33527 sujets
Les plus récents d'abord
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Need help /Reference (2016-07-11 17:12:18)
- Junk food/ complaint (2016-06-10 14:11:47)
- Motivation/euro 2nde (2016-06-09 22:33:26)
- Oral/Introduce yourself (2016-06-09 21:49:16)
- The missing vowels/175 (2016-06-12 08:53:13)
- Bulats/ B2 (2016-06-08 23:39:50)
- Police/singulier ou pluriel (2016-06-08 18:56:08)
- Aide /emploi passé (2016-06-08 11:41:59)
- Creep/-ing (2016-06-07 12:59:55)
- Oral littérature/aide (2016-06-08 06:52:42)
- Traduction /citation (2016-06-24 15:57:44)
- Past Perfect/aide (2016-06-06 22:44:24)
- Used to + verb/would +verb (2016-06-06 18:47:46)
- Traduction/aide (2016-06-06 13:24:31)
- Doute/ Be (2016-06-05 19:44:50)
- Comment est la LLCE anglais? (2016-06-05 17:44:01)
- Traduction/faudra t-il faire (2016-06-06 16:30:47)
- Nom de société/aide (2016-06-05 14:57:26)
- CAPES/ Compréhension orale (2016-06-03 19:01:34)
- Traduction/ citation (2016-06-04 09:01:40)
- Emploi/ can (2016-06-03 07:58:28)
- Phrase commerciale/aide (2016-06-03 18:32:29)
- Diction anglaise/aide (2016-06-06 20:30:24)
- The missing vowels/174 (2016-06-06 13:58:47)
- CV/stage Angleterre (2016-06-30 21:26:55)
- Aide/Dystopia and Utopia (2016-06-01 13:19:03)
- Aide/friendship (2016-06-10 10:32:18)
- Each other/aide (2016-05-29 10:48:27)
- Phrase/Traduction (2016-06-01 03:05:39)
- Aide/lettre motivation (2016-05-31 16:01:40)
- Correction/ CV et lettre (2016-05-30 20:40:31)
- SVP besoin de join the team (2016-06-21 10:54:39)
- Correction/ phrases (2016-05-31 13:53:08)
- Aide/ résumé (2016-05-29 23:11:04)
- Problématiques/Bac (2016-05-29 10:38:55)
- Traduction/Allemagne (2016-05-29 11:58:23)
- Oral/My favourite actor (2016-06-01 16:34:29)
- Aide/ traduction (2016-05-31 06:13:27)
- Ex 78/ bracing up... (2016-06-11 14:00:22)
- Oral/Bac TES (2016-05-29 11:25:57)
- Passé dans futur/aide (2016-05-27 23:54:29)
- Might / could (2016-05-27 11:46:31)
- Avis/traduction (2016-05-30 15:31:09)
- Recherche cd new enjoy 4 (2016-05-26 10:05:07)
- The missing vowels/173 (2016-05-31 07:04:11)
- cds join the team (2016-05-25 17:16:34)
- Oral/Places and forms of power (2016-05-25 15:02:01)
- Correction/présentation orale (2016-05-25 12:34:04)
- Exposé/ Ireland (2016-05-24 22:20:50)
- Oral/Places and forms of power (2016-05-26 11:50:38)
- CV /Australie (2016-05-29 12:42:15)
- Crustal/ emotive resources (2016-05-24 10:51:20)
- Infinitive/ in Inventory (2016-05-24 18:34:37)
- Oral /to present (2016-05-23 19:55:12)
- Aide récap/ texte (2016-05-23 11:51:39)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-05-22 20:07:45)
- Correction/How green (2016-05-23 18:22:54)
- Aide/it's high time (2016-05-21 13:32:02)
- Correction/ armes (2016-05-21 11:20:09)
- Oral/Locations and Forms of Power (2016-05-23 15:21:34)
- Oral/Spaces and Exchanges (2016-05-22 14:09:37)
- Oral/Idea of Progress (2016-05-22 10:25:50)
- Signification/perfect (2016-05-21 15:25:36)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-05-22 16:05:17)
- Correction/phrase (2016-05-22 14:08:54)
- Past progressive/aide (2016-05-20 12:55:53)
- Correction /animal (2016-05-20 10:37:49)
- Names like sugar cubes/Version (2016-07-08 18:01:31)
- Recherche/outil (2016-05-19 18:35:45)
- Ex 77/somewhat out of breath (2016-05-30 22:36:17)
- You and me/and I (2016-05-20 16:24:55)
- The missing vowels/172 (2016-05-23 13:30:05)
- Architecture/ invention (2016-05-18 21:07:19)
- Once upon a time/aide (2016-05-20 14:37:24)
- Correction /student (2016-05-24 19:25:14)
- Oral/Civil Rights Act (2016-05-18 16:04:12)
- Mrs Watson/Help (2016-05-19 16:11:46)
- Correction/2 phrases (2016-05-17 21:43:17)
