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Test de niveau grammatical - anglais débutant
Test de niveau II-Fin lycée Général/Entrée à l'université
Test de niveau-Fin lycée Général / Entrée à l'université I
Test et échecs
Test général
Test général 2
Test général
Test général 3
Test médical
Test regroupant plusieurs thèmes
Test sur le prétérit et les verbes irréguliers
Tester des mots très simples
Testez vos connaissances
Testez votre anglais
Texte à compléter
Texte à compléter
Texte à recomposer: the lobster and the oyster
Texte à trous : LONDON
Texte à trous London part 2
Texte : Stuart cherche un correspondant
Texte à compléter
Texte à trous : London last part
Texte de compréhension
Texte et questions
Théorie de la musique
Thème débutants
Thème grammatical sur les articles et quantifieurs
Thème grammatical!
Thème sur la modalité
Thème sur la modalité
That et what
That ou What
That ou which
That ou Which
The / no article
The Beatles
The Bermuda Triangle
The best one/ phrases
The bottle Imp
The Boy Bathing
The Boys and the Frogs
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
The City of Rochester - Charles Dickens
The Coca Cola Story
The colours
The Crow and the Fox
The crow and the pitcher
The Czech Republic
The dream (reconstituer l'histoire)
The end of supermarket queues
The environment
The face
The Ghost of Genny Castle 1 par J.Escott
The Ghost of Genny Castle 2 par J.Escott
The Grapes of Wrath
The Halloween feast
The human body
The Legend of Merlin, by Castaner Pauline
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow de Washington Irving
The Little Match Girl
The Little Mice
The Moche of Peru
The more ... the fewer
The more ..., the less (Etape 2)
The more ....The more
The more... the less (QCM)
The New Gym
The or of the (2)
The other - The others
The other, the others, another and others
The ou pas The. Détermination des noms
THE ou rien - les bases
The possessive adjectives.
The present perfect continuous
The right word
The Selfish Giant / Oscar Wilde
The shocking state of world's toilets (2) (3ème)
The story of Mary Tibbit
The Taste of the British
The Trail of the Tears/reconstituez cet événement
The verbs make and do (part 2)
The weather
The words starting with S in English, very hard!!
Their -There - They're
Their / they are / there are
Their /there/ they're
Their ou there
Their, theirs, there... tout est mélangé !
Their, there ou they're
Their, there, they're, theirs, there's
Thème grammatical avancé
Thème grammatical sur les relatives
Thème sur les causatives et résultatives.
Then / than
There - Their - They
There - They're - Their
There / ago
There are, there will be, there were
There et son accessoire Be... à tous les temps !
There is - are - was - were
There is - there are
There is - There are
There is - There are
There is - There are - Are there - Is there
There is - there are - there was -there were - etc
There is - There are... left
There is - To have
There is / are ?
There is / there are
There is / There are
There is / there are
There is / there are
There is / there are
There is / there are
There is / there are
There is / There are
There is / There are
There is / There are
There is / There are
There is / there are
There is /are et autres formes
There is ou there are
There is ou there are
There is, there are
There is, there are
There is, There are
There is,There are
There is/ there are
There is/ There are
There is/ there are + autres formes
There is/are ou there was/were
There is/There are
There is/there are
There is/There are
There is/There are
There is/There are
There is/there are/they are/are they
There's ou it's ?
There's/is there/it's/is it
There, Their ou They're
There, Their, They're
There, their, they're
There, they're, their, to, two, too, of, off
They - their - them
They - their - them
They're / Their / There
They're / their / there
They're / there / their
They're ou their ?
They're, Their, There
They're/ Their / There/ There's / Theirs
They, them, themselves, their.
Thief et synonymes
Thierry en Angleterre 6
Third conditional
This - these - that - those
This / That
This / That / These / Those
This / that / these / those
This is Halloween (chanson à reconstituer)
This ou these ?
This, That
This, that
This, these, that or those
This, these, that, those
This-These / that - those
This-These // That-Those
This/ that
This/ These/ That/ Those
Thomas Jefferson
Though / in spite of ... La concession
Though et ses dérivés
Though, thought, ou tough
Through ou Across
Throw et temps
Till - By
Till/until, up to, as far as
Time : on - in - at
Time idioms
Time Words
Titres d'Ouvrages

Suite Exercices d'anglais gratuits pour apprendre l'anglais :

27.07.2024 01:23

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