Polly, put the kettle on,
Polly, put the kettle on,
Polly, put the kettle on,
We'll all have tea.
Blow the fire and make the toast,
Put the muffins on to roast,
Blow the fire and make the toast,
We'll all have tea.
Sukey, take it off again,
Sukey, take it off again,
Sukey, take it off again,
They've all gone away.
Polly, mets la bouilloire à chauffer,
Nous allons tous prendre le thé.
Attise le feu et grille le pain,
Mets les muffins à rôtir, Attise le feu et grille le pain,
Nous allons tous prendre le thé.
Idiote, retire tout ça,
Tout le monde est parti.