- Lettre/motivation Erasmus (2016-05-17 19:47:10)
- Aide/ traduction (2016-05-17 13:16:22)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-18 18:19:16)
- Utilisation/some (2016-05-19 19:34:26)
- Oral/ Fiche communication (2016-05-17 19:52:11)
- Oral/Présentation entreprise (2016-05-17 00:10:09)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-18 18:11:57)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-20 20:49:05)
- So English 6è et Hi There 3è (2016-05-16 19:08:50)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-20 11:53:05)
- Traduction/Aide (2016-05-17 05:30:57)
- Both,the two/aide (2016-05-16 17:55:47)
- Bac/Idée de progrès (2016-05-22 13:04:01)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-20 12:29:14)
- Bac/Locations and forms of power (2016-05-17 15:42:10)
- Oral/The Soldier (2016-05-16 13:40:56)
- Comme qui rigole/aide (2016-05-17 19:34:41)
- Aide/ grammaire (2016-05-15 19:05:12)
- Aide/ texte oral (2016-05-15 15:55:16)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2016-05-15 23:48:25)
- Bac/Places et formes de pouvoir (2016-05-19 18:25:28)
- Bac/Empire State Building (2016-05-14 15:17:34)
- Verbes irréguliers/3e pers. (2016-05-14 19:31:16)
- Texte/discrimination (2016-05-21 21:49:58)
- Conjugaison/breath (2016-05-15 08:18:18)
- Sens/ mots (2016-05-14 17:44:06)
- Motivation/syntax (2016-05-13 12:03:41)
- Rédaction / école (2016-05-12 17:24:19)
- The missing vowels/171 (2016-05-17 23:00:45)
- Phrases/aide (2016-05-15 12:07:28)
- Kids/ children (2016-05-22 16:48:10)
- Bac/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-05-13 15:53:48)
- Aide/lettre motivation (2016-05-11 20:33:53)
- Bac/ Robots (2016-05-11 17:09:23)
- So english 6è (2016-05-23 21:13:24)
- Bac/Myths et héros (2016-05-15 14:07:00)
- Help/final study (2016-05-10 19:30:46)
- In/Adverbe ou Particule (2016-05-14 23:26:29)
- cd new enjoy English 3° (2016-05-10 18:16:23)
- Mrs Henderson/ presents (2016-05-10 18:01:51)
- Oral/Notion de progrès (2016-05-15 14:13:42)
- Ielts Writing/ Help (2016-05-10 07:35:54)
- Bac/Places et formes de pouvoir (2016-05-09 09:27:19)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-05-09 01:12:20)
- Aide/ autisme (2016-05-08 22:02:37)
- Notion/mythes et héros (2016-05-08 20:34:35)
- Oral/The Notion of Progress (2016-05-12 14:22:27)
- Aide/Myths and heroes (2016-05-08 19:13:32)
- Sens / phrase (2016-05-10 11:14:55)
- Ex.76/ just wait patiently (2016-05-20 11:09:46)
- Movie/aide (2016-05-10 11:21:45)
- Use / any more (2016-05-19 18:44:04)
- Oral/Espaces et échanges (2016-05-09 23:08:23)
- Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-05-08 12:00:13)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-08 11:58:06)
- Would / had (2016-05-08 20:53:51)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-05-07 23:02:32)
- Oral/Mythes et Héros (2016-05-12 10:37:06)
- Gérondif ou pas/aide (2016-05-08 19:56:53)
- Question/aide (2016-05-11 15:07:47)
- Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-05-07 18:23:46)
- Article/apartheid (2016-05-07 17:01:11)
- Stressful jobs/aide (2016-05-07 14:17:30)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2016-05-12 14:07:01)
- Bac/Mythes et héros (2016-05-07 11:33:25)
- Expression écrite/aide (2016-05-08 21:34:54)
- Myths and Heroes/oral (2016-05-12 14:16:43)
- Places and forms of power/oral (2016-05-11 15:34:49)
- Oral/Places and forms of power (2016-05-06 18:59:03)
- Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-05-06 16:13:42)
- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-05-06 16:11:49)
- Oral/Espaces et échanges (2016-05-11 15:26:08)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-05-10 22:29:14)
