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<< Accueil L'anglais au brevet des collèges

Epreuve d'anglais au Brevet 1996


'Er - does Mrs Hamilton live here?' The lan removed his hat politely.

'Yes. She's my great-grandmother,' said Lucy. 'Can I take a message? She doesn't like having visitors so early. She's a very old lady, you know.'

'Er - is there no younger Mrs Hamilton?' The man looked round the hall. 'Mrs Emma Hamilton?' he added.

'Emma Hamilton. That's my great-grandmother.' Lucy said. 'What shall I tell her you've come about?'

'Is the lady in - er - good health?' The man asked. 'I mean - could a shock produce - er - ill effects?'

'A shock?' Lucy looked anxiously at him.

'What's going on here, Lucy?' Greatman had appeared in her doorway. 'This is not an hour for visiting people. Well, young man, what is it?'

The man turned to her respectfully. Greatma is tiny but she always manages to look like a duchess.

'Our warmest felicitaions,' he murmured. He was fingering an envelope. 'I think you will find the contents of this envelope most interesting. Might I suggest you to take a seat while opening it?'

'You might not, young man.' Greatma took the envelope from him and opened it.

'A cheque!' Lucy exclaimed.

'Madam, do please sit down,' he insisted.

'Lucy child, tell me what all this is about. The print is too small for me.'

'Allow me to explain, Mrs Hamilton... A most fortunate day. you've won thirty thousand pounds. May I be the first to congratulate you?'


D'après "Caribbean Adventure" de Viola Bayley

Exercice 1 : réécrivez les phrases suivantes après avoir corrigé les quatre erreurs qu'elles comportent :

The scene takes place in the afternoon at a young man's house.

The characters are Lucy, Lucy's grandmother and two men.


Exercice 2 : Voici un portrait de M. Hamilton. Dites si les affirmations proposées sont vraies ou fausses et décidez pour chacune la phrase du texte qui vous a mis sur la voie.

She's a young lady. V F

She can't see very well. V F

She's strict. VF

Exercice numéro trois : continuez ses phrases en français.

L'homme a peur ____________________________________________________________________________________
il est venu pour annoncer ____________________________________________________________________________________
Il remet ____________________________________________________________________________________
il est le premier à____________________________________________________________________________________


Exercice numéro quatre : choisissez le titre qui convient et soulignez-le :
A terrible shock.
A lucky old lady.
The duchess and the doctor.
Lucky Lucy!


II - compétences linguistiques (5 points)

exercice 1 : relevez dans le texte les cinq formes de politesse

exercice 2 : Trouvez dans le texte deux verbes au prétérit dont la terminaision en -ED se prononce:
[d] ____________________________________________________________________________________
[id] ____________________________________________________________________________________


Exercice 3 : Mettez l'adjectif proposé entre parenthèses au comparatif de supériorité.
When I am (old) __________________ and (rich) __________________ I'll buy my family a new house. Of course it'll be (expensive) __________________ but it'll also be (big) __________________ and (nice) __________________, that is to say (comfortable) __________________. In fact, life will be (good) __________________ and (happy) __________________ than now.

Exercice 4 : Complétez ce texte à l'aide des mots suivants:
because- so, instead, but
I'm not rich, __________________ I can't travel. If I won a lot of money, I would go to America __________________. I would fly __________________ I think it's dangerous. I would take the boat __________________

Exercice 5: La vie de M. Barton a bien changé. Comment était-il à 20 ans? Réécrivez le texte ci-dessous en utilisant les équivalents des modaux soulignés (soyez logique et respectez le sens).
Mr Barton is a very old man. He can't see and walk very well. He must go to the doctor's every week and he may not eat his favourite food.

When he was 20, __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________


III - Production écrite (7 points)

Une hôtesse d'Eurostar vous annonce par téléphone que vous avez gagné un voyage à Londres. Elle vous précise la date, la durée, les visites possibles. Vous réagissez et vous dites si vous acceptez ou si vous refusez ce cadeau et pourquoi. Imaginez la conversation en une cinquantaine de mots.

'Good morning, Miss/Sir, Eurostar speaking____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________




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