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Baccalauréat 2004 - Sections: ES et S - Corrigé


a) Which of the following titles best suits the whole passage ? Tick your answer.

moving in

b) Justify your choice by a quotation. Give the number of the line.

L 40 : "We have new neighbors in the house next door".


2. What country and city is the passage set in ?

The scene takes place in Britain, more precisely in London.


3. Which characters do the underlined words designate ?

L. 11 : "From amid the boxes and bundles emerged a girl of about her own age."

a girl : The daughter of the new neighbors.
her : the narrator.

L. 17 : "they were not going to reappear right away."

they : the newcomers.

L.23 : "Yes, there he was."

he : the narrator's father.

L.38 : "I wish you wouldn't call me that, Poppy"

Poppy : the narrator's father.


4. a) The reader is made to view these scenes through the eyes of one of the characters. Which one ? Justify your answer by quoting from the text.

The scenes are seen through the eyes of a young girl.
L 11 : "A girl of about her own age".
L 18 : "She would tell someone, but who?".

b) Circle the right answer :

This character is of
West Indian





Justify your answer by quoting the text. Give the number of the line.

L 34 : "Her father clung to the things that reminded him of the old country : the smell of borscht and pierogi, the dark paneling hung with Polish folk art".


5. Where do you think the main character is at the beginning of the passage ?

She must be sitting outside her home, on the steps.


6. a) What is this character's state of mind ?

The girl may be thrilled to see newcomers moving into her dull surroundings, as she feels lonely.

b) Pick out elements from the text to justify your answer. Give the numbers of the lines.

L 13 : "The family had blown in ... from somewhere infinitely more exotic than this dingy London neighborhood".


7. What does this character decide to do next ? What for ?

She decides to go and meet her father at the café in order to break the news to him and share her pleasure.


8. How does the man react to this sudden arrival ? What does it reveal about his personality ? Answer in your own words and justify by a quotation. Give the number of the line.

He is surprised at seeing her and afraid something wrong might have happened. It shows he must be overprotective and still regards her as a child. He is a dreadful worrier.
L 27 : "What are you doing here, little one ? Is something wrong?".


9. Right or wrong ? Circle your answer. Justify each time by a quotation. Give the number of the line.

1. Poppy has forgotten all about his roots.

Wrong : L 34 : " Still he clung to the things that reminded him of the old country".

2. He was a child when he arrived in Britain.

Wrong : L 30 : "In 1946, newly demobbed, her father and mother had arrived in England".

3. He wanted to forget the war and its hardships.

Right : L 31 : "Determined to put the war behind him".

4. His life in Britain is a success.

Right : L 33 : "He had done well".


10. L.42 "They're West Indian", she whispered, aware of the turning of heads.

Explain why 'she' suddenly spoke in a lower voice. (20 words)

She was aware that seeing coloured people in the neighborhood was something unusual and she didn't want to attract people's attention. (21 words)



L.45 : "Trouble, it will mean trouble ". Analyse the man's reaction to the news. (20 words)
Although he is an immigrant himself, he is prejudiced against these black newcomers and considers them a threat to their community.
L.46 : "But they look very nice". Using elements taken from the passage from line 1 to line 16, analyse the girl's vision of the newcomers.
She senses them as "exotic", bringing in "colors and fragrances she had only imagined", a new liveliness in her street. That's why when they are inside, it seems "suddenly lifeless".


12. What may the last 4 lines suggest as to her feelings and intentions ? (30 words)

Despite the promise she's just made to her father, she doesn't intend to stay away from the new neighbors and she may try to make friends with them as soon as possible . (33 words)






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