- Might/ would (2016-05-08 19:58:05)
- Bac/ideas of progress (2016-05-10 12:02:07)
- Prépositions/at (2016-05-06 14:51:05)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-05-10 11:35:38)
- Bac/Espaces et échanges (2016-05-08 19:36:49)
- To look down/aide (2016-05-05 21:35:04)
- Bac/forms of power (2016-05-08 18:50:22)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-08 18:20:24)
- Aide/présentation (2016-05-05 14:50:58)
- Bac/Espaces et échanges (2016-05-05 14:47:15)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2016-05-05 12:32:28)
- Traduction/acid trip (2016-05-10 17:35:50)
- The missing vowels/170 (2016-05-09 08:04:38)
- Emplois/ Wish (2016-05-05 11:12:44)
- Aide/ traduction (2016-05-04 17:15:10)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-05-07 20:43:11)
- Equivalent /ça m' énerve (2016-05-05 04:16:24)
- Email stage/aide (2016-05-04 11:02:52)
- Oral/mythe-héros (2016-05-05 17:29:10)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-07 20:52:40)
- Considered as/ help (2016-05-03 09:23:28)
- Bac/Espaces et échanges (2016-05-04 18:04:27)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2016-05-04 11:36:51)
- Of an age/aide (2016-05-02 00:18:38)
- Oral/Places and forms of power (2016-05-02 19:30:21)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-05-05 23:35:17)
- Recently/ PP or Past simple (2016-05-01 16:37:53)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-05-01 17:03:44)
- Cut off/ chop off (2016-05-01 14:43:13)
- Correction/Elisabeth I (2016-05-02 17:56:02)
- Mama don't/doesn't (2016-05-02 00:28:32)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-05-04 18:15:04)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-05-08 18:15:15)
- Bac/places and forms of power (2016-05-08 18:13:17)
- Ex. 75/ Persevering (2016-05-10 00:16:02)
- Oral/House of my dreams (2016-05-02 18:04:31)
- Paraphrase/ help (2016-04-30 17:39:02)
- For/ during (2016-04-30 22:11:29)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-30 11:18:41)
- To find out/ about (2016-04-30 17:12:08)
- Bac/Myths and Heroes (2016-04-30 08:28:27)
- Correction/texte (2016-04-30 12:26:10)
- Correction/In a camp (2016-04-30 19:11:46)
- Traduction/Aide (2016-04-29 20:01:15)
- Oral/Spaces & Exchanges (2016-04-29 18:53:09)
- Oral/Places & Power (2016-05-01 19:27:51)
- Exposé/ crise financière (2016-05-07 11:57:08)
- Aide/Bilan formation (2016-04-28 23:02:25)
- Recliner/ lift chair (2016-04-28 22:05:15)
- Biographie/John Lennon (2016-04-29 12:44:55)
- Correction/Espionnage (2016-04-28 18:00:06)
- Correction/Indiens (2016-04-28 19:17:42)
- Notion/Idea of Progress (2016-04-28 18:50:05)
- The missing vowels/169 (2016-05-01 20:56:56)
- Bac/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-04-28 18:40:05)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2016-04-30 17:51:23)
- Traduction/ phrase (2016-05-11 12:30:07)
- Correction/ texte (2016-04-28 14:26:18)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-04-28 21:00:14)
- Notion/places and forms of power (2016-04-27 15:12:34)
- Notion de Pouvoir/ Bac (2016-04-27 15:12:03)
- Traduction/phrase (2016-04-29 00:39:34)
- Notion/ Myths and heroes (2016-04-27 11:14:50)
- Correction /texte (2016-04-27 14:57:24)
- Phrases/aide (2016-04-26 22:23:26)
- Oral/Idea of Progress (2016-04-27 20:45:10)
- Traduction/ présentation (2016-04-26 23:42:02)
- Evaluation/ essay (2016-04-28 03:27:19)
- Single child/ sibling (2016-05-02 14:29:11)
- Welled/traduction (2016-04-27 09:42:36)
- Bac/places and forms of power (2016-05-20 16:54:12)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-27 18:36:11)
- Mots/exclamation (2016-04-26 08:28:54)
- Grammaire/stage (2016-04-25 19:30:06)
