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Correction / Corrigé Epreuve d'anglais au Brevet 2007 MARDI 26.06.07 14h-15.30 sans dictionnaire
I) 6 points
II) 5 points
III) 7 points
+ 2 points orthographe/présentation
Kirk was walking to a concert with his best friend Nick and Nick's girlfriend Suzie. But he was feeling sad.
Near the entrance to the stadium where the concert was, they could see a girl waiting. When they came up to her, Nick and Suzie told her that they had an extra ticket and they invited her to come. To their surprise she said yes. She didn't want to miss the group again, like the last time they played in town. By the time the concert started, Kirk and the new girl, Carol, were talking and laughing. The four of them thought the concert was terrific.
Kirk couldn't believe his luck. He had gone to the concert feeling blue and he had met a girl who was dynamite. When it was time to go home, Kirk took Carol's hands. They were as cold as ice, so he gave her his jacket so that she wouldn't be so cold. Kirk, Nick and Suzie walked Carole home. She led them to her house, where she squeezed Kirk's hands tenderly between hers, still cold, as she thanked him and said goodbye.
As soon as she turned away from Carol's house, Kirk realized "My Jacket!"
But Carol was nowhere in sight. Nick and Suzie said, "You can come again to see her tomorrow and ask for it back."
The next day Kirk went back to her house and asked for Carol. The woman who came to the door game him a strange look. She said "Nobody by that name lives here."
"But I brought her to this house last night," said Kirk, disappointed.
"My daughter was called Carol, but she died a couple years ago." The woman showed him a picture of the same Carol he had gone to the concert with the night before. "She was run over by a car at the entrance to the stadium just before a concert while waiting for a friend."
Carol's mother told Kirk where she was buried, so he went down to a cemetery. When he reached the grave, hooked on the edge of the tombstone was his jacket.
Adapted from Stories for teenagers and adults, by Daniel Linder.
Exercice 1)
a ) Ecrivez sur votre feuille la liste des personnages présents dans le texte.
b) Indiquez à chaque fois si la personne est de sexe masculin (M) ou de sexe féminin (F)
Exercice 2:
Quels lieux sont cités? (écrivez les noms de lieux en français sur votre feuille)
Exercice 3
Le personnage principal a vécu les événements suivants. Recopiez-les dans l'ordre chronologique sur votre feuille pour qu'ils racontent l'histoire.
- talked to the girl's mother
- went to a concert
- went to the cemetery
- went to the girl's house
- invited a girl
- couldn't talk to the girl because she wasn't at home
Exercice 4
Le texte raconte une rencontre entre le personnage principal et une nouvelle amie. Répondez aux questions suivantes en français sur votre feuille (notez le numéro avec la réponse correspondante)
1. Où a lieu la rencontre?
2. Quel objet la jeune fille a-t-elle emprunté?
3. Pourquoi retourne-t-il la voir?
4. Qu'apprend-on sur elle?
5. Où se trouve-t-elle vraiment maintenant?
Exercice 5
Quel est le sentiment dominant du personnage principal dans les lignes:
Kirk was walking to a concert with his best friend Nick and Nick's girlfriend Suzie. But he was feeling sad.
By the time the concert started, Kirk and the new girl, Carol, were talking and laughing. The four of them thought the concert was terrific.
The next day Kirk went back to her house and asked for Carol. The woman who came to the door game him a strange look. She said "Nobody by that name lives here."
"But I brought her to this house last night," said Kirk, disappointed.
Ecrivez ce que ressent le personnage en français sur votre feuille en respectant l'ordre ci-dessus a,b,c
Exercice 6 (bonus)
Expliquez en français pourquoi le titre "The girl with cold hands" a été donné.
Exercice 1
Classez les mots suivants en 3 colonnes selon que le "ed" final se prononce [d], [t] ou [id] (recopiez le symbole phontéique en haut de chaque colonne)
decided- reached - thanked - realized - asked - walked - called - showed - opened - wanted
Exercice 2
Réécrivez les phrases suivantes sur votre feuille et remplacez "'s" par "is" ou par "has" quand cela est nécessaire:
She's beautiful.
She's got an ppointment.
She's eight.
He took Carol's hand.
She's made a mistake.
Exercice 3
Remplacez les éléments soulignés afin d'éviter des répétitions. Recopiez sur votre feuille le numéro de la phrase et le mot qui remplace celui/ceux soulignés.
1. He took Carol's hand. ----Carol--- was delighted.
2. ---Carol's--- friends were smashing.
3. They went to a concert. ---The concert--- was fantastic.
4. ---Kirk's and Nick's--- friend was really kind.
5. Kirk said: "---my friend and I--- are going to a disco after the concert. Would you like to come with ---me and my friend---?"
