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Cours d'anglais > << Pays anglophones > Chansons des Etats-Unis

Presque tous les Etats des Etats-Unis ont leur propre chanson officielle. Néanmoins, beaucoup de compositeurs ont écrit leur propre chanson, non officielle, pour montrer leur amour envers l'Etat qu'ils aiment. Nous vous les présentons ici, avec un court extrait.

One of the most famous songs about an American state is from the broadway musical play "Oklahoma!" Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote it in 1943. The play is about farmers and cowboys living in a territory in the American west in the early nineteen-hundreds. At the end of the play, they celebrate when their territory becomes a state. Here, Nelson Eddy sings "Oklahoma."

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Texas is America's second largest state in land area. It is famous for oil wells, cattle, and cowboys. Many people believe that everything is bigger, better, and brighter in Texas. Songwriters have written more songs about Texas than about any other state. Bob Wills sings one of them here. It is called "Deep In The Heart of Texas."

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Many people think America's southern states have a special beauty and history. And there are more songs about southern states than about states in any other part of the country. One of the most beautiful is about the state of Georgia. It is called "Georgia On My Mind." Hoagy Carmichael wrote it. Ray Charles made it famous.

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In the early 1970s, John Denver wrote and performed many popular songs. Two were about the states he liked best. Both have tall mountains. One state is West Virginia, which is actually in the eastern part of the country.

John Denver said West Virginia is so beautiful that it is "almost heaven." Here he sings "Take Me Home, Country Roads."

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John Denver also loved the western state of Colorado, because of the Rocky Mountains there. He sings about a young man who discovers the mountains of Colorado. The experience changes his life. The song is called "Rocky Mountain High."

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Many people love the states in the northeastern United States. This is the area called New England. These states are especially beautiful in autumn when the leaves on the trees change from orange. They also are beautiful in winter when the land is covered with snow.

Here Billie Holiday sings about the beauty of one New England state in the song, "Moonlight in Vermont":

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Some people love the state of New York best. Of course, many people want to live in the nation's biggest and most exciting city, New York. Yet others love the rest of the state, too, better than any other place. Carmen McRae sings about this in the song, "New York State of Mind."

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