- Collège International (2016-04-25 19:02:44)
- Fiche/Idea of progress (2016-04-25 18:17:25)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-04-25 17:58:41)
- Bac/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-04-28 13:54:49)
- Bac/places and forms of power (2016-04-24 22:59:39)
- It looks like rain/aide (2016-04-26 10:49:49)
- Notion/Idea of Progress (2016-04-24 18:08:29)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2016-04-30 10:09:35)
- Prison labour/oral (2016-04-24 12:37:29)
- Oral/shopaholic (2016-04-24 12:30:23)
- Verbe/infinitif (2016-04-24 12:07:46)
- Lettre ami/BTS (2016-04-28 13:43:18)
- Verbe/by ou over (2016-04-23 22:30:27)
- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-04-24 19:30:08)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-24 19:19:14)
- Bac/notion of Power (2016-04-25 19:03:02)
- Bac/Places et formes de pouvoir (2016-05-02 22:24:42)
- Essai/aide (2016-04-25 23:48:54)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-04-24 17:50:50)
- Bac/places and forms of power (2016-04-24 18:43:31)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-04-24 18:34:02)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-30 13:45:12)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2016-04-30 13:33:47)
- Conseils/ amélioration (2016-04-22 12:32:03)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-04-29 10:29:06)
- Oral/Espaces et échanges (2016-04-30 12:58:55)
- Oral/ littérature (2016-04-21 21:10:40)
- Close / closed (2016-04-22 09:03:40)
- Help/Rose et Jack (2016-04-21 20:11:47)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-21 16:13:19)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-04-21 18:50:23)
- Aide/correction (2016-04-22 09:46:20)
- Aide /traduction (2016-04-21 10:02:43)
- Correction/ synthèse (2016-04-20 19:50:19)
- Ma présentation/aide (2016-04-20 16:38:09)
- Legal rights /advocate (2016-04-22 13:56:08)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-20 18:10:03)
- Question / traduction (2016-04-21 21:27:43)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-22 11:06:58)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-05-02 22:23:56)
- Feedback/argumentative essay (2016-04-20 05:57:14)
- Correction/exposé AfroJack (2016-04-19 22:16:23)
- Bac/Mythes et héros (2016-04-21 20:19:18)
- CV/serveuse (2016-04-19 18:44:25)
- Oral/Places and forms of power (2016-04-20 18:26:16)
- Question/choix de temps (2016-04-19 23:15:06)
- Ex 74/It's never too late (2016-05-02 19:20:13)
- Bac/places and forms of power (2016-04-19 19:31:02)
- Aide/monde moderne (2016-04-18 16:59:45)
- Abstract IFSI/3e année (2016-04-25 17:28:33)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-04-18 00:31:48)
- Capes interne 2016 oraux (2016-04-26 18:23:10)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-04-20 13:14:57)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-04-18 11:09:49)
- By far/help (2016-04-20 22:19:12)
- Help sb understand/to understand (2016-04-23 15:17:57)
- No,not a/différence (2016-04-17 16:25:53)
- Correction/Perroquets (2016-04-17 12:01:59)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-04-17 12:13:37)
- Difference/worked-working (2016-04-23 18:00:06)
- Brexit / Grexit (2016-04-16 14:10:33)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2016-04-17 10:53:10)
- Notion/places and forms of power (2016-04-18 19:18:25)
- Bac/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-04-17 22:13:53)
- Importance /commemorations (2016-04-16 20:16:48)
- Oral/Idea of Progress (2016-04-15 22:01:45)
- Textes CAP cuisine-restaurant (2016-04-15 17:37:42)
- Bac/Avis sur sujets (2016-04-16 09:32:12)
- Bac/Mythes et héros (2016-04-17 11:14:42)
