels /390 (2021-03-17 22:53:34)
- Butte Chaumont/specific words (2021-03-26 11:33:57)
- Appartenance/aide (2021-03-17 20:30:22)
- Our Story/100! (2021-03-31 15:08:09)
- Correction/ climate (2021-03-20 18:11:46)
- Ex 199/still hoping, but weary (2021-03-30 23:41:32)
- Compréhension/ orale (2021-03-14 20:25:15)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/90 (2021-04-01 16:34:28)
- Apostrophe/plural (2021-03-30 06:59:53)
- Test oral/international (2021-03-11 14:06:18)
- The missing vowels /389 (2021-03-16 05:06:08)
- Transcription/ vidéo (2021-03-10 12:29:54)
- To / In (2021-03-09 13:58:15)
- Correction/GA Custer (2021-03-16 09:22:09)
- Motivation/ section euro (2021-03-05 18:10:04)
- Playing/ with Words 17 (2021-03-30 22:11:27)
- Will/ be going to (2021-03-05 00:02:48)
- Question/comment (2021-03-05 00:48:44)
- [Désactivé] Vecteurs (2021-03-04 15:43:07)
- The missing vowels/388 (2021-03-06 18:31:35)
- Rather than to do/ than do (2021-03-03 17:52:37)
- I'd prefer us/ we (2021-03-02 18:01:46)
- Could-may/ can-may (2021-03-02 13:07:27)
- To cling/to hang (2021-03-02 17:29:05)
- Our Story/99 (2021-03-16 10:34:30)
- Ex 198/let's go on hoping (2021-03-14 23:15:23)
- Prépositions/in-of (2021-02-27 17:49:27)
- Sous-titres/ ou non (2021-02-27 12:08:54)
- Change/exclamatory (2021-03-12 12:36:20)
- Grammar/help (2021-02-26 19:47:33)
- Wh questions/help (2021-02-25 20:46:57)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/89 (2021-03-14 17:58:07)
- The missing vowels/387 (2021-03-03 19:12:01)
- Résumé /Psycho (2021-02-22 19:33:10)
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