Exercice 4
Voici 6 énoncés qui correspondent chacun à une notion:
1. You should work more.
2. You may speak whenever you want.
3. I mustn't smoke in the class.
4. Listen to me!
5. You shouldn't worry so much.
6. No running in the corridors.
Voici les 4 notions concernées:
conseil - interdiction - permission - ordre
Un de vos amis a disparu pendant plusieurs jours sans que personne ne sache où il se trouvait. Finalement, il vient vous voir et vous raconte la raison et les circonstances de sa disparition.
Imaginez soit un récit à la première personne du singulier soit un dialogue en anglais d'une cinquantaine de mots.
Exercice 1)
a ) Ecrivez sur votre feuille la liste des personnages présents dans le texte.
b) Indiquez à chaque fois si la personne est de sexe masculin (M) ou de sexe féminin (F)
Kirk (M), Nick (M), Suzie (F), Carol (F), la mère de Carol(F)
Exercice 2:
Quels lieux sont cités? (écrivez les noms de lieux en français sur votre feuille)
stade, la maison de Carol, le cimetière
Exercice 3
Le personnage principal a vécu les événements suivants. Recopiez-les dans l'ordre chronologique sur votre feuille pour qu'ils racontent l'histoire.
5- talked to the girl's mother
1- went to a concert
6- went to the cemetery
3- went to the girl's house
2- invited a girl
4- couldn't talk to the girl because she wasn't at home
Exercice 4
Le texte raconte une rencontre entre le personnage principal et une nouvelle amie. Répondez aux questions suivantes en français sur votre feuille (notez le numéro avec la réponse correspondante)
1. Où a lieu la rencontre? près de l'entrée d'un stade où a lieu un concert
2. Quel objet la jeune fille a-t-elle emprunté? la veste de Kirk
3. Pourquoi retourne-t-il la voir? parce que Kirk a oublié de reprendre sa veste
4. Qu'apprend-on sur elle? elle a été renversée par une voiture à l'entrée d'un stade, alors qu'elle attendait un ami, juste avant le début d'un concert
5. Où se trouve-t-elle vraiment maintenant? au cimetière
Exercice 5
Quel est le sentiment dominant du personnage principal dans les lignes:
Kirk was walking to a concert with his best friend Nick and Nick's girlfriend Suzie. But he was feeling sad.
By the time the concert started, Kirk and the new girl, Carol, were talking and laughing. The four of them thought the concert was terrific.
The next day Kirk went back to her house and asked for Carol. The woman who came to the door game him a strange look. She said "Nobody by that name lives here."
"But I brought her to this house last night," said Kirk, disappointed.
déception, surprise
Ecrivez ce que ressent le personnage en français sur votre feuille en respectant l'ordre ci-dessus a,b,c
Exercice 6 (bonus)
Expliquez en français pourquoi le titre "The girl with cold hands" a été donné.
La fille n'arrive pas à se réchauffer; elle a en permanence les mains froides. Cela renvoit au fait qu'elle est décédée.
Exercice 1
Classez les mots suivants en 3 colonnes selon que le "ed" final se prononce [d], [t] ou [id] (recopiez le symbole phontéique en haut de chaque colonne)
decided- reached - thanked - realized - asked - walked - called - showed - opened - wanted
[d] | [t] | [id] |
realized, called, showed, opened | reached, thanked, asked, walked | decided, wanted |
Exercice 2
Réécrivez les phrases suivantes sur votre feuille et remplacez "'s" par "is" ou par "has" quand cela est nécessaire:
She's beautiful. is
She's got an ppointment. has
She's eight. is
He took Carol's hand. //////////
She's made a mistake. has
Exercice 3
Remplacez les éléments soulignés afin d'éviter des répétitions. Recopiez sur votre feuille le numéro de la phrase et le mot qui remplace celui/ceux soulignés.
1. He took Carol's hand. ----Carol--- was delighted.
2. ---Carol's--- friends were smashing.
3. They went to a concert. ---The concert--- was fantastic.
4. ---Kirk's and Nick's--- friend was really kind.
5. Kirk said: "---my friend and I--- are going to a disco after the concert. Would you like to come with ---me and my friend---?"
Exercice 4
Voici 6 énoncés qui correspondent chacun à une notion:
1. You should work more. conseil
2. You may speak whenever you want. permission
3. I mustn't smoke in the class. interdiction
4. Listen to me! ordre
5. You shouldn't worry so much. conseil
6. No running in the corridors. interdiction
Voici les 4 notions concernées:
conseil - interdiction - permission - ordre
Un de vos amis a disparu pendant plusieurs jours sans que personne ne sache où il se trouvait. Finalement, il vient vous voir et vous raconte la raison et les circonstances de sa disparition.
Imaginez soit un récit à la première personne du singulier soit un dialogue en anglais d'une cinquantaine de mots.
Fin Correction / Corrigé Epreuve d'anglais au Brevet 2007 MARDI 26.06.07 14h-15.30 sans dictionnaire