- Bac pro/ oral (2016-04-15 10:09:36)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-04-14 22:11:47)
- Verbe /- ing (2016-04-14 19:19:57)
- Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-04-14 14:37:27)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-04-14 11:30:48)
- Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-04-14 11:20:07)
- Aide/correction texte (2016-04-18 16:44:30)
- Grammar/Explanation needed (2016-04-16 15:01:23)
- The missing vowels/168 (2016-04-19 20:34:27)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2016-04-13 16:54:14)
- Notion/places and forms of power (2016-04-13 16:46:59)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-13 16:43:45)
- CD classe contre cd audio de magazines (2016-04-13 15:22:55)
- Demande/traduction (2016-04-13 18:45:11)
- Oral/Idea of Progress (2016-04-13 15:03:28)
- Syntaxe/phrases (2016-04-13 14:44:49)
- Compte-rendu/radio (2016-04-13 13:31:34)
- Oral/Idea of Progress (2016-04-13 18:59:14)
- Traduction/Impression (2016-04-12 23:02:46)
- Correction/ Power (2016-04-12 21:55:47)
- Oral/Notion de progrès (2016-04-12 18:20:57)
- Oral/Espaces et échanges (2016-04-12 15:49:41)
- Pronoms relatifs/aide (2016-04-11 22:58:11)
- Traduction/ Slogans (2016-04-12 11:55:34)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-04-11 19:59:12)
- Commencer phrase/infinitif (2016-04-11 19:42:27)
- Correction/Music bands (2016-04-14 10:49:47)
- Oral/Notion de progrès (2016-04-11 17:47:43)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-11 15:37:06)
- Oral/Spaces and Exchanges (2016-04-11 14:34:41)
- Notion/Idée de progrès (2016-04-11 11:50:19)
- Aide / âge (2016-04-11 16:38:10)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-04-10 22:18:58)
- Oral/Idea of Progress (2016-04-10 21:44:04)
- And so it began/Version (2016-05-23 12:21:48)
- CD classe New Connect 3ème (2016-04-10 18:45:16)
- Essai/Brexit (2016-04-19 15:29:51)
- Oral/Spaces and Exchanges (2016-04-11 15:56:35)
- Question/aide (2016-04-12 15:33:24)
- Correction/Notion of progress (2016-04-12 18:27:01)
- Traduction/Aide (2016-04-10 16:55:16)
- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-04-19 14:36:37)
- I would like/infinitif (2016-04-10 16:13:14)
- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-04-10 11:49:14)
- Will / be going to (2016-04-13 22:51:39)
- Essai/crowdfunding (2016-04-10 16:26:03)
- Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-04-09 16:20:50)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-04-09 16:11:15)
- Bac/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-04-09 16:02:30)
- Oral/Spaces and Exchanges (2016-04-09 15:58:58)
- Prétérit/Present perfect (2016-04-09 13:03:43)
- Aide/lettre motivation (2016-04-09 10:41:51)
- Ex 73/Going, going...gone! (2016-04-20 00:04:11)
- Musique/ signes (2016-04-08 23:54:33)
- Passif/Aide (2016-04-09 07:28:54)
- Aide / pour le VAE (2016-04-09 00:01:06)
- Problème / such (2016-04-12 22:54:19)
- The/noun + number (2016-04-08 15:33:06)
- Oral/Place et forme de pouvoir (2016-04-08 09:48:50)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-04-08 09:46:52)
- Correction/Rapport de stage (2016-04-11 15:13:31)
- Irregular Nouns/help (2016-04-08 14:50:31)
- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-04-09 16:37:45)
- Correction/Spaces and Exchanges (2016-04-10 16:40:54)
- Mail/ remerciement (2016-04-08 15:04:08)
- Problème/ traduction (2016-04-07 21:58:19)
- Must / May (2016-04-07 07:46:34)
- The missing vowels/167 (2016-04-09 13:16:55)
- Bac/places and forms of power (2016-04-06 19:55:04)
- Portrait/correction (2016-04-07 18:50:36)
- Subject verb/ agreement (2016-04-06 04:17:17)
- Suburbs/aide (2016-04-05 17:47:33)
- Conjugaison/ tournure (2016-04-05 22:58:46)
- Articles/aide (2016-04-05 15:29:40)
- Correction/Procès (2016-04-05 14:20:32)
- Adjectif possessif/ pluriel (2016-04-05 15:27:50)
- CDs audios Connect 5ème (2016-04-04 19:27:21)
- Sens/ phrase (2016-04-04 17:57:35)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-04-05 18:36:40)
- Bac/Places et formes de pouvoir (2016-04-03 23:35:03)
- Harry Potter/ livre (2016-04-03 17:36:06)
- Drive by/Drive past (2016-04-03 21:50:37)
- New Spring 4è LV1 CD classe (2016-04-02 18:19:19)
- Notion/Spaces and exchanges (2016-04-03 13:41:21)
- Lettre commerciale/aide (2016-04-03 22:51:30)
- Bac/myths and heroes (2016-04-01 22:30:30)
- Oral/Idée de Progrès (2016-04-01 18:09:09)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-04-03 16:11:52)
- Lettre motivation/Correction (2016-04-01 18:06:08)
- Protest songs/aide (2016-04-02 19:59:08)
- The missing vowels/166 (2016-03-31 04:38:00)
- Just a question/help (2016-03-31 17:26:06)
- Pluriel / singulier (2016-03-31 18:41:18)
- Vérification/texte (2016-03-30 19:53:44)
- Statistiques générales (2016-03-30 15:13:31)
- Correction /cinéma (2016-03-30 18:18:17)
- Ex 72/Still going... (2016-04-09 18:06:55)
- Correction/aide (2016-03-30 10:28:08)
- Correction/question (2016-04-01 08:23:16)
- Idée de progrès/aide (2016-03-29 14:01:39)
- Aide/famille d'accueil (2016-03-29 16:52:38)
- Aspiration/lettre H (2016-03-28 22:14:13)
- Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2016-03-27 20:34:06)
- Phrase/double sens possible (2016-03-27 20:05:06)
- Sujet/Myths and Heroes (2016-03-29 15:35:27)
- Souhaiter/ bon courage (2016-03-26 19:42:13)
- Obsessive/obsessional (2016-03-30 16:02:53)
- Would/will you (2016-03-25 15:00:19)
- Aide/enseignement bilingue (2016-03-26 17:59:31)
- Make a living/aide (2016-03-25 06:42:13)
- Phrase/our American trip (2016-03-25 03:10:56)
- Question/which (2016-03-25 10:50:47)
- Principaux/ temps (2016-03-24 10:55:16)
- Brave/braving (2016-03-24 18:31:45)
- The missing vowels/165 (2016-03-30 22:08:21)
- Correction/entretien (2016-03-24 01:14:38)
- Description/affiche pub (2016-03-23 16:47:21)
- Préposition/Arrive on (2016-03-24 10:26:53)
- Correction/Lieux et formes de pouvoirs (2016-03-23 14:44:29)
- Signification/ I do have (2016-03-23 15:05:50)
- Question /whose (2016-03-23 22:28:58)
- Lettre/ motivation (2016-03-28 21:50:06)
- Together 5e (2016-04-03 19:02:19)
- Is moving/will move (2016-03-22 19:15:22)
- Correction/Life in GB (2016-03-21 23:14:22)
- Aide/karaoke (2016-03-20 20:25:19)
- Phrase/provide (2016-03-22 17:08:51)
- Oral/ idea of progress (2016-04-09 16:27:27)
- Correction/ texte scientifique (2016-03-29 18:32:00)
- Correction/rédaction Art (2016-03-26 11:59:21)
- Correction/test OIB (2016-03-21 15:35:10)
- Correction /éducation (2016-03-23 14:49:37)
- Phrases /traduction (2016-03-20 14:57:17)
- Négation/aide (2016-03-20 22:11:03)
- Recherche film the pursuit of happyness (2016-03-29 14:59:59)
- Phrases/ corriger (2016-03-21 00:38:17)
- Places and form of power/Bac (2016-03-29 10:48:56)
- Correction/dialogue (2016-03-21 20:45:36)
- Correction/cadres féminins (2016-03-22 16:44:18)
- EO Bac/aide (2016-03-20 11:11:52)
- Ex 71/ The reserve one (2016-03-30 23:40:29)
- Myths and Heroes/Bac EO (2016-03-29 15:29:47)
- Quelles activités dans la séance (2016-03-19 17:50:40)
- Exposé/ Oral (2016-03-19 16:44:12)
- The missing vowels/164 (2016-03-23 21:14:54)
- Droits de vote/femmes (2016-03-18 21:07:28)
- Arranged marriage/aide (2016-03-16 17:08:45)
- Essai/Mythes, Héros (2016-03-20 12:29:48)
- Aide /all set (2016-03-16 14:26:15)
- Aide /éducation (2016-03-15 20:02:01)
- Passive form/help (2016-03-28 09:14:00)
- Aide/ to be aux infos (2016-03-17 14:37:40)
- Exposé/aide (2016-03-14 21:44:34)
- What-How/Look-like (2016-03-14 20:29:15)
- Traduction/il est temps... (2016-03-13 16:16:36)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-03-14 16:01:41)
- Recherche CDs (2016-03-13 13:52:11)
- Thank you for/Aide (2016-03-13 14:02:36)
- Aide / rapport (2016-03-12 20:25:00)
- Aide/lettre motivation (2016-03-17 11:48:45)
- Present perfect simple/ ing (2016-03-14 19:58:20)
- Rendre visite/Présent -ing (2016-03-11 12:35:59)
- Correction/Place et formes pouvoir (2016-03-15 14:54:52)
- Correction/Lettre motivation (2016-03-10 19:01:44)
- Phrase/ correction (2016-03-11 14:14:16)
- Correction/Mémoire (2016-03-10 15:03:34)
- The missing vowels/163 (2016-03-16 22:06:13)
- Erasmus/ programme (2016-03-09 21:33:01)
- Dm / histoire (2016-03-09 21:17:33)
- Traduction/relationnel (2016-03-12 11:16:27)
- Neighbourhood/Correction (2016-03-09 11:34:46)
- Reportage/ Radio (2016-03-09 18:16:02)
- Si je dois/aide (2016-03-08 22:35:11)
- Lettre motivation/correction (2016-03-08 20:26:54)
- Le son J/aide (2016-03-10 22:40:03)
- Ex 70/ Let's train, and train again! (2016-03-19 23:46:10)
- Cover letter/correction (2016-03-08 11:13:36)
- CAPES interne-so many questions! (2016-04-22 20:00:52)
- Oral/ B1 Seconde (2016-03-07 21:57:04)
- Entrée/Section OIB Britannique (2016-03-06 18:57:53)
- Question tag/help (2016-03-06 23:05:16)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-03-06 18:09:49)
- Oral/Idea of Progress (2016-03-07 15:24:07)
- Avoir interêt/qu'à (2016-03-06 15:13:26)
- Annales/sans corrigé (2016-03-06 08:05:55)
- Question/aide (2016-03-05 23:51:00)
- Bac/places and forms of power (2016-03-29 13:00:20)
- Compréhension/ oral (2016-03-05 18:45:26)
- Notion/places and forms of power (2016-03-20 16:53:53)
- Question TOEIC/aide (2016-03-05 16:59:04)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2016-03-06 15:45:52)
- Recherche désespérément cd audio (2016-03-06 08:52:55)
- Couldn't/wasn't able to (2016-03-05 13:29:49)
- English food/correction (2016-03-07 14:03:56)
- CD audio Welcome 5e (2016-03-04 15:23:19)
- Lettre /motivation (2016-03-04 11:11:00)
- Entretien oral/lycée international (2016-03-04 09:36:02)
- Notion/mythes (2016-03-09 11:53:38)
- The missing vowels/162 (2016-03-10 10:49:20)
- Si j'avais/aide (2016-03-02 23:41:20)
- Grammaire/mot composé (2016-03-03 15:54:58)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2016-03-24 17:57:24)
- Present perfect/present ou passé (2016-03-02 15:23:15)
- Aide/abandonner (2016-03-01 21:44:22)
- Traductions/2 phrases (2016-03-01 21:18:55)
- Formule idiomatique/aide (2016-03-01 15:20:14)
- Some/a new jeans (2016-03-03 05:28:36)
- Recherche Cd New Spring 6e (2016-03-01 11:52:49)
- Traduction/Heard shouting (2016-02-29 21:51:28)
- Spaces and Exchanges/Correction (2016-03-03 10:11:27)
- Erreur/verbe (2016-03-01 00:07:42)
- Traduction/Forêt (2016-03-01 13:11:11)
- Traduction/correction (2016-02-29 15:39:09)
- Connaitre/expression (2016-02-29 14:13:27)
- Utilisation/verbe show (2016-02-29 13:12:24)
- Means of transport/aide (2016-02-29 13:53:26)
- Fame/correction (2016-02-29 14:12:31)
- Animals/correction (2016-03-07 23:08:59)
- Manners/correction (2016-02-29 13:43:19)
- Traduction/ phrase (2016-02-28 21:33:10)
- Bac/ Notion Espaces (2016-03-08 14:58:36)
- Traduction/correction (2016-02-28 13:02:34)
- Aide/améliorer anglais (2016-02-28 15:30:54)
- Feedback/ interview (2016-02-28 12:11:11)
- Doute/ question (2016-02-27 23:04:08)
- Bac/expression orale (2016-02-28 10:45:09)
- Echange CO terminale type bac (2016-02-27 17:05:52)
- Questions / règle (2016-02-28 07:13:45)
- Ordre des noms/aide (2016-02-27 15:29:29)
- Ex 69/Still on holiday (2016-03-10 14:55:59)
- On the tail/aide (2016-02-27 12:48:07)
- Noun/singular (2016-03-12 16:33:10)
- Traduction/Fidélisation client (2016-02-26 19:41:41)
- Comparatif/superlatif (2016-02-26 23:14:50)
- Relecture/traduction (2016-02-26 14:24:23)
- Correction/tourisme (2016-02-26 18:10:30)
- CD new enjoy 6e et 5e (2016-03-01 09:14:14)
- Temps futur/aide (2016-02-25 22:00:35)
- Prétérit/Present perfect (2016-02-26 12:42:45)
- Traduction / correction (2016-02-26 12:05:47)
- Question/présent be +ing (2016-02-25 20:07:18)
- Strategie ce compréhension écrite (2016-02-25 15:43:52)
- The missing vowels/161 (2016-03-06 19:48:18)
- Traduction/ phrase (2016-02-24 22:48:48)
- West to America/aide (2016-02-25 19:09:48)
- Correction/trip for students (2016-02-24 19:21:18)
- Structure/ verbe-ing (2016-02-24 12:42:07)
- Nouvelle invention/texte (2016-02-25 21:33:48)
- Aide pour devoir/// (2016-02-23 17:10:58)
- Espaces et Echanges/oral (2016-02-26 11:16:40)
- Temps/bien employés (2016-02-24 18:38:19)
- Traduction/j'aurai fini (2016-02-24 23:13:20)
- Traduction/simulateur (2016-02-28 23:49:09)
- Lettre Erasmus/Correction (2016-02-24 22:57:33)
- Opinion/about uniform (2016-02-22 20:42:36)
- HELP! NEW SPRING (2016-02-22 17:54:56)
- Join the team/4e (2016-02-22 15:36:32)
- Help/ has and had (2016-02-22 17:36:21)
- All about/aide (2016-02-21 20:48:00)
- Se rencontrer/aide (2016-02-21 21:33:51)
- Correction/Desert Island (2016-02-21 22:49:49)
- Correction/follow your dream (2016-02-21 10:48:43)
- Notion/Espace et échanges (2016-02-21 10:20:34)
- CDs originaux New Enjoy 3e et new JTT3e (2016-02-20 19:52:23)
- For the pleasure/aide (2016-02-20 18:12:19)
- So English 6e (2016-02-20 10:22:51)
- Notion/ Myths and heroes (2016-02-19 20:36:57)
- Notion/Spaces and exchanges (2016-02-19 16:34:32)
- Nocion/Idea of Progress (2016-02-19 16:21:37)
- Correction/Idealism (2016-02-19 14:56:54)
- Correction/school trip (2016-02-19 11:15:20)
- Help me/question (2016-02-19 19:08:09)
- Aide/phrases (2016-02-19 18:10:47)
- Résumé/textes (2016-02-19 18:17:51)
- Phrase/aide (2016-02-19 15:28:45)
- Correction/immigration (2016-02-18 19:05:16)
- Correction/mythes et héros (2016-02-18 14:16:09)
- Ex. 68/Did you say Holiday (2016-02-28 23:46:27)
- The missing vowels/160 (2016-02-25 09:11:06)
- Correction/mail stage (2016-02-17 19:39:14)
- Correction/lettre formelle (2016-02-17 22:12:52)
- Spaces & Exchanges/0ral (2016-02-18 10:29:17)
- Banque/ Motivation (2016-02-17 15:24:06)
- Correction/argumentaire (2016-02-18 07:37:18)
- Help/Proverbe anglais (2016-02-16 21:53:56)
- Correction/expression (2016-02-16 20:19:13)
- New Enjoy English 5ème et 4ème (2016-02-19 21:01:52)
- Bac/Mythes et héros (2016-02-17 16:15:37)
- Forme contractée/aide (2016-02-16 07:48:09)
- Prétérit/Present perfect (2016-02-17 09:25:53)
- Correction/Brick lane (2016-02-18 21:48:41)
- Expression/Gap year (2016-02-15 21:49:18)
- Aide/transcription (2016-02-16 13:22:12)
- Mise en quarantaine/Thème (2016-03-27 12:16:00)
- Entrainement/ schiste (2016-02-18 21:49:44)
- Prétérit/Present perfect (2016-02-14 22:44:38)
- Aide/Mind the muddle (2016-02-14 22:19:33)
- Mythes et héros/Terminale (2016-02-17 12:01:24)
- Correction/débat (2016-02-14 11:58:08)
- La danse/aide (2016-02-13 22:09:05)
- So do I/ neither do I (2016-02-14 10:57:24)
- Correction/cover letter (2016-02-13 22:25:03)
- Oral/Spaces and Exchanges (2016-02-17 11:49:39)
- Oral/ BTS (2016-02-12 20:54:38)
- Correction/Biogaz (2016-02-11 19:37:54)
- 3e personne/verbe + s (2016-02-12 10:04:23)
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